When there were still two hundred meters left from the end, Song Kaifei directly snorted and fell to the ground.

“Song Kaifei…” exclaimed Xu Tianlong.

Everyone exclaimed, their hearts were slightly sour, it was more than two hundred meters, and they saw that Song Kaifei was about to reach the end.

But at this critical juncture, Song Kaifei actually fell to the ground.

Before, they were worried about whether Song Kaifei would be unsteady on his feet and fall directly to the ground, in his current state.

It is likely that after falling, you will never be able to get up again … If that’s the case, it’s really a shame.

Although don’t look at the difference of only 200 meters, but the distance of 200 meters, that is, success and failure, are completely different concepts.

Even if he is only one meter away, he is not considered a success, and he will leave a trauma in his heart when the time comes.

Just when everyone sighed and was about to step forward and reach out to help him back, Song Kaifei’s right hand suddenly moved, and then stretched out his right hand and crawled forward hard.

“Song Kaifei… Come on. ”

Everyone was excited and silently cheered for Song Kaifei in their hearts.

They can’t make a sound, at this time they can only let Song Kaifei rush forward with his own will, if he succeeds, there will be a qualitative improvement.

If he hadn’t passed, it would have always been a hurdle for him, and what others said would no longer have much effect.

At this moment, Song Kaifei’s eyes had begun to blur, and he couldn’t see clearly ahead, but he pointed to the direction of victory.

A little…… A little……

With his perseverance, Song Kaifei climbed forward little by little, and ten minutes passed, and Song Kaifei only climbed more than forty meters.

Song Kaifei couldn’t hold out for long, and at this time, there was always a voice in Song Kaifei’s heart telling him.

‘Give up, isn’t it more than a hundred meters?’ Although he did not succeed, he has also broken through his limits, enough … Really enough. ’

Whenever this idea appeared, Song Kaifei’s heart would sway for a while, wanting to give up but unwillingly.

Every time, just when Song Kaifei was about to listen to this voice and was about to give up, another voice sounded again.

‘Song Kaifei, are you really ready to give up? Do you know what it means for you to give up like this? ’

It means that you have given up your dignity and the trust of your comrades, isn’t it more than a hundred meters? Gritting your teeth and persevering will pass. ’

Think about it, if you give up at this time, when you are old in the future, will you regret this for life? ’

With this idea and strength, Song Kaifei was stunned and worked hard for more than fifty meters.

At this moment, Song Kaifei was exactly a hundred meters away from the end, but now Song Kaifei was already shaky.

No one dares to guarantee that he will not be able to create a miracle and really complete this last hundred meters.

Even Shen Xun couldn’t estimate whether Song Kaifei would break through his own physiological limits.

In fact, Shen Xun could walk ninety-nine meters forward, because in Song Kaifei’s eyes, the direction of Shen Xun’s station was the end.

But Shen Xun can’t do that, it’s not because he has an iron heart, to be honest, even if he is an iron heart, when he encounters such perseverance as Song Kaifei, he will melt into molten iron.

The reason is just that Shen Xun doesn’t want to and can’t do that, and he does it now, which can be regarded as a trick to help Song Kaifei pass the pass.

Once he wakes up, he will definitely know that he did not actually complete the task, but relied on Shen Xun’s pity to complete this task.

In this way, it will cause a great blow to Song Kaifei himself, and it is very likely that such an excellent and outstanding special soldier will be eclipsed by this blow.

That was the result that Shen Xun did not want to see…

Shen Xun would rather that in the end, Song Kaifei did not succeed and was depressed for a period of time, than to give him a big joy to stimulate him.

Leng Feng looked at Song Kaifei who was crawling on the ground at the moment with an emotional expression, he didn’t know what kind of perseverance this was, which could make him persevere until now.

‘If it were myself, would I be able to hold on?’ Leng Feng kept asking about himself in his heart.

No matter what Leng Feng thought in his heart, the answer was unknown, and he didn’t know if he could reach this point.

‘From this moment on, Song Kaifei, your brother, my Wang Yibing has been handed over. Wang Yibing thought secretly in his heart.

If it is according to the plot of the original world, he Wang Yibing and Song Kaifei are the biggest wrongdoers.

But at this moment, Wang Yibing was touched by Song Kaifei’s spirit.

Yes, maybe his Song Kaifei’s strength is much worse than his Wang Yibing, but the strength can be slowly improved, and this willpower can not be cultivated overnight.

The captain is right, only if a person pushes to the limit, can he realize all the potential in the human body. Seeing Song Kaifei’s appearance at this moment, He Chenguang suddenly remembered what the captain said.

He still remembered that when he was training, every time Shen Xun trained them like dead dogs, and every time he pushed them to the limit.

Even, directly broke through the limit, and before each training, Shen Xun would say such a sentence to them.

Remember, the more difficult the time, the more you have to hold on, and if you persevere through it, you will find that there is a smooth road ahead. ’

‘Even if there are still stumbling blocks ahead, but such a difficult thing has survived, is there anything ahead that can stop you from succeeding?’ ’

At that time, neither He Chenguang, Wang Yibing, Leng Feng, nor Li Erniu understood what Shen Xun meant.

Even they speculated maliciously whether this would be the chicken soup for the soul that the captain instilled in them in order to torture them.

But now seeing Song Kaifei like this, He Chenguang was really shocked in his heart.

He Chenguang was sure that as long as Song Kaifei relied on his perseverance, he finally completed this mission.

When he recovers, it will be the day when he soars into the sky, so difficult to survive, what else can stop him in the future?

Especially now, when He Chenguang found that Shen Xun was still standing there motionless, waiting for Song Kaifei to climb over, he was more and more sure of this idea in his heart.

Perhaps in the eyes of people who don’t understand Shen Xun, Shen Xun’s move is somewhat cold-blooded and unkind, but Shen Xun’s doing this is precisely the best move for Song Kaifei.

To talk about discussion… Does Shen Xun care what others think of him?

Shen Xun’s answer was only two words ‘no’

Shen Xun will not change himself for anyone, I am me, no matter what I look like, I am unique in the world and I can no longer find another person who is the same as me.

‘If I am looking for my actions, why should others understand?’ Those who understand me understand without speaking, and those who do not understand me still do not understand after saying it a thousand times. This is the truest portrayal of Shen Xun’s heart.

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