
The strong smell of blood mixed with the smell of gunsmoke filled the entire second floor, but the smoke on the floor dissipated a little because of the explosion of soap and Xiaoqiang’s M57 grenade.

Although the vision was clearer, the group of terrorists were shocked by the power of the M57 grenade, hesitating and not daring to step forward, even the little leader was full of confusion at the moment!

He was full of thoughts, when did the Eviya Zhengfu Army have such a powerful weapon?

These earth turtle fears have never seen the M57 grenade, they only know that this grenade is more powerful and has a wider range than ordinary grenades!


Just a few seconds later, the little leader hiding in the middle of a group of big black brothers came back to his senses, looked at the subordinates who were instigated by the boundless side, and suddenly cursed angrily: “What are you doing here?” Aren’t you quick to find out these bitches for labor and management?! ”

“No need to look for it, your daddy I’m here!”

A hippie smiling voice sounded, and the remaining dozen or so big black brothers heard the sound, and immediately turned their heads sharply to look at the sound with a terrified look.

Immediately afterwards, the group of terrorists saw a soldier armed to the teeth and covered in high-tech combat equipment, standing in the smoke with a grin.

But in their opinion, the smile on Soap’s face at this time is no different from the laughter from the hell devil!

Because, at this moment, he is holding two grenades in his hand!

The terrorists who had just experienced the destruction of the M57 grenade no longer wanted to stay with the soap hard steel, and they ran one by one, trying to escape back to the third floor. In the next second, Soap cleanly threw the grenade in his hand to the big black brothers who fled.

In fact, the two thrown by Soap were not M57 small steel gunners, just ordinary grenades.



The roar of two grenades exploded one after another, but although it was only two ordinary grenades, it also blew up this group of terrorists who were huddled together because of panic, and their flesh and blood flew everywhere!

Looking at the big black brother who was struggling to lose his attack power, Xiaoqiang tilted his head and shouted behind him: “Yuri, it’s time for the two of you to clear the scene!” ”

Immediately, Yuri and Nikolai walked out from behind the cover, holding the same M249 light machine gun in their hands, and after aiming the muzzle at the terrified parts in front of them who were blown to the ground by grenades, they pulled the board without hesitation!


The muzzles of the two M249 light machine guns were tongues of fire, and the rate of fire was extremely fast to shoot a powerful bullet, and after sweeping a shuttle bullet, those who were struggling on the ground were already dead and could not die!

“Hiss… Yes! ”

Soap took a deep breath of air filled with gunsmoke and blood, and a mesmerized expression appeared on his face, “This is the smell!” Hahaha… Refreshing! ”

Seeing this, Yuri, who was changing the magazine, immediately kicked it in disgust, and said with a scolding: “Why are you getting more and more perverted?” ”

Soap: Just say I’m perverted? WTF??


On the other side, Lin Yan, Team Qian, Ghost and Nebuta had already come to the rooftop with the help of the residential building of the same height next to them.

At this moment, the height and angle they were at could see the battle in the most central war zone of Ibiya, but now they had no intention of appreciating the exchange of fire between the main soldiers and the terrorists.

The residential building under his feet began to tremble with the sound of grenade explosions, which let Lin Yan know that Soap Xiaoqiang and they had already begun to act, so they should also solve the battle as soon as possible!

Team Qian and the sleeping devil walked in front to open the way, while Lin Yan walked behind with the ghost to guard the rear.

The four people marched around while guarding, and there were no dinosaurs between the fifth and fourth floors, which means that the remaining phoenixes should all be concentrated on the third floor.

Coming to the last staircase junction of the third and fourth floors, Team Qian hid his figure with the help of the handrail of the stairs, and then slightly raised his hand to observe the terrain with the help of the mirror reflection of the individual combat weapon, and said in a deep voice: “No terrorists have been found for the time being, but there is no cover within four meters from the stairs to the hall on the third floor.” ”

Hearing this, Lin Yan did not hesitate to use the butt of the gun against the sleeping devil in front of him, and said: “Hit two smoke bombs down!” ”

“No problem, Commander!”


The Nebuta quickly pulled out the safety pin of the smoke grenade and threw it down.

Boom boom… Nourishment….

The moment the smoke bomb was thrown to the third floor and landed, it immediately released bursts of white smoke, and in the blink of an eye, the entire third floor was filled with thick fog, blocking everyone’s sight.


The next moment, a series of gunshots rang out, and it was clear that the remaining terrorists stationed on the third floor were led out by smoke bombs.

“Shoot round after round without stopping! They don’t dare to carry bullets! ”

Hearing the words of the fear, Lin Yan’s eyes suddenly narrowed slightly.

Immediately, he directly spent a few hundred mold gold to buy several enhanced tear gas grenades from the system.

In this small space, even if the surrounding environment is not completely sealed, it is enough for this group of terrorists to drink a pot!

“Team Qian, Nebuta, Ghost, you bring your gas masks! I’m going to add some stuff to this bunch of stinky fools! ”

Hearing Lin Yan’s words, the Qian team, the sleeping devil, and the ghost who were focused on the battle all looked at him a little inexplicably.

But when they saw the smoke bomb with the skull symbol in Lin Yan’s hand, they instantly understood, and then quickly took out the gas mask and put it safely.

The power of tear gas canisters is no less than that of grenades, the feeling that is so hot that you can’t open your eyes, tears and snot flow together… It’s just topless!


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