
After the dinosaur sitting in the tracked armored vehicle responded, he immediately pressed the start button of the M270 self-propelled rocket artillery system at hand.

In the next second, in the rocket launcher box, which had already entered the state of combat readiness, a deafening rocket launcher roar suddenly sounded!






Six 227mm dual-purpose sub-mother rocket launchers were fired in unison and rushed towards the Huaxia Navy warships in a sea area of 10 kilometers.

Rahan and the other terrorists all took out high-powered binoculars and locked on the warship of the Huaxia Navy with expectant eyes, they couldn’t wait to see the wonderful scene after the Huaxia warship was hit!

At the same time.

Port of Ojafa.

Huaxia Navy escort warship, in the combat command room of the Zero Yi.

Toot –

At this moment, sirens sounded throughout the entire Zero Yi ship.

And this alarm sound is a preliminary warning, which means that the radar has detected that the warship has a shell system within a radius of ten kilometers!

The moment the alarm sounded, the captain Gao Yun and the political commissar hurried back to the combat command room from the temporary residence of the evacuated expatriate.

Seeing the captain and political commissar coming to the combat command room, the deputy captain of the Zero Yi ship reported with a solemn expression: “Report captain and political commissar, the weapons of the terrified people on the opposite mountainside have been aimed at us!” ”

Hearing this, Captain Gao Yun directly ordered without any hesitation: “The whole ship has entered the first-level combat deployment!” ”


All the Huaxia Navy in the war room, which was responsible for operating all the systems of the warship, immediately responded in unison, turning on the alarm of the combat deployment of the warship at the first level.

Bell bell bell bell ———

“Level 1 combat deployment!”

“Level 1 combat deployment!”

The shouts of the operators of the consoles and the sirens of the first-level combat deployment suddenly sounded, and all the navies on the warship took up arms at this moment and waited for it!

As soon as the words fell, a small red dot representing an artillery attack appeared on the radar monitoring display.

Moreover, these six little red dots are rapidly approaching the warship!

The operator in charge of radar monitoring did not dare to delay at all, and immediately reported to the captain with a slightly faster voice, “Captain, six enemy shells have been found!” ”

Captain Gao Yun looked at the red dot representing the shell on the radar monitoring display, and directly ordered in a deep voice: “The secondary gun is ready to intercept!”

Hearing this, the deputy gun commander, who had already been sitting in front of the operating desk on standby, immediately quickly pressed the start button of the 1130 close-in gun system on the operating platform.

Outside the combat command room, equipped with 11 barrels, two bomb bays, and a rate of fire of up to 166 rounds per second, the H/PJ-11 11-barreled 30mm naval gun was quickly activated at this moment, and the radar device instantly locked on the six rocket launchers that were attacking the warship at high altitude.

In the next second, the tungsten-core armor-piercing shells loaded in the 11 barrels of the 1130 close-in artillery launched tungsten-core armor-piercing shells at a rate of 11,000 rounds per minute and began to intercept the six rocket launchers.


The 11 barrels rotated extremely fast, so fast that the naked eye could not catch the traces of the tungsten core armor-piercing projectile launched, and only the huge tongue of fire ejected from the barrel mouth could be seen!






Six rapidly attacking 277mm sub-mother rocket launchers were successfully intercepted by tungsten-core armor-piercing shells as dense as a downpour at a position of two kilometers away from the warship!

In the sky of Ojafa port, six brilliant shells suddenly exploded, and the deafening explosion resounded throughout Ohafa port, causing the expatriates of other countries on the port and the evacuated troops to look sideways in the direction of the Chinese warship, and their eyes were all full of shock.

Do you really dare to attack the Huaxia warship?

Go crazy!

And halfway up the mountain, ten kilometers away from the Huaxia warship, dozens of terrorists looked at the shells and fireworks that were easily intercepted, and they were dumbfounded for a while.

From the high-powered telescope in their hands, the terrorists clearly saw that the rocket launcher they fired did not even get close to the close range of the Huaxia warship, but was easily intercepted two kilometers away!

They seem to have underestimated the true power of the Chinese warships …

After being stunned for two seconds, Rahan, the small leader of the terrorist department in charge of the attack, reacted, and he shouted with an ugly face and a group of subordinates in panic: “Retreat!” Hurry up and retreat! ”

Rahan did not feel that after their initiative to launch an attack failed, the Chinese warship would be indifferent and not launch a counterattack!

Recalling the scene where the Huaxia warship easily intercepted the rocket launcher just now, Rahan only felt that he was sweating coldly, and his heart was even more panicked.

The rest of the terrorists also immediately realized this after hearing their boss’s words, and they all quickly turned around and got into the car, trying to safely retreat before the Huaxia warship launched a counterattack.

But, it’s too late!

In the combat command room of the Huaxia escort warship Zero Yi, after successfully intercepting the next six incoming rocket launchers, the captain Gao Yun immediately ordered again: “The main gun is aimed at the target on the mountain!” ”


After responding to the captain’s order, the main gun operator quickly controlled the main gun system of the Zero Yi and aimed it at the location of the dinosaur on the opposite mountainside.

“The naval gun has locked onto the target, request to fire!”

Captain Gao Yun’s eyes narrowed slightly, his eyes stared at the picture of the location of the terrified sub on the display screen, and the next moment he said categorically: “Launch!” ”


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