
North of Bassem town, at the rear wall of the hostage camp.

Three off-road vehicles drove out one after another through the gap in the blasted passage at extreme speed, and then quickly drove towards the depths of the Aruka desert north of Bassem.

And on these three off-road vehicles were sitting a mixed team composed of the Immortal Legion and the Jiaolong team.

“! Dead soap your brain was eaten by a dog? ”

As soon as Nikolai drove the off-road vehicle out of Bassem Town into the endless Gobi desert, the sleeping devil suddenly couldn’t bear to curse soap in the communication channel, “Can you fucking forget the timing detonation time you set?!” ”

Hearing the words of soap driving another off-road vehicle at the back of the team, he immediately cursed angrily: “It’s all the fault of that group of stupid people!” ”

“That’s right! Lao Tzu really wanted to go back and whip their corpses hard! ”

Yuri, who was in charge of the setting of the detonation device with Soap, also followed with a fierce expression, the timing detonation device originally set by the two of them was an hour, who knew that the dinosaurs in Bassem Town were so stalking, and they dragged out the battle time…

The members of the Jiaolong team sitting on the middle off-road vehicle immediately glanced at each other when they heard the rough and cruel words of Soap and Yuri in the communication channel, but did not dare to speak in the communication channel.

Finally, the money team, who was sitting on the first off-road vehicle, spoke.

“Okay! Don’t shout like a hairy boy! ”

The coercion of the old captain of Task Force 141 was still very effective, and as soon as Team Qian’s words fell, Soap and Yuri, who were still cursing and cursing, suddenly stopped making a sound.

After teaching Soap and Yuri, Team Qian followed and said to everyone in the communication channel: “Open your individual combat terminal and take a look, I marked a position, there is a hidden reverse slope on the Gobi Desert two kilometers ahead, and we will stop there for a short time, replenish ammunition, and receive a reply!” ”


After everyone in the mixed team responded in unison in the communication channel, the three off-road vehicles immediately adjusted their direction angles slightly, and drove towards the position marked by the Qian team on the individual combat terminal.


At the same time.

On the northeastern border of Ivia, a rumbling sound from far to near suddenly sounded in the originally calm sky.

Immediately after, three sizable helicopter gunships appeared in the sky not far away, and they quickly flew from the southwestern direction of Bahrain Sayye.

Even if it was close to the northeastern border of Ivia, he had no intention of stopping at all, and directly roared across the border line and rushed straight into the desert Gobi region in the northeast of Ivia!

And these three arrogant armed helicopters were from the moldy army base Al Jubail in the southwest of Bahrain Saya to surround and suppress the first and second squads of the Mildew Marines ground force that blocked the dragon and the Immortal Legion!

Apache gunship.

“Black Hawk One, Black Hawk Two, we have entered the northeastern region of Ivia, less than a hundred kilometers away from Bassem Town, and the first and second squads of the rat hunter are ready for battle!”

This encirclement and suppression mission was named Operation Mouse Hunting by the headquarters, so the code names of the two teams sent to carry out the mission temporarily became the first and second squads of the mouse hunt.

The Apache gunship pilot followed closely and said, “Received a reply! ”

Behind the Apache gunship is the Black Hawk gunship carrying two squads of rat hunters.

Hearing the words of the Apache pilot from the terminal, everyone in the mouse-hunting squad sitting in the cabin responded loudly: “YesSir! ”

Hearing the serious and solemn tone of the members of the squad, James, the captain in charge of this rat hunting operation, smiled lightly: “Are they all so serious!” All we have to deal with is a Chinese naval squad! ”

Every year, there is a naval special operations competition all over the world, and the Huaxia Navy is an existence that will always be forcibly pressed by their moldy marines, the second oldest in ten thousand years!

And James, the captain in charge of the rat hunting operation this time, is a member of the winning team last year, so in his opinion, the task of encircling and blocking the dragon is not very difficult.

As for the other mercenary team, James did not pay attention to it.

John, the deputy captain in charge of the second squad of the rat hunt, heard this, but he couldn’t help frowning, James’s military strength is undoubtedly strong, but at the same time, he also has a fatal flaw, that is, too complacent!

The consequences of belittling any enemy on the battlefield can be the deadliest of all!

Thinking of this, John couldn’t help but say in the communication terminal: “James let me remind you that the requirements of the headquarters are the perfect end of this mission without any accidents, and we better show full seriousness, otherwise once the mission fails, you know what kind of punishment we will receive!” ”

The information of the members of the first team of the Huaxia Navy Jiaolong Commando Team, and the information of all the members of the Immortal Legion have been distributed to the terminals of each of them, compared to the information of the Jiaolong First Team, which can be said to be comprehensive, there is no other information on the information of this group of mercenaries except for a name.

The more mysterious this immortal legion became, the more worried John, the deputy captain of the second rat hunting squad, felt uneasy in his heart, always feeling that this mercenary team did not seem to be as simple as shown in the information!


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