“Xiaoxue, go take a shower first, I’ll clean it up for him.” Qiao Muyu gently patted Qiao Muxue’s head and said.
After Qiao Muxue left, Ye Zeming raised his eyebrows and said, “Don’t force yourself, I know you are very tired.”
“Yeah, I’ve never gone out with friends like this before.” Qiao Muyu smiled wryly, “But I’m still very happy. It’s worth the hard work. Come on, give me these.”
After receiving a few pairs of chopsticks from Ye Zeming, Qiao Muyu lowered his head and brushed them, while Ye Zeming looked at Qiao Muyu, who was exuding the luster of a good wife and mother, and said: “Mu Xue told me about your family’s situation, you twouncle, and your parents and their attempts to manipulate your marriage. ”
The movements of Qiao Muyu’s hands paused, and she seemed to sigh lightly, and then said with a smile: “Don’t worry, I will help you plead with Dad at that time, and he is not so unreasonable. It really can’t, after all, there are As for the two daughters, as long as one of them marries a rich family, my father should be satisfied, so…”
“Hey!” Ye Zeming frowned, and tapped Qiao Muyu on the head, “Don’t talk nonsense, it seems like I’m doomed to be worthless in my life, maybe that rich man is me?”
Qiao Muyu rubbed the place where she was knocked, and frowned slightly. That look seemed a little innocent, but also natural and cute. Ye Zeming finally resisted the urge to take out his mobile phone to take a picture of her cute appearance .
“That’s right, come on, you alone determine the happiness of our two sisters.” Qiao Muyu finally smiled, lowered her head to wash the dishes attentively, and there was a faint smile on the corner of her mouth.
The task this time is to investigate the construction site of the three crow gangs, mainly to sneak in, and not consume too much energy. So after packing up, Ye Zeming rested for a while before going out to complete the main task.
However, the specific locations of these three construction sites were not indicated in the mission, so he had to find a way to find out by himself.
Therefore, he asked Lao Mo to contact Huang Xiaofei and asked her about related matters, but Huang Xiaofei only gave him a name, Chen Ziyang, the director of the famous TV station in this city.
According to Huang Xiaofei, this Chen Ziyang uses the “password” to help Bai Qifeng deliver information, and usually receives money and women from Bai Qifeng. Every part of the work in the Crow Gang is independent, and they don’t know what other people are doing, and Chen Ziyang is responsible for allocating these tasks.
As for whether Chen Ziyang knew the meaning of these “passwords”, he would have to wait until Ye Zeming visited to find out. He was not worried, even if he didn’t know, he was confident that he could ask Chen Ziyang for the name of someone who knew it. He should still be on the TV station at this time, so Ye Zeming was going to ambush Chen Ziyang’s car, and leave after asking the result.
After driving to the parking lot of the TV station, Ye Zeming found Chen Ziyang’s luxurious Ferrari, opened the door and got in. After waiting for a while, at ten o’clock in the evening, the TV station was off work, and people began to come to the parking lot to go home from get off work. Chen Ziyang, who was in his fifties, also got into the car talking and laughing with a young woman.
As soon as he got into the car, Master Chen couldn’t hold back: “Ouch! Baby, come quickly, I miss you so much!”
The two were entangled together, completely unaware that there was a man in a black suit sitting in the back seat of the car: After Ye Zeming’s infiltration reached lv5, his aura faded a lot, and he looked like a decoration when he was sitting quietly.
It wasn’t until the cold muzzle of the gun was attached to the temple that Chen Ziyang and the woman realized that there was a person sitting behind the car, and they immediately screamed. Just drive away, no one around will notice them.
“Teacher is in good health, even in his fifties, he still has a golden gun.” Ye Zeming teased lightly.
“You… who are you!? Don’t use this kind of toy gun to scare me, this kind of prank is too wicked!” Chen Ziyang said boldly, but Ye Zeming shot Chen Ziyang’s leg at that time, and immediately The pain caused him to scream heart-piercingly, and the young woman next to him screamed again in fright. The people outside thought that they had already started work, and hurriedly left the site.
“My gun is sad when you say that.” Ye Zeming said lightly, and then asked: “Now, tell me, do you know the specific meaning of the passwords that Bai Qifeng asked you to pass on?”
Chen Ziyang rolled his eyes and pretended to be stupid: “Password? What password? Who is Bai Qifeng? Advertisements on our radio station can’t be played casually. Don’t frame me. If you leave now, I won’t call the police. ”
Ye Zeming shook his head, and shot Chen Ziyang’s left leg. After Chen Ziyang’s screams and the woman’s screams subsided, he said, “You really can’t lie, you want to call the police? Okay, report it.” , let’s see who is unlucky. Is it a special agent in charge of investigating the case, or a director who is shaking his mistress in the car?”
After speaking, Ye Zeming took out the mobile phone from Chen Ziyang’s clothes and threw it on Chen Ziyang: “Report.”
Chen Ziyang hesitated, but the mistress next to him immediately grabbed the phone and wanted to call the police. Ye Zeming didn’t stop her, but Chen Ziyang became anxious and grabbed the phone: “What are you doing!? You stupid woman!”
“Didn’t you see he has a gun! We’re going to die! Is life more important than money!?” the woman cried.
“I don’t know the meaning of the password, it’s true! But I can give you all those passwords!” Chen Ziyang was sweating profusely in pain, struggling to take out a notebook from his coat pocket, and handed it to Ye Zeming, “All Here it is.”
Ye Zeming opened the notebook, first asked Lao Mo to scan it, and memorized the letters and symbols on it, then threw the notebook back, and continued to ask: “Just knowing the password is useless, do you know who can understand these things?” A password? Give me a name, and he can take the rest of the pain on your behalf.”
“I… I don’t know! The person who sends the password is different every time!” Chen Ziyang said in a panic, “It’s true! I swear it’s true! Let me go!”
“Sir, these codes are not difficult to decipher. I have already found some patterns.” Lao Mo said in the earphone.
Ye Zeming nodded, then looked at Chen Ziyang, and said lightly, “I believe in you.”
After finishing speaking, he swung the butt of his gun and hit Chen Ziyang on the forehead, beating himPassed out, the mistress next to her screamed again in fright, and said quickly: “Don’t kill me, don’t kill me! Let me do anything for you! Let me go!”
But Ye Zeming just opened the car door and walked out without even looking at her.
The latest full version:,,,,,,,,,,
Chapter 93: The Hidden Assassin
“Sir, I compared the password information on this list, and found that there are about three sets of information that repeat a lot. I guess it should indicate the coordinates of the three construction sites, so I compared them in the major password databases. After a while, I found out that these are a kind of communication binary code used in the Chinese military.” Lao Mo explained.
“Well, Lao Mo, can you…give me the result directly?” Ye Zeming raised his brows and asked.
Lao Mo was silent for a while: “Sir, from the information above, they will bring a batch of goods to coordinates 26 and 48 tonight, and I have marked the other two places on the GPS for you.”
“Understood.” Ye Zeming responded and started the car, “Old Mo, call out the satellite video of that piece.”
Soon, an image of a construction site appeared on the mini computer screen in the car. The site seemed to be in operation, but from the perspective directly above, it was impossible to see what they were moving.
Ye Zeming drove his car and came to the vicinity of the construction site, parked the car and walked towards the construction site.
“It’s time to sneak in again…” Ye Zeming murmured, approaching the construction site cautiously. Although the construction site was in operation, the lighting was not turned on. It was completely dark, and a group of people drove in the construction site for a while and then left, obviously just “unloading”.
After having “Do whatever you want”, Ye Zeming also knows the practical skill of combining the shooting system’s “bunker movement” and “misdirection” to carry out stealth, which greatly enhances the power of his infiltration system.
But in the final analysis, it only provides some basic combination routines, and more combinations of triple system to quadruple system are possible, so his ability can be said to be unlimited.
After touching the gate of the construction site in this way, there are two guards guarding the door. Ye Zeming turned on the infrared perspective and took a glance. There were about 40 or 50 people packed in this simple migrant worker shed.
Among these people, from the silhouette, all the women are lying on something, there are more than 20 people in total, about five or six people are “looking after” these girls back and forth, and the rest are sitting at the table at the door and playing cards .
Ye Zeming took out a crescent dart from his pocket and threw it at the wine bottle that the guard put on the box. There was a soft sound, and the bottle was smashed by the crescent dart. The two guards were startled and hurriedly Looking sideways, several card players inside also stood up to check the situation. Ye Zeming took advantage of this opportunity to sneak in from the blind spot of their vision by using the cover to move.
After entering the gate, he immediately stepped on the wall and jumped up. Before the men who “looked after” these girls turned their heads and found him, he hid on the beam of the house, and his figure quickly disappeared into the shadows. The following situation was cleared: the girls were all placed on a folding bed, with several hanging bottles beside them, separated from each other by curtains.
Presumably, this is what Huang Xiaofei said about the crow gang using drugs to control these less attractive girls.
Ye Zeming turned on the recording ability of the contact lens and began to record evidence.
The situation was dire, many girls were already pale and unconscious, the members of the Crow Gang were punching and kicking those girls who tried to resist, and the other part was venting their animal desires on a few of the pretty girls.
The Gate of All Saints
Qiankun Sword God

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