Ye Zeming led the two of them to the yacht. The yacht was already full of corpses, some of them naked. The scene was horrible. There were nearly 200 people on the luxury cruise ship, only Yang Qingqing and his daughter survived.
“Come on, follow me to the deck, it’s okay.” Ye Zeming said, walked up, and pushed open the door on the deck. The killer was currently loading bullets into the magazine of the sniper rifle without any haste.
“So, did you bring these two people up as gifts for me, or?” the killer asked indifferently.
“The latter.” Ye Zeming said flatly, and pointed his pitch-black fangs at the killer, “I want to save the lives of these two.”
The killer chuckled lightly and mocked, “You think these two people are innocent? The chairman of Baihui Electronics Co., evaded more than 40 million yuan in taxes and used a lot of malicious competition to defraud consumers…”
“I’m not interested in whether he is innocent or not.” Ye Zeming said lightly, “Don’t use the crimes of these people to justify your killing. What about the staff on this cruise ship? They are also guilty?”
“No one is innocent, everyone is guilty.” The killer said coldly, put down the sniper rifle, took out the silver pistol from his arms, and replied, “And this is not about justice, it’s just about revenge. These two people I don’t care if it’s dead or alive, but you are very interesting to me, so…”
As the killer said, he loaded his pistol and asked, “How long is your helicopter?”
“About twenty-five minutes, how about you?” Ye Zeming replied calmly, retreated the empty magazine of the pitch-black tooth, replaced it with a new one, and then raised his hand to signal Yang Qingqing and Father Yang behind him to back off.
“Four-eyed girl, park the helicopter above the yacht and be on call at any time.” The killer said in the headset, then took out a detonator from his arms, shook it and demonstrated: “In twenty-five minutes, you didn’t Killed by me, even if you win, the lives of these two people will be left to you. Otherwise, I will get on the plane, detonate the bomb, and then leave. No one on this ship will survive.”
“If you lose, I’ll hand you over to the fraudster organization in exchange for special agent martial arts and special agent value. The guy code-named 028 must be very valuable, right?” Ye Zeming said flatly, and took out a coin from his pocket. With a jump of his thumb, he flicked the coin into the sky.
“It’s fair.” The killer replied flatly, adjusted his mask, and tightened his grip on the gun.
The moment the coin landed, the two raised their guns at the same time. Ye Zeming immediately pulled the trigger, and at the same time dodged behind the side of the bunker, two bullets grazed his back.
“Is it the first equal enemy? Hmph, interesting…” Ye Zeming smiled excitedly, clenched the black teeth, turned on the bullet timing and flashed out from behind the cover, aiming at the cover hidden by Killer 028 and pulled the trigger, the bullet went straight It penetrated the opponent’s hidden water tank, but the killer reacted very quickly, rolling out on the spot and shooting towards him.
Ye Zeming didn’t know the power of the opponent’s gun, so he lowered his head and dodged it just in case. The bullet simply penetrated the iron table where he was hiding and hit the deck beside him. Ye Zeming frowned, took a deep breath, turned on the bullet time for the second time and raised his gun to shoot at the killer.
The other party also pulled the trigger as he fired, and the sound of “ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, and iron clanging continued to resound, and the bullets splashed in all directions, brushing the skirts of the two of them one after another. The two of them have no way to see the trajectory of the bullet, they just predict the route of the bullet by observing the muzzle of the other party, and shoot on the same route.
Although it seemed to be just a round of random shooting between the two sides, in fact, it was a round of offensive and defensive battles that were precise to the centimeter!
When the bullet time was over, the bullets in Ye Zeming’s gun were also emptied. He simply hid behind the cover sideways, stopped for a while, then turned around and flashed out. The butt of the gun was moved behind him, replaced with a new magazine, and raised the gun.
The two sides continued to exchange fire fiercely while closing in on each other. When the two sides were already standing face to face, the muzzle of the gun also stayed in front of the other’s forehead. Ye Zeming gasped and sneered, “You’re out of bullets in your gun.”
The killer sneered back and said, “You too.”
Both sides pulled the trigger at the same time, and a crisp “click” sounded.
The latest full version:,,,,,,,,,,
Chapter 143: Battle for Survival Part 2
Both parties were not surprised by the empty gun. Ye Zeming immediately raised his left elbow and hit the killer in the face. The killer raised his right arm to block it, and raised his knee to hit his chin. Ye Zeming leaned back and swung his right gun. Throwing it over, the killer who was forced to dodge back, and the two separated again.
Both of them had experienced battles before, and they fought with each other for a long time, and the ammunition was exhausted, so they put the guns back into the gun pockets in a tacit understanding, put on a hand-to-hand posture, and approached each other.
“Fist to fist, huh?” Ye Zeming smiled lightly, and launched an attack first, a jab to the killer’s face, the opponent dodged instantly, and swept his legs to attack Ye Zeming’s lower body, Ye Zeming jumped to dodge open.
The moment he landed, Ye Zeming launched another attack, hitting the killer’s face with his right elbow.As he hit his elbow to block the blow, Ye Zeming immediately grabbed his arm, stretched out his left hand to press the killer’s neck, drove him around, and then threw him out with the gentle power of Tai Chi.
The killer adjusted his figure in mid-air, flipped half a circle, and landed firmly on the deck. The moment he landed, he recoiled, pressed Ye Zeming’s shoulders, and pushed his knees continuously towards his face. Ye Zeming quickly crossed his arms in front of his body, blocked two knee blows, and then waved his hands, pushing away the killer’s hand holding his shoulder, and kicked the opponent’s chest.
After dodging lightly, the killer waved his elbow and hit Ye Zeming directly in the face. Ye Zeming raised his arm to block it, grabbed his arm with his backhand, pulled the killer back a big step, raised his foot when the opponent’s foot was unstable, and kicked him to one knee, then stepped on his knee and jumped up, The elbow hit the opponent’s head heavily!
The killer raised his arms to block it, but the power of the blow still made him fall backwards uncontrollably. The killer rolled backwards, stabilized his figure, and bumped his head into Ye Zeming’s arms, hugging him. After grabbing Ye Zeming’s waist, he raised his foot and hooked it on Ye Zeming’s ankle, and fell backwards with Ye Zeming on his shoulders.
Due to the momentum of the fall, Ye Zeming’s head was thrown to the ground by the opponent. He quickly stretched out his hands to press the ground, and flipped back to stabilize his figure. As soon as he stood still, the opponent had already attacked in front of him, pressing his hands on the back of his head. , pushing his knees hard, Ye Zeming crossed his hands to block, but the blow was so strong that his arms bounced off and he fell backwards.
Taking advantage of Ye Zeming’s unsteady chance, the killer snatched into Ye Zeming’s arms, put his hands on his chest, and made an inch fist posture. Ye Zeming was startled, and quickly retracted his arms, only to feel a strong impact coming from his chest, hitting his arms against his chest, and he flew backwards.
Ye Zeming secretly yelled “Hello” in his heart. The moment he landed on the ground, a carp bounced up, lunged towards the killer, and kicked his knee towards the opponent’s chest. The killer quickly raised his hands to block it, but still staggered a step back. Seeing the opportunity, Ye Zeming jumped up with a whirlwind kick, and after the opponent blocked it again, he immediately lowered himself to catch the kick.
This time, Longhui directly swept the killer into the air. Ye Zeming activated the bullet time, reached out and grabbed the killer’s arm, and used Rashomon to throw him over his head. With his right hand, he punched the killer’s chest one inch at a time. The killer snorted, flew backwards, rolled on the spot and stood up.
“Good job.” The killer said lightly, patted the ashes on his body, and then looked down at the time, “There are still ten minutes left, so you have to persevere.”
“You are.” Ye Zeming tightened his gloves and said with a smile, “Don’t be caught by me in the last ten minutes.”
“Hmph.” The killer chuckled, and abruptly kicked the table beside him towards Ye Zeming. Ye Zeming kicked the table away with a roundabout kick, and the killer’s mournful mask appeared in front of him in the next second.
Ye Zeming yelled that something was wrong, immediately started the bullet time, lowered his head to avoid the killer’s swinging punch, and then returned a right uppercut, the killer leaned back to avoid it, and punched Ye Zeming directly in the face. Ye Zeming raised his hand to block it, waved his right arm, and punched in a roundabout way, but the killer raised his other arm to block it, and the two immediately became entangled and competed with each other.
After a stalemate for a while, Ye Zeming raised his foot to hook the killer’s ankle, while the opponent raised his foot to avoid it. After pulling them together for a circle, Ye Zeming let go of his hands, pushed them on the killer’s chest, and parted again. open.
After a short pause, Ye Zeming took a deep breath, started the last bullet time and rushed forward, lowered his head to avoid the opponent’s roundabout kick, and then punched the killer in the ribs, while the opponent bent down and hit him on the chin with his right fist, The killer took two steps back, but then slammed his head into Ye Zeming’s forehead.
Ye Zeming let out a muffled snort, covered his forehead and took a step back. His abdomen was hit hard by a knee. He quickly stabilized his body and avoided the follow-up elbows. The opponent raised his hands to block, and hit him in the face with a straight punch. Ye Zeming immediately responded with an uppercut, hitting the killer’s abdomen.
After such a long period of confrontation and entanglement, the physical strength of both sides has been consumed a lot, and there is no way to guarantee the high-intensity non-injury battle before, and they have entered a war of attrition from fist to flesh.
The two of them came and went and attacked with all their strength. If you punch me, I will immediately kick you back. The fight was extremely fierce.
In the end, Ye Zeming’s left elbow and the killer’s left elbow hit each other, and then their arms intertwined, jamming each other’s arms. Immediately, Ye Zeming got hit on the foot, knelt down on one knee, and immediately punched the killer’s leg without giving in, forcing him to kneel down on one knee, and punched the killer’s face fiercely with his right fist.
Because his left hand was caught by Ye Zeming’s left arm, the killer’s body was kept facing sideways like Ye Zeming’s, and his right hand was inconvenient to defend, so he swung his right fist and punched Ye Zeming’s face. “Boom! Boom!” Two muffled sounds, both of them were beaten back and their faces were turned sideways, and the masks on their faces were also spun and flew out by the opponent’s punch.
Ye Zeming let go of the killer’s left hand, and reached out to grab the mask that flew out of him. After the killer’s left hand was freed, he made the same choice as Ye Zeming, reaching out to grab the mask that flew out of him. The two backed away from each other and put their masks back on their faces, and at this time, the two helicopters also parked above their heads.
“Beautiful.” The killer looked down at the time, and gave a faint compliment, “According to the previous agreement, the lives of those two people will be given to you, and there may be chances in the future.”see you soon. ”
After finishing speaking, the killer grabbed the rope of his helicopter and said softly through the earphone, “Let’s go, four-eyed girl.”
The latest full version:,,,,,,,,,,
Chapter 144: Concentration Task Rewards
The Gate of All Saints
Qiankun Sword God

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