Stepping down from the roof, Xie Yuqing immediately greeted them, and when they saw that they were okay, they felt relieved and asked someone to lead them into the car. One person plugged a bottle of water and rested in the car.

Ye Shaoyang dealt with the wound that was scratched by the 6-eyed ghost boy, watching the flames getting smaller and smaller, and finally being completely extinguished. Xie Yuqing took a bucket that was anxious and got into the car and put it in the seat. “Know You did n’t eat at night, are you hungry? I ask for this meal. “

The three immediately ate it politely, and quickly wiped it out. Ye Shaoyang licked his lips and told her the whole story. Xie Yuqing listened, shocked, and took them to the scene together. I searched in the ruins and found nothing.

Ye Shaoyang pushed open the door to the back of the room. Outside was a garden full of medicinal herbs. Even this place did not escape the erosion of the fire and was burned beyond recognition.

“He spilled gasoline everywhere,” Xie Yuqing explained, “so the fire ignited instantly, and everything was burned after it was extinguished.”

Ye Shaoyang asked, “What about ponds in the yard that breed poison insects?”

“It was opened. When we came, those animals and Insect were running out. They were partially destroyed. Some of them escaped. Will it affect them?”

Ye Shaoyang shook his head. “They will die soon without the feeding of a magister, but you’d better send someone to guard the town near the mountain for a few days to prevent poison insects from entering the village and hurting people.”

Xie Yuqing immediately called a subordinate and ordered to continue.

According to the tips of Ye Shaoyang, Xie Yuqing and her subordinates found the bodies and bones of several people, so the bad luck puppet immediately became a wanted criminal. The police began to determine his identity through various channels and investigate His whereabouts.

At Xie Yuqing’s arrangement, Ye Shaoyang lived in 3 people in the only guest house in the town.

The gluttons I ate before were so anxious for the whole family that there weren’t enough three big men to chop their teeth. I immediately asked for a few more meals and ate them.

Looking back on the fighting experience on this day, Ye Shaoyang still had a lot of fear, especially when fighting with the ghost servant, he almost fell off the cliff and broke his bones. Now thinking of it, I was still sweating, but he was very satisfied with the results of the battle:

The demon body of the ghost servant was destroyed, 6 eyes of the ghost boy were beheaded, and a half-powered enemy was removed at once, and one of the master’s eyes was abolished. With the “one-eyed person” signature feature, as soon as he appeared, it was very Easy to recognize. It is of great help to the police search.

In particular, the death of the 6-eyed ghost boy made Ye Shaoyang very happy. He knew in his heart that there was a bit of luck in killing the ghost boy today: the room was too narrow. Although he had a lot of restrictions on his own moves, he also cut off 6 eyes. The ghost boy’s retreat was followed by Old Guo’s brainstorm. Using the water in the jar and the help of the 3 centipede, the ghost boy was killed dangerously.

As soon as the ghost boy died, the puppet master lost his left arm and right arm, and it was easier to deal with him.

Little Ma still remembers the girl trapped in the jar, clinching one’s teeth and said, “What the hell did he do such a cruel and devastating thing?”

Ye Shaoyang said: “In order to cultivate the 3 centipede, it may also be to cultivate the rest qi of the three women within the body, so that they can become ghosts, use any evil method to refine the soul, and become a ghost servant for their own drive. Of course this is mine Guess, I don’t know much about Miao Jiang’s insert technique. I only asked Qin Xiaohui when I looked back. “

“Well, isn’t it really human!” Old Guo took a sip on the ground and cursed, “When the kid is caught, Lao Tzu also sews the 3 centipede in his eyes, so that he can enjoy this joy too!”

Little Ma 狰狞 said, “No, you should let centipede get into his chrysanthemum and bake it with a lighter, hehe …”

Two people sedated for a long time, becoming more and more cruel, and gradually moved closer to the top ten tortures in the Manchu dynasty. Ye Shaoyang knocked angrily at the table, “Hey, do you want people to stop eating?”

2 This closed, after a while, Little Ma remembered something, asked Ye Shaoyang: “Before that son of a bitch that let you take Quanjian, what Yun Ji Heavenly Book enchant antidote, cloud是 Is Heavenly Book what the hell? “

“Heavenly Book is Heavenly Book, not a ghost.” Ye Shaoyang indifferently said.

Little Ma has a black line and can’t communicate with people who don’t have internet access.

Old Guo explained on behalf of it: “The Cloud Heavenly Book, also called ‘Strange Sects 遁甲 Heavenly Book’, is divided into 3 volumes of Heaven, Earth and Mortal. and summon the rain, the ground scroll can teach people to open mountains and rip stones, to hide in the ground, and people can … ”

“It’s unscientific.” Little Ma stared at him seriously. “I don’t read too much, and you can’t flicker at me like this. Also call the wind and summon the rain, when you are Xiao Jingteng?”

Old Guo was robbed by him, a little embarrassed, and coughed 2 times, and said, “Did I introduce you to history? In fact, the real Cloudy Heavenly Book is only a herringbone, and the above record is Mt. Mao Zong Inner Sect Spell, Mt. Mao became the head of the Tao, relying on this book. “

Little Ma shook her head. “It sounds great, what spells are recorded in this Heavenly Book?”

“I don’t know, I haven’t seen it,” Old Guo nodded at Ye Shaoyang, “ask him.”

Ye Shaoyang found a roll of black print paper in his arms and said, “That’s it.”

2 people were stunned, and they were described by Old Guo as Mt. Mao or even the cloud of Heaven Treasure’s Heavenly Book. Is it such a pile of things that look like waste paper?

“Well, isn’t this the yellow book you saw the other day?” Little Ma reached out to get it, was knocked back by Ye Shaoyang, and shoved the paper back into his pocket.

“I printed it myself. I do n’t have a single copy of it. Of course I ca n’t take it with me. This guy knows that I am Mt. Mao inner disciple, and knows that I have vengeance against Chen Jianbo. I must have been following me for a long time. I Now I want to know if he has anything to do with 7 Grandma Temple. “

Little Ma suddenly said: “By Little Ye’zi, is this puppet master, if you hit you head-on, is your opponent?”

Ye Shaoyang rolled the eyes, no answer.

At this time, Xie Yuqing suddenly came hurriedly, came directly opposite Ye Shaoyang, and said, “When we cleaned the room, we found a notebook with a note on it, and see if it works.”

Ye Shaoyang rushed to pick it up. At first glance, the first few pieces of this notebook were burnt. There were only a few of the real words written on the back. They were not written in Chinese characters. Several people identified them for a long time and checked them online. It was Miao language.

“The fonts are too round, even with translation software,” Little Ma said. “I suggest that when Little Luoli comes back, show her.”

“Which Little Luoli?” Xie Yuqing blinked. “Loli than me?”

“You are the Queen Your Majesty.” Little Ma flattered immediately.

Ye Shaoyang turned the notebook to the last page. A picture was drawn with a pencil on it, and a few points were marked with a red pen in the middle. Underneath was written the unknown Miao language, but the pattern on the back, Ye Shaoyang was Very familiar: 3 horizontal lines, disconnected from it, which belongs to Kun position in Hexagram 8.

Ye Shaoyang at first is still thinking, maybe not so clever, but after looking at the patterns marked by the other points, he determined his speculation: the patterns at the 4 points represent: Kun, 巽, Li, Dui , Is 4 Yin Gua.

Ye Shaoyang quickly showed this picture to Old Guo, studied it for a while, and Old Guo said with certainty: “This is a map!”

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