Spirit Walker

Chapter 259: Yuanshi Tianzun: Sorry, things fell here

Reward props

Hearing Yuanshi Tianzun's question, all the practitioners were stunned for a moment, and then they all turned their attention to the world and returned to the fire. He came up with the method to get out of the moving forest.

According to the previous two customs clearance mechanisms, props (consumables) will be awarded to those who have the most credit, or who agree with special conditions. For example, Yuanshi Tianzun, who has figured out the law of killing mist spiders; for example, Guan Ya, who has the most vigorous aura of life and is not anemic. Therefore, it is logical for the world to return to the fire to get prop rewards.

Facing the stares cast by his teammates, Tianxia Guihuo frowned and said, "I only got 10 points, but I didn't get any rewards. Zhang Yuanqing glanced at him, looked around the crowd, and said loudly again, 'I'll ask again, where are the reward items? The official walkers looked at each other, silent for a while.

In his early 30s, "Rain Girl Wu Gua" with a "light uncle" temperament raised his hand and said, "I think no matter who gets the reward, it belongs to him, and there is no need to get to the bottom of it."

Rain Girl Wugua thinks that Yuanshi Tianzun's move is to gather rewards and let him use them uniformly. But the person who gets the props (the world returns to the fire) does not want to hand over the rewards that he has obtained by his strength.

If this matter is not handled well, the team will have a big conflict... The official walkers present secretly frowned. They are generally captain-level figures, mixed with units. Knowing the behavior of Yuanshi Tianzun may start a power struggle, let the original The harmonious team is caught in contradiction and conflict.

Although in the online meeting on the eve of the opening of the killing dungeon, Elder Shibu asked everyone to take Yuanshi Tianzun as the core, obey his leadership, and help each other. But after entering the killing copy, the opinions of the organization can only be used as a reference, and no one will truly obey them unconditionally.

Zhang Yuanqing nodded and looked at his teammates, "I promise, I won't ask for props to be handed in, everyone can testify. Then, you can answer me now, who got the prop reward.

Still no one spoke.

Zhang Yuanqing said solemnly, "Look, I have already made a promise, but no one responded." Fairy Peony, Rain Girl Wugua and others frowned, and they sensed that something was wrong. "Tianzun Yuanshi, what do you want to say?" asked Fairy Peony.

From this point of view, the person who got the reward item is a traitor. Zhang Yuanqing said solemnly, "I will reach the top of the mountain soon. There are some things that I need to be frank with you."

After a pause, he said word by word: "We have a traitor. One, the traitor of Dark Night Rose." Everyone's expressions changed.

Zhang Yuanqing continued, "To be honest, before entering the killing dungeon, the elder Gou from the Songhai branch told me something that the three major evil organizations wanted to kill me and Fu Qingyang, and Dark Night Rose was also involved in this matter, and the latter planned to use Arrangement. Spy in the official.

"Not long ago, I was ambushed outside the exit of the fog, trying to attack the people of the evil camp. I didn't expect that they knew my actions in advance and set up a trap to counter ambush. If I wasn't strong, I wouldn't be able to come back."

Hearing this, the official walkers knew the danger and couldn't help but look at each other. It turns out that Yuanshi Tianzun killed "human nature is inherently evil" under such pressure.

Careful people should have paid attention to the standings. Except for the three people I killed, when the evil camp passed through the Mist Spider territory, no one died at all. In addition, they have now passed through the breeding forest, but no one has died, is this normal?" Zhang Yuanqing asked, "If it wasn't for a traitor who informed us and reported our exploration results to the evil camp, how could they be so relaxed?"

The official runners opened the scoreboard and map with ugly faces. After checking it, they found that it was indeed as Yuanshi Tianzun said that the evil camp had once again cleared the breeding forest without damage.

"No wonder people from the evil camp choose our route. This is the result of knowing that Yuanshi Tianzun is good at raiding dungeons and wants to prostitute us for nothing."

"Fuck, who is the traitor, I'm going to rip off his skin. Not only is the fire division angry, but other professions are also very angry.

Zhang Yuanqing said, "Whoever takes the reward and doesn't say anything is the traitor. There are two suspects at present, one is the 'little boy who sells matches', and the other is 'the world returns to the fire'. , inform the public.

In an instant, everyone stood beside Yuanshi Tianzun, isolating the two.

The little boy who sold matches glared at the world and returned to the fire, "You are a traitor, you actually slander me, do you have any grudge against you?" After he finished speaking, he looked at his companions and said loudly

"The reward of the moving forest must be on Gui Huo. He didn't take it out just now. It's very clear who is the traitor." Guan Ya asked, "What are you doing when you touch the trees?"

The little boy who sold the matches frowned and said, "Of course it's trying to communicate. Although the plants in the maze seem to be unable to communicate along the way, there is no clear mention in the task prompt that communication is invalid, and the fact that the tree in front cannot communicate does not mean that a Plants on the road can't communicate. "I think the necessary attempts should be persisted and cannot be given up.

This explanation is remarkable and not convincing, but it can't fault it.

But compared to the little boy, it is more doubtful to crack the world of the moving forest by himself. There is a high probability that the reward item is on him, and he just refused to hand over the reward.

Facing the doubts of his teammates, the world returned to the fire and took a deep breath, restrained his emotions very well, and asked: "If I was a traitor, I just handed over the props, why do I do this kind of self-inflicted trick. thing"

"No!" Guan Ya exposed the loopholes in his words and said; "Dark Night Rose's spy in the Five Elements Alliance can avoid the physical examination time and time again, and the lie detector props and skills of the transcendent realm cannot be effective for you. So you know that even if you don't hand in the props, we don't have substantial evidence to assign the price."

"And if there is no evidence, it is impossible for Yuanshi to kill you. Of course, this also applies to the little boy who sells matches." Tianxia Guihuo sneered, "So, unless the traitor exposes himself, there is no way for you to get him out. You In addition to making the team distracted, it also has a role in making such a fuss."

Zhang Yuanqing said with a smile, "If it works, as long as you control the two of you, won't the problem be solved?"

After that, he took out the mask of the Silent One and said, "I need to limit the freedom of the two of you and put you under surveillance. Let's all work together, don't resist. At this time, whoever resists is a traitor."

Long Live the White Tiger immediately said, "I have an imprisoned item." "I also have it." The little fairy of Niulanshan agreed.

The props of the two are an iron chain and a wooden shackle.

The iron chain has the function of restricting the hands, feet and movement, while the wooden flail can only restrict the hands, but it can make the target in a weak state. The little boy who sold the match took a deep breath, and his face was full of resentment, but he chose to obey: "The clearer will clear himself!" The world returned to the fire and took a deep look at the Yuanshi Tianzun. "Force control is indeed a good way."

Under Zhang Yuanqing's suggestion, everyone tied the little boy with iron chains, and sealed the world's return to fire with wooden flails and masks. Then let the world return to the fire, carry the little boy on his back, and lead the team forward under the supervision of everyone. The group walked towards the top of the mountain, which was less than ten minutes away from the temple on the top of the mountain.

Approaching the exit, the world returned to the fire and said, "Open the map and take a look. The cursor representing the evil camp has been advancing in an orderly manner, and there has been no confusion or regression. What does this mean?"

Fairy Peony and others opened the map to check, and as expected, their hearts were stunned.

The world returned to the fire and said solemnly: "This shows that they already know the method of attacking the moving forest, but since we met, everyone has been together all the time. If I was a traitor, how did I convey the information?"

Since the meeting, Guan Ya and I have been observing their ears. Indeed, no one wears a headset. During this time, no one whispered secretly. It should not have the opportunity to transmit information... Zhang Yuanqing pondered and asked. "What do you want to say"

The world returns to the fire and shook his head: "I don't know, but instinctively I feel that something is wrong. I will tell you when I figure it out. In the end, until I left the labyrinth forest, the world returned to the fire didn't figure it out. [ding] Congratulations on crossing the labyrinth forest, reward 30 points.]

From entering the labyrinth forest to leaving, there are three levels in the middle, a total of 60 points will be awarded. In the standings at this time, Yuanshi Tianzun is still at the top of the list, with a total score of 398 points. Hajime in second place has 190 points.

The other people on the list have increased by 20 points one by one, and their rankings have basically remained unchanged. The increase of points in the maze is fixed. Each time you pass a level, ten points will be added.

Walking out of the labyrinth forest, the bright moonlight shone down overwhelmingly, and in front of it was a temple made of boulders. The style was rough and simple, but it had a general majestic atmosphere.

Outside the temple is a clearing, no weeds, no trees, except for a few flat stones, empty and clean. This open space should be used by the monkeys to visit the mountain god.

The quaint mountain temple stands quietly on the top of the mountain, bathed in the moonlight, and the background is the clear night sky and the lush cascading tree canopy.

The interior of the temple is empty and rough. Six sturdy stone pillars support the dome. The curved top is made of thin and large stone slabs.

Although rough and simple, this group of mountain monkeys has indeed mastered the simple principles of architecture. High IQ.

At the end of the hall, there is a high altar, with a stone statue standing on the platform, vaguely a woman, with vague facial features, and even no clothing, but the monkeys tried their best to express the mountain **** is a woman through physical characteristics.

A raised chest! The sculpture holds a woven staff with an emerald embedded in its head. Zhang Yuanqing took everyone to the front of the sculpture and reached out to try to touch the staff.

An invisible barrier stopped him from moving, and at the same time, a task prompt sounded in his ear [ding] This item cannot be touched! 】

Background-style props that cannot be used by spirit walkers? But as mentioned in the side quest Sanli, the evil cultivator sent his minions to try to **** the mountain **** staff... Only the mountain ghost camp can take it

Zhang Yuanqing was thinking about it when he suddenly heard Jiang Jingwei shouting, "There are paintings here"

Everyone followed the sound and saw Jiang Jingwei holding a torch, standing by the wall, pointing at the mural on the stone wall and shouting. The frescoes are dilapidated and bleak, most of them are simple lines drawn with limestone, and a few are painted with colors, and the style of painting is extremely abstract.

A group of people carefully identified for a long time, half-seeing and half-guessing, only to understand the content of the mural.

It is about the battle between the mountain **** and the evil cultivator. The powerful evil cultivator raged in the city. He bewitched the living people in the city and gathered everyone together. Then, the stickman on the mural kept falling down, covered in blood (blood). Dyed with red berries).

Everyone's blood pooled into a pool of blood, and a pair of black eyes opened in the blood pool.

Just as everyone kept dying, the mountain **** with a staff came down, had a fierce confrontation with the evil cultivator, and successfully killed the evil cultivator. After that, the mountain **** built a "high wall" around the city, cutting off the connection between the city and the outside world.

"Strange, the content on the mural shows that Xie Xiu has been killed by the mountain god, so what is the purpose of her sealing the city?" "What kind of ceremony does Xie Xiu seem to be holding? Eyes in the blood pool... God's purpose of sealing the city, Could it be to prevent that eye from coming out?"

"It should be, so our main mission is to reach the Lost City." Everyone discussed softly.

At this time, Ryo Asano said loudly, "The people from the evil camp are coming."

The official walkers opened the map to check, and the guys from the evil camp had passed through the moving forest and were very close to the exit of the labyrinth forest.

Zhang Yuanqing immediately said, "Go out and prepare to meet the enemy... The other two teams have not arrived yet, but they are not far from the top of the mountain."

The progress of the other two teams was slightly slower, after all, there was no Yuanshi Tianzun in their team. "I hope they can arrive sooner.... Fairy Peony sighed. Otherwise, their team will suffer heavy losses.

At this moment, someone snorted, 'Don't worry, you don't need to meet the enemy. At this level, the mountain ghost camp has won. "Everyone heard the words and turned to look.

The speaker was a sound idiot. He stood by the stone pillar far away from the crowd, and with a sneer, he took out a miniature forest sand table the size of a palm.

"Go back to the moving forest"

When the voice fell, the forest sand table turned into shavings of light and collapsed, wrapping everyone present. The next second, they disappeared. He is the traitor, the person of the dark night rose.

After informing the evil faction Yuanshi Tianzun of the ambush plan, Yintong considered that if the ambush of Yuanshi Tianzun fails, then the existence of the traitor will inevitably be exposed. He needs to respond. So he secretly used the musician's hypnotic ability to influence the unsuspecting "little boy who sold matches, and made him deliberately make a series of strange actions in front of the world's return to fire.

The person being hypnotized will not feel any problem and will not be unaware that they have been hypnotized.

And with the wisdom of the world returning to the fire, you will definitely notice the abnormality of the little boy. If Yuanshi Tianzun really comes back alive, the world will return to the fire and tell the Yuanshi Tianzun about it. In the case that the lie detector props are invalid, Yuanshi Tianzun will probably take measures such as restricting the actions of suspicious characters. Sure enough, Yuanshi Tianzun did exactly that. However, the development of the situation was a bit unexpected by Yin Chi. He originally just wanted to bring misfortune to the east. However, he did not expect the follow-up operation of the world to return to the fire too well, but it just happened that there was one more suspect, and he was more detached and unsuspected. The reward of moving the forest was also beyond his expectations. After getting separated from the crowd, Yin Chi thought of a method of using reference objects to locate, which is a common method when falling into a "maze", and never thought of using this trick to leave the moving forest. Coincidentally, the position he was moved happened to be not far from the exit, so he was lucky to be the first person to escape the moving forest.

Luck is not logical, and Yuanshi Tianzun can't guess no matter how smart he is.

Of course, he couldn't hand over the reward items. After getting the items rewarded by the moving forest, Yin Chi knew that he was going to win. He first shared his experience with the mountain ghost camp, and then put away the items and returned to the moving forest to join the official traveler. . Although it became the last place, fortunately it was not suspected. The subsequent development was as he expected. Although Yuanshi Tianzun did not have a method to find out the traitor, he adopted the simplest and most effective method to control them one by one!

However, those two were nothing more than pretense.

Yin Chi glanced at the staff of the Mountain God. The Mountain God camp could not touch this item. He turned around and walked out of the Mountain Temple without any hesitation. He stood in front of the temple gate and waited silently.

Twenty minutes later, the evil camp headed by Ah Yi and Bai Wu Tabu passed through the labyrinth forest and appeared in the open space outside the mountain temple.

Bai Wujiu saw Yin Chi at the entrance of the mountain temple at a glance, and raised the corner of his mouth, "Well done" Yin Chi turned his head slightly, "The staff is inside, go in and get it."

The walkers of the evil camp heard the conversation between the two, and there was no surprise that they had participated in the summit. People who know they are in the official ranks. I just don't know who it is~www.readwn.com~ It turned out to be you. "

"Dark Night Rose is too insidious, the top eight players in the arena can turn against it." "Hahaha, this time the killing copy, Yuanshi Tianzun is dead." As they spoke, everyone quickly passed through the open space and ran towards the mountain temple. go.

Suddenly, Ah Yi's amber pupils caught the edge of a bluestone in front of him, where stood a pair of beautifully crafted vintage boots, woven from bright yellow silk and embroidered with delicate moiré patterns.

"Why are there boots here?" He stopped and said in a deep voice.

The sound at the door of the temple was stunned for a moment. He didn't remember when he came, there was a pair of these boots here. In the midst of doubts, a figure stood out on the edge of the bluestone, it was Yuanshi Tianzun.

He just appeared out of thin air and looked at everyone narrowly, "Oh, it's my thing, sorry, I forgot it here, I'll come back and get it."

As soon as the voice fell, another figure teleported back, a tall and bright mixed-race beauty wearing rattan armor, arm guards and leggings.

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