Spirit Walker

Chapter 8: hunting

The old white man called himself Kevin, and he ran a small shipping company, and the business was doing well.

The content of this reward is vendetta.

"His name is Lee Austin, and he is a gangster in the Bronx. Six years ago, he found me and said that he would provide security services for my company and charge two million federal dollars a year.

"The so-called security service is actually extortion. They won't really protect you, they just make excuses for their extortion. At that time, my business was in a critical period and I was short of funds, so I refused him.

"So our family was threatened by Lee Austin, who threatened to kill my wife and sell my daughter to the Bronx as the cheapest **** to sleep with niggers. I have connections in New York County and I'm not afraid The gang made things difficult, so they hired a team of bodyguards to protect the family 24 hours a day, and at the same time called the police. But bad things still happened..."

Speaking of which, the old white man Kevin took a sip of coffee, the bitter liquid reverberated on the tip of his tongue, and the same bitter past was also surging in his heart:

"On the third day after calling the police, my daughter was robbed on the way home from school and the bodyguard was shot dead. A gang broke into my house, gang-raped my wife, and killed her at home. The police took over the situation. A case was filed, but nothing came of it, and they said there was no proof that Lee Austin killed my wife and took my daughter.

"It also said that Lee Austin has no fixed residence, is ruthless, and is a very dangerous gangster. Let me wait for news at home. It can be seen that these wastes who eat taxpayers' money don't want to control them. How long have you received Austin's letter, the letter said, if you must want your son to die, then you will pay a security fee of 2 million federal coins per year according to what was said later.

"You have no choice but to surrender. Austin will send you a video of the man every year to ensure that you are still alive, and at the same time tell you that he must want you to die, so he will pay the money obediently. In those years, how dare you die again? Get married and dare to have children.

"You never gave up looking for the man. You asked for help from a private detective, from the police station, and from my white gang, but nothing worked. Old Zhang Yuanqingwen's chewing muscles bulged, and his expression was slightly ferocious. Before that, I calmed down, and my voice was not hoarse: "You want this dirty head. "

Lee Austin shrugged his shoulders and let out a wretched laugh: "You have to catch a few male executives punished by God. These **** taste very wrong." With so few props for the Demon Lord, the man was only interested in the Elvis speaker. Interesting, tsk tsk, if it's because of the liquid delivery video outside, for the information outside the speaker?

"It's to be so straightforward, it's to improve the hunter's style."

It was lunch time, so I took Annie out of the restaurant, took a taxi, and went to another restaurant on the next street for dinner.

"The man outside makes you completely interested, can fight and kill, and makes your life more interesting and interesting. You feel like you are here to go to jail."

[Tell you the information about Guan Ya, Sun Miaomiao, and Zhao Chenghuang. In addition, tell you that all your belongings have been handed over to Fu Qingyang and Guan Ya. ] "Then it's the same as their Freedom Federation movie, the heroine never looks back at the explosion."

You are worried that you will not be able to control the movements of Winnie Bertram, Leos has not penetrated into the enemy's interior, well done Liang Jiang... Shu Fanhao sent a message:

Asano Ryo nodded slightly: "So, tomorrow, at that time, at that restaurant, you will come to see him with a photo, prepare bad money." The bartender in an old uniform glanced at me and said lightly:

"The reason why you really saw the opportunity and issued the reward is that you heard that Lee Austin's backer was besieged by the police's ordinary action team, and I was also on the must-kill list, but I am a cunning bitch. Get up, have any competent police found me?"

Is that so? Leos also cried. Unfortunately, behind the screen of the phone, after more than ten seconds, you sent a message to test: Moreover, there is no moral value limit for the spirit walker, and it will be low-frequency and continuous. Committing crimes, on the contrary, some perverts who commit serial crimes must be controllable. That low school student in the island country is so present, Xiaojia forgot about you.

I originally wanted to say that if the other party has not escaped from New York County, you will choose to enter the order, but after thinking about it, as long as this guy is still in the Freedom Federation, I will kill him at all costs.

The battle between the Dionysus Club and the Merchant Guild started at the same time, and the Bio-Alchemy Association was involved. All members had to disperse, stand by, and be assigned tasks at any time.

Then there was a warm voice: "He is Lee Austin? Turning his head makes you look vague. They are all the same nationals. You are not blind."

Breaking Bad's core skills are violent poison and petrification, and at the same time, it also has a melee ability, which is far weaker than lawful occupations of the same level. [Li Aussie: Changed Shu Fanhao's name to Master Tongtian because there is no way to face that ID again, it hurts like a knife. 】

Lee Austin put his arms around the scantily clad white prostitute and spit thick phlegm into the ground. That bar is one of the strongholds of the Bioalchemist Association. The owner of the bar is Tingli, the demon dog Tingli. 【Leos: Ahhhhhhhhhh? Bai Nankai is still alive? Is he really still alive. ] Kevin shook his head:

[Sun Miao, uh, you still seem to know that Yuanshi is resurrected?!] Not all law enforcement officers will throw their heads and arrest criminals in cold blood.

"Come on, a sheriff with a bad relationship is suggesting to you that Lee Austin is a special kind of person, that kind of person is extremely safe, and the worst way to deal with that kind of person is to find the same kind, I recommend you a bounty hunter guild."

"Lee Austin sent your videos, all of which were delayed and bad, that son of a bitch." Yes, I wanted to escape, but I could.

[Leos: Bad! Bai Nankai, can you report to him face to face. 】

It seems that the first community also needs magic eyes to clean... Shu Fanhao put away the photos under the table and said: "The magic eye is you, and you are the magic eye."

"No one told you that their circle is very large, even if they are friends, it is impossible for them to know each other."

At that time, a hand reached out from the side and placed a photo on the bar behind Lee Austin's face.

Lee Austin is a member of the Bioalchemist Society, level 3, and his occupation name is "Breaking Bad", one of the eight minor evil occupations in the first district. There was a "ding dong" sound in the chat group, and Shu Fanhao sent a voice, the content of the voice was in the foreign language of the island, with crying and choking. Lee Austin is a spirit walker, no wonder he is so arrogant... Ryo Asano nodded: "Did the sheriff recommend Heaven's Punishment to him?" You mean to say that you miss him.

【Leos: Bai Nankai, is he really resurrected?】

"What's the matter, he continued to talk." Asano Ryo originally wanted to give the businessman a science introduction, but soon realized that the police station and the punishment of heaven are interlinked, just like the Public Security Bureau and the Seven Elements League.

Those materials were given to me by Li Austin. Li Austen was not on the most wanted list of God Punishment, and God Punishment confiscated my detailed information. Kings County. "Curse?"

"In addition to killing Lee Austin, do you still need you to help him find a man?"

"Mr. Kevin, you have accepted his task. According to the rules of the guild, he entrusts the murder business. He can't choose to ask for the head or the photo." Ryo Asano suddenly realized, staring at the old white woman's face: "So, he Let the Hunters Guild choose a superpower from the Li Country?" Elvis Presley's speaker recorded every word and deed of the Demon Lord, and recorded the conversation between me and the Li people. I am afraid that there is no information of unimaginably low value outside...

God's punishment may be knowing about the case eight years later and Kevin's blackmail. The smallest possibility is that the identity of the leader of the white gang, Lee Austin, is at least half of the same, and he is a simple casual cultivator, so God's punishment Be wary, or be too lazy to care.

"You found out that Lee Austin is also a bounty hunter, so if you dare to announce the content of the mission, I will see it. But even meeting the bounty hunter in private is dangerous in your opinion, because You may meet a friend of Lee Austin. [Leo Austin: Did they find someone to cosplay Bai Nankai, Xiaojia, you miss Bai Nankai very much.] Liang Jiang is a dead person for a day, and a lifetime It was the dead man who immediately betrayed Winnie Berent.

Sadness flashed across Kevin's eyes, "Your son died together. Before Lee Austin absconded, several of my gathering places were wiped out by the police, and men who were rarely forced into prostitution were rescued. According to the confession of a prostitute , your son died two years later, you were forced to receive few customers every day outside the slums, and died of illness, when you were taken away, you were only 16 years old, and you were not yet an adult...

Shu Fanhao moved the little Luo astrolabe and opened his star pupils. In a civilian area, in a bar. [Tongtian leader: Speak Chinese, don't speak bird language. 】

"Mr. Yuan Shi, why did you dine directly at the restaurant just now?" [Brother Red Chicken: What are you talking about?]

"You know that he is very full of heart, the old nest was raided by God's punishment, his hands were scattered, and the men who made money for him were also rescued, but now is the time of war.

[Tongtian leader: Oh, sorry, you forgot about him, Liang Jiang, you were resurrected, but it was a secret, and it was meant to be revealed. 】

【Tongtian Leader: He is on the Isle of Man in New York County? Does he know Winnie Berent?】

"When you come into contact with the Bounty Hunters Guild, you understand why the police department is afraid of Lee Austin. It turns out that there are no superpowers in that world. Lee Austin is not a superpower, and neither is he."

"Pretend to be cool, don't you?"

The people who come there to consume are gangsters, white gang members, and social loafers. There are few people with white skin and thick lips, and the men are cheap, prostitutes who can't pay for $50.

[Xiahou Aotian: I feel like a psychopath, and I completely understand what you mean. ] Lee Austin did not escape from New York County, but hid there. Aberrants of the Holy Realm.

Old Zhang Yuanqing nodded and continued:

Asano Ryo took out the small compass, placed it on his knee, and then laid out Lee Austin's photos and personal information.

Talking one after another, Ryo Asano, who was waiting for the waiter to order the food, heard the slow "ding dong" sound from the mobile phone, and the messages came back one after another.

The chat group was instantly noisy.

The outside of the bar is filled with the smell of smoke, alcohol, sweat, and volatile hormones~www.wuxiamtl.com~ The walls are covered with graffiti, and the men and women outside are as rude as they are.

"During war, any loss is avoidable. As long as you can lose, men, money, and power will come back."

That Lee Austin is an evil profession, backed by an evil organization, the backer has fallen, shit, it seems that the conflict between the Merchant Guild and the Dionysus Club has ended... Ryo Asano said:

[Tongtian leader: Dormant quietly, when the time comes, you will find him. 】

Late at night, on the roof of a red brick apartment building. PS: Typos should be corrected first.

Is it a coincidence that Liangjiang is also in Xinyue County? The seventh-level prosecutor... Ryo Asano was surprised and chose to chat in private. In the seventh community, there are also many evil professions and casual cultivators who have been burdened with numerous murders but have been at large. In the alternately flickering light pollution, Li Austin pushed the man away, came to the bar, and complained: Annie sat under the dining table, took a sip of the lemonade brought by the waiter, and explained:

[Shu Fanhao: Everyone thought he was dead. You were sent to Tianpu as an intern by the organization. Now you are working as a seventh-level bronze prosecutor in the Isle of Man, New York County. 】

[Leos: You are your direct subordinate. I just met you this morning. By the way, you also asked you about the members of the Return of the Dead gang. You know that he is the descendant of the Demon Lord, and he is very concerned about a portable speaker item. . 】

I picked up the phone and found that it was Leos speaking outside the chat software: With my stargazing ability, it is not difficult to find a special person.

[Guan Ya: On the day of withdrawing the dungeon, I have brought you with me. Judging by your current reaction, there may be a group of people watching in those few days...] Old Shu Fan Haowen stared at Ryo Asano and said:

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