Spirit Walker

Chapter 38: Intensification of contradictions

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"Shawn wants to see us?"

The saints of the Five Elements Alliance looked at each other in dismay. After hearing that Julian Meade died last night due to an assassination, everyone controlled their expressions of schadenfreude, and were instinctively vigilant, thinking that Xiao En's arrival was not good.

"Beware of his mindless revenge." The world returned to the fire and said in a deep voice: "Liang Jiang, you go and inform Winnie."

Guan Ya thought for a few seconds, and said, "It should be that we need to assist in the investigation." A swordsman with excellent insight and reasoning skills, and a night wanderer who can ask spirits are indispensable professions in investigations.

Different from the worry and solemnity of his companions, Brother Hongji was extremely happy.

"That guy is dead? Houhou, this is what the wicked put away."

In the conference room, Sean Meade was seated at the head, with his hands supporting the table, his hands crossed, his chin resting on his chin, and he silently looked at the projection Mubu.

The CEO instantly aged several years, his eyeballs were bloodshot, and his brows were tightly frowned with a deep and insoluble sadness.

But his attitude is still calm, and his pair of wind king pupils are still sharp.

On his left are Emma, ​​Winnie Boholent's assistant, and the cadres of the Ministry of Supervision.

On the right is the cadre department of the executive department. Xiao En's assistant stands on the right side of Mubu, and said in a deep voice, "Julian Mead's autopsy report has come out, and he died of myocardial infarction. There are no other wounds on the body, no poisoning, and whether the spirit remains. It's still not sure in the body, we need to wait for the assistance team of the Five Elements Alliance to go to the morgue for further confirmation."

Hearing this, Aima briefly glanced at the transcript, and didn't pay attention to frowning again: "Why did you die of a heart attack? What was the murderer's motive? Whether it was from the surveillance or the security personnel's transcript, there was nothing wrong last night. Abnormal, but it is impossible for a level 6 wind mage to die of myocardial infarction." Remember 26ks in a second

If there are no clues, the cause of death and motive are the only clues at present.

"There's so much to die of a myocardial infarction, what enemy does Julian Meade have in New York County?"

"Julian lived in the headquarters during his tenure. There should be no enemies in New York County. If you really want to find one, the Beastmaster last night."

The meeting room fell silent, and everyone secretly looked at Xiao En.


At this time, the frosted glass door of the real conference room knocked, and members of the executive department in formal attire pushed the door in, followed by the saints of the Five Elements Alliance.

"We are saints, don't we even have seats!" Brother Red Chicken grunted dissatisfied.

Zhang Yuanqing pulled the high-backed chair and sat down. Looking around, he found that everyone at the table was observing and examining himself.

Chief Executive Officer Sean Meade said indifferently, "Last night, Julian Meade was assassinated, Jumang, there was a prison time and space last night, and it was filmed that you left the New York County Bank headquarters building two hours before Julian was assassinated. Let me know why."

He then looked at Emma and said, "Also, I hope the Supervision Department can investigate his communication equipment and let the technical department personnel check it carefully."

It is really the responsibility of the Ministry of Supervision to investigate the criminal behavior of internal members.

Zhang Yuanqing immediately became the focus of attention. He crossed his legs, looked back at Sean calmly, then glanced at the others, and said, "I can hear it. Executive Officer Sean suspects that I will pay for the murder? First, when is it time to go out?" My freedom, I don't need to explain to anyone, I stayed in the bank building when Julian was killed, and I have sufficient proof of absence; second, I had conflicts with Julian, but I didn't assassinate him motivation."

He paused, shrugged the chief, and said with a sneer: "Who would assassinate a defeated general? Shouldn't he be the one who wants to buy Ji Lu to assassinate?"

At the banquet last night, it was Julian who lost his face, and Jumang was the one who took the limelight. There was no need for him to assassinate a master's heir when he took advantage of it.

In essence, there is no conflict of interest between the two parties, nor is there any blood feud.

Zhang Yuanqing continued: "Third, I love Baiyou Federation deeply!"

Everyone was stunned and didn't understand. The old white man who reprimanded him wondered, "Freedom Federation?"

Zhang Yuanqing nodded, "I love the Freedom Federation deeply, so I will not hand over my mobile phone, because personal property is sacred and inviolable. Because human rights are paramount."

The meeting room was quiet again, and I felt aggrieved that this kid was talking nonsense, but I couldn't refute it.

Emma cleared her throat and said: "Your Excellency CEO, if you can provide clues and evidence for Jumang's assassination of Julian, we can compel the investigation, otherwise, it will be difficult for the prosecutor to agree to your request.

She scanned the three star officials, then automatically skipped Yuan Ting and looked at Sun Miaomiao and Zhao Chenghuang.

Yuan Ting stood up abruptly: "I'll go!"

Emma waved her hand quickly, "We don't need to devour the spirit, we just need to confirm whether Julian's spirit body is still there. Moreover, we hope that all information about the case will be kept confidential and not made public."

Yuan Ting sat down blankly, feeling targeted and excluded.

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Sun Miaomiao got up and said, "I'll go."

Leaving the conference room under the leadership of a cadre of the executive department.

Sending Sun Miaomiao away from Emma looked at Guan Ya and said, "Guan Ya girl, you are a swordsman, we need your reasoning ability."

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