Pen Fun Club, the fastest update Splendid Rebirth: Mrs. Fu's latest chapter!

Chapter 582: Openness

Entering Banshan Villa, Fu Pingjun took a bath and stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows of the room in a white bathrobe, looking at the blue lake in front.

If there is no Chutan here, if she does not do business every time she comes here, she thinks she should like it very much.

The bathroom door opened, she didn't turn around, only felt a warm body close to her back, and a burning kiss fell on her ear with breath.

Fu Pingjun looked at the outside scenery with his eyes, blocking the finger that Chu Tan was stretching into her bathrobe: "You haven't told me anything about Mrs. Young."

Chu Tan heard her so coldly inquiring, the interest she had ignited also disappeared at this time.

This woman is somewhat disappointed. At this time, she is actually concerned about Gu Ninghuan.

If not just her reaction in the car was very comfortable, Chu Tan even wondered if she was not capable.

His tone was lazy: "What do you want to know?"

"All." Fu Pingjun now has many questions waiting for him to answer.

The man was very satisfied with her performance in the car before. Instead, he told Fu Pingjun what he knew.

Fu Pingjun did not expect that Gu Ninghuan would be related to Chu Zi’s death. Although she and Gu Ninghuan were not very familiar, they could be sure that Gu Ninghuan would never kill.

This point Fu Pingjun firmly believes.

She can’t take care of Chu Tan now, and she will leave when she turns around, but Chu Tan reaches out and hooks her waist, Jun’s face is a little dissatisfied: “Say to stay with me for two days. Want to repent."

"No, the young lady is in such a dangerous situation. Of course, I am going to tell Mr. Fu, otherwise, let her be wronged? How can a girl, who has no power, can withstand a **** and violent family? Persecution." Fu Pingjun felt anxious in his heart, but he hadn't forgotten that he gently coaxed Chu Tan.

The man's character is uncertain, and Fu Pingjun is a tolerant and introverted character. The two seem to be very different, but they are very comfortable to get along with.

However, this comfort is unilateral comfort of Chu Tan. He thinks that Fu Pingjun, a woman, looks comfortable in his appearance, and he is comfortable in his body. Even looking at her without doing anything is so comfortable.

But the woman who made him feel comfortable, but at this time he was going to find another man, even if the man was the brother of his life relationship, he felt very uncomfortable.

"I'll take you into the Chu's house, let you see how the **** family is persecuting Gu Ninghuan?" Chu Tan approached her, the tip of her nose was close to her, the gesture between the two was so close that even her breath was entangled .

Fu Pingjun's watery eyes looked at him, and he still wanted to inform Mr. Fu first. Even if she went into Chuzhai alone, she would have no other use than burial.

Before she answered, she heard the cold and quiet opening of the man holding her: "The Chu's house and the Fu's family have never dealt with it. If Fu Xishen went to the city of Suzhou, he might have lost his life there. Can it be accepted."

"How could the Chu family not dare to enter Kyoto because they were afraid of the Fu family for so many years? Since then, how dare they deal with Mr. Fu." Fu Pingjun couldn't help asking.

Chutan's facial features are deep and sexy, with a bit of coaxing: "The Chu House has been rooted in the Su family for many years. There are countless eyeliners. It is really necessary to compete in the Suzhou city. Fu Xishen alone may not be able to fight so many people in the Chu house. .

And haven’t you heard a sentence called, "Dragons can't overwhelm the snake?" "

Fu Pingjun's news was blocked, and he usually went to class and returned to Fu's house to serve Mrs. Fu when he was on holiday.

I don’t know anything about the outside world. Of course, I don’t know that Fu Xishen had already arrived in the city of Suzhou at this time. He even forced him to the front of Chuzhai’s gate and took Gu Ninghuan away from the dangerous place.

Chu Tan knew everything, but he misled Fu Pingjun and wanted to trick her, a little girl, to follow him back to Suzhou.

Fu Pingjun pursed his lips and nodded as if he had made up his mind: "Okay, I will go to Suzhou with you. After I investigate the situation of Mrs. Shao, I will contact Mr. Fu."

"Okay, let's leave now." Chu Tan's thin lips kissed her beautiful lips.

Fu Pingjun frowned slightly: "But my phone is still in the dormitory, I have to go back and get the phone."

"What time is it now, if you go to Suzhou City one step later, your young lady will be a little more dangerous. Of course, if you think your mobile phone is more important than Gu Ninghuan, then I will not stop you." Chu Tan The understatement scared Fu Pingjun.

Fu Pingjun's social experience could not be compared with people like Chutan who had been in contact with the company at the age of twelve.

"Okay, let's set off immediately! I'll change my clothes." Fu Pingjun turned and walked into the cloakroom, a little worried that Chu Tan might not even change her clothes.

But Fu Pingjun thought a little, no matter how much Chu Tan wanted to turn Fu Pingjun to Su Shi to accompany him, he would not be willing to let her look like a robe to outsiders.

When Fu Pingjun sat next to Chu Tan, looked at the apron outside the private plane, and then looked at the man with a thin smile on his side, I don't know why there was a feeling of being cheated.

She shook her head, how could she think so.

People like her who have nothing, can be fooled by Chu Tan.

What she should be worried about now is the situation of the young lady. If there is something wrong with the young lady, many people will be very sad.

Unlike her, the whole family died, even if she had an accident, no one would miss her for a long time.

If she died, it would be like water disappearing into the water.

Fu Pingjun closed her eyes and she could take a good sleep while flying.



In Chu Dongshu and Chu Xifeng, the two people who didn't deal with it at ordinary times, they sat in the room at this time and looked dignified between each other.

"I'll just say the situation now. Dad is obviously facing those juniors. Gu Ninghuan killed my daughter. He doesn't care. Now Chu Tan takes Fu Xi to bully the door. There is no sense of reprimand in Dad's words. If we go on like this, we would not have any status in this Chu family." Chu Xifeng has a lot of resentment in his heart.

He didn't even understand what the old man was thinking, they were the blood of the old man's own blood and turned into the most unfavorable existence in this family.

Chu Dongshu also felt a sense of crisis at this time. There were only a few favored juniors, and none of them were his.

"So what do you want to do now? Who did you start with first?" Chu Dongshu knew that Chu Xifeng had asked them to come, so he would not talk about unimportant things.

In this case, you may wish to be honest.

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