Spoiled: The Face-changing Bride

Chapter 4: Her father jumped off the building and she jumped into the sea (2)

And what she's going through right now is exactly one of them.

Life is like a play, just like acting!

Thinking of the scene I saw on TV just now, what is there to not understand? The father in their mouth is Ji Xiangyang, the so-called good friend of Daddy.

Her Murong father and daughter met three acting masters, who deceived her and Daddy into circles, and finally deceived the company and their lives!

Murong Yue gritted her teeth and said with hatred to the sky, "Ji Ronghan, Lin Xinyue, Ji Xiangyang!"

Ji Ronghan, who was having lunch with Ji Xiangyang and Lin Xinyue, received a call from the bodyguard and his expression changed.

Lin Xinyue looked at her gloomy son, she said, "Han'er, what's wrong?"

Ji Ronghan said worriedly, "Murong Yue escaped! She tore off the sheets and jumped out of the window."

"What?" Ji Xiangyang was startled, "Then hurry up and look for her, she must not appear in front of the public at this time, when necessary..." Ji Xiangyang didn't say anything, but Ji Ronghan understood what Ji Xiangzui meant.

That is to kill Murong Yue to silence!

Ji Ronghan's heart froze, "Dad, do you really need this?"

Ji Xiangyang's eyes narrowed, and then he said, "Han'er, if Murong Yue really appears, then the Murong Group will definitely pay her back. But, you should know that the Murong Group doesn't actually owe any debt, so..."

Ji Ronghan listened and replied in a low voice, "I see, Dad!"

Murong Yue had red and swollen eyes, a puffy face, and dragged her wedding dress with both hands. She kept running and running. She originally wanted to run back to Murong's house to see Daddy for the last time. However, when she was about to run to the door, she saw The men in black, who were in a hurry, seemed to be looking for someone.

Murong Yue was not an idiot, she knew that those people were looking for her, so Murong Yue hurriedly covered her crying face, hid herself well, and never dared to rush forward again.

A man in black with sharp eyes saw Murong Yue's figure, he shouted, "Miss is there!"

As soon as she heard the shouting, Murong Yue didn't care about anything, she turned around and ran away, of course she didn't think these bodyguards belonged to the Murong family.

Murong Yue didn't care, she only knew how to run forward, run and run, she didn't know how many times she fell, her white wedding dress turned into black sludge, her hands as white as scallions were now all scarred and bloody. Finally ran to the cliff by the sea.

Ji Ronghan looked at Murong Yue who was retreating closer to the cliff, and his heart fell. He said cautiously, "Yue'er, if you don't want to be my mistress, you can come to me first, and then we go to get the certificate! You will be me from now on. the only woman."

With his current status, of course he can't marry Murong Yue, but the woman he loves in his heart is Murong Yue, so he can only coax her back first.

Murong Yue listened to Ji Rong Han's shameless words, the corners of her mouth twitched, and a sarcastic expression appeared on her face, she said, "Ji Rong Han, who do you think you are? Marry me, do you deserve it?"

Hearing Murong Yue's words, Ji Rong Han's face became ashen, but he didn't wait for him to speak...

Murong Yue immediately said decisively, "Ji Rong Han, if I, Murong Yue, don't die, I will definitely come back to take revenge. Even if I die, I will turn into a ghost, entangle you and Lin Xinyue, and never have peace!"

After that, he jumped off the cliff without hesitation!

"Yue'er!" Ji Rong Han shouted, stepping forward to pull Murong Yue back, but what he saw was Murong Yue's resolute back.

a month later

Murong Group was officially merged into Ji's Group, and Ji's Group officially became the largest enterprise in Z city.

half year later

The media broke the news that Lin Xinyue, the wife of the chairman of the Murong Group, and Ji Xiangyang, the chairman of the Ji Group, had a relationship 25 years ago. What I didn't expect was that when we met again, we didn't know each other, and until now, I have gradually come into contact and found that they were once lovers.

More coincidentally, Ji Ronghan, the future son-in-law of the Murong Group, turned out to be Lin Xinyue's six-year-old child who was kidnapped twenty years ago. The family of three reunited, and the joy was beyond words.

Three years later

Ji Ronghan stood out from all the sons of Ji Xiangyang and was appointed as the deputy general manager of Ji's Group by Chairman Ji.

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