The atmosphere in Jimu's company suddenly became strange and tense.

The reason is that three women in the marketing planning department are competing for the position of planning manager. This matter is not only related to the promotion and salary increase of the three women, but also to the future development of the company. After all, the marketing planning department is the core department of the entire company, and the entire strategic plan of the company is deployed and planned by the core and top management of the company according to the development status of this department.

A good manager of the marketing planning department not only drives the competitiveness and enthusiasm of the personnel of the marketing planning department, but is also the main force to promote the development of the company.

Today is even more of a tense day, oh no, it should be the three women in the planning department who are nervous, Mu Weifu, Bi Jiajia and Lan Chuli.

Because today is the day when the three of them submit their own plans to the company's public at the same time.

Although Bi Jiajia is nervous, all the employees in the department can see that she is in a particularly good mood, with a faint and decent smile on her face, full of confidence in winning.

"Hello team leader!"

"Morning, team leader!"

Along the way, almost all department staff greeted Bi Jiajia politely. Bi Jiajia also nodded and responded with a smile.

However, the direction she was walking was Murong Yue's office. Through the glass, she saw Murong Yue frowning holding a document. Her eyes flashed brightly, and the corners of her mouth were curled up, raising a proud look.

She pushed open the door of Murong Yue's office and said with a concerned smile, "Assistant Mu, you are frowning, what happened?"

Looking down at Murong Yue, who was planning the plan, she raised her head and glanced at Bi Jiajia's face, which was obviously smug. ."

When Bi Jiajia listened to Murong Yue's answer, she had a smug look on her face, but suddenly a panicked passing was imprinted on her beautiful face.

Bi Jiajia's two tender white hands clenched their fists together, and then released them, her eyes flickered, her tone was cautious and undetectable, she opened her eyes and asked in surprise, "How is this possible? Who can? Came into your office to peek at your plan?"

Murong Yue looked at Bi Jiajia, and said in an even more indifferent tone, "That's right, whether it is possible to enter my office and peek at my plan, it seems that we can only find out by checking it in the monitoring room."

When Bi Jiajia heard this, she suddenly thought of something, and she was even more surprised, "Yeah, I heard that the surveillance cameras in the corridor of the planning department have been broken these days, and the people from the technical department have not come to fix it yet." But she put it down a little in her heart. Come to my heart, if the monitor is broken, then I can't find out who has entered Mu Weifu's office.

Murong Yue looked at Bi Jiajia suspiciously and said, "Team Leader Bi, why do you know so well?" The security department would not advertise the monitor failure, and would only ask the technical department to repair it, but as a member of the marketing planning department, How did she know that the monitor of the planning department was broken, unless she specifically asked to check it.

Bi Jiajia was so suspicious of Murong Yue, panic flashed in her eyes, and then she said calmly, "Oh, I saw Manager Li from the safety supervision department yesterday and chatted with him a few words before I found out."

Murong Yue continued to look at the plan, listened to Bi Jiajia's words, and said "Oh" indifferently.

Bi Jiajia was afraid that Murong Yue would have any more suspicions, so she hurriedly made an excuse and went out quickly. She said, "Assistant Mu, I remember that I have a case that needs to be changed. I will go out first." After speaking, she trotted away. He opened the door and quickly left Murong Yue's office.

Murong Yue looked at Bi Jiajia who was going out, her eyes flickered, it seemed that this chess piece was not very safe, how long did it take for her to dare to put her mind back on her head.

She looked at the plan again, then closed it, made a call, and said bluntly, "Come to my office!"

A few minutes later, Zhou Mei pushed open the door of Murong Yue's office, wiped the sweat from her forehead, and asked out of breath, "Assistant Mu, I'm here."

Murong Yue looked at Zhou Mei, whose face was flushed, and said with a little concern, "It's not just a matter of time, why are you running in such a hurry?"

Zhou Mei held her hands together, her face was red, her eyes were sincere, and she said a little shyly, "Assistant Mu, I thought you were looking for me in a hurry, so I rushed over immediately."

After listening to Murong Yue, she stopped talking about this, she said, "I called you here to ask you to help me with one thing..."

Zhou Mei asked anxiously, "What's the matter?"

Murong Yue took out a document from the drawer and handed it to Zhou Mei, "Help me hand this thing to Lan Chuli and tell her directly that it was accidentally picked up from me."

When Zhou Mei saw it, she immediately opened her eyes in disbelief. She panicked and said, "Assistant Mu, this is, but..."

Murong Yue finished speaking for her, "Yes. This is a plan for cooperation with the government to be handed in this afternoon."

As for the competition for the positions of Mu Weifu, Bi Jiajia and Lan Chuli, Zhou Mei, even a small employee, has heard no less than ten times.

Zhou Mei said in shock and doubt, "Assistant Mu, this is your plan! And it's going to be submitted this afternoon, how can you..." How could you just show the plan to her, and even show it to her opponent Lan Chuli.

Murong Yue tapped on the desk and said with a serious face, "This plan can't be used anymore, so I have to make a new plan this morning. I need your help."

When Zhou Mei heard that Murong Yue needed her help, she immediately raised her chest and said sincerely, "Assistant Mu, you said, no matter what it is, I will do my best."

Murong Yue looked at Zhou Mei seriously and said, "Zhou Mei, in addition to handing over the responsibility of this plan to Lan Chuli, you also want the Secretary Xie of the General Secretary Ji's secretariat to accidentally see, this morning, have you? can do it?"

This plan was shown to Lan Chuli. It was simpler. The problem was to show Xie Jingxian. Zhou Mei is a small employee. Without special circumstances, it is impossible to let her go to the 36th floor, and it is difficult to meet Xie Jingxian in other places.

If it wasn't for an emergency, she wanted to do it herself. It's just that now she only has three or four hours to make a plan that is completely different and more attractive and creative than before. She needs quiet and more time.

Therefore, in the whole company, she can only leave this matter to Zhou Mei.

Zhou Mei looked at Murong Yue's serious expression, lowered her head slightly, and bit her lip. Then, she made up her mind, and immediately assured her earnestly and sincerely, "Assistant Mu, don't worry, I will definitely do it."

After Zhou Mei said it, Murong Yue sat down, playing with the pen in one hand and tapping on the table with the other, her lips slightly curled up, and said charmingly, "It seems that this chess piece wants to counterattack the master? Is this possible? This time I want you to be a quiet and obedient pawn."

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