Bruce Banner: It's so strange, isn't this woman from a super civilization tens of millions of years ago?

John Constantine: Yes, and in that time capsule, the past-images should be recorded!

John Constantine: Could this woman named You Pity predict the future?

Reed Richards: Is there such a science to predict the future tens of millions of years from now? ? (One △—*Chuan

Stephen Strange: Maybe...with the Time Stone.

Mage Mordo: Stephen, you're still too young.

Mordo Master: The future is not a single linear, but there are almost infinite possibilities.

Master Mordo: In the video of "The Avengers", your variant has observed more than ten million futures!

Hermione Granger: More than ten million! ! !I am silly! (._0)

Dead Servant: Hahaha, after talking so much, you still haven't made it clear, that You Lian, how did you know about Dagu!

Stephen Strange: So far, there seems to be no other explanation besides predicting the future...

Reed Richards: Hiss!Accurately predicting what will happen after tens of millions of years?What an amazing super technology this is!

Nick Fury: Compared to this, such an amazing super civilization was destroyed in the end!

Nick Fury: This is even scarier than a monster!

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): Yeah, it's really confusing.

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): If this super civilization.You can really predict the future in tens of millions of years, why can't you predict your own demise?

Hearing the questions of Lu Dan and Peter, the chat group fell silent for a while.

No one knew how to answer.

But soon, Tony Stark laughed.

Tony Stark: Haha, I think you're all thinking too much.

Nick Fury: Huh?

Tony Stark: Before answering your questions, I have a question for you.

Tony Stark: Why among so many players, only Dagu turned into light and merged with Tiga?

Tian Xiaoban: Because he is lucky?Still, what's so special about it?

Bruce Wayne: ...special place?

Tony Stark: Bingo!

Tony Stark: Being able to incarnate light and fuse stone statues is definitely not something ordinary people can do!

Tony Stark: I reckon... people like Dagu are extremely rare, if not unique, on earth.

Tony Stark: So, it may not be a coincidence that the time capsule was opened in front of Dagu!

Big bones boiled into soup: I... I still don't understand. (one △ one;)

Bruce Banner: So that's it, I've figured it out.

Big bones boiled into soup: Huh?What do you unserstand?

Bruce Banner: Tony, is your answer artificial intelligence?

Tony Stark: Exactly!Moreover, it is not an ordinary artificial intelligence!

Tony Stark: That woman named You Lian should be like "Jarvis".

Tony Stark: She appeared because she sensed the difference of Dagu!Judging...he can awaken Ultraman Tiga!

Bruce Banner: As you say, that cone-shaped time capsule has a detection function?

Bruce Banner: Because the candidate for "Lightening" was detected, so...the capsule was activated automatically?

Tony Stark: Compared to the precognition that spans tens of millions of years, this sounds much more reliable.

Wanda Maximoff: Wow!That's what happened, I finally understood.

Tian Xiaoban: If that's the case, the person who can become Tiga... Isn't there more than one Dagu?

Tony Stark: Who knows, maybe Dagu is the only candidate left on earth now.

Big bones boiled into soup: This...

Hearing Tony's words, Dagu was surprisingly not flattered, but felt more pressure on his shoulders!

That secluded pity said that mankind is about to face a cataclysm?That's why... Golzan and Melba will appear!

If on earth, only he can transform into Tiga.

Then, the responsibility for saving the world falls on him!

Rocky Odinson: Haha, as expected of the man who invented Ultron, Tony Dark, you are really smart.

Tony Stark: ....one_one

As soon as he heard Loki's words, Tony's good mood disappeared.

But at the next moment, Dagu suddenly bubbled up in the group again.

Big bones boiled into soup: This...Mr. Tony.Excuse me, do you know... what is the "magic stick" that appeared at the end?

Tony Stark: Come on, have you seen this thing before?

Big bones boiled into soup: No, when I attacked, I never carried anything with me!

Tony Stark: Ha, kinda interesting.

Tony Stark: I think this magic wand is probably the same as Tian Xiaoban's watch, which can make you transform!

Big bones boiled into soup: Transformed into... Ultraman Tiga?

Tony Stark: What, can you be anything else?

Tian Xiaoban: Wow!There is another person in the group who can transform like me.twenty-eight

Hermione Granger: "Omnitrix" and "Magic Rod"?The two of them are really similar.

Wanda Maximoff: Not only oh, but even the transformation has a timeliness... it's the same!

Wanda Maximoff: I doubt whether Xiaoban and Dagu are variants of each other.

Tian Xiaoban: Variation?

Big bones boiled into soup: what is that? (.0.)

in the live room.

Master Wayne ignored the bickering in the group, and instead thought about other things.

"Ultraman? This is exactly the same pronunciation as the evil Superman (ULTRAMAN) in Earth 3.

"Is this a coincidence?"

"Or... even Superman has a dark and evil variant, will Ultraman..."

"Am I thinking too much?"

While Bruce Wayne was lost in thought, a new image appeared on the screen.

Video continues.

[Video continues. 】

[After Ultraman defeated Melba, the world seemed to have returned to peace, but this peace did not last long.

[On this day, there seemed to be traces of monsters on an island in the southwest. 】

[In the local area, many miners have mysteriously disappeared!It is said that they are all under the hands of monsters! ]

[In order to investigate the specific situation, TPC also sent people to the island. 】

[Facing TPC investigators, local miners, mentioned the legendary monster... Gakuma! 】

[It turns out that there have always been folklore on this island, claiming that there is a monster that eats stones! 】

[The local miners believe that it is because they dug up the food stones of Jakuma that they were retaliated by Jakuma. 】

[In order to investigate what happened on the island, TPC also sent exploration team members into the mine to investigate. 】

[Unexpectedly, they really encountered monsters here! 】

[Moreover, some team members were "petrified" by monsters! 】

[At the headquarters of TPC, after receiving the report of the remaining prospectors ahead, the Victory Team was asked to attack the new monster on the island... Gakuma! 】

[The female captain Megumi believes that the Victory Team was originally a team investigating strange phenomena, that is, it has no combat capability and no weapons and equipment, so it cannot fight monsters at all.

[Faced with this situation, the director of the EPC ordered... to refit the victory team's aircraft and turn it into a combat aircraft! 】

[When the Jebi was transformed into a fighter, Dagu and Ye Rui also analyzed the battle pattern of Ultraman Tiga through the previous video. 】

[According to the analysis of Ye Rui team members, Dagu also learned about the three fighting forms of Ultraman Tiga. In the red form, Ultraman has the strongest power, but the speed will decrease.

[And if it is transformed into a blue-purple form, it has the fastest speed and agility, but its attack power is not strong enough. 】

[If it is converted into red, blue and white, it has the most balanced physical ability. 】

[Next, the Ye Rui team opened the time capsule again and put up the projection of pity. 】

[But when You Lian said the last sentence, Da Gu was taken aback. 】

[“There is only one way to wake up the giant Tiga, and that is to transform the ancients into light!”]


[Da Gu was stunned, how could this woman from ancient civilization know her name? ]

[But the weirdest thing is that Ye Rui, who was standing beside Da Gu, actually said... He didn't hear this clearly!

[It's like, only Dagu can understand You Lian's words! 】

[And when Ye Rui left the room, things became more and more bizarre. 】

[The projection of the pity, actually took the initiative to initiate a conversation with Da Gu:]

[“Dagu, your other name is Ultraman Tiga.”]

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