Peter Parker (Spider Universe 1): Well, he looks nothing like my father.Really beyond my expectations.

Master Mordo: This is normal.In each different multiverse, there may be different variants of the same person.

Mordo Master: But these people may not all look exactly the same, you can see so many Loki.

Rocky Odinson: Humph!Don't always use the god as an example!

Tony Stark: That is to say... if there is a big difference between each variant, then the father of these variants, the gap may be even bigger by 19!

Mage Mordo: Of course.

Peter Parker (Spider Universe 1): That's it... But, that other Peter, what was your father doing just now?Why do I feel like he's behaving a little bit?

Rocky Odinson: Boy, you don't need to hesitate, let me tell you, this Richard Parker's actions look like a spy!

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): Loki!You don't talk nonsense!How could my father be a spy?

Natasha Romanoff: Peter, calm down, first of all... spies are not necessarily bad people.

Natasha Romanoff: If the Osborn Company did something bad and your father wanted to steal those secrets and make them public, then...he did the right thing instead.

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): Yes... yes?

Nick Fury: However, this Richard Parker behavior seems to have been discovered by the Osborne Company, so his authority will be revoked.

Nick Fury: Peter, I remember you said last time that your father left you without saying goodbye when you were a kid, and it seems it was because of that.

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): that so?Dad he...

Peter's heart became heavy in an instant.

For a long time, he had always harbored some resentment in his heart for his father's unannounced farewell.

But the possibility that Black Widow proposed just now made Peter's heart move violently!

If my father really had to leave because of something... a just act of punishing evil and promoting good!

Well... it seems understandable.

"Natasha! In order to coax this kid named Peter, you actually said such things on purpose."

Braised egg sat in a chair and shook his head gently.

From the point of view of Braised Egg, that Richard Parker is almost certainly a commercial spy!

Moreover, before Richard left Osborn Company, he actually killed all the spiders he cultivated!

It seems that there may be a few left in the laboratory that kept him out of the door, otherwise this spider will really be killed by him!

Even if he can do such a thing, this guy... is really not a kind person.

"However... this person is so insane. I'm afraid that Osborn Company will not end like this!"

Braised egg leaned back on the chair gently, with a hint of meaning in his eyes.

As the king of secret agents, he is also very familiar with the behavior of those big companies in the United States.

If employees like this kind of digging inside and out, if they really steal some serious business secrets, these big companies will never give up!

Even if the secrets cannot be recovered, the traitor will have to pay the price!

Immediately afterwards, the screen turned around.

[I saw that Richard first recorded a video on the computer:]

["People will think I've let go of my diabolical behavior, and maybe... they're right.]

["I always wish... I could have more time."]

[Next, the Parkers brought young Peter to Uncle Ben's house. ]

[After asking his brother to take care of his son, Richard took his wife and opened the door to leave. ]

[Peter seemed to have sensed something was wrong, and reached out and grabbed his father. 】

[But Richard broke free of his hand and walked into the rain with his wife. 】


Seeing the familiar image in front of him, Peter lowered his head sadly.

I don't know how many times this scene echoed in his mind, from childhood to adulthood,

For a while, Peter even thought he was doing something wrong that his parents abandoned him!

[Video continues. 】

[As soon as the screen turns, the camera comes to a private plane. 】

[Peter's mother claims she's found a safe place to stay, and Richard Parker is uploading all the information somewhere, just in case. 】

[Peter's mother Mary was heartbroken at the thought of the son she had left behind, while Richard comforted her:]

[“Mary, the life we ​​used to have no need to go back. From now on we have to be careful every moment, even the grass and trees are soldiers, we can’t let Peter grow up in this environment.”]

Seeing this, Peter clenched his fists with excitement,

Sure enough, my father still has me in his heart!

He left me just because he didn't want to implicate me!

[With tears on her face, Mary walked into the bathroom, ready to touch up her makeup. ]

[At this time, the co-pilot came over.He and Richard hadn't even said a few words, but they attacked directly and took out the pistol from the drawer! 】

[It turns out that he turned out to be a pursuer sent by the Osborn Company! 】

,,what? ,,

Seeing this scene, Peter's eyes widened in horror.

All along, he thought that his parents died in a traffic accident, but looking at the current situation, in that accident.There is a human factor!

[Video continues]

[Next, Richard Parker and the co-pilot scuffled. During a melee, the captain who was flying the plane was also seriously injured, and the plane began to lose control! 】

[At the last minute, Richard finally uploaded all the files in his laptop to somewhere. 】

[Just after the upload progress reached 100%, the whole plane was completely out of control, falling from the sky like a big rock. 】

[Then the screen is black. 】

"Father! Mother!"

See this terrible scene in front of you.Peter turned pale.He almost couldn't take a breath, his whole body was like falling into an ice cave, and even his hands and feet became cold.

And after the initial panic, all that was pouring out of Peter's heart was endless anger.

Osborn Company, you sent someone to kill my parents?

Clenching his fists, Peter's face was full of anger, and his body trembled with excitement.

If it weren't for the safe mode of the live broadcast space, refusing all superpowers, his excitement... may have inspired all the venom in his body.

Seeing Peter's furious appearance, Black Widow's brows moved slightly, and finally she said warmly:

"Peter, you don't need to be so angry. First of all, your father is not necessarily dead."


Peter was stunned. The plane that fell from the sky must have been broken into pieces long ago. How could he still be alive?

Just listen to the black widow continue:

"Even a plane crash is not without the possibility of surviving."

"Besides, if it falls into the sea, the possibility of surviving is even greater."

Black Widow's voice seemed to have magic, which made Peter calm down slowly.

However, Peter's head was already very smart, and when he turned his head, he thought of some doubts.

First of all, if both his parents survived, why did he never show up for so many years?

Didn't even make a phone call?

Or are they really dead?

Or are you still alive, afraid to communicate with yourself for fear of attracting the attention of Osborn Company?

The more he thought about it, the more headache, Peter frowned and gathered all the thoughts in his mind into one idea.

When he returns to his own world, he must find Norman Osborn!

Then... ask him clearly why he sent someone to hunt down his father in the first place!

Also, are your parents dead?

In fact, Peter and Norman Osborn's son... Harry Osborn were good friends since he was a child.

But the revenge of parents being killed is no joke!

In any case, Peter felt that Norman Osborn had to give himself a statement!

[At this time, a new change appeared in the picture on the screen. 】

[Screen shifts to New York City. 】

[I saw Spider-Man in uniform, and his hands kept shooting spider silk, and the whole person leaped across the building like a real spider. 】

Seeing this scene, not to mention himself, even Parker, who is in another parallel universe, widened his eyes.

Peter Parker (Spider Universe 1): God, what is this?Spiderman flying in the sky?

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): This isn't actually Spider-Man, it's Spider-Man, and... as you can see, I'm jumping between buildings with spider silk, not flying .

Peter Parker (Spider Universe 1): You?The person on the screen is you, so why are you dressed like this?

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): It's a bit complicated to say.To put it simply... I dress like this to act as a chivalrous person and to help those in need.

Peter Parker (Spider Universe 1): Helping others?

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): That's right, as Uncle Ben always said, with great power comes great responsibility!

Peter Parker (Spider Universe 1): That sentence...that's right!My Uncle Ben told me that too, but I haven't really thought about it...

Seeing The Amazing Spider-Man in a spider suit, flying freely among the New York buildings, Parker instinctively swallowed, only to feel his heartbeat speed up.

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