
Chapter 351 No Weakness!Let's kill the people of the motherland!Clark's shock!Compound number five!

"What? Clark Kent?"

As soon as he heard the name, Master Wayne's pupils shrank.

That variant of the motherland... is it coming in too?

Soon, along with a ray of light, a huge s was printed in front of the murderer, and Clark Kent with a cape behind him appeared in front of everyone.

"This...is that the live broadcast room?"

Clark first calmly looked at the surrounding environment, and then his eyes fell on Bruce Wayne.

The two looked at each other for a while, and their eyes almost crossed sparks in the air.

In the end, it was Clark who asked first:

"Why did you send someone to investigate me?"

Bruce Wayne's expression remained unchanged, and he said calmly:

"The image on the screen, you have seen it in my base."

"Do you still think that I don't need to investigate those superpowers on Earth?"


Upon hearing this, Clark's eyes flickered, as if he already understood what Master Wayne meant.

In that "black robe universe", superhumans have completely become some kind of social nuisance.

They do whatever they want by relying on their super powers and the Water Company behind them!

On the surface, he wears a superhero mask, but behind his back he is acting like a criminal!

From this point of view, it seems understandable that Bruce Wayne is investigating superhumans on Earth.

"Are you worried... that I'll act like those guys?"

Clark pointed to the big screen in the air, and suddenly shook his head gently:

"I would never do that! But I also have to admit that my abilities are very similar to that of the native."


Bruce Wayne was refreshed and clenched his fist lightly with his right hand.

He guessed right!

His own universe and this black-robed universe are in some kind of corresponding relationship!

And the so-called super 7-member group in the black-robed universe is very likely to correspond to the 7 people in his universe!

Thinking of this, Bruce Wayne suddenly choked in his heart.

19 If the variant corresponding to Clark Kent is the motherland, is there any variant of its own in the Super 7?

So far, the only one of the six superpowers who hasn't made a move... is the black one in black!

"Black? Is it really him?"

Just as Wayne thought of this, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Video continues]

[On the other hand, after attending his girlfriend's funeral, Huey's father persuaded him to let it go and start over. 】

[But at this moment, Huey saw that the locomotive actually reversed black and white on the TV, saying that he was busy catching a group of criminals who robbed banks, and Huey's girlfriend happened to be standing in the middle of the road. This led to tragedy. 】

[Hearing such words, Huey was instantly furious. 】

[He remembered very clearly that when his girlfriend died, he was on the edge of the sidewalk, how did it suddenly become the middle of the road? 】

[Just as Huey is furious, someone rings his doorbell. ]

[It turned out that it was someone from the Water Company who came to the door. 】

[This person claims that as long as Huey signs an agreement and promises to keep his mouth shut, he will receive 45000 yuan in compensation. ]

[But don't say responsibility, the locomotive didn't even say an apology! 】

[Huey's heart is full of anger, and he really wants to beat the person in front of him. 】

[But he still lacked the courage to do so, and in the end he could only find a random excuse and prevaricate the other party. 】

[Huey was going to sue Walter Company after the other party left, but his father bluntly said that Huey couldn't do it at all. 】

["Walter Company is a big company, you can't fight them alone."]

[Dad said calmly:]

[“What’s more, you have never been a very courageous person.”]

[Hearing such true words, Huey was shocked. 】

[And just when Huey was so beaten that he almost doubted his life, a person who claimed to be an FBI agent suddenly found him. 】

[He heard Huey's agreement to reject the locomotive and appreciated his hatred for superheroes. ]

[This man named Butcher directly claimed that... the so-called superheroes are actually more terrifying beings than ordinary criminals. 】

【Every year, superheroes kill hundreds of innocent lives! 】

[But because of the great power of the Water Company behind these heroes, the truth has been concealed, and the public knows nothing about it, and superheroes never need to be responsible for these innocent lives! 】

[Huey followed Butcher to a hidden nightclub, where he saw all the ugliness of those superheroes. 】

[This is the favorite pastime of the Super 7 people. 】

[But only the natives never come here. According to Bucher, this person not only has invincible strength, but also has no weaknesses! 】

[In the surveillance room, Butcher played a surveillance video to Huey. 】

[In the video, the locomotive was drinking while laughing at Huey's girlfriend who was killed by him, and even described her as a little bug on the highway! 】

[Seeing this scene, Huey is finally angry, he must make this murderer pay the price. 】

[Seeing Huey moving, Bucher also told him his plan.He suggested that Huey accept the settlement offered by the Vought Group, with one condition that the locomotive apologize to him in person. 】

[Because this kind of thing is absolutely impossible to see the light, the other party will definitely choose to do it in the headquarters building of the 7-member group! 】

[In this way, Huey has the opportunity to install the bug in the headquarters building of the 7-member group! 】

[But upon hearing this question, Huey, who was still furious, immediately persuaded. 】

[The headquarters building of the 7-member group is the Longtan Tiger Den, and even the natives may be in it! ]

[If he is an ordinary person to sneak in and install a bug, wouldn't that be courting death? 】

Seeing Huey rejecting Butcher directly, Wanda sneered with contempt:

"This man is too cowardly. He seemed very angry just now and vowed to avenge his girlfriend. How could he be so cowardly?"

Tony stood behind her and shrugged slightly:

"What you said is a bit too much. This kid is just an ordinary person. The other party is a guy with laser eyes and can fly in the sky!"

"In the face of such an enemy, if you are not afraid at all, then it is not normal."

Peter Parker, who was standing on the side at this time, also said with a look of doubt:

"That native of the country is too powerful! Not only is his strength extremely strong, but he also has no weaknesses! He doesn't even drink alcohol!

"Does he like to do murder?"

Hearing Peter's words, Bruce Wayne's face suddenly darkened again.

Just a few minutes ago, Clark Kent had just admitted that... Motherland is a variant of it!

In other words, what the motherland can do, he can do too!

"Incomparably strong, no weakness yet?"

Master Wayne restrained himself, not looking in Clark's direction, lest he notice the difference.

But his mood slowly sank.

A guy who is so strong and has no weaknesses, but is in the same universe as him!

What if this Clark one day had the idea of ​​a crime, or simply degenerated into a supervillain?

[Video continues]

[On this day, Xingguang, who was dressed in casual clothes, was hanging out in the park, and suddenly received a call from his mother to ask her how her life was in the Super 7 group. 】

[I wanted to cry to my mother, but in the end... Xingguang swallowed the bitterness in her heart and lied to her mother that everything was fine. 】

[After hanging up the phone, Xingguang sat on the bench and couldn't help crying. 】

[Under the ghost, Huey actually sat beside Xingguang. 】

[Seeing the sad look of the girl, Huey comforted her in a low voice. 】

[Both of them have encountered a lot of troubles recently, and under the same illness and mutual pity, they can actually chat very easily! 】

[Huey encouraged Xingguang with his girlfriend's words during his lifetime, and he also encouraged himself! 】

[After leaving the park, Huey went to Butcher again and decided to install the bug in the 7-member building according to his plan! 】

[Huey finally got his wish and entered the building of the 7-member group, but under the tension, he had to go to the bathroom to sort out the bug.

[But no one thought that Huey's behavior would be seen by the perverted transparent person hiding in the bathroom! 】

Seeing this, everyone in the live broadcast room was stunned.

"This...what's wrong with this guy?"

Peter Parker reached out and scratched his head, and the expression on his face became extremely wonderful.

This is the men's washroom!

He sneaked to such a place... Is there something wrong with his brain?

Tony spread his hands with disgust on his face.

"Who knows, maybe this super 7-member group is a perverted 7-member group, and all the people in it are some mentally ill lunatics!"

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