[Relying on the power far beyond ordinary people, Captain Carter easily beat the Hydra soldiers to the bottom of the water, and captured Dr. Zola and the Cosmic Cube. 】

[Next, Howard Stark, who holds the universe cube, did another incredible thing. 】

[In the original timeline, although Howard has the ability to study the Rubik's Cube in the universe, he has no way to take this artifact as his own. 】

[But in this timeline, the Allies have no idea how precious this Rubik's Cube is. 】

[So, 4.3 Howard Stark simply used the cosmic Rubik's Cube as the energy core to create a huge steel battle suit! ]

[And the driver of these steel suits is the still thin Steve Rogers! 】

[Iron Man Steve Rogers was born! ]

[Next, in order to save the friends of Steve Rogers who were captured as prisoners of war, Captain Carter went deep into the enemy line and easily rescued all the prisoners of war, including Bucky. [But as soon as they escaped, they were besieged by enemy armored troops! 】

[Seeing the surging enemy artillery fire, Captain Carter hurriedly jumped into the trenches and began to call for air support. 】

["Received, Steve Rogers has arrived."]



[Hearing this familiar voice, Captain Carter and Bucky Barnes, who had just been freed, widened their eyes in surprise. 】

[Soon, accompanied by a whistling sound in the air, a huge robot immediately fell from the sky! 】

【Iron Man Steve is here! 】

["Hey! Peggy, now you owe me a favor!"]


[As soon as "Iron Man Steve" stretched out his hand, the blue cosmic Rubik's Cube energy suddenly poured out, knocking Hydra's armored troops to pieces! 】

[Sitting in the cockpit, Steve looked at Captain Carter on the battlefield and smiled softly:]

[“This is the new dress that Stark made for me, how does it look?”]

"Dad! What are you doing?"

According to the appearance of Smith Rogers sitting in the steel battle suit on the screen, killing the Quartet, Tony Stark was stunned, his eyes were like copper bells, and his eyes were full of incredible.

Why did Howard give up such a powerful suit to that bean sprout-like Steve?

Why don't you sit up by yourself?

PS: Please collect! !Ask for a review ticket!Ask for a monthly pass!Ask for full support!

PS2: After Captain Carter, the next episode is the zombie universe!two two

Chapter 360 Crossing Dimensions!Marvel's Old Ones!Captain Carter's crossing!Zombie universe!

【boom! 】

["Iron Man Steve" just finished speaking, a shell immediately flew over and hit him firmly. 】

[But when the smoke and dust dissipated, there was not even a trace left on the thick steel armor on his body. 】


[Looking back, Iron Man stretched out his huge iron hand, grabbed the barrel of an armored fighting vehicle at once, and twisted it into a twist. 】


[Seeing Iron Man killing the Quartet on the front line, Captain Carter couldn't hold back his excitement, and quickly jumped out of the trench and rushed up. 】

[Behind her, the two prisoners of war who had just been rescued were all stupid. 】

[A prisoner of war murmurs to himself with dull eyes. 】

["Wait a minute, Carter and the driver of that Hydra destroyer...are they friends?"]

[Bucky Barnes' eyes almost popped out, and he responded instinctively:]

["I think...that driver and I may also be friends."]

[Kate to the battlefield, Captain Carter looked at Iron Man Steve and smiled excitedly:]

["I really wish I could dance with you now!"]

[Under the cooperation of Super Soldier and Iron Man, Hydra's armored legion did not even have the strength to resist, and was completely crushed. ] At this time, in the live broadcast room, Tony Stark's expression also became very strange.

"Hydra Destroyer, is that the name of this battle suit?"

Watching Steve driving a battle suit and easily smashing a Hydra armored vehicle, Tony frowned slightly, and then relaxed.

When there was a problem with the experiment before, Colonel Flynn also asked Howard Stark... to replace Steve Rogers as a new super soldier, but Howard refused without hesitation.

His reasoning was..."Scientists can't do soldiers' work!"

"Dad, no matter which universe you are in, your insistence on scientific research has not changed at all."

On the other side, Little Wanda looked at the huge steel battle suit on the screen, tilted his head and said:

"Stark, why is the suit your dad made so big?"

Tony listened with a smile, pointed to the suit and said:

"If you've seen the video of my variant...you should recognize it, this is an enlarged version of the Mark 1 suit!"

After hearing the words, everyone looked at it carefully and nodded.

It may be because the timeline is still during World War II, the workmanship of the special shirts is not particularly exquisite, and the 19 is still rough in many places, but from the perspective of outline and shape, it does have the shadow of Mark 1.

After looking at it carefully, Peter couldn't help but sigh:

"As expected of a father and son, even the battle clothes they make are so similar."

"Ha ha……"

Hearing Peter's words, Loki suddenly sneered:

"He said that Mark 1 is Mark 1. Are your brains all decorations?"

With a look of contempt on his face, Loki pointed to the screen and smiled:

"The size of this battle suit, and its movements, make it clear that it is the Iron Overlord!"

"Iron Overlord???"

Hearing this term, Little Wanda and others were all stunned, and the expression on Tony's face was instantly stiff.

Listening to Loki's words, this Hydra destroyer... seems to be really more like Obadiah's Overlord!

Standing at the back at this moment, Bruce Wayne and Clark Kent suddenly looked at each other, and both saw a daze in each other's eyes.

What iron bully, Mark 1, what are these people talking about?

At this time in Kama Taj, Strange turned his head to look at Master Gu Yi, and suddenly another thought appeared in his heart.

Judging from the current situation, both the strength of Captain Carter and the strength of the "Hydra Destroyer" seem to be much stronger than the Iron Man and Team Rice that appeared before!

At this moment, the folding fan in Master Gu Yi's hand also stopped. Anyone who is familiar with her can see that the strongest Supreme Master on Earth is in deep contemplation at the moment.

"Observer? Could it be that what this being is observing is the multiverse itself?"

"Not only can the sight travel through the multiverse, but also the body can..."

Thinking of the second possibility, even Master Gu Yi felt a little throbbing for a while.

Travel freely in the multiverse!

The existence that can do this... the strength is unfathomable!

[Video continues]

[After completely eliminating the enemy, the Hydra destroyer stopped in front of Captain Carter and others, and Steve Rogers also stuck his head out of the armor. 】

[Looking at the familiar face of his friend, Bucky Barnes couldn't help but ask:]

[“Why are you suddenly able to drive this thing, I remember you couldn’t even drive a car before?”]

[Another prisoner of war also complained:]

["We were rescued by a woman and a flying Buick, unbelievable..."]

[At this time, Steve Rogers suddenly raised his hand on the armor and shouted:]

["Let's cheer for Captain Carter!"]

[Seeing everyone's excitement, Carter hurriedly raised his shield and said:]

["Save the cheers until the victory, we have to win this war next."]

[This time, with the joint efforts of Iron Man Steve Rogers and Captain Carter, the enemy was crushed like a rotten tree. 】

[Only the two of them can completely destroy the entire enemy army. 】

[Not to mention the ground, even the sky has been conquered by these two superheroes. 】

[After getting to know each other and working together, Captain Carter simply used Iron Man as a mount and stepped on him directly.Shoot down enemy fighter jets one by one like a bird! 】

[Faced with this dimensionality reduction blow beyond the times, the enemy army collapsed at an alarming rate. ]

[After losing consecutive battles on the battlefield, Moustache is also extremely angry, and even wants to hold the Red Skull accountable! 】

[Unexpectedly, the Red Skull also jumped directly and claimed to be from another dimension... Summon the Supreme of Hydra to conquer the world! 】

"Hydra Supreme? What is that?"

Hearing this brand-new term, Strange was a little puzzled.

In his memory, it seems that the Hydra organization should mainly focus on the direction of science and technology, and has produced many black technology weapons.

But in this parallel universe, things seem to have changed!

The Red Skull didn't seem to have invented any technology, but was going to summon some kind of monster.

"Hydra Supreme?"

Master Gu Yi's expression remained unmoved, but a trace of curiosity flashed in his eyes.

The Hydra he said was not in his eyes at all, but... this organization really has the ability to summon monsters from the dimension?

This doesn't sound like technology, but it's a bit similar to the field of magic!

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