But in any case, Strange didn't want this girl he once loved to have an accident!

And just when Strange was terrified, a scene that was very familiar to him, but also terrifying and inexplicable, appeared on the screen.

[Video continues]


[With a loud bang, the Lamborghini that Doctor Strange and Christine were riding... overturned on the side of the road in a car accident. 】

[In this universe, Doctor Strange's hands were intact in this car accident, but his girlfriend Kristin tragically died. 】

[But Doctor Strange, who loved Christine deeply, could not accept this result. He searched all over the world in an attempt to reverse the tragedy with a little-known magic secret. 】

[What happens next is exactly the same as in the "Doctor Strange" video, but Doctor Strange's motivation to change reality is completely different. 】

[He only has one purpose in his pursuit of magic, and that is to resurrect his dead girlfriend! 】

[After countless hardships, Doctor Strange entered Kama Taj and learned magic. 】

[Then in the Casillas Rebellion, the Ancient One Mage still passed away, and the heavy responsibility of protecting the earth fell on Doctor Strange. 】

["Dormammu, I'm here to negotiate terms!"]

[After going through countless difficulties and obstacles, Doctor Strange finally repelled Dormammu and became the supreme mage who guards reality. 】

[Even after all this, he still couldn't let go of Christine's death. 】

[He used the power of the Time Stone to travel back to two years ago, trying to use his power to stop the car accident and save Christine's life. 】

[But strangely, the accident happened in another way.Christine still died in front of him. 】

[Doctor Strange is extremely saddened and decides to reverse time again. 】

【This time Doctor Strange decided to change the route of the car, but the accident happened again,】

[For the third time, he finally successfully arrived at the dinner party with his girlfriend, but in the process of dancing, Christine had a heart attack and died "again". ]

[After several failures, Doctor Strange felt that maybe they shouldn't have gone to the dinner party in the first place, and then he reversed time again and took his girlfriend to the roadside shop for pizza. 】

[However, even so, Christine was shot in the small shop and unfortunately died. 】

[Failures over and over again made Doctor Strange extremely anxious. 】

[He suspects that maybe he and Kristen shouldn't be together at all. 】

[So when he reversed time again, Doctor Strange chose not to pick up Christine. ]

[But this time, he learned from the news that Christine died in a sudden fire! 】

[Dr. Strange, who was in despair, finally thought of a last resort. 】

[He gives Kristin the car keys and puts her in the driver's seat. 】

[Since every time the person who dies in a car accident is Christine sitting in the passenger seat, the exchange between the two will make the situation different this time. 】

[This time, Doctor Strange has already made sacrifices and prepared to let Christine live! 】

[But the car accident still happened, the person who died was still Christine, and Doctor Strange himself was still slightly injured! 】

【“?II no!!!”】

[Kneeling helplessly at the scene of the car accident, Doctor Strange raised his head and let out a painful howl. 】

[From the very beginning, the purpose of his learning magic was to resurrect his girlfriend. 】

[But now that he has mastered the power of time, why can't he do it? 】

"This...what the hell is going on here?"

At Kama Taj, Strange is the purest sip.The pupils are dilated.

Although only in a low voice.But the shock in his heart was beyond words.

Although in another parallel universe, his variant was not crippled in a car accident.

But there seems to be an invisible force that is making sure that Chris Palmer will die this night!

How could this happen?

At this time, standing beside Strange, Mage Gu Yi moved slightly, and suddenly sighed softly:


,,what? "

Strange was stunned for a moment, then turned his head to look at Gu Yi in confusion.

Seeing this, Gu Yi said indifferently:

"Casillas came to my door because his wife... unfortunately died of a disease when she was pregnant."

"I only taught him magic because I saw his talent."

"But Casillas felt that...with the power of magic, he could bring his wife back to the world."

Strange was dumbfounded.

In this situation, wouldn't it be exactly the same as the self in the parallel universe?

At this time, Master Gu Yi's voice suddenly became a little lower.

"The main reason Casillas broke with me and turned to Dormammu... was because I told him that magic cannot bring the dead back to life!"

,,what? "

Hearing such an amazing secret, not to mention Strange, even Wang and Mage Mordo were shocked.

They really didn't expect that the great traitor who destroyed the London Temple and took refuge in the lord of the dark dimension had such a motive behind it.

And Mo (good enough) Mage Du's expression changed, and his eyes changed a bit when he looked at the big screen.

Since Casillas will turn against the Ancient One Mage for this kind of goal, then...will this Doctor Strange on the screen do the same thing?

And Master Gu Yi seems to have thought of this for a long time.

She raised her head slightly to look at the big screen in the air, and there was already a look of pity in her eyes.

"No matter what universe you're in, Strange, I don't want you to be driven by desire... to go down the wrong path."

[Video continues]

[Just as Doctor Strange knelt on the ground, grieved for not being able to save his girlfriend, a portal suddenly appeared in the air. ]

[Passing through the portal, Gu Yi, who was still alive, appeared in front of him. 】

[Looking at the sad Doctor Strange, Master Gu Yi seems to have long known his true identity. ]

[Mage Gu Yi first flatly refused Doctor Strange who asked for help, and then explained to him the secret of Christine's death. ]

["Only after the death of Dr. Christian Palmer will you embark on a journey and become the Supreme Mage with the power of time."]

["Her death is an absolute point in time on the timeline.]


["Can't be erased!"]

[Hearing this, Doctor Strange immediately understood.again】

【“I am creating a paradox!”】

[If the past had been changed and Christine had not died, then Doctor Strange would not have embarked on the journey and become the Supreme Mage. ]

[In this case, the Doctor Strange, who traveled back to the past and saved Christine, disappeared! 】

[This is a perfect closed loop. ]

[No matter what Doctor Strange does, he can't seem to break this paradox! 】

[In this universe, Dr. Kristin Palmer...she is mortal! ].

Chapter 367 Devouring Demons!Blackened Doctor Strange!Observer interference?Destroy the universe!Everyone was shocked!

Kama Taj.

"Stephen, do you really love that woman that much?"

Mage Mordo looked at Strange in amazement, his eyes almost popping out.

As soon as he opened his mouth, almost all the apprentices in the square cast their gazes, and Strange was instantly embarrassed.

"Well, Kristin did have a relationship with me in the past, but that's in the past"

Strange coughed dryly, but for a while he didn't dare to look directly into Mage Mordo's eyes.

In all fairness, it turned out that his relationship with Dr. Christine Palmer was still very good.

But since his hands were injured, Strange has become anxious and manic, and his relationship with Christine has gradually faded.

At this time, Master Gu Yi suddenly turned his head, looked at Strange and said:

"Can you understand now... why in another universe, Christine can't be resurrected?"

Strange sounded a little sad, but still took a deep breath, and then said:

"In my opinion, it should be the relationship between 'cause' and 'effect'."

"In this universe, Christine's death is the cause. And if I change the cause, there will be no time paradox in the 'effect of becoming the Supreme Mage'."


Master Gu Yi nodded approvingly:

"It's like you can't grab your hair and lift yourself up."

"You who are 'now' can't change a certain...the 'past' that led to the 'present'."

, so that


Speaking of which, Gu Yi's expression suddenly became a little serious:

"In another universe, because you became the Supreme Mage, that world was not swallowed by Dormammu.

"If this 'reality' is rewritten, the chain reaction...may even bring about the end of the entire universe!"

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