otherwise.What if there is an invasion of evil aliens?

Just then, a new image appeared on the screen.

(video continues]

[Next, Reed Richards, Susan, Johnny, Ben, and Victor Doom entered the space station together to prepare for a close-up study of the cosmic storm passing over the earth. 】

[Ben put on a space suit and went to work outside the space station. 】

[No one expected that the cosmic storm had arrived earlier, seven hours earlier than the time calculated by Reed Richards! 】

[In order to protect himself, Victor closed the hatch and locked Ben outside the space station. ]

[But just before he closed the protective cover, the terrifying cosmic storm poured directly into the space station! 】

[The intense radiation caused all 5 people on the spacecraft to faint. 】

[When everyone woke up, they had returned to the laboratory on Earth. 】

[Johnny jumped off naturally, and just woke up, he took the nurse to the snow outside to go skiing. 】

[And just when he was having a good time, a flame burst out from Johnny! 】

[Under the panic, Jonny fell off the cliff, his body turned into a fireball in the air, smashed into the snow, and he actually smashed out a hot spring! 】

[At this time in the restaurant near the base, Reed Richards and Susan were eating together, but halfway through the meal, Susan's body suddenly became invisible, and Reed also turned into a rubber man, whose body could Free expansion! 】

[Johnny also rushed back at this time, claiming that he could set fire with his bare hands, and even become a burning man! 】

[Until then, Reed realized that their bodies had been exposed to the radiation of the cosmic storm, and their genes had mutated! 】

[The three rushed to the room where "〃"Ben" was resting, but found a big hole in the wall, and "Ben" had disappeared.]

[It turns out that it may be because Ben stayed outside the space station when the cosmic storm hit and suffered the most cosmic radiation!The body has also turned into an ugly giant stone man! 】

[Frightened by his new appearance, he rushed home alone. 】

[The Stone Man's wife was so frightened when she saw his new appearance that she ran away screaming. 】

[On the second day, the Stone Man was sitting alone on the edge of the bridge, unhappy, and suddenly ran into a world-weary unlucky guy. 】

[The Stone Man wanted to comfort her, but scared the guy to death and accidentally fell into the middle of the road. 】

[In order to save this unlucky bastard, the Stone Man bravely jumped onto the road and literally stopped the oncoming truck! 】

[But because the big truck stopped suddenly, the cars behind him rear-ended one after another, which directly led to a serious traffic accident. 】

[Reed Richards, Susan, Johnny and others also rushed to the scene. Due to the crowd of onlookers, the three of them could not pass. 】

[Reed makes an improvised idea to make Susan invisible, then undresses and walks through the crowd. 】

[Who knows that Susan is not very good at controlling her invisibility. She just got halfway out, and her body suddenly pulled out of her invisibility state.


[Susan screams, and the situation suddenly becomes extremely embarrassing. 】

The laboratory of the Fantastic Four.


Seeing her embarrassing appearance on the screen, the invisible woman Susan suddenly turned red, turned her head and glared at Reed.

At the same time, he also cursed himself inwardly.

As a scientist, Susan has always been a sane woman.

He couldn't figure it out himself, how could he suddenly lose his head at that time, so he took off his clothes according to Reed's words...!

Thinking about it now, Susan wanted to kill herself.

It was on the bridge, and there were hundreds of people watching!

And looking up at the screen, Susan was even more angry for a while.

Now she also knows that this mysterious live broadcast system spans an unknown number of multiverses.

In other words, her humiliating appearance has now been seen by many people in the multiverse!

|| Reed Richards, it's all your fault! "

Looking back at Reed again, Susan angrily turned her head to look at the wall, and suddenly made up her mind...

This time, I will ignore him for at least a week!

At this time, the chat group was also lively.

Starlight: Superpowers!These people... actually turned from ordinary people to superpowers!

Starlight: Are those cosmic rays really that magical?

Magneto: Not necessarily!Maybe these people have mutant genes, they are just awakening the mutant power in their bodies.

Reed Richards: Huh?Mutants, what species is that? (.0.)

Magneto: Mutants like me are a whole new direction for human evolution!In the future, (the king's) will replace human beings and become the master of the earth!

Captain America: I care more about other issues than the ruler of the earth.

Captain America: Reed Richards, your friend "Ben" just created such a large-scale traffic accident on the bridge in order to save a person!

Captain America: If someone dies, can you be held accountable?

Captain America: Do you superpowers use your power like this?

At this moment, the captain was really angry.

Although he does not shout slogans such as great power comes great responsibility, Steve Rogers has always believed that people with power should use their power more cautiously.

At the very least...don't help too much and cause disaster!

Reed Richards: Uh... Actually, the real serious accident is yet to come.

Starlight: Huh?What does it mean?How did you know? (OJD)

Reed Richards: Because... this video actually happened a few days ago.

Reed Richards: Actually, then there was… a massive explosion on the bridge.

Bruce Wayne: Blast! ! !What exactly did you do? (one △ one;).

Chapter 382 It's Stan Lee Again!Superman rule the world?All were amazed!Fantastic Four vs Doctor Doom!

【“Do you have any other ideas?”】

[Susan covered her body with her coat and yelled at Reed angrily:]

["Why don't you take off your clothes and let hundreds of people stare at you?"]

[But just when she was furious, Susan's body suddenly became invisible again. 】


[After Reed's reminder, Susan looked down and took off all the remaining clothes again, lined up the crowd in a completely invisible state, and rushed in the direction of the Stone Man.

[Human Torch looked at my sister doing this kind of thing in public, and her face immediately became extremely weird. 】

["I need a psychiatrist..."]

[After a while, after Reed and the others passed through the crowd, Susan suddenly put on all her clothes miraculously, and she also got out of her invisible state. 】

Seeing this, everyone in front of the screen was speechless.

John Constantine: I said, she put on, took off, took off and put on in public... what was she doing?Is this some kind of act, artistic performance?

Reed Richards: Um...let's not talk about this, shall we? (._0)

Captain America: Okay, then come and tell me, what happened to that explosion?

Reed Richards: It seems like... an explosion caused by a leaking gas tank in a chain of traffic accidents caused by "Ben".

Deadpool: Wow, I thought I was getting into trouble, but you guys are much better than me.

Captain America: .... how many people died?

Reed Richards: No!We came to the rescue so no one died in the end! (one bite)!! !

Loki Odinson: Let me guess, you superpowers get into trouble first, then come out to save people, and finally... don't you get a hero's name?

Reed Richards: ....a—

Peter Parker (Spider Universe 1): Hey, there's something wrong with that.Shouldn't you apologize to the people for making such a big mess yourself?How could Parker be really confused now.

After gaining the power of Spider-Man, Parker has recently tried his best to help others on the streets,

But for some reason, Spider-Man's reputation is getting worse and worse!

Moreover, the boss of the Daily Bugle kept publishing all kinds of content that slandered him in the newspaper!

By now 640, Parker has some doubts about life.

Why... the more I help others, the more they hate me?

Because of this, Parker is even more incomprehensible about what happened to Reed and his group.

I worked so hard to help others, only to get a bad reputation.

You caused disasters and then quelled them, but you are still regarded as heroes?

In the multiverse, is the difference between people...that big?

(video continues]

[At this time, due to the leakage of the gas tank, a series of explosions suddenly occurred. ]

[Johnny of Human Torch saw that something was wrong, he rushed forward and used his body to block the surging flames for a little girl. ]

[Invisible female Susan watched the flames rush towards the people on the bridge, and immediately stopped the flames with her invisible force field. 】

[And due to the chain reaction caused by the explosion, a fire truck also fell from the bridge. 】

[The Stone Man immediately rushed up and used his divine power to pull the fire truck back onto the bridge. 】

[A firefighter fell from his car and was about to fall into the water, but Reed Richards rescued him with his rubber arm. 】

[Seeing that everyone was saved, the onlookers also began to applaud Reed and others. 】

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