[The Real Life of Spider-Man]

[Seeing the series of performances of Spider-Man after gaining the ability in this comic, Miles finally understood:]

[I... may have become Spider-Man! 】

【How is this possible? 】

【How can there be two Spider-Man in the world? 】


Seeing this scene, Peter Parker in the two parallel universes were all stunned.

How...Spider-Man exists not only in the real world, but also in the comics?

The world on the screen is too strange.

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P2: The middle-aged Spider-Man in "Parallel Universe" should be the appearance of Tobey Maguire's version after middle age. There are many scenes in the animation that pay tribute to the movie trilogy.

Chapter 395 Five Parallel Universes!Mosaic on Spiderman!Doctor Octopus!The Spider-Man Team Up!

[Desperately wanting to know what happened to him, Miles came to the place where he was bitten by the mutant spider overnight and wanted to find out. 】

[He found the mutant spider he killed on the floor. 】


[In an instant, a strange colored horse ? ? ? ? ? ? 】


[Myers is so frightened that his whole body is stunned. 】

【what's going on? 】

[How come horses can still appear on spiders? Sec? 】

[At this moment, he heard a suspicious loud noise from behind the abandoned laboratory. 】

[With some curiosity, Miles walks down the aisle to the back. 】

[And right here, he saw an unimaginable scene. 】

【"Boom! Boom! Crash..."】

[A huge green monster is fighting with Spider-Man in a spider coat. ]

[While fighting, Spider-Man said. ]

["Norman! I can't let you open the door to other universes! Otherwise, Brooklyn will be unbearable!"]

["I can't decide this."]

[A green goblin with a height of more than ten meters, covered in green skin, and even with a huge horn on his head... Norman Osborn roared loudly:]

["Spider-Man, why don't you stop?"]

[The battle between the two superhumans turned the world upside down, and Miles was so frightened that he could only run away desperately. 】

[In a panic, Miles entered a strange underground space, where there are two high-tech instruments like a collider. 】

[Stunned by the scene in front of him, Miles' figure suddenly froze. 】

[And at this moment, the Green Goblin and Spider-Man also hit the vicinity of the collider! 】

[The shock caused by the battle between the two actually shook Miles off the platform! 】

["Ah ah ah..."]

[I just acquired super powers, and I still don't know how to use them. Miles danced and fell in the air, and could only let out a helpless scream! 】

[And at this moment, with the help of spider sense, Spider-Man also noticed the falling child. ]


[Upholding the instinct to save people, Spider-Man gave up the Green Goblin, shot spider silk and swung all the way, saving Miles to a nearby platform. ]

[Looking at the black boy in front of him, Spider-Man's spider sense suddenly activated again. 】

["What? You... I thought I was the only one."]

[Although through the mask, Spider-Man's face is still clearly visible, showing a surprised look:]

【“You are just like me.”】

[Relying on some kind of natural "sensing", the two Spider-Man judged in an instant...the other has their own abilities! 】

[Myers shakes his head in panic: "I don't want to have this ability either.]

[Spider-Man spreads his hands:]

[“Boy, I don’t think you have a choice.”]

[Looking at the panic-stricken Miles, Spider-Man said softly:]

["It's okay, kid, I know you must be in a mess right now."]

【“But I can help you, and if you don’t understand anything, I can teach you some tricks.”

[Speaking of this, Spider-Man suddenly looked up at the collider on the other side. 】

[“But I still have to destroy this big guy first, otherwise the continuity of time and space will collapse.]

Seeing this, the chat group became lively again.

Peter Parker (Spider Universe 1): How did this guy Norman Osborn become like this, is he still human? (one bite)!!

Stephen Strange: Unbelievable, he's almost the same as the devil!

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): Me in another universe, I've always wanted to ask, in your world, that Dr. Norman... how is it now?

Peter Parker (Spider Universe 1): Sigh, because of the company's problems, Norman still tossed himself into a Green Goblin.

Wanda Maximoff: So, you still give it to...

Peter Parker (Spider Universe 1): No, I didn't kill him, I just found a way to reveal his true identity!

Peter Parker (Spider Universe 1): Now, Norman is in jail.

Bruce Wayne: Well done, true superheroes are about bringing criminals to justice.

John Constantine: I don't think what you said applies to the Norman in the video.

John Constantine: The place he needs to be sent to is not prison, but hell.

Seeing Constantine's speech, Master Wayne also frowned, and his eyes looking at the screen became a little weird.

What the hell is this "Green Goblin Norman"?

How can it be so big?

Could it be that...he has really become a creature other than human beings?

At the same time, several characters on the science side all turned their attention to the two colliders in the underground space.

Bruce Banner: Superparticle colliders big enough to affect the continuum of spacetime?Who made this incredible invention?

Tony Stark: It seems... the scientific level of this unknown universe should not be underestimated.

Tony Stark: Maybe, that middle-aged Spider-Man came to this parallel universe because of this collider...!

Reed Richards: Particle colliders that can penetrate parallel universes, and the one who can create this kind of machine may be the Tony Stark of this universe.

Tony Stark: Huh?

Hearing this, Tony suddenly looked confused, what's the matter with you Reed?

Inexplicable, how did you put the pot on my head?

Deadpool: Hahahaha, I think it might be him too.

Deadpool: In that zombie universe, it was Tony who created a time-space shuttle that can travel to other universes!

Tony Stark: Bah!No evidence, what are you talking about?

Tony Stark: Speaking of shuttles, didn't that variant of Reed Richards also make one?

Wolverine: Speaking of which, that kid is really a hero.Only a teenager can make such an incredible invention.

Reed Richards:  …

Tony Stark: This...

Although Craniotomy was only half their age, the scientific talent he showed really impressed them both.

Reed Richards: I don't know which parallel universe my young variant is from. If I have the chance, I really want to talk to him.

Wanda Maximoff: Enough!You madmen, don't communicate with each other casually, or...the multiverse will be destroyed by you one day!Just then, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Spider-Man climbs to the ceiling, trying to stop the two working particle colliders. 】

[At this moment, the mysterious villain "Wanderer" suddenly appeared and fought with him.]

[On the platform at this time, Miles didn't know how powerful he was, but when he saw that his idol was fighting with the villain, he actually took out his mobile phone to record a video! 】

[Just when Spider-Man and the Prowler were fighting hard, the huge green goblin Orman Oston suddenly rushed in and knocked Spider-Man to the ground. 】

[At the same time, in the underground control room on the other side, the plump "Jin Bing" Fisk walked out slowly:]

【“How is my new toy working?”】

["I spent a lot of money on this stuff."]

[Across the glass window, looking at Spider-Man being pressed under the claws by Green Goblin Osborn, Fisk said with a smile:]

["Spider-Man, you came all the way here just to watch my light show."]

[As Fisk spoke, the two particle colliders began to operate officially, and they radiated light for a while! 】

[Seeing this, Spider-Man turned pale in shock. 】

[“No, you don’t know what you are doing at all, you will kill us all.]

[But Spider-Man's words are useless at all, the two fully functioning colliders shoot out a strong flow of energy at the same time, and collide together!

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