Marvel 616 universe.

S.H.I.E.L.D. special prison, raft.

In a corner of this prison, a dirty prisoner with a stubble face suddenly raised his head in astonishment.

A big screen appeared in front of him.

The prisoner's real name was "Robert Reynolds."

But he also has a nickname.

That is the strongest superhero on earth who has mastered the power of the explosion of millions of suns... Sentinel!

PS: Sentinels have joined! 'War of the Hulk' and 'Dark Avengers' are on the way

PS2: Dear readers, if you still have characters you want to join, you can leave a message in the comment area.

Chapter 458 Group member live broadcast function!Shocked!Manhattan spike!Sentinel's surprise!Batman v Superman is on!

"what is this?"

There was a faint gleam in the sentry's dazed eyes.

For some unknown reason, he insisted that he killed his wife.

Tormented by despair and pain, the Sentinels came to SHIELD, found Nick Fury, and insisted that he put himself in jail.

But even if he stayed here, the pain in the Sentinel's heart was not relieved in the slightest.

However, the strange screen in front of him still made the sentry feel a little surprised.

At this moment, he found that a series of scrolling barrages began to appear at the bottom of the screen.

John Constantine: My God, I'm sure you can't imagine what happened to us before!

Deadpool: Is it necessary to yell like that?Did you encounter an alien invasion?

Deadpool: ...Aha!I remembered that the world you and that Batman are in really seems to be facing the invasion of the star builders.

Captain America: What?Aliens are really calling!Have you resisted their aggression?

Clark Kent: We didn't hold back, but...others did for us.

Deadpool: Someone else?You can't even beat the superman, who else can help?

John Constantine: You can't believe it.The shot... turned out to be the demonized Doctor Strange!

Stephen Strange: Huh?I?Is it my magical variant? (...)

Bruce Wayne: For some reason, he suddenly came to our world, and just by looking at it, he turned the invading General Zod to ashes!

Tony Stark: Ashes? ? ?

Tony Stark: You can call me jittery, but whenever I hear about ashes, I think of that damn Thanos snapping his fingers!Convex (H dish*)

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): This...I understand you.

Thanos: "Six Nine Zero" It seems that in the multiverse, my variant finally has a useful one.Ha ha……

Wanda Maximoff: Damn it!Purple potato monster!you shut up! (▼,▼#)

"Does Thanos snap his fingers?"

In the live broadcast room, Bruce Wayne frowned deeply.

In fact, he has long suspected that Doctor Demonic may also be the same as that Infinite Ultron... mastering the power of 6 Infinity Gems!

That's why he could so easily... turn General Zod into a beast!

But no matter how much Master Wayne thought about it, he couldn't figure it out, why did the Doctor appear so coincidentally?

It's as if... he made a special trip to save the scene.

but why?

They don't recognize this tragic Strange?

At this time, someone bubbled up in the chat group again.

Mage Mordo: Speaking of which, the demonized Doctor Strange does have the ability to travel through the multiverse.

Mage Mordo: In the battle with Infinite Ultron, he once created a golden portal to the zombie universe and released a large number of zombies.

John Constantine: Golden Portal?No, this Doctor of Magic uses blue light doors when he appears and leaves.

Mordo Mage: Blue Portal?What's the trick?We Kama Taj have never had such magic.

Bruce Wayne: That's not right, even from the video, Dr. Magic's portals are always golden!

Deadpool: You guys are too bored to talk about the color of other people's magic?

Bruce Wayne: What I suspect is that it wasn't Doctor Demon himself who opened the door to our universe.

Clark Kent: Who else could it be?

At the same time, in a high-end apartment in Manhattan, New York, Diana Prince, who had changed into casual clothes, looked at the screen that appeared in front of her with a serious face.

"A demonized doctor who spans the multiverse?"

"Is that man actually a mage from another universe?"

Thinking of the sight of General Zod vanishing in front of her, Diana still felt ups and downs in her heart, and she couldn't calm down for a while.

On the other hand, she was even more curious about the strange screen that appeared in front of him.

It seems that these people on the screen seem to know a lot about the mysterious mage.

At the same time, the super god universe.

"Damn, Carl, that pervert, it's so hard to kill."

Sitting on the throne of Tianren No. 7, the expression of Holy Kaisha is not very good-looking.

She didn't even care about the big screen that appeared beside her.

Beside Keisha, Hexi and Divine Wings were also standing.

The war in the Styx galaxy has long since ended.

Under the command of the two Angel Kings, the Angel Legion was in a rush, quickly shattering the resistance of the Styx civilization.

But...the god of death Karl escaped.

In order to cut grass and roots, two angel kings crossed the galaxy and chased him for a long time.

Although Karl couldn't resist the alliance of Keisha and Hexi at all, the two angel kings couldn't kill him either.

Therefore, this pursuit and killing battle has evolved into a stalemate tug-of-war.

"Karl's phantom body that is neither human nor ghost, what is it?"

"And the computing power of that big clock is really amazing."

Thinking of how difficult the Death God Karl was, Keisha also had a little doubt in her heart.

Should this senseless pursuit continue?

At this moment, the sound of the system suddenly rang.

[The system has newly developed a 'live broadcast' function. 】

[In the interval between video playback, all group members can start the live broadcast, so that everyone in the group can see their behavior. 】

[Moreover, group members can also turn on the "recording and broadcasting" function in daily life to record valuable images in life. 】

[This live Q&A will start in 10 minutes. 】

Everyone was surprised to see this new feature.

Deadpool: Wow!This is interesting, in the future I can show the handsome side of my uncle Wade's life to all of you!two'

Wanda Maximoff: Vomit!Help, I feel like throwing up just thinking about it! (/'匚I), -1—L

Ganata, the daughter of swallowing stars: Haha!Interesting maybe I can upload a chibo!Let you all see what I look like when I eat.twenty-eight

Starlight: Eat... eat the planet? (one △ one;)

Ganata, Daughter of Swallowing Stars: Don't talk nonsense, I'm not my stupid dad!Lately, I only eat aliens that invade Earth.

Ganata, the daughter of swallowing stars: Well, those symbiotes taste really good, and they can be regarded as first-class snacks. . (*One one one*).

Nick Fury: Miss Ganata, I heard that there is a planet full of symbionts in the depths of the universe. If you are really interested in symbionts, maybe

Ganata, Daughter of Swallowing Stars: No!Who knows how long it will take to find that planet, or the culture on Earth is more interesting.

Nick, Fury: >■

Dr. Manhattan: Live?Interesting, let me try it.

Wanda Maximoff: Huh?Manhattan boss, you want to live stream. (.0.)

Deadpool: Alright, boss!What are you going to live stream this time?Destroy the universe at will?

Wonder Woman Diana: Destroying the Universe? ? ?


It's just this kind of appalling speech that blows up these two newcomers who have just joined the group and haven't figured out the situation yet.

Soon, a new image appeared on the screen.

Looking at this fresh scene, both the new group members and the old group members focused their attention.

Then, a blue eagle appeared in front of them.

Wonder Woman Diana: ? ? ?How is this going?Why is this man blue?

Deadpool: Hahaha!I're going to ask him why he's not wearing any clothes.

Wonder Woman Diana: In the realm of the gods, clothing is just an external decoration, not much significance.

Deadpool: Huh?God's realm?

Just then, a new image appeared on the screen.

[I saw that Dr. Manhattan did nothing, and an oval blue light door appeared in front of him. 】

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