[Lex Luthor roars in disbelief:]

【"I absolutely can't let you win,"】

【“I gave the bat a chance, but he is still too weak!”】

[Looking at the seemingly invincible alien in front of him, Luther said word by word:]

["If humans can't defeat the gods, let the demons come!"]


[The countdown of the electronic sound has also reached the end at this time. 】

[I saw an incomparably strong current being released around the reconnaissance spaceship, and at the same time, the whole city was darkened, and it seemed that all the electricity had been sucked up by the spaceship.


[Looking down at the huge cocoon soaking in Su Shengchi, Lex Luthor proudly stretched out his right hand:]

["The ancient nitrogen star monster, but my blood is flowing on it!"]

【“He was born...to destroy you!”】

["That's your day of doom!"]


[With a terrifying roar, a ferocious monster several meters high suddenly burst out of its cocoon! 】

[Its face, the shape of General Zod is almost completely invisible, and there is even a hair on its head, which looks even more ugly and terrifying! 】

[This is the ultimate monster created by Lex Luthor using ammonia star technology, General Zod's corpse, and his own DNA... Doomsday! 】

[Looking at the terrifying Day of Destruction in front of him, Superman only felt a chill go straight to his forehead from his vest. 】

[At this moment, it's as if his fluorine DNA is frantically warning him! 】


【The monster in front of you is absolutely extraordinary! 】

【"Bang! Boom! Crash..."】

[Superman and Doomsday instantly broke through the spaceship, flew into the sky, and then hit the ground from the sky. 】

【This monster is so powerful that even Superman can't seem to stop his fist! 】

[Doomsday is just a single blow, and you can beat Superman everywhere!It even crashed through the building! 】

[At this moment, reinforcements from the military finally arrived. ]

["Da da da!"】

[Faced with the terrifying day of destruction, the military immediately used all their firepower, and for a while, the bullets were raining, and the fire was soaring into the sky! 】

[But no one thought that under the baptism of the military's fire and rain, Doomsday actually became stronger! 】


[With a roar, Doomsday released an unimaginable scarlet electromagnetic wave!Like a raging wave, it rushes wildly around! 】


[Just one stroke of the electromagnetic pulse storm will destroy all the planes of the beautiful national army! 】

[Just as it was standing at the top of the building and howling, Superman rushed up, left the earth with Doomsday, and flew out of the atmosphere! 】

[After learning the lessons of the previous battle with General Zod, which caused countless casualties, this time, Superman wants to avoid fighting in the city as much as possible! ]

[Afterwards, Superman and Doomsday fought in space many times! 】

[But at this moment, seeing that Superman pushed the Destroyer away from the crowded place, the beautiful national army immediately seized the opportunity, and after asking the president for instructions, fired black weapons at Doomsday and Superman! 】

... 0

[Just when Superman and Doomsday were entangled in space, they were hit by the military's black force! 】


[Intense light and terrifying shock waves exploded outside the atmosphere, and even people on the ground could see clearly. 】


[Soon, something like a meteor fell from the sky and slammed into the small island next to the metropolitan city. 】

【That's Doomsday! 】

[This monster was not killed at all! 】


[With a roar, Doomsday suddenly stood up from the ground. 】

[Not only that, its body is still undergoing some kind of shedding process! 】

[Doomsday's body became stronger and stronger, and even the sharp blue-white bone spurs began to burst out! 】

[The terrifying bloody aura was released from his body and instantly swept the four directions, looking terrifying and terrifying! 】


[The completely restored Doomsday raised his head and roared, releasing a terrifying pulse of energy all over his body! 】


[At the same time as he roared, a surging energy shock surged out of Doomsday, spreading around at an alarming speed! 】

[Where the shock wave passes, rocks and buildings are instantly shattered, and even steel is melted! 】


[The bursting fire burst into the sky, the fiery and violent energy erupted rapidly, and the rolling heat wave swept in all directions like a tsunami! 】

[For a while, even outside the atmosphere, you can see this fire cloud erupting from the ground! 】

"Oh my god."

"What the hell is this?"

Seeing this incredible scene, many people in the chat group were shocked.

Detective J: Hey, how did this happen? Why is this monster not only not killed by the hacker, but also seems to be getting stronger?Reed Richards: Exactly!The shock wave released by this monster before is obviously not so terrifying.

Deadpool: Not only can you not kill, but you can continue to evolve!The more you attack, the stronger it will become!

Deadpool: Hahaha!Don't you think this Doomsday...a lot like some creature we know? V

Reed Richards: What creature?what are you saying?

Tony Stark: You said... is it Godzilla?

Deadpool: Exactly!It's that big monster, this guy seems to be able to evolve infinitely!However, in terms of destructive power, it seems that it cannot keep up with this destruction day.

Godzilla: .... this kind of thing, only know after playing.

Wanda Maximoff: Wow!Godzilla!It's really you!I haven't spoken for so long, I thought you stopped watching the live broadcast.

In the Arctic ice sheet, Godzilla is looking at the screen in front of him.

And this giant beast's eyes turned extremely serious at this time.

Obviously, the power displayed by Doomsday has left a deep impression on it!Door.

Chapter 463 An artifact!Wonder Woman to the rescue!The more you fight, the stronger!Doomsday crushes Superman!shock!who died?

Ganata, Daughter of Swallowing Stars: Godzilla?what is that?Judging from the name...it doesn't look like a human.

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): He is an ancient beast protecting the earth, more than 100 meters high.

Ganata, Daughter of Swallowing Stars: Behemoth!really!This guy may be an alien creature, and if I find it, I'll have to eat him. ,

Godzilla: Humph!I am a giant beast born and bred on earth!Nothing to do with aliens at all!

Clark Kent: The giant monster guarding the earth?In the multiverse, is there such a strange creature?

Godzilla: Are you an alien qualified to speak of me?

Clark Kent:  …

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): Speaking of which, the power of infinite evolution mastered by True Godzilla is indeed very strong, but it seems to be a little worse than Doomsday.

Tony Stark: It's the difference in direction.

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): Directionality? ?

Tony Stark: The real Godzilla evolved mainly to survive on land, not to fight.

Tony Stark: Doomsday, this monster, is getting stronger and stronger!No matter what method you use to attack it, it will make it even more powerful!

Clark? Kent: The more you are attacked, the more powerful you are?This is a bit exaggerated!

Clark's eyes widened involuntarily as he looked at the destruction sun that was frantically releasing energy storms all around him.

If this monster is really so perverted, how to defeat it?

Just thinking of this, a thought suddenly flashed in Clark's mind, and he shouted loudly:

"Nitrogen Stone!"

"This monster is actually made of General Zod's body, so it must be afraid of nitrogen stone!"

"It can be injured or even killed with ammonite!"

Bruce Wayne's eyes lit up when he heard it.

In the video, his variant becomes a fluorspar spear!

With that said, this somewhat neurotic Batman at least did a good thing!

At this moment, Little Wanda suddenly tilted his head and asked:

"There is a fluorspar spear, so who will use it? Clark you?"

"As soon as you get close to the nitrogen stone, don't you feel bored immediately?" "[*]"

Upon hearing this question, the expression on Clark's face suddenly stiffened, his mouth was slightly open and he was speechless.

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