[After everything was ready, Hulk opened the gate of the stadium and let in an alien octopus monster. 】

[It turns out that Hulk is a superhero who wants to force the 4 Illuminati to fight this octopus monster in the square like a gladiator! 】

["The day your spaceship threw me to Saka, I was very weak!"]

["I was caught, enslaved, and thrown into the arena!"]

【“In order to survive, I have to keep fighting monsters.”

[Green Hulk sneered and looked at the heroes in front of him:]

[“Now, it’s time for you to experience this feeling.”]

[At this time, Hulk just wanted these heroes who had exiled him with awe and justice to be treated the same way! ]

[Iron Man, Black Bolt, Reed Richards, and Doctor Strange, who were not lightly injured, had to stand up and fight against this terrifying octopus monster with the most primitive cold weapons. 】

["Damn! Hulk crushed my hand, I can't use magic."]

[Doctor Strange desperately tried to condense magic power, but failed in the end. 】

【"Hold on! Stephen."】

[Seeing that Doctor Strange was entangled by the tentacles of the big octopus, Iron Man rushed up desperately, cut off the tentacles of the octopus with his long sword, and saved his life. 】

[After a tragic and bloody battle, these 4 superheroes finally killed the big octopus. 】

[However, worse things are yet to come. 】

[“When I arrived on the second day of Saka, they threw me and a group of other slave gladiators into a canyon.”]

[Green Hulk opened a door next to the stadium, and a pile of various weapons fell out of it. 】

["Those slave masters ordered us to kill each other! Only one slave gladiator can survive."]

[This is the second trial prepared by the Green Hulk for these heroes, killing each other! 】

【Only one superhero can survive! ].

Chapter 469 The Sentinel Battles Green Ulcer!The power of a million sun explosions!Comparable to Superman!Shocked countless!Iron Man's aftermath!

Seeing this, the chat group is frying again.

Captain America: Too much, what does this Hulk mean?

Captain America: Even if he has hatred with these 4 people because he was exiled to an alien planet, he shouldn't play like this? Kill people! (▼'▼?<<)

At this moment, the captain was really angry. After all, like the Green Scorpion Hulk, not only did they force these 4 superheroes to fight monsters, but they even asked them to kill each other!

This cruel act is exactly the same as those famous tyrants in history!

Tony Stark: It seems that he wants these 4 people to suffer the same pain he had suffered!

Xingguang: This...this is a bit too much!

Xingguang: This Hulk has indeed suffered a lot of misfortune, but it is not right to take anger on others.

Rocky Odinson: Oh, this Hulk came to earth to kill and take revenge, how could he think about right and wrong!

Loki Odinson: These superheroes are stupid too!As soon as you come up, join forces and completely kill this green monster, otherwise there will be no problems!

Loki Odinson: One by one it will only kill itself.It finally fell to this point!Only they can blame themselves!

Stephen Strange: I don't think they are all weak, but I didn't expect... Hulk went to the universe and became so powerful!

Bruce Banner: For the Hulk question, I think I still have a say.

Bruce Banner: The Super Hulk on the screen is really a bug!

Bruce Banner: No matter what the attack is!Can't cause real damage to him, not only can he recover quickly!You can fight back with more power!

Bruce Banner: The Hulk I transformed into is nothing compared to him!

Tony? Stark: The more angry!more powerful!Plus a mix of Bruce Banner's wit and cunning!No wonder none of these superheroes are rivals!

Bruce Wayne: It's no wonder that such a troublesome existence... the Illuminati's gang would want to launch it into the universe.

Bruce Banner: Hey, what do you mean?Don't you think it's a good idea too?

Bruce Wayne: I've thought about it carefully. On Earth, there's simply no way to keep a monster like 19 locked up for a long time.

Bruce Wayne: For the safety of life and property of the people on Earth, unless the Hulk is killed, he can only be sent to the universe!

Bruce Wayne: Or... what better way do you have?

In the face of Master Wayne's questioning, Dr. Banner was at a loss for words.

At this time, he suddenly remembered that in the previous video, Hulk also seemed to be flying a fighter plane... inexplicably left the earth and went to the planet ruled by Gao Tianzun in the universe!

Now, isn't this some kind of self-imposed exile?

Just then, a new image appeared on the screen,

[Video continues]

[Although Iron Man and other superheroes are resolutely unwilling to kill each other, but under the influence of the control chip implanted in their bodies, they helplessly raised their weapons!Start fighting each other! 】

[Looking at the death fight in front of me, the people in the stadium auditorium shouted loudly, cheered, and shouted one after another. 】

[This kind of fighting between superheroes is not something you can see every day! ]

[Tony Stark, who lost his steel suit, seems to be the weakest of these people, and was knocked to the ground by the first one. ]

[Under the control of the control chip, Reed Richards raised a huge meteor hammer, and it seemed that the next blow would smash Tony's head into pieces! 】

[Seeing this, all the audience shouted excitedly. 】

【"kill him!"】

【"kill him!"】

【"Smash his head!"】

[Amid the shouts of the audience, Green Hulk slowly stood up and raised his right hand. 】

[According to the traditional Western arena etiquette, the host of the dueling arena can make the final decision. 】

[As long as he thumbs up, it means that the remaining gladiators can live. 】

[But if the thumb is down, it means "kill without mercy"! 】

【"Thumbs up! Let him live!"】

【"Thumbs down! Let him die!"】

[Seeing that Hulk also raised his right fist after standing up, it seemed that he was about to show his thumb, and the spectators in the audience all went into a frenzy for a while! 】

[They are eager to witness the blood of these superheroes who are usually aloof and splattered, and even die in front of themselves! 】

[At this time, at Robert Reynolds' house, the Sentinel watched the live broadcast on the screen, and suddenly remembered what Iron Man said to him a few hours ago. 】

["Robert, I know that you are afraid of your own strength, and you are afraid that you will hurt other people."]

["I'm just as scared."]

[At that time, Iron Man said sincerely:]

[“As the Director of SHIELD, every day, I have to make choices for my actions, and they will affect the lives of millions or even hundreds of millions of people!”]

["Having such a powerful power as you, comes with responsibility.]

["I know you're not ready, in fact, no one on this earth would be ready for such a thing.]

["But...it's time for you to play God!"]

[Suddenly, Hulk stretched out his thumb, and his thumb was down! 】

[This is the announcement of death. 】

["Did you hear that? Bruce.]

[At this moment, listening to the deafening cheers on the TV, the corner of the sentinel's mouth curved, and a dazzling golden light suddenly shot out from his eyes.


[With an explosion that broke the speed of sound, the sentinel's body turned into a golden light, pierced through the sky in an instant, and disappeared at the end of the sky. 】

【"It's time to play God!"】

[And at this moment, the conflict on the arena has reached its peak! 】


[The meteor hammer swung by Reed Richards hits Tony Stark's head next to it. It turns out that it was Hulk who stopped the control chip on Li's body. 】

[It turns out that what Hulk wants is not just to kill these 4 people, but to let all human beings know the ugliness of these superheroes hidden under the halo!

[At this moment, Tony Stark, who was covered in bruises and blood, suddenly raised his head and said with a sneer:]

["Bruce, we explain again and again, but you just won't listen."]

【“So, I give you one last chance to surrender.”


[Hulk asked coldly:]

【“What can you do if I don’t surrender?”】

[As soon as Hulk's voice fell, a golden ray carrying endless flames descended from the sky, completely piercing Hulk's spaceship in an instant! 】


[After penetrating the spaceship, the sentinel rushed towards the Green Hulk without deviation! 】

[The terrifying energy wave sent all the subordinates around Hulk flying out. ]

[Golden light wraps the body of the Green Scorpion Hulk.Punch a large hole in the stadium wall. 】

【“Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!”】

[The terrifying golden light bears against the Green Hulk, smashing through several buildings in a row, smashing countless buildings, and then it stops.

[Until this moment, this golden light revealed its prototype. It is the strongest hero on earth with the power of millions of sun explosions - Sentinel! 】

【“Do you want to be on their side? Sentinel!”】

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