At this moment, the chat group is also an instant frying pan.

Reed Richards: Susan!Book!Damn it, you fucking lunatic, why did you kill Susan?Convex (■<<■ Milliliter)

Although, after watching the images of the zombie universe, Susan Stone has officially broken up with Reed, but in Reed's heart, there is still a place for this girl.

And the Stone Man has always been the object of Reed's most guilt!Also his friend.

Looking at the dead servant on the screen, like a madman, he killed all 4 people including himself!Reed Richards was shaking with rage.

Nick Fury: Incredible, even the head fell off, and it can grow back!

Charles Xavier: Wolverine, are your genes really that powerful?

Wolverine: Don't ask me, I don't know anything. (O_O)

Sentinel: It's amazing that the head can be resurrected after falling!This kind of thing... even my million solar explosion power can't do it!

Carol Danvers: Bullshit, what does this have to do with strength?It's that superman, and it's not the same death without his head!

Clark Kent:  … a—

Deadpool: Well... this variant of mine is really cruel enough, but those stinky men are nothing more than killing such beautiful beauties!It's really kind of inhuman.

Wanda Maximoff: You call your own variant...inhuman? (._.)

Deadpool: Hey, even if this guy wears the same outfit as me, he's not me!

Deadpool: Don't say scolding, if this bastard continues to kill beautiful women everywhere, see if I don't kill him!

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): You want to kill your variant?This is crazy.

Deadpool: It's not crazy, it's Sparta! . (*―?―*).

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): What are you talking about?

Deadpool: Hahaha, you don't understand if you don't understand.

At this moment, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Video continues]

[The observer stood beside Susan's cold body and whispered about the whole story:]

["The story of the Fantastic Four came to an end like this.]

[“But this is not the beginning of all stories. To witness the real beginning of all these tragic events, we must turn the clock back.”]

["This is Ravensroft Asylum..."]

[Accompanied by the observer's narration, the picture on the screen suddenly changed. 】

[The voices of begging, wailing, and scolding are often heard in this mental hospital. It is like hell to hear in the middle of the night. 】

[However, the director of the mental hospital, Dr. Benjamin Brighton, is known as a pioneer of psychiatry. ]

【One day, Charles Xavier, Wolverine, Cyclops and Storm sent the tightly bound Deadpool to this mental hospital. ]

[It turns out that the X-Men can no longer endure... the various nonsense of the crazy Deadpool. 】

[Next, Deadpool, bound in a straitjacket, was sent to Doctor Brighton's office. 】

[Faced with this mean-spirited mercenary, Dr. Brighton just chatted with him a few times before revealing his true colors. 】

[It turns out that this person is not a doctor who saves and heals the wounded at all, but a famous super villain... a spiritual shocker. 】

[The reason why this supervillain chooses to disguise as a psychiatrist here is because he knows that those superheroes especially like to send the enemies they catch... here! 】

[In this way, the spiritual shocker can just use his special ability to transform these super criminals into a super army that obeys him! 】

[This time, what he's targeting is Deadpool... Wade Wilson! 】


[Facing Deadpool, who was completely immobile in his restraint clothes, the Spirit Shocker directly activated the control box in his hand, and used terrifying spiritual energy to impact Deadpool's will line of defense! ]

[As long as he succeeds, Deadpool's will will be erased, thus becoming a puppet that obeys the mind shaker! 】

【“Ah ah ah! Get out of my head!”】

[Faced with this terrifying spiritual invasion, even a guy like Deadpool... who is already familiar with pain, can't help crying loudly! 】

[While twitching and struggling on the ground, Deadpool suddenly raised his head and spat out a mouthful of blood! 】

[This kind of attack on the spiritual level actually hurt his physical body! 】

[While spitting out this mouthful of blood, in Dead Servant's mind, something seemed to wake up! 】

[At this moment, he seemed to hear a voice he had never heard before, and saw a scene he had never imagined. 】

[Watching Deadpool fall to the ground, the mental shocker suddenly relaxed his vigilance. 】

[In his impression, no human has ever been able to resist the mental shock of the control box! 】

[This eccentric mercenary should have completely become his own slave. 】

[At this moment, Dead Servant suddenly stood up, not only broke free of the restraint clothes, but also wrapped the neck of the mentally shocked person with his sleeves! 】

["Damn it!"

[In a burst of shouting, the back of the fake doctor's head suddenly opened, and a strangely shaped little man emerged from it! 】

【"I am from your master, you should obey the spirit shocker!"】

[No one would have thought that the famous super villain... the body of the spiritual shocker is actually such a little man with a length of more than ten centimeters. 】

[Grab this little guy in his hand, Dead Servant threw the mental shocker directly to the table and smashed it into meat sauce. 】

[But at the moment when the voice in his head sounded, the killing desire in his heart was completely awakened! 】

[Killing the doctor is just the beginning, Deadpool will kill all the medical staff and patients in this mental hospital!Finally, a fire was lit and the entire hospital was blown up! 】

[After fully comprehending his mission, Deadpool is determined to destroy everything, and this hospital is not even an appetizer! 】

[After describing the past, the screen returns to the observer's side. 】

[Looking at the corpse of the invisible female Susan on the ground, the observer's tone also lowered:]

[“In some parallel universes, the Spirit Shocker has successfully shaped an army of villains who submit to him.”

["There are worlds where heroes join forces to defeat his army and overthrow his rule."]

[“On rare occasions, the Spirit Shockers have indeed succeeded in ruling the world.”]

[“In this world, the villain who tried to conquer the world unexpectedly awakened a terrifying killer…”]

[Just as the observer was reading a narration to the air, a purple energy light wave suddenly swept across her body. 】


[Suddenly suffered this sudden attack, the observer let out a scream, and then fell to the ground. 】

[The shock in his heart at this moment even surpassed the pain in the flesh. 】

[The observer is usually outside the reality and dimension, who can perceive its existence? 】

[More importantly... who has the ability to attack him! 】


[Accompanied by frantic laughter, a familiar voice rang in the observer's ears:]

["Just now, this gadget I stole from Reed Richards seems to be specially designed to deal with your existence outside of reality!"]

[Under the stimulation of the purple current, the observer's body still twitched uncontrollably, but he still raised his head with difficulty, and asked in an unbelievable voice:]

[“But I didn’t interfere with reality, how could you…”]

【“How can I see you?”】

[Deadpool laughed wildly and said:]

[“Now, the way I see things is different from that of ordinary people.]

["Maybe, it's because there is something wrong with my brain."]

[Next, Deadpool raised the "anti-reality stun gun" in his hand, walked to the observer's side, and asked coldly:]

["Just now... I heard what you said!"]

【“Who are you talking to?”】

[Deadpool just now, not only saw the observer's figure, but even heard his chattering narration! 】


[It's as if... in addition to the observers, there are some things that Deadpool still can't see! 】

[After asking the question, Deadpool didn't even wait for the observer's answer, so he cut off his big bald head with a knife! 】

[Maybe, Deadpool has already guessed the answer, or he thinks he will find the answer one day! ]

Seeing this, almost everyone in the live broadcast room froze in place, their eyes full of astonishment and disbelief.

After a while, little Wanda finally screamed.

"Observer, this Deadpool actually killed the Observer!"

In the face of Little Wanda's scream, Tony Stark also twitched at the corners of his mouth and was speechless for a while.

Except for the sentry, the expressions of the others in the live broadcast room were similar to Tony Stark.

Horror, shocking, incredible, unbelievable...

Various emotional waves swept in like a tide, covering everyone.

Under this wave of emotional impact, everyone was frozen in place like a clay sculpture and wood sculpture, and they couldn't move.

And at this moment, the chat group completely exploded.

Stephen Strange: This is this....Who will tell me... I read it right!

Bruce Banner: I seem to see... the Observer is dead. (one bite)!! !

John Constantine: Impossible, how could this big bald man die so easily!

John Constantine: Even Infinite Ultron can't kill him!

CAPTAIN AMERICAN: This observer...seems to be immobilized after being hit by Reed Richards' stun gun.

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