Nick Fury: No wonder, no matter what parallel universe?Humans think the same way.

Nick Fury: If the culprit can be killed before the disaster strikes, wouldn't that be the end of it?

Wanda Maximoff: As expected of a black braised egg with a darker face and a darker heart!It seems that you should have done this kind of thing a lot.

Nick Fury: ...

Thinking of Hank Pym, who was thrown into the secret prison by himself not long ago, the black marinated egg shook his head gently, his face showing determination.

Everything he does is to protect the earth!

Captain America: However.Even the crazy Deadpool finally let baby Hitler go without taking his life.

Captain America: Did the Punisher really get such a hand?

Deadpool: Captain, your memory can't be that bad, right? This cosmic Ghost Rider's brain is not normal!

Deadpool: When he was under the Emperor Thanos, he fed your variant to the Hulk!

Deadpool: That kind of inhuman lunatic who can do anything.

Bruce Banner:  …

Suddenly the dark history was revealed by death, and Bruce Banner's face suddenly became gloomy.

If there is a choice, he really can't wait to clear his brain cells that remember "Hulk"!

Raised in the basement like a dog by Thanos...for millions of years!

It's better to live like this... it's better to die sooner!

And thinking of this, Banner's hatred for the emperor Thanos is even deeper!

Bruce Banner: If this Punisher Ghost Rider can really kill Thanos' infant body, it will simply save the entire universe in advance!

John Constantine: Yes!If this tyrant continues to grow, in the future, he will kill all life in the universe in order to please the goddess of death!

Thanos Thanos: .... a shameful scum who deserves to die. (▼,▼?<)

Ganata, Daughter of Swallowing Stars: Huh?How could you purple potato monster say such words, he is a variant of you.

Thanos: I don't need to explain to you.

Deadpool: Ah ha ha ha!I get it, it's like that other Deadpool, in order to maintain his dignity... and slaughter other Deadpools!

Deadpool: And you... you should be very disliked, the one who became the goddess of death to fill the dog!


Thanos sat on the throne without saying a word, but there was a hint of surprise in his eyes.

How can this crazy red clown be so sharp?

Could it be that he is not just a simple lunatic?

At this time, a new change appeared on the screen.

[Video continues]

[At this point in time when the Cosmic Ghost Rider traveled through, Thanos was still a few years old. 】

[Facing the baby sleeping in the cradle, the Punisher who reincarnated in human form directly raised the gun in his hand. ]

[In order to save the entire universe, he must start today! 】

[But just before he pulled the trigger, the purple child in front of him suddenly widened his eyes. 】


[Although he is only a few years old, the little Thanos actually made a fierce roar at this time and jumped directly from the cradle. ]


[The Punisher's shot is also empty. ]

【"Who are you?"】

[Little Thanos jumped vigorously to Punisher's face and knocked him to the ground with a savage punch!

【"What do you want to do?"】

["...Good guy, you are so young, you are so powerful!"]

[Looking at the fierce little Thanos in front of him, the last doubt in the Punisher's heart disappeared.

【This child must not be left! 】

【,, Peng! ,,]



[With the formation of hell flames, the Punisher instantly turned into a cosmic ghost knight. 】

【"look into my eyes!"】

[The Evil Knight of the Universe uses the Eye of Judgment to stare at the eyes of the little Thanos in front of him, trying to judge his sins!

[But soon...he was suddenly stunned again.

[Before, when the Cosmic Ghost Rider was the dark vanguard of the Emperor Thanos, Thanos had to experience his Eye of Judgment in person every morning. 】

[In this way, he can once again feel the countless evil deeds he has committed in his life! 】

[For the Emperor Thanos, this is a supreme enjoyment! ]

[But looking at the little Thanos who is still wrapped in a diaper in front of him, the Ghost Rider finds... His Judgment Eye sees nothing. ]

["Ah, hell, you're innocent."]

[After reacting, the skeleton face of the Cosmic Ghost Rider distorted. 】

[This kid in front of me is only three years old at most, and still sleeping in the cradle at night, what crime can he commit? 】


[Stunned the cute little Thanos with one punch, raised his gun at the little monster that was about to grow into a demon in front of him, and countless thoughts flashed in Cosmic Ghost Rider's mind. 】

[“I cannot kill an innocent person.]

["But, he can't be allowed to stay on this planet, otherwise... this child will just repeat the same mistakes."]

[After pondering for a long time, Cosmic Ghost Rider finally made a decision that went against his original intention. 】

[He made a net bag with Cytolak's crimson bone chain, put the little Thanos in it, like a kangaroo, and took him on the journey again! 】

[Cosmic Ghost Rider? Punisher, I want to try it out, can I use another method to raise the little Thanos! 】

[Then...turn him into a whole new person. 】



Seeing this, almost everyone in the live broadcast room was messy.

Tony Stark, Bruce Wayne... They all had incredible expressions on their faces, as if they had seen the most absurd thing in the world.

"Raising... Thanos??? Does this guy have a problem with his brain? Ah, yes, he does have a problem with his brain!"

Due to the excessive shock, Little Wanda's words became somewhat incoherent.

"That's Thanos! How can such a monster change!"


Peter Parker swallowed involuntarily, but there was also a struggle on his face:

"That being said, do you really want that Ghost Rider...kill a child?"

"I go……"

After thinking about it, Little Wanda's face suddenly collapsed.

No matter how wicked an adult Thanos is, to kill a three-year-old kid is really not something anyone can do.

"Damn it!"

Little Wanda stomped angrily.

"Isn't this exactly the same as the ending of Deadpool 2?"

"That guy was reluctant to kill Hitler, and this Ghost Rider was reluctant to kill Thanos!"

Bruce Wayne shook his head slightly:

"I'm more inclined to think that... people's growth is related to the environment in which they live, and their life experiences."

"If this little Thanos hadn't met the goddess of death, maybe his life would have been completely different."

Thinking of his life before stepping into the alley of crime, Master Wayne was filled with emotion.

When I was a child... I really can't think of breaking my head. In the future, he will actually become a vigilante who wears tights and fights crimes on the streets!

"Does the environment change people? I think it makes sense."

Clark Kent nodded in agreement.

"I don't know where I would be now if I hadn't been raised by my adoptive parents."

Thinking of the red superman who was determined to save all mankind, but almost ruined everything, Clark's tone also brought a trace of lingering fears.

At this time on the Temple 2, Thanos suddenly sneered:

"Hahaha... This guy actually wants to adopt my variant."

"This farce is really interesting the more I watch it..."

Just as he was laughing, the Fourth Obsidian General, Nebula, and Gamora all bowed their heads deeply, gritted their teeth, and didn't dare to make a sound.

At that moment, they all heard the deep anger contained in the laughter of Thanos!

If you talk casually at this time, you will anger the overlord of the universe, and there will be no bones left!

At this time, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Video continues]

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