[Just as Tony stared at the living treasure in front of him, another desperate virus superman suddenly appeared behind him, knocking him unconscious with a punch. 】

[When Tony Stark wakes up, he finds that both Dr. Killian and Maya Hansen have appeared in front of him. 】

[Facing Tony who was tied up tightly, Killian said proudly:]

[“I want to thank you, you gave me the most precious gift in my life back then in Switzerland.”]


[Killian claimed that it was because Tony tricked him to go to the top of the building that he re-emerged in extreme despair and became who he is now! 】

[This time, he is going to give Tony the same desperation! 】

[I saw Killian, press the button on the hand, and a holographic projection appeared in front of Tony! 】

[It's actually a small pepper! 】

[And, judging from the red light emitting from her body, Little Pepper has obviously been injected with the Extremis virus. 】

[“Now, this woman’s body has to choose, whether to accept the virus or give up!”]

[Killian said softly:]

["I must say, if she gives up, the explosion that follows... should be spectacular!"]

[Not only that, Killian also used the super power of the Extremis virus to get Colonel Rhodes out of the steel 5.6 Iron Patriot armor. 】

[Killian's plan is to let his soldiers drive this suit, approach the President of the Beautiful Country, and then kidnap him! ]

[In this way, the vice president who works with Killian can hold the power, and Killian himself can be the one who controls everything behind the scenes!

[Faced with a terrible crisis, Tony Stark did not give up. 】

[Just when Killian left the execution plan, he used his mind to control the suit and flew over, and knocked down the desperate virus warrior guarding him! 】

[But seeing Killian leave by plane, Tony's Mark 42 suit dropped the chain again and couldn't fly! 】

[In desperation, they could only take the fake Manchurian yacht to save the president. 】

in the live room

"Damn, this lunatic dares to do something to Little Pepper!"

Seeing the miserable appearance of Pepper being tied up and injected with the virus, Tony's eyes turned red.

In fact, Tony didn't care much about Killian's revenge against him.

But the little pepper is definitely the inverse scale in his heart!

who touches!

who died!

"Cutting-edge creative technology! Dr. Killian!"

Tony gritted his teeth and imprinted these names into his mind.

As long as he leaves this live broadcast room, all these emptiness are dead!

In fact, even if there is no kidnapping of Pepper, Tony is ready to sweep the "AIM" organization

This desperate virus is too dangerous!

If it falls into the hands of the wicked, it will surely pose a terrible threat to the world! .

Chapter 494 Pepper Saves Tony!Play the ultimate white can!Good and evil reversed!Iron Man has gone black!

[Before saving the President, Tony also remotely controlled his suit and rescued all the crew members on Air Force 1. 】

[But he still came a step late, and the president was transported away in a steel patriot jersey. 】

[When he thought of Dr. Gillian and his group of desperate virus warriors, Colonel Rhodes was a little discouraged. ]

[Seeing this, Tony Stark started his own "Villa Party Plan" directly through Jarvis! 】

[At the same time, Dr. Killian led the imprisoned President to the deck of a ship. 】

[The president looked at him angrily and asked, "What exactly do you want from me?"]

[Dr. Killian tilted his head and said with a smile:]

[“I don’t need to get anything. I just need to kill you and do a live broadcast.”]

【“You know what? People always have to look forward.”】

["I have found a new puppet, at this time tomorrow, he will replace you!"]

[Not long after, Tony Stark and Colonel Rhodes, who did not have battle armor, also mixed around the port. 】

[When they entered the interior of the port and looked up, they saw that the president wearing a steel patriot uniform was hung in the air, looking very pitiful.

【"Oh, my gosh!"】

[Colonel Rhodes retracted his head and said with lingering fears:

["They hoisted the president from the gas tank and were going to burn it to death!"]

【"Viking Funeral!"】

【Tony immediately thought of something:】

["This is a public execution!"]

[Then the two of them were going to rescue the president, but they were discovered on the way, and the bullets were so overwhelming that Tony and Rhodes couldn't even lift their heads. 】

【"Did you see it? I hit it with one shot!"】

[After firing a few random shots, Tony hid behind cover and couldn't help showing off his marksmanship to Colonel Rhodes. 】

[Looking at Tony's smug look, Colonel Rhodes couldn't help but complain:]

【“Yes, you are really good at playing glass!”】

[Tony does not feel ashamed at all, but instead asks:]

【“Did you think I was aiming for a light bulb?”】

【“You can’t hit it so far!”】

In the live broadcast room, Wanda helplessly covered his forehead:

"Oh my God, it's just these two! One of them is a playboy who has never touched a gun!

"So you want to save the president!"

"Stark, your variant is crazy!"

Hearing Wanda's words without any scruples, a blue vein bulged on Tony's forehead.

This kid... is too disrespectful to himself.

At this time, Bruce Wayne suddenly said calmly:

"Now they already know that the other party even colluded with the vice president!"

"So... except for each other, these two can't trust anyone anymore."

Speaking of which, Master Wayne even showed a look of approval on his face:

"Apart from the closest companion, anyone in this world can betray!"

"So, to ensure the success of the operation, a certain level of secrecy is necessary."


When Little Wanda heard it, the look in Wayne's eyes became like looking at the mentally retarded.

"Just two people, that Stark's gun is still inaccurate, just like this... How can it be possible to defeat so many superpowers?"

"They... simply committed suicide!"

"Not necessarily..."

Tony suddenly calmed down at this time, and said slowly:

"Don't forget, that variant of mine used to start a 'Villa Party Project' before."

"If I'm not mistaken, now is the time for that plan to work."

"Villa party?"

Little Wanda's eyes were full of doubt and uncertainty, as if he didn't believe the nervous Iron Man on the screen at all.

Seeing this, Tony only felt that his hands were a little itchy, and he wanted to knock her head twice again.

At this time, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Video continues]

[In the port.Tony and Rhodes are soon surrounded by those "Desperate Virus Supermen". ]

[Looking at the enemy with a red light all over his body and an automatic weapon in his hand, even Colonel Rhodes, who is experienced in war, felt a little numb in his scalp at this time. 】

["My God, I really need a battle suit!"]

["That's right, we need reinforcements!"]

[Tony Stark nodded indifferently, as if he was in control. 】

["Yeah, we need a lot!" Rhodes responded with an annoyed expression. 】

[Up to now, they can't even find the target of their call for help, where can they find reinforcements? 】

["Oh, guess what?"]

[Tony looks at the night sky, blinks his eyes, and has a narrow look on his face. 】


[Accompanied by a loud cracking sound, a shining star is flying towards them at high speed.

[Soon, one star became two, four, eight...]

[Looking at the stars constantly appearing in the sky, Colonel Rhodes was shocked, his mouth opened wide, and some couldn't believe his eyes:]

【“Is that so?”】

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