Wonder Woman Diana: In the end, he defeated all the gods except Zeus!Or Zeus himself can beat Ares back!

Thor: A god of war who defeated so many gods, was actually killed by you!woman!It looks like you are really strong.

God of War Kratos: Your world!Parallel universe!what are you guys saying?

Invincible Young Hero: I can probably understand what the universe is... but the gods?Zeus?Is this true? (.0.)

In his room, the "Invincible Young Hero" Mark's mouth was wide open, and his eyes were so wide that they protruded from their sockets.

By now, he was absolutely certain that the screen in front of him was not his hallucination...

But some kind of communication device that spans countless worlds!

The most incredible thing is that in those worlds, there are real gods!

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): Well, two newcomers, I'll give you an overview of the system.

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): .... In short, as long as you don't randomly answer the wrong questions, you will never be harmed...

"Multiverse? Other worlds?"

Sitting on the throne of God, Kratos opened his eyes wide, his expression stagnant, and the anger and madness in his eyes disappeared without a trace.

At this moment, Kratos' psychological shadow was too big to describe in words.

It turns out... this world ruled by the gods of Olympus is not unique!

In the rest of the world, there are unheard of gods!

Even the power above the gods!

This unheard of information poured in like a tide, and Kratos only felt that his three views had been reshaped!

Even the hatred and anger deep in his heart were suppressed by this unimaginable shock for a while!

At this moment, the screen that had been dimmed also lit up.

[Next, "Guardians of the Galaxy 2" will be played soon]

[Soon, new images begin to appear on the screen. 】

【in 1980. 】

[A man brought a woman to a forest and let him show a strange plant. 】

[The man said with a bit of excitement:]

[“Soon, this plant will grow everywhere, even in the entire universe

[The woman said with a smile:]

["I don't know what you're talking about, but I like the way you talk.]

[The man looked at the woman and said with an affectionate expression:]

["My heart belongs to you, Meredith Quill..."]

[Meredith Quill hugs the man and smiles:]

["I can't believe I'm in love with an astronaut.]

Seeing this, the chat group immediately became lively again.


Captain America: Meredith Quill... that name sounds familiar.

Nick Fury: That Star-Lord's original name was Peter Quill!It is very likely that this woman is related to him.

Nick Fury: And that weird plant...I have a bad feeling about it.

As soon as I heard what the man said... "It grows to be everywhere in the universe!" The vigilance of the black marinated egg was immediately raised!

This kind of plant, coupled with such words, is really dangerous!

bruce banner: this thing is definitely not a plant on earth, but... all over the universe?What does this man want?

Stephen Strange: Wait!I remember, in the What-if series, there seems to be a man who appeared in front of a variant of "Peter Quill" claiming to be his father!

Stephen Strange: And he seems to want to kill Peter Quill!In the end, it was the Black Panther Star-Lord who shot and rescued him!

Invincible Young Hero: How could a father kill his son? You must be mistaken!

Stephen Strange: Not only that, I still remember... It was revealed in the ending of "Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. [-]" that Peter Quill, the star-lord, has a mysterious ancient alien blood!


Stephen Strange: In other words, his father was an alien!

Invincible Young Hero: ! ! !Alien father? ? ? (.0.)

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): New?What's wrong?

Invincible Young Hero: ....It's okay, you continue.

Standing in his room, the invincible young hero Mark took a deep breath, but he couldn't suppress his beating heart no matter what.

At the age of 7, his father "The Almighty" told Mark about his life experience.

It turned out that the Almighty came from a planet named Vertum in the universe!That's why he has unimaginable superpowers and is known as the strongest superhero on earth.

According to the Almighty, he was sent to the backward planets in the universe to help them develop technology and maintain peace.

However, as the son of the Almighty, Mark has never awakened his superpowers.

Therefore, deep in his heart has always been a deep inferiority complex and self-doubt.

Now, a whole new world appeared in front of Mark!

He finally knows that in the endless multiverse, he is not the only alien-earth hybrid!

Stephen Strange: According to the plot of "Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. [-]", the Marauder's bravery... should be entrusted by Star-Lord's father to kidnap the young Peter Quill into the universe.

Stephen Strange: But for some unknown reason, Yondu "intercepted" Peter Quill privately and trained him to be a..."Rogue".

... 0

Wanda Maximoff: What Rogue?That fool is a fool!

Nick Fury: Based on the information we know, Star-Lord, the alien father, is probably not a good kind, and may be a threat to the earth... and even to the universe!

Nick Fury: And, that plant, maybe some kind of conspiracy of his own!

Ganata, Daughter of Swallowing Stars: Is it really so amazing that this plant can grow throughout the universe?I don't know how it tastes like...

Just then a new image appeared on the screen.

[Video continues. 】

[After 34 years, the Guardians of the Galaxy accepted the commission of the Sovereigns to destroy a huge monster. 】

[Seeing this terrifying tentacle monster descend from the sky, Xing-Lord and the others rushed up to fight him. 】

[Little Groot plugged in the speaker and danced beside him. 】

【“The skin of this monster is too thick to be pierced from the outside!”】

[After some melee, looking at the ferocious tentacle monster in front of him, Drax the Destroyer looked dignified and said terrifying words:]

["It must be attacked from the inside!"]

[Gamora looks bewildered next to him. 】

["Huh? Drax! You're crazy.]

[Drax seems to be completely on his head, and he doesn't listen to dissuasion at all, just madly rushing towards the monster in front of him! 】

[Finally, holding two knives... Actively jumped into the monster's bloody mouth! 】

[Seeing this scene, Star Lord is also stunned. 】

[“What is he thinking? The skin of this monster, whether it’s on the outside or on the inside… is the same thickness.]

[Gamora seems to have a little breakdown:]

[“I told him, but he just wouldn’t listen.”]

Seeing this weird scene, someone in the chat group bubbled up again.

God of War Kratos: This man named Drax is a little bold, but he is too weak.

God of War Kratos: This kind of monster... Even if I am not a god, I can easily slaughter it!

Wonder Woman Diana: If what you say is true, then you must be an amazing warrior, and I'm still looking forward to meeting you on the battlefield someday.

God of War Kratos: Hahaha!woman!Just because you once killed Ares, after defeating you, I will definitely spare your life.

Wonder Woman Diana: Huh... an unfamiliar god of war.Speaking wildly does not prove your strength.

At this time, on Temple 2, Thanos tilted his head slightly, watching the battle on the screen, and suddenly there was a hint of impatience in his eyes.

Afterwards, he glanced coldly at Gamora in the hall, and when he saw her sweating lightly, his whole body trembled.

"No, it's really too weak!"

"I can't even defeat this kind of monster, so is she worthy of being the daughter of my Thanos?"

Thinking of the person who appeared in the "What If Series"... Gamora, who killed his father and captured his double-edged sword, made Thanos a little depressed for a while.

How can someone else's daughter be so promising? n.

Chapter 508 Shocking!Stan Lee and the Observer!Tunmei: I'm going to eat a living planet!The Invincible Young Hero: The Tragedy of Father and Son Killing Each Other

[Video continues]

[At this time, Star-Lord discovered that there was a crack in the neck of the tentacle monster. 】

[Next, Rocket Raccoon and Star-Lord are responsible for attracting the attention of the monster, while Gamora seizes the opportunity to stab into the gap with a sword and cut the huge tentacle monster in half. 】


[With a loud cry, Drax rolled out of the gap that Gamora cut. 】

[After this big guy came out, he was still laughing:]

["Hahaha! Great, I defeated this monster alone."]

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