Spoiling History: Starting from the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 132 The Fire of Destruction of Sanxing

This poet in the prosperous Tang Dynasty... I wonder how Du Gongbu compares with him?

Kong Ming watched it with gusto and commented on it.

He remembered that Guangmu said that Du Gongbu was his fan.

Especially those three people who constantly troubled the world and died before they left the army.

It made Kong Ming feel a little ashamed when he saw it.

It's a pity that Du Gongbu and him are hundreds of years apart, otherwise he would have been treated well.

I wonder if I write an article now to reward Du Gongbu for his kindness, will it be seen by Du Gongbu?

But judging from the poetry, this Du Gongbu was known to be talented, had the name of Gongbu, and lived in the prosperous Tang Dynasty.

Do you think your life should be good?

I don’t know what the prosperous age is like...

Remembering that Guangmu once commented that he had never seen the prosperity of the Han Dynasty, Kong Ming was actually a little envious.

Zhang Fei laughed without hesitation:

Hahaha, a man who has been the emperor for eternity actually wants to recognize the emperor of a small country in troubled times as his ancestor.

I'm afraid that if Li Hao knew about it, he would have to hold a banquet in the underworld for several days.

Guan Yu felt the same:

So what if the ancestors are prominent?

And after Li Hao was posthumously recognized as Li Guang...

Guan Yu is familiar with history books and remembers it clearly. Because of Li Ling, all the people in Longxi were ashamed.

Jian Yong said quietly:

General Yide aside, he will be known as General Yunchang for future generations.

But those with the relevant surnames may posthumously recognize General Yunchang as their ancestor.

The target was changed to himself, Guan Yu thought for a while and said: It seems not bad...

Hey, I remembered it! Zhang Fei shouted:

In the troubled times of the Sixteen Kingdoms, wouldn't there be someone who would recognize Adou posthumously...

Guan Yu had quick eyes and quick hands and stuffed a persimmon into Zhang Fei's mouth:

Third brother, eat more!

[Actually, when it comes to Longyou, if someone has been there now, they often feel that it doesn’t quite match up.

Today's Hexi Corridor is almost in the direction of Tianshui-Lanzhou-Xining-Zhangye-Jiayuguan.

The biggest feeling along the way of the self-driving tour is just two words: desolation.

Nowadays, it is also commonly known as the Gobi Desert, so there is an illusion.

Is this where the Li Tang royal family started? Building an empire starts with eating sand?

Prime Minister Liu came out of Qishan just to fight for this barren land? 】

The images on the light screen flew by quickly, and all that could be seen were large tracts of wasteland.

Is this Longyou? Kong Ming was surprised.

Kong Ming has never been there, but Longyou shouldn’t be like this.

This is not Longyou! Li Shimin was sure.

Xue Ju and Xue Rengao were defeated by him under his own leadership. He was very familiar with Longyou, and it was not like this.

[The Han Dynasty opened up the Hexi Corridor, thus creating the Silk Road.

The Tang Dynasty established Longyou Mu on the basis of the Sui Dynasty, which was one of the largest officially operated ranches in Chinese history.

Regardless of which family lived in the Han, Sui and Tang Dynasties, the description of the Hexi Corridor was the same:

The water and grass are luxuriant and the grass is green.

Precisely because of its good natural conditions, the Hexi Corridor began to be developed during the Han Dynasty.

From the end of the Han Dynasty to the Sui Dynasty, many people migrated to Longyou due to years of war in the Central Plains.

Because there is Longdao and Tongguan here, it can maintain relative stability even if a war breaks out, thus forming the surname Longyou.

The Tang Dynasty set off a climax of developing Longyou. After setting up the four towns in Anxi, they tuned Shandong Ding men every year and gave money to divide the fields to resettle the people.

But during the Kaiyuan period, desertification in the Hexi Corridor became more serious.

There are fewer and fewer households. Since Liangzhou, the sand moraine has been leisurely.

The Mu Us Desert that we destroyed through tree planting a few years ago was almost formed during this period.

Reclamation led to the rapid desertification of the Hexi Corridor. Eventually, the Ming Dynasty no longer faced the Hexi Corridor, but the Hexi Desert.

Therefore, the Ming Dynasty's choice to manage the southwest and north was a helpless move. The desert blocked the road, and even if it was conquered, it would be completely outweighed by the gain.

The result of the Ming Dynasty's management of the Northeast was the creation of the Dragon and Tiger General Nurhaci, who eventually became the posthumous title of Ming Huai Zong. 】

The light screen no longer showed the coveted city that never sleeps. The screen flew by quickly, and all that could be seen was a barren land.

The rocks and earth are exposed, and growing on them are low shrubs that look drought-tolerant at first sight.

There is no grassland, the rivers are narrow, sparsely populated, and dusty.

This was Longyou who was completely different from what Li Shimin had seen. He looked at the desert in the light curtain.

The end of the Tang Dynasty actually left such a disaster to future generations?

Li Shimin felt a little unacceptable.

The reason seems very simple, but I usually don’t bother to think about it.

Du Ruhui sighed:

“It only takes half a day for people to cut down a tree, but it takes ten years for a seedling to grow into a tree.”

On the contrary. Li Shimin thought very clearly at this moment:

If the so-called desertification in the Hexi Corridor can be suppressed, the Hexi Corridor can become the foundation of the Tang Dynasty for all generations!

As a general, Li Shimin understood the importance of supplies.

If the Hexi Corridor becomes like a curtain of light, several times the amount of food and grass will be needed from Chang'an to the Western Regions.

On the other hand, if there are important towns and big cities in Hexi like now, and the people live and work in peace and contentment, then the local people can be recruited into the army.

The difference between the two is huge.

This matter needs to be discussed. Li Shimin explained:

After Yuan Zheng takes a rest, he will decide on the policy of destroying sand and leave it to me for review.

His Majesty the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty is only in his early thirties, and what he lacks most is mobility.

Du Ruhui, Fang Xuanling, obeyed the order.

Changsun Wuji lowered his eyebrows and said nothing. He is now in a state of being dismissed and knows how to avoid suspicion.

Li Jing was smiling. As a general, he didn't need to worry about this.

Kong Ming remembered the sigh of everyone in the class:

Cutting down trees is sometimes forbidden, and floods and droughts may not be caused by this.

But this time the light screen gave a real answer: the flood and drought disasters started from this point.

Taking a breath, Kong Ming said softly:

Such a matter is a thousand-year plan, so there is no need to rush it.

You can wait until the Cao thieves are defeated before slowly formulating policies.

Liu Bei nodded in approval and said with appreciation:

At the beginning of this year, the people in the public security department said that the ink cakes are a good thing for winter.

The price is cheaper than charcoal, and it will keep you warm longer than charcoal.

Mi Zhu knew this very well and said:

Nowadays, some frugal families are using ink cakes to cook meals. Every time a bucket of ink cakes is used, one less tree will be cut down, which will bring blessings to future generations.

It's just that more and more ink cakes are used nowadays, and the price of coal purchased from Jiangdong has gradually increased.

My lord, it is also advisable to quickly go to Chengdu and search for coal in Sichuan. Otherwise, this winter, the people may not have any ink cakes to use.

Liu Bei nodded repeatedly: I know.

[The conversation became a little more diffuse.

In short, at the time of the Prime Minister, the Hexi Corridor was still a complete treasure.

Although Ma Su died, everyone has been regretting the Prime Minister for thousands of years. Why?

Because as long as Ma Dijieting is not lost, it means that Ji Han can complete the takeover of Longyou.

Longyou, which is not deserted, can become Ji Han's own horse farm, and he can try to form cavalry to harass Guanzhong!

Moreover, Longyou is to the west of Guanzhong, and Hanzhong is to the south of Guanzhong. Under attack from both sides,

Ji Han can completely switch to strategic offense.

So what everyone sighs is because what Ma Di lost was never just a street pavilion.

Capture Cao Wei’s advance base,

Seeking unified strategic support,

Ji Han's final important opportunity,

An important guarantee for the revival of the Han Dynasty.

How can we not let people sigh with regret when everything is lost at the hands of Ma Su!

Moreover, it would be easier for the Prime Minister if he could switch to a strategic attack.

Maybe you don't have to work so hard and sleep late, and maybe you can live longer.

Then history would be completely different.

It's a pity that there is no if in history.

In 228 AD, Ma Di, who led the army for the first time, held the fire of Ji Han's three prosperity in his hand.

Then he grabbed it. 】

Zhang Fei's face became interested again and became extremely kind:

Ma Youchang, you are familiar with military books, come and tell me.

If the street pavilion is not lost, can what the light screen said happen?

Ma Su couldn't help but take a step back, and Liushen Wuzhu couldn't help but cast his eyes on his brother.

But Ma Liang didn't seem to hear it at all and was arranging the recorded words with his head down.

Ma Youchang, tell me. Zhang Fei took a step forward.

Still Liu Bei couldn't stand it anymore and shook his head and said:

Yide, there is no need to embarrass Ma Su.

Okay, big brother. Zhang Fei immediately turned around, as if nothing happened just now.

Huang Zhongze felt a little pity:

If General Zilong were here, he would definitely be very interested in Longyou.

Excellent horse farm!

Huang Zhong had heard General Zilong complain more than once that the horses purchased from Jiangdong were both short and expensive.

Kong Ming's face was expressionless, and he was even slightly happy in his heart:

Fortunately, I don't have to suffer the same fate as Prime Minister Zhuge in the light curtain.

Years of planning have suddenly come to naught, and just thinking about it makes me vomit blood in depression.

[Then let’s stop here first for today’s issue. After all, this issue is already long enough.

The next issue's trailer is Stars Falling in Wuzhangyuan. There will be a mysterious figure in the next issue, so stay tuned. 】

〖The long term of this issue is really long, and the short term is also really short!

Prime Minister Ziwugu was so cautious when planning the plan, why did he take such risks at a critical moment like Jieting?

Indeed, the Northern Expedition really could not make a mistake. After all, Cao Cao lost Guanzhong in Longxi, lost Guanzhong and had Wanluo, lost Wanluo and retreated to Hebei, lost Hebei and still had Huainan, the prime minister's cards were too small.

How can there be so many escape routes? Do you think that I, the King of Wei and Wu, will die?

King Wu of the Wei Dynasty should first find a way to get past Hefei.

Looking at it this way, it's a deadlock. Use the weak to attack the strong. If a strange move fails, you will die quickly. The safest way is to die slowly.

Ma Su in the novel is even stronger than Ma Su in the official history. This is really not good in history.

Please don’t describe Ma Di with words on paper. Zhao Kuo can hold off Bai Qi’s fierce attack for more than a month. Zhao Kuo can force Qin to use all the strength of the country. Zhao Kuo can personally attack and eventually die in battle. Zhao Kuo can make Bai Qi evaluate his victory as a miser. Ma Di Okay, let me ask you?

Indeed, if Ma Di had been under Zhao Kuo, he would have been the first to be hacked to death.

Uncle Liu Huang died in Tianzhi Lingqi: I said it all!

I admit that Your Excellency Uncle Liu Huang’s final words are profound, but if I say “dislike”, how should you respond? 〗

I wrote about the environment after thinking about it.

Deforestation in ancient times resulted in what we now know as the Gobi Desert and Loess Plateau. It is better to pay attention early than not to pay attention at all.

And the desertification in Longyou is actually a reminder to the prime minister.

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