Li Shimin's eyelids were twitching wildly, and he gradually tightened his hands on the armrests of the chair, while the veins on the back of his hands jumped wildly.

Hou Junji and Changsun Wuji raised their eyelids at the same time and exchanged glances:

I'm afraid everyone is very angry when they are like this. What should I do?

While the two were hesitating, Wei Zheng stepped forward with his head held high:

Your Majesty, I have heard that Mi Bu has an beginning and an end. However, Xuanzong lost his way and led to chaos in the government.

Being arrogant and secluded is due to His Majesty's support; breaking the rules and regulations will inevitably put the Tang Dynasty in danger!

Thousands of Congyin have many idle words, and their mediocre behavior may be the beginning of the decline of the Tang Dynasty.

Your majesty's career may be ruined if you are arrogant and promiscuous!

For a moment, both Changsun Wuji and Hou Junji widened their eyes, and then stopped moving towards His Majesty.

Wei Zheng was full of firepower and was not afraid. He only wished that he could not curse Xuanzong in front of him.

How could the prosperous foundation of our ancestors be so ruined? Even if His Majesty demoted him for it, he would admit it!

What is unexpected is that Wei Zheng, who was waiting for punishment, was instead rewarded:

My words come from the bottom of my heart and are well-founded!

As he spoke, Li Shimin cursed twice:

The foundation of the prosperous Tang Dynasty was created by me and my monarchs and ministers who worked hard and worked hard at night. This Xuanzong just inherited my legacy and went so far as to do this!

Then he said bitterly:

I'm afraid the Anshi Rebellion also escaped from here to Chengdu!

With so many post stations, neither government orders nor military information is conveyed. Sending lychees has been famous for thousands of years. Escape from Chengdu will make people laugh for thousands of years!

In this way, everyone was neither furious nor worried about the recurrence of the disease, and Changsun Wuji and other ministers also breathed a sigh of relief.

Fang Xuanling looked drowsy just now, but now she seemed to be waking up from a dream:

Did I, the descendant of the Tang Dynasty, move the capital?

Du Ruhui doesn’t think so:

The lychees mentioned in this light curtain were also sent to Chang'an... If there is no mistake, there should be an accompanying capital?

Although Guanzhong is rich and can connect Yongliang to Hexi, when it comes to connecting the north and the south, Luoyang is even better than Chang'an.

After all, the territory is vast, and it is normal for the companions to share in the defense.

Changsun Wuji was thoughtful:

If so...this emperor did not go to Luoyang but went directly to Shu after the Anshi Rebellion. Did this rebellion originate from Guandong?

The more others think about it, the more reasonable they feel.

Li Shimin stared at the map thoughtfully. What the auxiliary aircraft said was very reasonable. It was also the same on the battlefield. The first reaction of the defeated troops was often to stay away from the enemy's main force.

If Chengdu and Chang'an were connected in a line and continued to extend... Li Shimin narrowed his eyes slightly:

Chaos in the north?

It truly deserves to be the prosperous Tang Dynasty! Liu Bei looked away from Cao Pi's sentence, feeling only envy of the Tang Dynasty in his heart.

There is a post station every twenty miles, and these post stations are connected for thirty-six thousand miles, which shows the prosperity of the country.

But why does Xuanzong look familiar to me? Liu Bei was confused.

Pang Tong spoke briefly:

The An-Shi Rebellion occurred during this emperor's reign. He fled to the west of the river, abandoned the capital, and fled to Shu.

Liu Bei immediately gave up his previous thoughts:

It is okay to envy the prosperous Tang Dynasty, but there is no need to envy Xuanzong.

And how could such a prosperous era fall apart just because of a turmoil?

Liu Bei, who returned to the Yijun army, still remembered that the atmosphere of the Tang Dynasty that night was quite different from the prosperous Tang Dynasty when one man could destroy the country.

Others were having fun, but only Kong Ming, who was also engaged in management and logistics, understood what a difference of 20,000 steps was.

How much was the total military strength of the Tang Dynasty that could maintain so many post stations? I'm afraid it must be at least 300,000 real dollars.

What level is this? Kong Ming made an estimate and found that the three families of Sun, Cao, and Liu were probably not the same enemy.

We still have to engage in production! Kong Ming sighed in his heart.

Zhang Fei didn't understand why the military advisor suddenly became unhappy, but it didn't stop him from whispering to Zhao Yun:

Zilong, are the pears from your hometown really so delicious?

Zhao Zilong's eyes became distant, he thought for a moment and nodded:

Zhending pear, sweet and crisp, I haven't tasted it in twenty years.

Zhang Fei patted Zhao Yun on the shoulder. Didn't he and his eldest brother go back to their hometown?

[In addition to his literary talent and sweet taste, Cao Pi was also eye-catching in his life. Another thing that attracted equally attention was diabetes, which may be inherited in the family.

In ancient times, this condition was called diabetes mellitus based on the symptom of polydipsia and dry mouth caused by diabetes.

By coincidence, when Cao Pi was arguing that grapes and pears were delicious, he mentioned a common advantage of the two: eliminating annoyances and quenching thirst.

And he is also extremely fond of sweets in life. For example, when he wrote to Wu Zhi, he said that when riding horses in Beichang, he often went without eating for a whole day:

Sweet melons float in clear springs, and plum blossoms sink in cold waters. I rely on melons and plums plus water to satisfy my hunger.

When he wrote to the ministers dissing the food in Shu, he said that the food in Shu was bland and needed to be dipped in honey to barely eat it.

For example, when I write poems, I record my meals: drinking fine wine and roasting fat cows.

This living habit is one that modern people can only call good guy when they see it. It's high in oil and sugar. If you don't get sick, who will get sick?

As for the genetic origin of diabetes, some people speculate that it should come from the biological mother, Mrs. Bian.

Because her nephew Bian Lan was clearly recorded to have died of diabetes, the fate of Mrs. Bian's other three sons was also very different.

Cao Zhi was addicted to alcohol and often drunk, and became mentally unstable in his later years;

Cao Zhang had no record of illness, but the cause of death was strange and he died in a violent rage;

Cao Xiong died young, and his son Cao Bing also died young. Cao Bing had no children, and the country was destroyed.

Diabetes was basically an incurable disease in ancient times, and for people like Cao Pi, Cao Rui, and Cao Zhi who deliberately indulged themselves, early death can only be said to be normal.

Then why is Mrs. Bian okay? Because she was suppressed by Cao Cao personally and was not given power or wealth, Mrs. Bian lived a very restrained life.

Historical records record the diet of Mrs. Bian that Cao Rui saw when he visited: vegetables, rice, and no fish. A stark contrast to her children's dietary indulgence.

In addition, the Cao family also has hereditary wind disease, which is commonly known as high blood pressure. Cao Cao himself has also controlled this very well. According to the analysis of the Four Seasons Food System left behind, Cao Cao himself likes to eat fish the most, which is low in calories and Healthy, so he can live to be over sixty years old.

Erfeng had poor control over this point. According to the analysis of food customs in the Tang Dynasty, most of them often ate mutton, and they worked hard to make sugar. It is estimated that they ate a lot, both of which can aggravate high blood pressure. Therefore, it is natural that he only lived to the age of fifty-two.

In addition, Ma Zhou, a famous official in Zhenguan, also died of diabetes.

An Lushan, a native of Tiantu in the prosperous Tang Dynasty and the adopted son of Xuanzong and Concubine Yang, also suffered from severe diabetes. 】

Zhang Fei originally had a few pieces of persimmons in his sleeves and ate them while looking at them. After reading them, he hurriedly threw them out and never dared to touch them again.

In this future life... is it true that everyone is a miracle doctor?

Liu Bei was shocked:

Kong Ming felt helpless and shook his head:

It should be the bad taste of future generations, just like...

Kong Ming found it difficult to speak, and Pang Tong burst into laughter. He also remembered how Guang Ming commented that Kong Ming had no heirs. The words he used could be said to be very merciless.

Then Pang Tong's ridicule was also very merciless:

It cannot be said that this disaster happened only because the traitor Cao slaughtered the city and usurped the Han Dynasty!

Then Pang Tong came up with an evil idea:

My lord, you might as well write a letter to ridicule him. It's a foregone conclusion that Cao will be the heir of the thief. It's too late to regret now.

Zhang Fei's eyes widened in surprise and he sighed:

A military advisor is a good person.

Kong Ming copied these contents again and planned to send the Clippers back to Jingzhou for Dr. Zhang to read.

One side said: If Cao Pi and Cao Rui could restrain themselves like Cao Cao, why would such disaster happen?

I just didn't expect... Kong Ming stopped writing and sighed:

This Cao Wei actually died of thirst syndrome.

Compared with the mediocre response in Yizhou, Ganlu Temple can be said to be very happy:

“Everyone’s ailment can be saved!”

This was the common sigh of several ministers.

Li Shimin was rather reluctant:

Fish meat has no flavor, how can it compare to roasted lamb?

The ministers had mixed reactions.

Your Majesty, please serve the country and bear with your desires for the time being. This is Wei Zheng's seriousness.

I will ask someone to go to the East China Sea tomorrow to look for fish. There are rumors that the meat is more delicious than lamb! This is Hou Junji who is the guarantee.

Du Ruhui looked calm and just said a few names one by one:

The Anshi Rebellion, the Guiyi Army, Xiao Taizong, Yizong, Xuanzong, riding a red dust concubine laughing...

Stop, stop, stop! Li Shimin pressed his forehead and felt his temples hurting again.

Rubbing his forehead, Li Shimin could only sigh in pain:

It's up to you.

Hou Junji looked at the last few lines of the light curtain and said curiously:

What does it mean to have native people in the prosperous Tang Dynasty?

Fang Xuanling clearly remembers the words of the light curtain:

Another handful of soil has been added to the coffin of the prosperous Tang Dynasty.

It seems that the Anshi Rebellion may refer to the surname of the culprit. The An of the Anshi Rebellion is the An of Anlu Mountain.

The missing word count will be made up tomorrow.

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