[Although there has been a tradition of saying goodbye to the old and welcoming the new since Yao, Shun, and Yu, there is no consensus on which month from Xia to Qin is the beginning of the year.

For example, the first month of the lunar calendar is January, the Shang calendar is December, the weekly calendar is November, and the Qin calendar is October.

The official change of the beginning of the year did not affect folk celebrations. For the purely agricultural society at that time, the beginning of spring was the first day worth celebrating.

The ice and snow melt, spring comes, worshiping gods and ancestors, praying for good luck, exorcising evil spirits and fighting disasters, eradicating the old and bringing in the new. These simple and pure customs to celebrate the beginning of spring form the framework of the Spring Festival celebration that we are familiar with today.

In 104 AD, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty ordered the formulation of the famous Taichu Calendar.

This calendar not only changes the first day of October in the Qin calendar as the first day of the year, but also integrates the solar terms of the Ganzhi calendar as a supplement to the calendar.

It was also at this point that the folk custom of celebrating the beginning of spring gradually merged with the official custom of offering sacrifices to the new year, becoming the prototype of the Chinese New Year that has been passed down to this day.

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty was well known for his outstanding martial arts. Frequent wars accelerated the economic and cultural exchanges between the north and the south of the Han Dynasty. Regional customs and habits gradually merged, and the Chinese New Year gradually became a festival celebrated by the Chinese nation.

During the Chinese New Year, customs such as worshiping ancestors, greeting parents, congratulating brothers and friends, drinking and sweeping have been basically established in the Han Dynasty.

Therefore, when it comes to promoting the Chinese New Year, Liu Che, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, should be regarded as the top creditor.

In addition, the lucky money that we are all familiar with during the New Year is very likely to be related to Liu Che.

Lucky money is the homophony of lucky money, and lucky money also had a name in the Han Dynasty, which was called lucky money.

There were many witchcrafts in Qin and Han Dynasty, and the most famous witchcraft disaster can be said to have affected the national destiny of the Western Han Dynasty.

The violent prince Liu Zheng died due to witchcraft, and his youngest son Liu Fuling ascended the throne at the age of eight, which directly led to Huo Guang's dictatorial power. The cause and effect relationship is clear and clear.

However, these things are not the protagonist of today. You only need to know that after the disaster of witchcraft, people in the Han Dynasty can almost say that they changed their color after hearing witchcraft.

This panic mentality has also made the technique of using talismans to ward off evil spirits and gain good luck become popular.

The simplest among the techniques of suppressing victory is to suppress money, and nowadays many archaeological discoveries have been made.

These five-baht coins from the Han Dynasty have upper handles and lower rings that are easy to wear. In addition to auspicious patterns such as turtles and fish, they are also inscribed with various auspicious words to serve as suppressants in the art of defeating.

Although people after the Han Dynasty did not talk about witchcraft in a serious way, the simple method of praying for money was still passed down, and the types became quite diverse.

For example, there are birthday money, tent money, etc. to pray for blessings and good luck;

Use military coins, eight treasure coins, etc. to protect against disasters;

Men's money, women's money, secret play money, etc. are used to pray for children and heirs;

There are even merchants who cast chess money, horse money, lantern riddle money, etc. purely for gaming purposes.

However, it should be noted that winning money basically appears as jewelry and has no currency circulation function.

In the Ming and Qing Dynasties, it was no longer popular to win money, but people worshiped ancient coins. For example, Li Shizhen's Compendium of Materia Medica recorded that the Kaiyuan Tongbao cast by Li Yuan was the top grade of ancient coins and could be used to eliminate diseases. Disease and cure.

In the Qing Dynasty, people even rushed to pursue Zhou Yuan Tongbao. It was said that this money could protect women from difficult childbirth.

This money was made by Zhou Shizong, Chai Rong, the orphan and widower who was bullied by Zhao Kuangyin.

Because the people at that time believed that Zhou Yuan Tongbao was made from the Buddhist bronze statue of Zongrong in Zhou Dynasty, which contained the power of Buddha and could drive away malaria and ghosts to protect peace.

In the course of hundreds of years of evolution, the art of lucky money has gradually disappeared in the long river of history, and the lucky money has gradually become the lucky money, and finally changed its name to lucky money.

Until now, the meaning of New Year's money has been reduced to simplicity, leaving only the blessings of the elders to the younger generations.

This thousand-year evolution was probably something that Emperor Wu, who was fighting against his father and son at that time, could never have imagined. 】

It's quite interesting to be lucky... to be lucky... to be lucky.

Kong Ming whispered, and his left hand unconsciously touched the pendant hanging on his waist.

Hanging around his waist is a piece of money with the same value as the light curtain. It was a gift from his wife, with the inscription We will never forget each other.

After saying goodbye to Gong'an County, Kong Ming traveled to many places in Yizhou, and now he went north to Chang'an via Hanzhong. Calculating carefully, he hadn't seen Huang Yueying for two or three years.

Thinking about his taciturn son and his noisy daughter, Kong Ming felt a little sad for a moment.

I made up my mind even more: I will definitely celebrate the occasion with my wife and children by next year at the latest.

Liu Bei's mentality was much more relaxed. Mrs. Gan, Mrs. Sun, and Adou were all in Chengdu before, and now they are heading north to Dingguanzhong. The time to say goodbye is less than a year.

Moreover, whether he stood up and looked at the prosperous Guanzhong, or sat down and looked at Lu Su who was staring at the light screen with curiosity, Liu Bei could be said to be satisfied, and the only thing he wanted now was:

I don't know how to inscribe this secret money made by men and women?

Liu Bei touched his chin and muttered to himself.

Cao Cao stationed troops in Yingchuan and sharpened his sword in Jingzhou, but Liu Bei was not in a hurry.

But seeing that Kong Ming now only has one adopted son and one biological daughter, and Pang Tong and Fazheng both have only one son, it is difficult to say that they are prosperous, Liu Bei became a little anxious when he thought about it.

And then thinking about Xu Shu, who was still alone, and Lu Su, who came to Chang'an with only his mother, Liu Bei became anxious from the bottom of his heart.

In order to avoid forgetting, Liu Bei took out his small notebook and wrote down the matter.

Lu Su also touched Yasheng Qian around his waist and was in a daze. On the day of Jianye's celebration of the new year, he was forced to flee Jiangdong with his mother and Gan Xingba on the boat.

Suddenly, he had no belongings to carry with him. Now the only jewelry on his body was the money and jade pendant hanging around his waist.

After a moment of emotion, Lu Su also whispered:

In this later generation, there are many kinds of winning money, which shows that the people live happily.

At least based on the chess money and horse money, at least there are many more game and entertainment methods than at this time.

Although I don’t know what lantern riddles are, from the literal meaning, I can infer that they are mostly elegant things for literati, which also shows that the writing style is prosperous.

Pang Tong recalled the troubled times he had seen from the light curtain, including the barbarians going south, the barbarians and the barbarians invading the sea, and the subsequent national crisis, and he couldn't help but fell silent.

When the light curtain turned on the playback function before, everyone simply refused to show Lu Su the previous written records.

First of all, the words are not as shocking as seeing them with your own eyes. Secondly, it is quite interesting to watch Lu Su's surprise.

After briefly recalling it in his mind, Pang Tong easily skipped the topic and said:

Now that you are residing in Imperial College, why don't you mobilize all your efforts and hold a Zhengdan celebration to dilute the spirit of swordsmanship?

Lu Su pondered for a moment and did not refuse directly:

Let me think about it.

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