Spring and Autumn I Am King

Chapter 338: Dark clouds weigh the city

The state of Lu is located in the Taiyi hills, many places are uneven, and there are only a few rivers that are not too wide. www.geiliwx.com Zhongdu and Kancheng are located in this area, Wenshui is in the north, Zhushui and Sishui are in the east, and Onoze is in the west and south.

From Qufu to Kancheng, although there is more than one path, it is relatively wide and flat, suitable for large groups of people to march, only to go to Zhongdu first, and then go around the road to the south.

"If I take the mountain trail, most of my soldiers are not Lu people, and they are not familiar with road traffic. Even if there is a local guide to guide, how can they compare with the pirates who have lived in the mountains, forests and waters for most of their lives? If the mountains are narrow and narrow We are in an ambush, and it is too late to regret, so to be cautious, we should go to the Central Capital first, and defeat the assembled group of thieves under the city is the right way!"

After setting this tone, Zhao Wuxi's entire army set out, crossed the Su River after leaving Lu City, and continued westward. After walking more than a hundred miles in two days, he entered the boundary of the Central Capital, only thirty miles away from the city. So far, the time is already the ninth day of October, and Zhongdu has been besieged for four or five days.

"Si Kou, if you continue to move forward, you can reach the Central Capital in the evening, and the group of thieves have to eat before the night. It must be very relaxed. Do we want to..."

In the temporary military meeting sitting on the ground, Tian Ben, who didn't have a good time in the street battle in Lucheng, suggested that, perhaps because of the influence of Zhao Wuxi's thinking, all the soldiers were more interested in field battles. The spear throwers under him came to a real fight, proving the value of this kind of arms.

Hearing this, Zhao Wuxi smiled and said: "It seems that the post-war military conference for you in the previous year is still somewhat useful, and even Tian Ben will analyze the situation."

Everyone laughed, and Zhao Wuxi glanced at the military officers present, seeing that most of them were eager to try. Not afraid of fighting, although this is a good thing, but Wu Xie can't help but worry about a trend that has recently become popular in the military.

That's right, Wu Zun defeated Fan's family in the Battle of Jijin, and Zhen Zhi defeated Qi people. In this Yanghu Rebellion, Wu Zun also played a prestige in Lucheng. He didn't pay any attention to the performance of Yuncheng's eunuchs, Ji's family, and Meng's private family members. The enemies they encountered this year, no matter how strong or weak, have all become the defeated generals of the military pawns, so everyone's mentality is a little erratic and a little proud.

The proud will be defeated. This trend must be stopped!

So, he ordered the young man who had been shrinking behind the crowd and looked honest and steady, and asked him to get up and answer.

"You have, what do you think?"

All the refugee recruits under Ran Qiu's men stayed in Yuncheng. Zhao Wuxi didn't let him idle, and sent him and Xiang Tuo, the secretary who was about to get it, to lead the four hundred Lu people who were recruited in the west of Qufu City, and followed the soldiers to stand by, so they also participated in the meeting.

Everyone present thought that Ran Qiu was a student of Confucius, and he had been worried about his teacher's safety these days, and Tian Ben's rash proposal would definitely get his approval.

But Ran Qiu also chose to be on the safe side: "Sikou, in ancient times, the teacher traveled thirty li before leaving, so the art of warfare is cloudy. The daily travel is no more than thirty li, so there is no need to be afraid. The military soldiers are brave and daring to surpass the state of Lu, but they can travel in one day. Fifty miles is also a little tired, not to mention that the people from Luchengguo who have just been recruited can no longer walk, so why not take a rest first, and go to solve the siege of the Central Capital tomorrow."

Zhao Wuxi nodded: "Ziyou is an experienced man, he is right, those who seek profit in a hundred miles will be the general, and those who are interested in profit will be half-arrived in fifty miles! The light cavalry sent to investigate soon returned. Before we figure out the current situation in Zhongdu, find a place to camp and be on guard."

He then warned the crowd: "What is needed in a battle is bravery. What is needed in encountering a small enemy is prudence. You should not underestimate the enemy in front of you because of your past victories. The thief. Let's not talk about clearing the siege, it's hard to even get out!"

Seeing that Zhao Wuxi had made the decision in person, everyone agreed with awe, but they were also slightly surprised. Did Ran Qiu not take the teacher's safety in mind?

Xiang Tuo also asked Ran Qiu the same thing afterwards, and Ran Qiu replied:

"The minister is loyal to the king. If I am only a student of the Master, even if I am alone, I will rush to the middle of the night to see what's going on. But I am still a subordinate of Sikou, leading more than 200 people. Whether it is up or down, you have to be careful, so you must first consider success or failure, and then consider personal relationships."

Xiang Tuo then relayed this to Zhao Wuxi, and received a "virtuous son" evaluation.

There are many taboos in the army camping, one of which is not to be too close to the water. If it is close to the water, it will be wet, and if it is wet, it will be easy to get sick, which is not good for the health of the soldiers. Of course, it can't be too far from the water. Too far and no water is available.

Zhao Wuxi has attached great importance to the method of camping since the army was formed, and he has his own regulations. Each of the **** chiefs also had experience and imitated them according to the shapes that Wu Xian had taught them countless times, but because of their different temperaments and behavioral characteristics, they were also different from each other.

Zhao Wuxi walked around the camp before eating, and found that Ran Qiu was the most orderly and stable; Mu Xia's was the most difficult to break, but it was rigid; Tian Ben's was aggressive, and the defense was the most negligent.

Afterwards, he secretly commented: "Although Mu Xia and Tian Ben are loyal and brave, when it comes to the method of the military formation, among my men, only the son is a general, and it is indeed a correct thing to win over him."

What Zhao Wuxi didn't know was that the reason why the weak state of Lu in history could survive the hegemony of Jin, Qi, Wu and Yue was that Ran Qiu, as the head of Ji's clan, led the Lu people to defeat the enemy on the battlefield many times, so that It is also one of the important reasons why people dare not humiliate lightly.

In the evening, the light knight who went to investigate the enemy's situation returned, but the news he brought made Wu Xie not very satisfied.

According to them, the inner city of Zhongdu City was silent from afar, while the outer guo was full of robbers and robbers. From time to time, fires would appear, as if they had been breached and looted. Because the distribution of enemies is too scattered, it is impossible to estimate the number.

After hearing the news that Guo Guo outside the Central Capital might have been captured, Zhao Wuxi was taken aback.

In addition, he also felt that his outstanding military officers were not enough.

"The cavalry pawns are really not good without Yu Xi's leader. These light cavalry are not as bold as him, and they dare not go deep into the area controlled by the bandits. The estimation of the number of enemy troops and the judgment of the situation are also a little worse... The other two are worthwhile. The old soldiers Jiaji and Yu Pian who have entrusted them with important tasks are also in Taoyi and the other in Linqiu, so I can’t count on them.”

While thinking about Yu Xi, someone outside came to report that this kid just arrived.

Wu Xie was overjoyed: "Let him enter the account!"

Yu Xi was originally given the task by Zhao Wuxi to **** Yanghu north to Guancheng, but he had to deliberately drag him on the road for a few days. He strives to surrender after Zilu arrives at Yangguan, but also before Meng's army approaches Guancheng. Only by letting Yang Hu pour in during this period of time can Zhao Wuxi's plan be carried out perfectly.

Zhao Wuxi is now a small Sikou, who can detain criminals and manage prisons. Therefore, both Yang Yue and Ji Kuo could stay in their hands and be legally detained. Yang Hu, not to mention anything else, still has a bit of friendship with his kinsmen. Keeping these two people in his hands can be considered a hostage better than nothing.

But even so, Wu Xie is not sure whether there will be any accident in this "trip to release tigers". It wasn't until Yu Xi followed the military soldiers all night long that he felt relieved.

Yu Xi's report was concise: "Doctor, the tiger has returned to the mountain!"

At this point, Zhao Wuxi's plan was more than half successful.

"In this way, Yanghu can continue to oppress Yunyi in Guancheng, contain Meng's hands and feet, and make Gong Lianyang have to stay in Yunyi for defense. But because Guancheng has few soldiers, he can't It's too big a threat to the country of Lu, just enough to maintain the balance, let me let go of my hands and feet to run Xibi!"

Yanghu also has another way. There is a collusion to join the state of Qi, but he is deeply hated by the people of Qi, and even if he votes, he will not be able to be reused. Moreover, if the state of Qi accepts Yanghu, then the state of Lu can only fight against him to the end, and Zhao Wuxi is in the middle. ...

His advice, Meng Tan Zengyan, said that calculating a kingdom of brilliance and brilliance is much more fulfilling than calculating three Huanyang Tigers, and Zhao Wuxi, who made the plan together, felt the same way.

Then, just wait for Zilu to take Yangguan. Let Lu Fang resist the attack of the Qi people next year. On Zhao Wuxi's side, he needs to fight the battle well in front of him, clear the way back to the Xibi feudal fief, and then press the robber to the ground, who almost made him a dumb loss!

I really hope it will last until tomorrow...


The next day was not bright. After the rest, the soldiers left the camp, crossed a small stream in the middle, and passed several villages and cottages.

A hut where Zhao Wuxi once rested was empty, the gate was taken away, the courtyard wall was pushed down, and blood was hidden in the courtyard. Several corpses fell under a tall locust tree. There were two black crows on the tree, when they saw them approaching, they croaked and fluttered away.

Ran Qiu went in and spared a circle and said, "This must be a thief, and the officers and soldiers in the house could not resist, but were killed instead."

Although he was now appointed as the **** chief by Zhao Wuxi, after all, he had been a miscellaneous official in Zhongdu for a year, and there were even two old acquaintances in the corpse, which made him feel sad.

The few villages that I passed by were also empty, and almost no one came in or out. There was no shirt to guess that the people inside were either coerced by thieves or fled.

He sighed: "I passed by this place two months ago. At that time, the road was crowded with pedestrians, and there were villagers coming and going from time to time. I didn't expect it to be in such a state of depression and dilapidation. Endless!"

However, the careful Ran Qiu also found that, except for the first hut with a few corpses, most of the other villages did not see dead people.

At this moment, Yu Xi, who went to the front to investigate again, also came back with someone, and the spare horse behind him was also tied with three or four robbers with ragged clothes and haggard faces.

While waiting for the soldiers in the rear, Zhao Wuxi gave people both soft and hard, the hard one was Tian Ben's dagger, and the soft one was a mouthful of fragrant wheat cake. So, these thieves confessed what they knew...

"Copy food?"

This is the purpose of the robbers going out. Yu Xi also said that they were caught while looting food in a gathering.

"Dazeli is already short of food, and the general took me out to plunder autumn food so that we can store food for winter..."

This is the purpose of Robber Zhi this time to lead people around to loot. The person who speaks is also a small leader in the group of thieves, so he knows more.

Hearing this, Tian Ben's expression turned pale, and he cursed fiercely, "thief!" The frightened robbers trembled all over.

"Little thief and bandit leader, how dare he call himself a general!?" It turned out that he was angry because of this.

In the Spring and Autumn Period, the Qing commanded the army, so the Qing can be called a general, and the commander of an army is also called a general. Zhao Yang, as the military commander of the Jin State, was called that, but Zhao Wuxi commanded the military soldiers, but he did not dare to use this name indiscriminately. Guessing that the robber Zhi was not particular about it, probably because his soldiers were close to an army, so he dared to overstep like this.

Wu Xie was not too annoyed by Roof Zhi's arrogance. He waved Tian Ben to step back, and continued to ask, "How many people do you have in total, has Zhongdu been breached?"

In the face of Tian Ben's threat, the bandit kowtowed like a slap in the face:

"General... No, it was the thief Zhi who asked the villain to divide into three equal roads, and went to the town on the west side of the river first. But after testing, it was found that the defender of the city was not the town soldier, but the Jin people who were more difficult to fight. After grabbing a few places, I returned. I went along the road to this town to the east, but it was not rich. Many families only had enough food for the winter, so their defenses were slack, but there was an old man named Confucius. From time to time, he went to the city to shout, trying to persuade Rouge Zhi to surrender, and I almost believed what he said. However, Robber Zhi’s words were sharp. After going up to refute several times in person, the old man had nothing to say…”

"Where is Liu Xiazhi now?"

If Thief Zhi is in the Central Capital, it means that the one who went to Kan City is a partial teacher; if it is the other way around, the one who stays in the Central Capital is definitely not the main force!

"Robber Zhi felt that there was not enough corn, so he went to the big town in the south, saying that he was going to break down temples and dig tombs to find some precious things in exchange for food. Most of the food he had copied these days was taken away, and we did not follow these. If he wants to eat his stomach, he can only come out and loot!"

Wu Xie interrupted him: "How many people do you have in Zhongdu? Will you break the city?"

"Never...but our leader is Xuju Ren Zhu Lou. He has taken 4,000 people and has already occupied the outer country. Now he is besieging a corner of the inner city wall. I'm afraid it won't last long inside."

"Zhongdu really hasn't fallen yet!"

Ran Qiu stood up immediately after hearing the words. He was very excited. He was introverted, so he didn't show too much worry these days. In addition, he advised Zhao Wuxi to march safely. If the rescue was delayed because of this, what happened to the master. I really don't know how to face Senior Brother Zilu.

But now that Wai Guo is no longer safe, and the situation is still dangerous, he asked Ying to be the striker, but was stopped by Wu Xian.

"I can understand Ziyou's feelings. But you and the people from Luchengguo led by Xiang Sishi have not been trained, so how can you take on this important task? It is still the same as when you came here. The momentum is enough, we are only more than ten miles away from the middle. We can arrive in the afternoon, two or three, the battle is imminent, all go down and prepare!"

Ran Qiu complied with his promise and obediently went back to urge the Lu people to get up.

The information that Yu Xi ventured to investigate nearby was almost the same as the confessions of these bandits. Different from the silence last night, there was still a lot of killing in Zhongdu, probably the last fatal blow of the attackers!

So Wu Xie let the soldiers who had rested for a while get up and head west, and never stop.

The closer we got to the central capital, the less empty the road became, and groups of people began to appear, and they encountered two or three groups one after another. Most of these people were wearing ragged clothes, some were wearing ill-fitting brown clothes, and some were even wearing women's clothes. When they saw the soldiers and the soldiers in armor and armor, they fled as if they had seen a ghost.

This is still the bandits who went out to loot. They totaled more than 4,000 people, of which 1,000 were scattered around to copy food, and the rest besieged Zhongdu. According to Ran Qiu, there are only less than 200 soldiers left in the central capital, and there are not many young people in the country. This is the bad result of Yanwu Xiuwen in the past two years.

These loose bandits are naturally handed over to the light knights and Tian Ben's soldiers who are located on the periphery. It is impossible to completely kill them. It is enough to defeat and disperse them, and don't let them block the way forward.

Not long after, they passed through the eastern suburbs of the city. When Wu Xie came here, rows of pine and cypress trees and large bamboo forests were originally planted on both sides of the road. But after the thieves entered the robbers, they cut down a lot of these roadside trees to make weapons and siege equipment, so that when "Zilu Zeng Xiran had Gong Xihua sitting in the seat", "Zhiqiao, green bamboo Yiyi". The beauty is gone.

After traveling west for a while, the city was in sight, Zhao Wuxi rode on his horse and looked at it, and he couldn't help but take a breath.

Looking at the city for a few miles away~www.wuxiamtl.com~ there are endless thieves in ragged clothes and armed with bamboo and wood weapons!

"The wall is falling!"

"The inner city is broken!"

There was a burst of noise, and three thousand people shouted in unison, with red eyes trying to rush into the city to loot the food in the warehouse, as well as the warm clothes of the residents, and even the female family members. The people in the city only felt that the dark clouds were pressing down on the city, and the end was coming.

At the same time, on the eastern horizon, a flaming sun black bird flag with a golden edge also appeared... (To be continued.)

PS: Thanks to book friends Jiutian Yanyu, Xunlang, Tianma Meteor Cannon, Xianyu Yuyuan, Wuchen & Young Master Xiaobai, Xiaoqi Civilization Miracle for the reward! Thank you for your monthly pass!

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