Spring and Autumn I Am King

Chapter 383: Who is to blame?

PS: Change the typo in Chapter 2 and post it later

At the beginning of August, the feedback from the above-mentioned Liuyi doctors came back one after another. Faced with Qiren's increasingly lively military action, they had different reactions to the "joint defense" proposed by Zhao Wuxi. Baidu search to force literature network WwW.GeiLiwx.COM

Like Gao Yu and Zhongdu, they had secretly communicated with Zhao Wuxi more than half a year ago. Between Qiu and Yuncheng, the two chickens and dogs hear each other, communicate with each other, and have an excellent relationship.

As for Zaiyu of Zhongdu, he was originally elected by Zhao Wuxi to get the position of Zaiyu. This person is a special case among the Confucian disciples. He has ambition and ability, but in the eyes of the teacher, he is a failed student.

But this did not affect his planning for his own future. In the military, he was protected by military soldiers, and there were many Confucian disciples who stayed behind to assist him. Therefore, although Zhongdu was robbed last year and the outer guo was broken, it actually recovered almost in half a year, which also proved Zai Yu's ability.

Confucius did not like to see this rebellious disciple, but Zai Yu had his own backers, and he was re-recommended by Wu Xian, and he was transferred from the fake city to the official post.

When Zai Yu was promoted, he naturally wanted to repay him with a peach in return. Zhongdu has always followed Zhao Wu Xie's politically, and if he didn't know it, he would have thought that Wu Xie was the doctor of Zhongdu!

Although these two towns did not have to face the attack of the Qi people, their town owners agreed immediately and were willing to go to the Liqiu League in person.

But then, what Zhao Wuxi received was Xujucheng's righteous refusal! This added some twists and turns to the plan.

Xuju was originally a small country, and like Ren, Su, and Zhuanyu, they were all descendants of the Taihao clan with the surname Feng. After entering the Spring and Autumn Period, Ren and Su perished one after another, leaving only Xuju and Zhuanyu one west and one east. They are theoretically a small barbarian state with viscounts, but they are weakened and unable to defend themselves. In fact, they are privately owned by the state of Lu and cannot communicate with other princes. Chen" vanity.

A hundred years ago. Xuju was once destroyed by the state of Zhu, and Xuju rushed to Lu for help, and Lu Xi was recognized as "Chongming sacrifices to protect the widow. So in the following year, the State of Zhu was attacked to take Xuju, allowing Xuju to return to the country.

After a few decades, the unfortunate Xuju was destroyed by the state of Zhu again, and this time it was wiped clean. Duke Wen of Lu regained the Xu sentence again. He simply asked his son to be a doctor, so Doctor Xuju is also of the Lugong family.

Xuju is the most northerly position in Xilu, it is located in the lower reaches of Jishui and Pushui, which is the area of ​​Liangshanbo in later generations. The terrain is low, and once the rainy season arrives, the surrounding area often turns into wetlands and swamps.

It is precisely because of this bad traffic condition that this little one can last for more than a thousand years. Although the teachers of Dong'e and Pingyin of the Qi people could arrive in the morning, they were not willing to take the muddy road of Xuju in previous years. Then attack Yuncheng and other places.

This kind of terrain in Xuju is very easy to defend. After all, it used to be a sub-country with a total of four or five thousand households. If the whole people are mobilized, a single division can be drawn out, and it is also the one that Zhao Wuxi hopes to win the most.

But what disappointed him was that Doctor Xuju was suspicious by nature, and he was extremely eccentric and withdrawn in his daily behavior. The gifts that Zhao Wuxi sent in the past would never be returned. Rejected this time!

After receiving the letter, looking at the arrogant tone, he smirked without any embarrassment: "Doctor Xuju has a high self-esteem, and thinks he is after Duke Wen. He looks down on the neighbors around. However, he can't, but he will attack the rest of the towns first. He claims that he will not be condescending to me unless he is the one of the prince's clan."

The premise of the joint defense of Xilu is that Zhao Wuxi is the leader, which must not be shaken. Therefore, Zhao Wuxi did not intend to show weakness. Theoretically, Doctor Xuju's status and status are equivalent to him, and the excuse of "Little Master, slaughter" to win over the joint defense of the cities is very reluctant, and it is impossible to force Xuju to join the joint defense plan. At that time, they will fight each other, and this kind of beggar-thy-neighbor behavior can only be settled with him in the future.

I hope that by then, Xuju has not been attacked by the Qi people. Although there are lakes and lakes there as a barrier, even Zhuguo and Luguo can break through the city twice. In fact, it is not safe at all.

Fortunately, the other three cities, Qin, Fan, and Ji, have successively agreed to the proposal of "Xilu Joint Defense". Let Lu Guoxibi unite to get through this crisis.

Sanhuan governs separately, and disregarding Xibi's disregard for Xibi's disregard made the doctors and the slaughterers heartbroken. They were originally in a mess. They planned to resist if they could resist, or surrender if they couldn't. Who would have guessed that Zhao Wushi gave them the last hope.

Because even if you surrender, you may not be able to keep the fief. There are also a bunch of scholars on the Qihou side who are eagerly waiting to take the fief!


While the "Xilu Mutual Guarantee" was developing smoothly, Gong Xichi was not enjoying himself very well these days. It was not good to be a retainer under Zhao Wuxi, and he would always encounter some unprecedented problems. The last time was the battle of bamboo slips and paper, but this time, it was an insurmountable moral obstacle.

Gongxi's deficit was good at writing, so Zhao Wuqi usually called him to write a brief account when he wanted to write it, and this time was no exception, but the content of Wuqi's dictation made him stop writing.

Wuqi asked, "Zihua, what's wrong with my words?"

Gong Xichi said hesitantly, "Si Kou, although the reason for sharing the air with all the doctors is because of Sanhuan's inaction, Zhou Liyun, the ministers are not allowed to have private alliance meetings, and can only meet and greet each other. This so-called meeting of Linqiu, I'm afraid it's not right..."

On this point, Zhao Wuxi will never give in: "The Wumenghui is not enough to make the enemy fear, without blood, there is no faith, and it is not enough to entrust the military affairs. We are also forced to help."

Gongxi said indifferently: "But this is not an ordinary alliance, but aside from the discussion between the monarch and the ruling party to use force with the people of Qi, it is a private collusion to form a party. The master also said that a gentleman is not a party."

Zhao Wu's face sank: "Don't take it out of context for the sake of learning, it is a group of gentlemen and not a party! What we do is like the spring water drying up, the spit of stranded fish will moisten each other with spit, and we should follow the right when things are urgent. Forming a party for selfishness, let alone splitting the country of Lu!"

This reprimand stunned Gong Xichi, and Kan Zhi, who had always disapproved of the so-called etiquette of superiority and inferiority, stood up to enlighten him.

"Zihua was pedantic. As early as the year of Jinling's reign, when Jinjun was still young, Zhao Xuanzi represented Jinjun in alliance with Qi, Song, Wei, Zheng, Cao, and Xu Jun. This was the beginning of the alliance between doctors and masters. In today's world, This kind of thing is not uncommon. Since the lords of the doctor's alliance can do it, why should the doctor of the doctor's alliance be strange. What's more, the king treats his ministers with courtesy, and the ministers serve the king with loyalty. The ruler and the ruler have their own responsibility to protect their subordinate doctors. Today The rulers of the state of Lu have abandoned Xibi and let the towns fend for themselves. Could it be that we, because of etiquette, are not allowed to protect each other, so we can only lead the way and wait for the slaughter?"

These words left Gong Xichi speechless, yes, who is to blame when things have reached this point?

In the state of Lu, the upper and lower positions have been going on for more than a hundred years. Sanhuan's own territory has always been betrayed. Even the monarch Zhaogong has done things like rushing to Qi with the city, let alone how many doctors are loyal to the monarch and the country. heart.

For the doctors, how to preserve the territory is the most important thing. For this reason, it is only a matter of blinking an eye to drop the Qi when they have to, not to mention Zhao Wuxi, who is also Lu Chen?

Gong Xichi knew that if he blindly resisted this matter today, Si Kou would probably feel bad about him. Even, as the "three elders" of Linqiu, if an alliance meeting is held in Linqiu, he will also be present as the master of ceremonies, in charge of sacrifices, welcoming guests, etiquette and other matters.

From, or not from?

"Master, you taught me about the ancestral temple, so that I can stand in the court with a belt and speak to the guests."

"But you never taught me how to deal with the situation at hand..."

Between high-ranking officials with a high salary, light fur and fat horses, and sticking to the etiquette taught by the master, Gong Xichi gritted his teeth, and finally chose the former...

So far, Zhao Wuxi, who has basically planned the "Xilu joint defense and mutual protection", has decided to "cut first and then play". According to his dictation, Gong Xichi wrote down a joint petition signed by the four great masters of Bayi and the chiefs of Liangyi, intending to send Feng Rin to the court for a showdown with Sanhuan.

He was looking forward to San Huan's unwillingness to agree, but was forced to obey because of the situation...


After the incident of the robbery came to an end, Liu Xiaji was reactivated, so he and Confucius were on the side of the court, and the "monarch faction" of the Luhou family was on the rise. The backlash of the "Sect" further exacerbated the contradictions in the center of the state of Lu.

With a strong enemy on the side, Lu Guochaotang was not thinking about the strategy of defending the enemy, but wasted time and went through a war of words for half a month, and the same is true today.

Mengsun Heji had already gone to Yunyi to gather troops. For the past six months, their clan soldiers have been besieging Guancheng, and the people in the territory are quite unbearable. Now they have to fight with Qi, and even delay the autumn harvest, so they must be appeased and let They can endure it for a few more months.

Therefore, in the palace, only Confucius, Liu Xiaji, and Ji and Shusun were left in front of the Marquis of Lu, discussing the upcoming war.

"At the end of the day, how should Xibi be prepared? Apart from blaming Zhao Xiaosikou and the local doctors, Da Sima has not come up with any strategies!"

Marquis Lu couldn't bear it any longer. As a clay puppet, he rarely slapped the table. The hall became silent for a while. Ji Sunsi became more and more ruling style. Qiu also looked away without answering.

As Zhao Wuqi's roots in Xibi became stronger and stronger~www.wuxiamtl.com~ they began to hate and hate, although because of the Zhao family of Jin, they did not dare to openly turn against Wuqi. But he has been waiting to see the boy fail and be frustrated.

Isn't this attack by Qi people an opportunity?

They waited to see him fall fiercely from the top, waited to see his jokes about betrayal and separation, and then they had to bow to themselves and become a mediocre doctor of the country of Lu!

As an exiled gentleman, shouldn't it be like this!

In the end, the one who broke the silence was a temple person who entered with a letter, saying that Zhao Xiaosi Kou of Xibi sent someone to present a letter.

Everyone was shocked, this is the third letter sent this month... (To be continued.)

PS: Thanks to book friends Jiutian Yanyu, czdxh042408, yyaJy2304, and the reward of the gods and illusions! Thank you for your monthly pass!

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