Spring and Autumn I Am King

Chapter 416: Want to drive away the light knight (top)

There was a north wind blowing, and a soft sound was heard among the branches of the sparse woods.

Seeing the moon rise over the treetops and then gradually set, the time has come to the fourth watch, Wu Xie wiped the long sword again and sheathed it, and put on the mink gloves to keep warm and prevent the horse's bridle from strangling his hand from bleeding.

He turned his head and asked Yu Xi, who came back from inquiring about the enemy's situation, and asked, "What is the size of Qi's troops?"

"The Qi people gathered soldiers who couldn't keep up with them all the way. The number was a little more than yesterday. There were three thousand soldiers armed with weapons, more than a thousand civilians, fifty chariots, hundreds of carriages, and camped by the stream." Yu Xi replied, he was already wearing armor.

"The strength of the Qi people is more than three times that of our army." The subordinate official Kan Zhi went further, a little worried.

"That's right, whether it's in the whole battle situation or in a corner at the moment." Zhao Wuxi replied, "But the people of Qi lack three things."

"What's missing?" Kan Zhi asked.

"The weather, the right place, and the people!"

The cold stream at the bottom of the valley flows, meandering through the cobblestone river**, and the moonlight, which has risen to the top, shimmers and fluctuates on the water. Under the tree, eight hundred of Zhao's light cavalry were parked here, and there were two hundred infantry soldiers. They were guarded by shield swords led by Mucha. Only the soldiers with strong tenacity under him could keep up with the footsteps of the cavalry.

The young soldiers lowered their voices and joked nervously, Zhao Wuxi heard the sound of adjusting the bowstrings and the faint sound of the sliding of the hard leather armor from time to time.

He said slowly: "Chu Shipu is right. After Qihou removed Yiyi, he was too arrogant. He ignored the conscription and marched south again in March. Now it is mid-November. Although this year is relatively warm, winter snow may be at any time at this time. Descend. Once Xueluo falls and Qi people are in the hinterland of Xilu, the 40,000-strong army will face a huge threat of supplies. If they don't retreat, tens of thousands of animals will have only one way to die from freezing and starvation. Time is on our side. This is called the time of day. ."

Whether it was news that the main force of Zhao's army was in Punan, they went south from Xilu, or they were chasing after Zhao Yang under the feigned defeat of Zhao's army. It doesn't look like a big problem. However, relying on the large number of people, the Qi people continued to penetrate Zhao Wuxi's territory and pulled the supply line to a full two hundred miles away. Even occupying empty villages as food stations along the way cannot make up for this fatal injury!

"Now that the kitchen reduction plan has worked, Qi Hou also realizes that the war dragging on after the snow is not good for the people, so there is an urgent need for a quick solution. But he does not dare to divide his troops, so this urgency just makes his main force chasing after his father. . Even disregarding the slow-moving baggage, it was pulled far away thirty or forty miles away, which gave us the opportunity to attack the truck and the food route."

Yu Xi's eyes lit up when he heard it: "Yes, I see that there are many cattle and horses pulling carts from Qi people, so it is necessary to station by the stream to facilitate drinking water. The stream just forms a bend there, and surrounds the north side of Qiying camp. In this way, we only need to defend the south. The Qi people thought they had a plan, but they didn't expect that the stream was not deep enough. The horses could cross, not to mention that if Si Kou attacked from the south, his generation would not be able to escape."

"Of course. This is called a geographical advantage!"

As Zhao Wuxi spoke, more and more officers came to listen to the lecture, and the cavalry stopped talking softly and looked over.

The three hundred light cavalry under You Wuzheng's commander, it is good to say that Wu Xie also fought with them when they attacked Punan. But Zhao Yangxin brought the three hundred new soldiers who had only been training for more than half a year. It is impossible to draw a bow on a galloping horse, and it is inevitable to feel a little nervous.

What's more, even the earliest military soldiers in the cavalry army. Light cavalry has always existed as an auxiliary unit, either to detect the enemy in front, or to pursue the routed soldiers. But for the first time, it was used as the main force, which was the first time in China.

In fact, Wu Xie himself was not nervous. He acted as the commander-in-chief of the partial division who issued a fatal counterattack in this battle with a total number of 50,000 to 60,000 people on both sides. Once you fail, you will lose not only your own life, but also Zhao's future!

While thinking about it, Wu Xie stroked the high-headed horse to calm down his emotions. It was five or six years old, with gray hair and black hooves. It was the one who made great achievements during the night attack on Chengxiang and survived." black hoof". Bian Que's disciple Zi Leopard is not only good at governing people, but also good at governing animals. He made it recover without a large sum of money. He brought it to Dayuan for the past two years and raised it to be as strong as before, and was brought to Wu Xie by Zhao Yang, because Having experienced life-and-death battles, Black Hoof is extraordinarily calm among the horses.

The rest of the steeds could only neigh faintly, just like their masters, they uneasily stretched their hooves to scrape the wet and soft ground covered with autumn leaves - after the snow fell, they would be frozen hard, and they would never be in the wild again. Couldn't find food.

"I have to give them courage." Zhao Wuxi thought to himself.

So he put on the saddle and mounted the horse, while his brother-in-law Xing Ao held the reins for him. Xing Ao was only two years younger than Zhao Wuxi, but at this time, he was as naive as he was ten years younger. Although he had also experienced wars, he seemed a little restless in addition to his excitement. He tied a small vine shield to Wu Shi's arm that could block the attack, and handed it a bronze helmet that was polished to a smooth finish and had a wild pheasant tail stuck on it.

Wu Xie didn't wear a copper jacket this time. Zhao Yang and You Wuzheng taught him that before the war, let his subordinates see that the leader is with them!

He is already seventeen years old. In addition to the heart of two lives, he has also entered the adult stage physically. The war has melted away the soft lines of the youth on his face, making him lean and strong, with a chin up The finely raised beard made him more mature and reliable.

Wu Xie said in a voice that could just be heard by everyone: "Don't worry about Zhen Yi and Pu Nan, the Wei people signed a covenant in Yingze's blood last year, never betray, and the blood tasted dry and joined the Qi people. Wei Hou Even the people of this country can’t stand such perfidious acts, and there are many children of the Zhenyi clan who serve as guides for the officials in the Zhao army, and Punan has offered me the city to ask for surrender.”

"There is no need to worry about Xilu. The people of Lu are deeply suffering from the invasion of the Qi country. Qinyi, Yuncheng and other places are not fighting every year. Ten thousand people are suffering. They rely on the Zhao family to resist the Qi people, just like all things rely on the sun and see the Qi people hate them. Its meat cannot be eaten raw."

"Don't worry about Linqiu, Qihou is greedy and tyrannical, and the domestic tax is high. He is often punished by execution. In Linzi City, it is very expensive. Practice. Therefore, the people of Linqiu Qi are not willing to suffer, and they have already become obedient people under my rule. Therefore, regardless of which country they belonged to in the past, the towns where the Qi people traveled through, they all regarded the Qi army as an enemy, closed the gates of the city to defend against them, and regarded me as their parents, and they took the pot of pulp to help Zhao Shi!"

He ran past the crowd on his horse, pointed at the Qi ** camp with a strong fire, and said, "I will tell the truth today. The Qi army is more than three times our size. But although the Qi army is large, they are proud of their victory. . The military's political orders are lax and the treatment is uneven, and the people are not at the same level, and the deployment of troops is heavy and light. Therefore, the formation is huge but not strong, and if it encounters a small setback, it will panic."

"Although we have few Jin people, but father and son are of the same mind, and the top and bottom are united. Just as the "Book" says, Shou (King Zhou's name Shou) has hundreds of millions of ministers, but only hundreds of millions of hearts. I (Zhou Wu Wang) have three thousand ministers, Only one heart! This is called being a human being. The weather, the right place, the right place, and the people are all in Zhao. Therefore, in this battle, the Zhao clan will surely win, and the Qi people will surely lose! Those who participated in this battle, all the common people, were all promoted to the state of Zhao, and the people of the state were promoted to scholars. After the war, the fields, grain, and officials will be rewarded, and I hope that the second and third sons will do their best, and the matter of Muye. It is now!"


The morale of the Zhao soldiers was greatly encouraged, and they gave a low voice of harmony.

"Return to the team, the cavalry officer gathers his cavalry and servants, and the horses are fierce, and they will follow me when the sun rises!"

The soldiers dispersed in response, ten of them one. Hundreds of people gathered together, and there were eight attack queues. Five hundred without a shirt, and three hundred Yuxi. Ordinary cavalrymen would feed the horses with soy bean cakes and bags of fried corn, which they would only be willing to eat every day, so that they would have enough strength to run on packs. The gentleman without a shirt said that in battle, the horses are the legs of the light knights, and if the horses break their legs, the cavalry loses the basis of speed and survival.

As the moon completely fell, the sky gradually turned from darkness to dim light, and a new day came...


Although the main force of the Qi people had left their luggage behind, there were actually quite a few soldiers escorting them, as many as a division and fifty chariots. And their camp is also extremely stable. The entire irregular line outside the camp is surrounded by chariots. This is exactly when the army camped in the mountains and wilderness areas, using wood to form a fence called Huluo Chai Camp.

In order to prevent possible enemies from coming to raid, towering sentry towers were set up on several angular protruding parts, and the tents and fences were also separated by dozens of steps, leaving room for assembly. Inside are tents, ten people in one tent, two hundred in one battalion, and there are densely packed carriages, which are full of food and warm clothes.

If Zhao Wuxi wanted to make a surprise attack at night, he would probably not get much benefit from facing hundreds of Qi archers.

But no matter how cautious the tortoise is, there is also the moment when the tortoise sticks out of its shell to bask in the sun. When the night is over and dawn arrives, the Qi army will set off again to catch up with the more than 30,000 main forces running ahead. In the early morning, the Qi soldiers crawled out of the tent sleepily, began to dismantle the fence, and loaded everything that could be taken away into the carriages.

However, while the Qi army was still in formation, the camp was being demolished, and when there was chaos everywhere, Qi **** with tipped ears tilted his head, as if he had heard something.

"What's that sound?"

It was ignored at first, but gradually, many Qi soldiers heard it. They raised their heads, turned their faces, or raised their feet, subconsciously looking at the place where the sound was heard.

The south entrance of the valley where the Qi people camped was not narrow, like a bent elbow turning its direction, facing a low ridge and a sparse jungle to the south. The sound came from there, rumbling, like hundreds of horses galloping together...

"Anyone here?"

I saw a young general with a spear facing the morning sun, driving his horse out of the forest, a flaming sun black bird flag fluttering in the wind behind him, and he was not hesitating to go straight to the defense that had already been removed. Camp together!

Five hundred cavalry followed closely behind, appearing from behind the dark shadow of the dense forest, lined up in five attacking diamond columns, and began to charge. When they burst out of the woods, in such a tiny heartbeat, the Qi people saw the rising sun falling on the tip of their spears, like a thousand fireflies wrapped in silver flames, rushing down the mountain.

"Enemy attack!"

The Qi people who reacted hurriedly scattered their defenses, and they were in a hurry.

"Mysterious Bird of Destiny!" Wu Xie shouted loudly, winning hundreds of Zhao's light cavalry to shout in unison. This was Zhao's unique rushing and shouting. The horses kicked their forefoot, and they, under the leadership of Zhao Wuxi, were like a sharp arrow out of the string, and they drilled straight into the hundreds of Qi's strokes near the south entrance of Qiying.

These soldiers had just finished their vigil and were going to sleep in the car for a while, so they were unprepared for the sudden attack, and they were not opponents at all. They were broken by Zhao Wuxi and others in the blink of an eye. The attackers kept running, either with spears and snarls, or with bows and lasing shots, breaking through two camps in a row and continuing to rush to the depths.


Qi troops are gathering from all directions.

The Qi people were still very vigilant at night, but they didn't expect that someone would suddenly attack at dawn. After a brief panic, soldiers from farther and farther came spontaneously towards the breached south entrance.

After suddenly rushing out of the mountain forest, stabbing several people to death and rushing into the Qi camp, because the armor was complete and he was riding a horse, Zhao Wuxi felt very relaxed at first and did not feel any pressure. He broke through the defense lines of hundreds of Qi guards without breaking a sweat, and broke through three camps in a row.

But not too far away, the soldiers of the Qi people from a distance ran and surrounded them, with daggers, spears, bows and arrows, and various weapons.

But the Zhao clan's light cavalry were obviously more prepared and brave. They rushed forward without shirts on their horses, shouted loudly, clenched the handle of the spear, thrust forward with force, and stabbed Qi who was stunned, even forgetting the spear, and then Without stopping, he stomped over this person.

The horse weighed several hundred pounds. Many Qi people couldn't dodge and were knocked to the ground. Then they watched the horse's hooves step on his thighs and body, accompanied by the crisp sound of "click", bones and flesh shattered and screamed. The sound resounded.

Bright red blood spattered everywhere~www.wuxiamtl.com~ on the ground, spattering on the neighboring horses and armor. Seeing this tragic situation, plus the courage of the cavalry disappeared, many of the first wave of soldiers who came to stop them dropped their weapons and turned to flee.

So far, Zhao Bing has broken through five camps...

Wu Xie's trip was to destroy the Qi people's baggage troops. Of course, it couldn't stop there, so he urged the horses to gallop and then charged forward, but the initial momentum and speed of the cavalry were no longer there, and this was the most dangerous moment.

"Whoever dares to retreat will die!"

At this moment, a young but majestic voice sounded from the Qi Bing Zhongjun camp, and then even a rumbling battle drum sounded. The dominant Qi people seemed to have been beaten by chicken blood, like a huge wave hitting the shore, the front wave arrived, and the back wave rose again, overwhelming the sky, drowning Wu Xie and the others almost in a moment.

ps: I’ve been busy recently, and the task assigned by the tutor is relatively heavy. I originally planned to take a break. I saw a lot of alliance leaders. I didn’t say it. There will be a chapter later o(n_n)o~ (to be continued)

ps: Thanks to book friends czdxh042408, 柢bumo Nikko, 31 boys, chaotic otaku lyp, Yan Shiji, Jiufendi, rabbit little white fur, novel mystery 12345 for the reward!

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