Spring and Autumn I Am King

Chapter 420: Taisetsu Hiroshi Bow Sword (Bottom)

ps: This is the case today, two changes tomorrow

Speaking of which, Zhao Wushi had dealt with many monarchs such as the Duke of Jin, the Duke of Qi, Duke of Song, and Cao Bo, but not much with the more numerous princes and gentlemen. There is only one, that is the son of Tang who ran to Taoqiu after he lost his country, Wu Xie is attacking the idea of ​​​​the horses in his hands.

As for this young master Qi, Yangsheng, he has no memory in his previous life, but he is not necessarily a small person. Wu Xie has been in Xilu for the past few years, and he has only heard that this is a concubine, and his deeds are not outstanding. It is an unexpected joy to be able to capture him this time.

So Zhao Wuchun smiled and said: "It depends on when the big country can put out its troops. When the monarchs of the three kingdoms of Jin, Qi and Lu can sit down and talk and talk happily, Zhao will be able to privately discuss with the Duke of Qi whether the son will stay. Presumably the son is in Qi. I have also heard about the deeds of Dr. Linqiu Wuya Brigade, and I should know my faith in paying the ransom with one hand and the other."

Wu Xie has acquired a bit of a warrior temperament in the military for a few months. At this moment, he is on both sides of the enemy, and he has no patience to talk nonsense with Yang Sheng. He spoke and behaved with due courtesy, but he did not have much respect, and bluntly spoke his interests. This equal attitude made Young Master Yangsheng uncomfortable.

According to the practice of Zhu Xia, whoever captures the nobles is their special "property", which can be handed over to the monarch in exchange for rewards, or they can find a way to communicate with the enemy country and exchange the captured hostages for ransom. For example, in the Battle of Qi, Zhiwuzi was captured by the state of Chu, and his father, Zhishou, fought hard and captured the prince of the state of Chu, and exchanged it with him. He also claimed, "How can I exchange my son if I don't capture other people's sons alive?"

Young Master Yangsheng was speechless for a while, but then his voice suddenly became high-pitched.

"Little Sikou mustn't be so sure. There are 200,000 halberd bearers in the state of Qi. When my father is angry, 3,000 chariots will be mounted. If you throw a whip, you can break the water, and your little Xilu can be crushed in an instant. Flat land. I heard that there are only more than 10,000 soldiers in Zhao, and Xiao Sikou has no more than 1,000 cavalry. How can we resist it? Qi will win this battle. If you release me as soon as possible, I may be able to persuade your father to let your father and son live, otherwise.”

"Otherwise what?"

Wu Xie glanced at him, and the faint anger contained in it almost made Yang Sheng unable to speak.

Yang Sheng's chest rose and fell violently. After slowing down, he simply went out and threatened loudly: "Otherwise, I will teach you that foxes cannot return to Shouqiu after death."


The death of a fox on the first hill, this is an allusion of the state of Qi. He and the subsequent Five Dynasties Qihou were buried in Zongzhou after their death. At that time, the so-called "pleasure is born of its own, and propriety does not forget its origin". There is a saying in ancient times: the death of the fox is the head of the hill, and it is benevolence.

Young Master Yangsheng is threatening Zhao's father and son to die in a foreign country without a place to be buried.

For a while, the small room was extremely silent, only the sound of Mucha gnashing her teeth and drawing her sword. The ruler who insults the superior, the one who insults the ruler, will die

Young Master Yangsheng spoke very arrogantly, his head held high, and he tried his best to show that he was neither humble nor arrogant. But Wu Xie could see his timidity. When facing the cold light of Mu Xia Li's sword, his legs and fingers trembled.

He stretched out his hand to stop Mu Xia, frowned suddenly, then put his hand on the hilt of the sword, and strode towards Young Master Yangsheng, scared to the point of revealing his true form, he hurriedly retreated and knocked over the case.

"You, what do you want to do, I am the noble prince of Qi, the son of Jiang surnamed"

No shirt stopped looking at him. He said lightly: "Young Master is now a prisoner. I could have a hundred ways to humiliate you, so as to avenge the Qi people's destruction of my territory, but I didn't. You now have meat to eat, vehicles to travel, and wine to drink. Being treated as a guest of the Zhao family, but insulting my father and threatening me? Your son is right, the victory is uncertain. But this is not what you should be concerned about now, we will have dozens of miles tomorrow. The way to go, if you don’t want to be too tired to die, you should rest early after filling your stomach.”

After frightening Young Master Yang Sheng, who was strong from outside, he didn't dare to move, Zhao Wuxi turned around and was about to leave, but he remembered something, turned around and smiled genially:

"At that time, Song Guohuayuan was captured by the Zheng people, and Song Wen used a hundred chariots and 400 beautiful horses to redeem him from Zheng. Can you match it? Hua Yuan escaped from prison and returned home on his own when half of the ransom was delivered. If you have the ability, you can give it a try.

Young Master Yangsheng's face was pale, and he slumped on the ground weakly. He was not tied, but he had no intention of escaping. Just because the tall and strong man in front of him stared at him after dark, this person seems to be Mu Xia, Hu Ben holding a sword and shield, and a fist can smash Yang Sheng's head into a cracked sauce jar. Moreover, it was freezing cold, even if he tried to escape, he would not be able to find Qi Jun alive.

From the beginning to the end, his arrogance and unyielding are all pretended. He knows that as long as there is a young disciple who is loved by his father, he will not even be able to keep up with the price of Hua Yuan.

Since the fox and the fake tiger can't intimidate the veteran Zhao Wuxi, he can only be a knife now, and I am a fish.

After Zhao Wuxi walked out of this room, he saw soldiers in groups of three or five, leaning on spears and looking up at the sky.

"Siko, it's snowing"

One icy snowflake fluttered in the air, and then another, and countless flakes fluttered. They fell on Zhao Wuxi's hair bun, and a heavy snow was pouring down from the dome-like black sky.

Wu Xie raised his head and let out a faint sigh: "It's snowing, it's the most suitable for killing people."


The snow fell off and on for a whole day and two nights.

In the year of auspicious snow, what was originally buried under the snow should have been winter wheat, but now, on the north bank of Pushui, some soldiers of the state of Qi are buried under the snow. One by one, their limbs were frozen and their faces were bruised. They curled up on the side of the road and painted the road as if they were asleep. The road signs made of corpses stretched for dozens of miles from north to south.

This is the 2,000 Qi soldiers who were forcibly removed from their warm clothes by Zhao Wuxi and driven south, and then deliberately directed by Chen Heng to go to the Qi State camp. A quarter of them froze to death after two cold and bleak nights, the first victims of the winter snow. The other thousand or so people gritted their teeth and insisted, finally rushed to the Qi army camp, and received the news of continuing to move forward, and couldn't help crying.

For these Qi soldiers who should have brought a lot of food and clothing to support, but now they have nothing on their bodies, Qi Hou is furious in his heart. After the night before yesterday, the news of Chen Heng came along with Dong Xue. His son Yang Sheng was indeed captured, and now he was taken away by the Zhao family.

"It is also a concubine, why is my son so incompetent, it's a shame for the state of Qi"

But after all, he is his own son, so it seems that after defeating Zhao Bing, Zhao Yang must be captured. Although the son was arrested by the other's son, but if he captured his father, he could be considered to have regained his face, and at the same time, he would not provoke Zhao's son to kill Yang Sheng.

And now the problem is. These Qi people who were deliberately released were cold, hungry and tired, and they had become a burden to the army. Survival prompted them to catch up, but couldn't move half a step. Qi Hou thought about it, but still accepted Gao Zhang's suggestion, it is better to let them break up for themselves here.

"Never mind. The rest of the generals' furs and robes are distributed to the other generation. Each of them holds a bamboo spear, distributes rations for two days, and rests and waits in the ruins of Plough Town. There is no need to follow."

After defeating the main force of Zhao's army, Xilu and Punan will naturally surrender without a fight. When the time comes, they will supply supplies on the spot, and it will not be too late to return north after the weather improves.

As for the others, they had to bite the bullet and continue to move forward in the wind and snow. Because of Qi Hou's stubbornness in his character, he started to attack. Although Gao Zhang and others have repeatedly advised that they should take advantage of the Qi army's surplus of food and clothing to retreat quickly, or storm a city to replenish the baggage, and wait until the weather improves before deciding whether to go north or south.

This was a prudent plan, but Zhao's temptation to reduce the stove made Qi Hou always feel that victory was at hand, and he was unwilling to give up at the last moment.

So they braved the snow day and night, hurried on the road, slept in the carriages, and only had a short rest when they were drinking horses and cooking food. The wear and tear of shoes is also increasing. Many of the soldiers had nothing to wear, and their feet were covered in birch bark and rags, covered with frostbite and painful every step of the way. The marching speed has been greatly reduced, from thirty miles a day to twenty miles.

But Qi Hou selectively ignored the warnings.

He said disapprovingly: "After defeating the Zhao army, we can force the cities of Xilu to surrender, and then we can collect corn and clothing on the spot, not to mention that there will be a steady stream of cargo from the yin area of ​​East Aping, and Chen Heng will open up to the north. Grain Road, we can rest assured to go south. There is no serious problem."

So the Qi army then moved on, stepping over bare rocks, through gloomy pine forests and sporadic snow, and across unnamed shallow streams. In the end, after bypassing the small hill that obscures the sight, it is the north bank of Pushui.

When Qi Hou wanted to come, the Qi people faced the obstacle of snowfall, and Zhao Bing was not much better. The forward reported last night that because the Pu water has not yet frozen, but the water has become extremely cold, swimming is obviously impossible. Those Zhao Bing were trapped here, and across the mountain, he could even hear some loud voices.

That's right, after a few hard days, they finally caught up with their prey

It is expected that the enemy will be the first. Although the Qi people have lost a lot of people, there are still nearly 40,000 people left. Against more than 10,000 people, no, it should be the Zhao soldiers who lost nearly half of them, which are less than 10,000, three or four times more. This battle will be won, and Qi Hou is full of confidence in this.

"A few miles ahead is Pushui, the morning meal has passed, and at noon, we will go all out." When Qi Hou held the last military meeting, the ministers were already a lot lonely, and the main battlers among them had become more and more The less, just because of Qi Hou's will to do his duty silently.

The bowstring has become difficult to use due to the snowfall. The Qi people's dominant archers may be weakened a lot, and the Zhao's side is not much better, and the blade is also colder than before. Will you feel it when you pierce the hot body? To the freezing cold?

"We divide into two armies to bypass the hills and attack the Zhao soldiers. After defeating the Zhao soldiers, we must capture Zhao Qing, then turn back to force Punan to surrender to the West Lu, and by the way, order Zhao Wuxi to send my son Yangsheng back. "

After the battle orders were arranged, the left and right armies left separately under the leadership of Gao Zhang and others.

Qi Hou took his personal guards up the hill, wanting to see the miserable appearance of Zhao Bing on the opposite side, and at the same time commanding here, enjoying the moment of winning.

But this sight made him stunned.

The Pushui was gurgling, it was more than ten feet wide and more than ten feet deep, and it did not freeze. But Zhao Bing was not on the north bank, but was crossing to the other side on dozens of simple boats that appeared on the river at some point in time. When Qi Hou looked around, he happened to see the last canoe carrying more than a dozen Zhao soldiers breaking through the icy river and docked.

At first glance, their number has not decreased. There are still more than 10,000 people and the number of stoves and fires counted by the Zhaoying ruins every day is obviously not the same number.

trick? Lie's desperate hope for victory these days has completely failed. Not only the Marquis of Qi, but also the pawns of Qi who were already ready to go, also felt that the field was empty, and looked back at their generals and monarchs in confusion.

Qihou stood high, the wind was very cold, and the heights were extremely cold. Looking at the scene in front of him, he was completely cold and awake.

I don't know where Zhao Bing recruited the ships from. It seems that they planned to park here, but in any case, it is difficult for the Qi people to cross the river to pursue them. To avoid half-crossing and attack, Qi Hou still knows.

Anyway, I can't take any more risks, and it's still too late to retreat now.

"The whole army refuses to change to the rear, and withdraw quickly." I don't know if it was half a moment or a moment, when the snow fell again, Qi Hou, who had been standing on the hill for a long time, spit out these words with difficulty.


On the south bank of Pushui, more than 10,000 Zhao soldiers have crossed from the north bank to the south bank with the help of the fishing boats from Daye Ze. Most of the boat owners were gang thieves from Onozawa. After a series of failures, they were forced to submit to Zhao Wuxi for a meal. They had to cross all the way before they finished transporting the troops, thus avoiding the outflanking and pursuit of Qi's superior troops.

Zhao Yang was also standing on the shore, the snow was circling and falling around him, and there seemed to be no sign of stopping. His shoulders were covered with snowflakes, as if he was wrapped in a white fur coat.

According to Zhao Yang's own character, he would naturally wait to fight against the backwater on the other side, fight with the people of Qi in an upright manner, and fight with the Marquis of Qi. But under Fu Souyou Wuzheng's persuasion, according to the countermeasures negotiated with Wu Xie before, he rode the simple wooden boat supported by the Onozawa pirates to cross the deep Pushui River, avoiding the sharp edge of Qi people.

Both Zhao Wuxi and Fu Sou believed that ~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Zhao's family is not worth shedding too much blood for this war. Since there is a better way to consume Qi's army, why bother?

Winter snow, cold wind, and hunger are all good means to kill the enemy. After hijacking and burning the Qiren's baggage, Zhao Wuxi had already led the highly mobile cavalry to move northward, destroying the Qiren's grain station and blocking the second batch of baggage that might have been sent from Pingyin. Therefore, if Qi people turn back, they will face a grain-free road that is more than a hundred miles deep. In this weather, it will take five or six days to complete the journey.

To make matters worse, they didn't lay down any of the cities in front of them, and there was no place for them to stay temporarily, and Zhao Yang in the back could also cross the river, looking for an opportunity to bite Qi people hard.

Looking at Qi Jun who turned around and prepared to evacuate on the other side, Zhao Yang stroked his beard wet by the snow and sneered: "I have been humiliated for a long time in the past few days, and now, it is finally our turn to chase after him." to be continued.

ps: thank you book, 柢bumo sun light, czdxh042408, novel mystery 12345, Wei Canglan, the reward of the gods and illusions, thank you for your monthly pass

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