PS: There will be another chapter in a while

The heavy snow fell from the sky again, and it did not stop. Snow covered his knees, and thick ice shells like white greaves covered his calves, causing Yanghu to drag his feet and stagger.

If Yanghu's horse is still there, he can sit on the saddle he stole from Zhao's light riding, and even sleep for a while. But no, the reason why Yanghu was so miserable was because of the attack in the early hours of last night.

At that time, Yang Hu was still sleeping with his fur wrapped in his fur, when suddenly a mournful horn was blown, followed by the sound of drums and clanging gold. Keen, he got up and went out to see that snow was falling in the camp. The soldiers rushed out of the camp in a panic, grabbed bows, arrows and spears, and ran to the fence.

It was an enemy attack, and outside there were the clattering of hoofs and the neighing of horses.

However, the bowstrings were frozen stiff, and most of them could not draw the bows, and the spears were also covered with ice, which was biting to the bone. Everyone was a mess, and it was impossible to see anything more than three steps away, not even the burning torches surrounding the camp fence and snow walls.

Then, Feather Arrow flew in from outside the camp, but didn't do much damage due to sight and range issues. Under the organization of the military officials, the Qi people hurriedly launched a counterattack with the weapons that could be thrown.

The sound of hoofs gradually faded away, and the Qi people lined up along the fence gave a ragged cheer, but it subsided in an instant. Someone shouted in despair: "They're back!"

What followed was another flurry of arrows, and Yang Hu could vaguely see a huge shadow in the darkness. It was Zhao's cavalry archers. Like a wave hitting a reef, they retreated and came again. The Qi people did not dare to attack, and could only shoot arrows blindly. As the people hit by the arrow fell one after another, they gradually lost the courage inspired by Qi Hou today, and they retreated one after another, trembling like the last leaf on an autumn tree. Both cold and frightening.

So the whole first half of the night became a sleepless night for the Qi people, and Zhao Wuxi only used half of his cavalry. Divided into four teams and harassed from four directions, Qi people didn't get a good night's sleep.

In the second half of the night, the situation was even worse. Thousands of Zhao soldiers hanging from the rear also rushed over. They also did not attack rashly, but stood outside the camp and fired arrows at the camp with crossbows: Rockets!

When the splendid sparks exploded one by one in the Qi camp. Everyone panicked, so the pawns circled in confusion, fear growing inside the body as always.

Fortunately, Marquis Qi had already made preparations to let people shovel snow to put it out, but he couldn't care less about the other. One of the outer camps was attacked and completely destroyed, and a large tent was burned down, and many people died inside. . It was finally dawn, and Qi Hou angrily took his soldiers out for a few miles. I want to find an opportunity to fight Zhao Bing to the death. However, Zhao's cavalry disappeared, and they could only come back in dismay. Once they counted the number of people, two thousand people were killed and injured last night.

Yang Hu's only remaining horse was killed in the chaos. He originally had two spare horses, but the Marquis of Qi killed the soldiers and undressed the soldiers, and the officials below him were not spared either, and Yang Hu could only contribute the thinner horse.

This was originally made by Qi Hou for the Qi pawns to see. He and Gao Zhang and others naturally couldn't walk in the snow, but no one cared about Yang Hu anymore. When he left today, he went to ask for another horse to travel. He even got the eyes of a transport officer.

The man claimed: "Most of the mounts were slaughtered in the camp, and the rest were carrying torches, arrows, and immobile scholar-officials, and there were no idle ones. You'd better look elsewhere!"

Yang Hu is a guest of Qi Hou, a doctor Biqing, but since Qi Hou gave him a cold look yesterday, his treatment has been reduced rapidly. He was only given a piece of dark horse meat the size of a fingernail that day, which was not enough to fit between his teeth. . Along the way, no one invited him to get in the car again.

There have been some gossips in the army, saying that this time they went south to Xilu, it was Yanghu who encouraged the emperor, which led to their situation today. So the indiscriminate Qi soldiers began to grit their teeth at Yang Hu, and Yang Hu knew that he was being used as a scapegoat by Qi Hou.

So he could only stagger on foot in the snow like those low-level military officials and soldiers, and bear the hostile gazes of tens of thousands of people.

Fortunately, the name of Yanghu's bravery was widely spread among Qi people, and no one dared to deprive him of his clothes. Yanghu wore three pairs of foot clothes, two linings, and a coat of lamb's wool fur, and then the cold one. Stiff leather armor, over which he was wrapped in a loose sleeveless cloak, which was fastened with bone pins, and the leather cap was turned over to cover his forehead. Even so, he still felt cold, especially his feet. Just yesterday, when they started walking, they were in so much pain that it was unbearable to teach someone to stand, let alone walk.

So Yanghu is cold and tired at the moment, and he really wants to stop, even if he sleeps for a while by the fire and eats some unfrozen food.

But no one would share these things with Yanghu anymore.

What's more, if you stop, you will be dead, not by the wind and snow, or by the swords of the Zhao cavalry soldiers!

The survivors know this very well. When they evacuated the camp this morning, they had more than 30,000 people, maybe more, but then someone lost in the snow, and the wounded bled to death, and now they may have been damaged again. More than a thousand... Sometimes Yanghu heard the people behind the hall shouting, even screaming, that was Zhao's cavalry again, and they were going to bring down the Qi army one by one.

This time, it was not only the people who rode on horses, but also some people who "ridden wood", and the people of Qi were stunned.

The snow had piled up to the ankles, the wheels and feet were very difficult to walk, the horses had to cover their hooves with thick fur and cloth to run, and the speed was greatly reduced. However, Zhao Bing, who was chasing from the rear, had no such concerns. The fastest among them was not Zhao Wuxi's light cavalry, but a new type of tool built by dismantling the car. Originally, the place where the wheels hit the ground is now made of two copper-inlaid wooden boards that are raised at both ends. Take captives. Yang Hu didn't know, but now Zhao Bing calls it a "sled".

Even more terrifying, it turned out to be a person who stepped on two bamboo boards, holding a hockey stick, and skating on the ice. A few of them form a team, slide in an S shape, close to Qi's post or shoot arrows, or pass by you with speed, stab the sword into the lonely Qi's chest, and sprinkle a spring on the pale snow. blood.

The Qi people have never seen it before, and they all think that it is God's help, and the morale drops even faster.

Therefore, no matter how tired he is, he must not fall behind. Yang Hu held the short sword tightly, so that the body of the sword would not freeze in the scabbard and could not be pulled out at the critical moment. As soon as he heard the movement, he started running, running as fast as he could, kicking up the snow with his frozen feet. Finally, he caught up with Qi Hou's car again. He firmly believed that until the last moment, this was the safest place in the entire army.


"Another company on the left side of the Qi people was defeated by us and fled. The company commander and two Li Yousi were captured alive, with dozens of casualties. We did not have any casualties. Those Qi people who were pulled down from the rear were also taken by the Chinese army The wooden riders sent by Zuo were captured."

Wu Xie stood on the hill and listened to the report. He looked at the overall situation and watched the black and dark brigade of Qi people slowly marching north, like a long tired worm. And Zhao Bing took his leisure time, like a mysterious bird soaring in the sky waiting to hunt.

In terms of tactics, Zhao Wuxi's light knights no longer took the risk of using the horses to charge at close range, as they did in the last raid on the baggage. Instead, he quietly rode down the hills, without raising the flag or playing, suddenly approaching Qi people like a hunting hawk in the dead silence. Those who can shoot while riding will swipe from the side to open the bow, and go back and forth repeatedly. If they can't do it, they will stand on the horse and shoot, destroy the enemy's will with arrows, and then withdraw as if flying.

Wu Xie and Zhao Yang's messenger met, and the general commander had to obey his father, and Zhao Yang's style of play made Wu Xie a little unexpected. Just now, he actually saw more than a hundred Zhao Bing on snowboards moving fast in the snow, faster than horses. Qi people were knocked to the ground before they could react, and they were taken prisoner. Tethered to the rope and pulled back onto the horse-drawn sleigh.

On snowy days, use a horse-drawn sleigh to transport the luggage. This was Wu Xie’s suggestion to Zhao Yang before, and the craftsmen in Linqiu had already prepared for this. This method is superior to a wheeled car. The reason why Zhao Bing was able to catch up with Qi Jun's tail attack after spending half a day crossing the Pushui River, this simple but practical thing stands. great merit.

But what Wu Xie didn't expect was that there were some old soldiers in Zhao Bing, who actually cut a few pieces of wood to thin them, and then pressed them into a reasonable curve. With two slender wooden sticks in their hands, they started directly. Skiing. It looks like he's not a novice, it's much better than the bruises on his face when he fell on a trip to the Northeast without a shirt in his previous life.

Of course, this could not have been done in a short period of time. Wu Xie asked Zhao Guangde to know that these were veterans of Jinyang origin.

It turned out that there were many tribes of Yi and Na who were adjacent to Jinyang in the past, and even some messengers from Sushen, far away, who presented the "Yi Ya Shi Niu" to the Zhou royal family and the Jin state, failed to return to their hometowns to stay here. These people "shoot for hunting, eat meat and skin", and because of the winter "the ground is full of snow, and they are afraid of pits and traps, so they ride on wood", that is, snowboards seen without hundreds of years After that, the land of Jinyang became an area where China and Rong and Di were mixed, so this unique custom was also learned by Jin people, not to mention that many of them were Jin fathers and mothers themselves.

This is the scene Wu Xie saw in front of his eyes. It really came like wind and went like electricity. The cavalry's limelight has even been occupied for a while. As for the Qi people in the southern region, they have never seen this kind of gameplay, and they are stunned and regard it as a magic trick.

It seems that skiing does not have to wait for the ice play that later generations of the Qing Dynasty liked to play.

Wu Xie took back his reverie and ordered: "We can't be left behind, so we will harass in turn in this order, let the people in front come back, and the other half will prepare their horses. It's only two days away from Qinyi. Although the Qi army in the north has no intention of supporting it for the time being, my father has ordered that the general offensive will be launched when the people from Zhen, Linqiu, Yuncheng, and even Onozawa come to gather tomorrow. To annihilate the people of Qi, we must also make Qi state not dare to attack Xilu again within three to five years!" (To be continued.)

PS: Thanks to the book friends novel mystery 12345, cdxh042408, Xunlang, and the reward of the fantasy world! Thank you for your monthly pass! Ask for collection, ask for recommendation, ask for subscription, ask for monthly pass!

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