Spring and Autumn I Am King

Chapter 444: traitor


ps: The big chapter is one and two. Tomorrow will be the afternoon and evening updates. Whether the third update can be done depends on whether Wen Si can keep up with July. sorry


In the Spring and Autumn Period, whenever the two countries meet, the leaders of both sides must match. Therefore, in the three major alliances of Jin and Chu, it is difficult for the monarchs of both sides to visit in person, because the identity cannot match the name and the real.

After all, the state of Chu shouted that Lao Tzu was a barbarian and did not act according to the rules of the Central Plains. He was already named king two hundred years ago, and it was recognized by the southern princes. When the alliance book was written, it would be absolutely impossible for the prince of Jin to call Chu the king. It is possible to continue to regard the other party as a lowly "Chu son", and the people of Chu absolutely cannot accept it. Therefore, in order to avoid embarrassment, it was basically Zhengqing of the Jin state and the commander of the Chu state Yin.

It is much easier for Jin to make alliances with other princes. The top ministers of big countries can almost be compared with small and medium princes, so there are countless examples of Jin officials leading alliances with each other's monarchs. The last time when Zhibo, the ruling ruler of Jin, led an army to come to aid, the Marquis of Lu came forward in person. Since this time it was only Zhao Yang, the second emperor, so I lowered the standard. Although Lu Hou did not come in person, he still sent Ji Sunsi and Shusun Zhou Qiu Liangqing. : After all, this fight is in the name of rewarding Zhao Bing, cattle, sheep, and Shaojing are not too small to carry, and all the corn and wine can be continued.

They knew that Zhao Qing had a bad temper, so they didn't dare to neglect him in terms of etiquette.


"I'm afraid that Lu wine is thin and Jin wine is heavy, and Zhao Qing is not used to drinking it." When Lin Xing said goodbye, Shusun Zhouqiu said sourly, smelling the strong smell of wine emanating from the caravan.

"I hope that Zhao Xiaosikou is also not used to drinking, and will return to his hometown as soon as possible." Ji Sunsi sighed slightly, they already knew the news that Xilu had not lost much in the typhoid epidemic, if not so. How could Zhao Wuxi have the intention to plot a sentence?

Not to mention the worries of Ji Sunsi and Shusun Zhouqiu, Confucius also brought Yan Hui and other disciples with him. Seemingly destined not to let this mission go smoothly, halfway through, the two horses in the team suddenly went crazy, foaming at the mouth and kicking people desperately. Even the horses pulling the cart became restless and broke the axle, and the team had to stop.

Ji Sunsi, wrapped in thick fox fur, came down and took a look, looking at the broken axle, his face was gloomy: "This is not a good sign."

The axle was broken, which indicated that the journey was not smooth. They had lingering fears over the strength of Zhao Yang at the tile meeting the previous year. This time, it was very difficult to convince Mr. Zhao, who had almost all beards and tails, to spit out the meat he swallowed.

"Blessings and misfortunes are up to people, and they are responsible for the rulers of a country. Don't talk about strangeness, strength, chaos, or gods!"

"I have a disciple Gongzhi who knows the language of birds and beasts, but unfortunately he went back to Weiguo some time ago, Da Situ. Let the veterinarian come and take a look."

Fortunately, the veterinarians in the team of hundreds of people were not much worse than Confucius's Gao Tu Gongzhi, and the cause of the horse's panic was clearly diagnosed.

"This is the accidental eating of the wolf poisonous flower on the grass. Therefore, it is crazy, and it is necessary to feed the croton to clean up the lungs and stomach, otherwise it will be poisoned and die sooner or later."

Under the comfort of the veterinarian in Nalu City, the horses calmed down, and after a while, the team could continue on the road again.

Confucius saw that the veterinarian spoke well. In line with the idea of ​​"seeking the wild without propriety", I chatted with him a few words, only to know that his ancestors were descendants of Boyi, people with the surname Yan, who have been engaged in this industry for generations.

And don't know if this is true or not. Anyway, Confucius sighed, raised his sleeves and Shi Shiran said: "There is still nearly a hundred miles to go ahead, plus the return journey, there is still a lot to rely on."

The veterinarian hurriedly waved his hand and said, "The doctor killed the villain, but after I go to Xilu this time, I don't plan to go back to Qufu for the time being. On the way back, I hope the doctor will be more careful, and forgive the villain for being unable to help."

Kongqiu Daqi: "I won't go back! Do you want to stay in Xilu and join Zhao Xiaosikou?"

Guan Yiwu once said that the country is prosperous and virtuous. Could it be that under the governance of Zhao Wuxi, Xilu has reached such a level that not only the disciples of Confucius are in an endless stream, but even a veterinarian who used to belong to the public office also wants to go. Take refuge?

The veterinarian laughed, "Yes, and no."

"Why do you say that?"

"The villain did have this idea after listening to the propaganda sent by Zhao Xiaosikou in Lucheng, but instead of going to join him, he wanted to join the genius doctor Bian Que and join his newly created 'Ling Que'. "


The name of the doctor Bian Que is known not only to Confucius, but also to almost all women and children in the state of Lu. The stories of Bian Que who traveled to various countries in the past dynasties and rescued the dead and the wounded have been circulated for many years. People are Bian Que's means!

The "Ling Que" is a team of doctors and medical practitioners founded by Yi Bian Que with the support of Zhao's family. Yi Bian Que and his disciples widely call the world's doctors who can save the dead and heal the wounded. The people of the towns who are suffering from the plague.

I heard that the Zhao family is very concerned about this, and Zhao Wuxi's retainer Feng Rin, who is stationed in Lucheng, has been promoting this matter vigorously in the past few days. The slogan of "sympathizing with disasters and preparing for the rescue of the murderers" is inspiring, but everyone knows that walking in war-torn and epidemic areas is extremely risky, so there are very few people who respond.

The veterinarian had his own reasons: "The villain can treat animals, but not people. About ten years ago, there was an epidemic in Lucheng. , but did not take any rice or silk and left afterwards. My mother was very grateful, and when she passed away the year before last, she asked me to repay the great kindness, so I heard that the doctor Bian Que wanted someone, so I went. Although it could not be of much help, You can also do your best and do your best.”

Confucius sighed, "It is filial piety to fulfill my mother's wishes."

Confucius' new disciple, Chen Guoren, a man with great strength and a straightforward personality, asked in a carefree manner, "You are a veterinarian, not a doctor. Will Doctor Bianque really want you?"

The veterinarian was unhappy: "There is no distinction between doctors, not to mention Ling Que claims that food doctors, disease doctors, ulcer doctors, and veterinarians must be all four, but they don't want to be a magician and alchemist. Why don't you want me? Gentlemen, don't underestimate me. If I were not here today for the people who are waiting for the doctor, the horses would be abandoned or slaughtered, and the journey would have to be delayed a lot. The magpies will travel all over the world in the future. How can diseases only harm people? There are beast diseases that kill a lot of horses and dogs every year. If the farmer dies and the cattle are killed, it means that his livelihood will be ruined, and it will be more sad than his own suffering. Then it will be the villain's turn to appear."

The State of Lu was a place where cattle farming and stone and copper plows were popular earlier. Many of Confucius’ disciples were named Niu Jigong, or the name Niu Jigong was the proof. That's why the veterinarian said this.

Seeing that the veterinarian was right, Confucius smiled and apologized, asked Gongliangru to step back, and asked, "This disciple Qiu doesn't know much about Ling Que, so don't be surprised, can you tell me more about it?"

In short, the establishment of Ling Que is a matter of benefit to the country and the people, and Confucius still appreciates it.

The veterinarian abandoned his old job in Lucheng and set out on the road with the ideal of repaying his favor. The mood is disturbed and agitated, but don't you just want to talk to someone? So the chatterbox opened...

"Although Ling Que is still in its infancy, it does not attract as many people as the doctor imagined. There are only a few people like me who go to repay my kindness, and most of them go for the name of Doctor Bian Que. Zhao Xiaosi Kou is in Lucheng. The person who has already said: Anyone who has medical skills, who has been in Ling Que for more than three years, and who has performed well, will be accepted by Yi Bian Que as a current disciple. He will let the disciples who enter the hall teach medical books and secret techniques!

Confucius was dumbfounded, why does this sound so familiar!

"Doctor, think about it. There are so many meat eaters in the world who have been cured by the doctor Bian Que. After three or five years, after the people who have invested in Ling Que have learned something, they will definitely be hired by the princes and doctors. Maybe ten When we meet again in the next year, I will be able to heal both animals and people!"

Now it was Confucius' turn to be stunned. "Ling Magpie" does not refuse to come, and has a stance of teaching without distinction. How similar is he to setting up an altar in Qufu a few years ago, attracting scholars and common people to join?

He understood immediately, and smiled behind the thick beard. My heart is full of excitement, this is probably Zhao Wuxi's idea, and he has borrowed a lot of Confucian methods. In the past, this doctor Bian Que had at most three or five direct disciples to follow, but now, he has actually created a school!

But there were also worries immediately. "Magpie" not only received the strong financial support of Zhao's family, but also gradually expanded its number and influence by saving the dying and helping the wounded in various countries in the future. This rudimentary doctor's study is the same as the mathematics "Gewu" study that even affected his own disciple Yan Hui, and it should not be taken lightly!

The source of all this seems to point to Zhao Wuxi, and the shock of his disciples when he said "Xiu Qi Zhiping", Confucius became more and more incomprehensible to this gentleman from Jin.

He suddenly remembered what he had written three years ago when he first heard about this son's reputation: "The white elk is a lucky beast. Those with benevolence will come, and those without benevolence will not. Zhongni said: "Who is it?" Excited?"


Chatting with this excited veterinarian all the way, time passed quickly. On the second day, Confucius and his party entered Zhongdu, which he was very familiar with in his memory, but felt unfamiliar to Zhongdu when he returned a year and a half later.

Seeing Yijiao from the wild, Confucius was a little shocked to find that it was not what he had imagined at all.

The original Dubi had disappeared and was replaced by a pavilion and a li. The pavilion chief was holding wooden slips and ropes to monitor pedestrians on the road, and locked up robbers, which made Confucius frown.

The well-field method that he had worked so hard to recover was gone, and all the fields were turned into smooth roads, and the village shooting ceremony was not held on time. Instead, some young men were led by the chief, holding bamboo spears, large bamboos, and rattan shields in the wild for training. It was a strange formation. Even people's dignity and order, as well as the demeanor of observance and judging, are much less. Everywhere, under the solemn supervision of small officials, they are busy ploughing the fields and ploughing the fields to prepare for the upcoming spring ploughing.

Zai Zai Yu in the central capital city, Fan Xu (Fan Chi), the city Sima, went out of the city ten li to greet him in person, and met him with the courtesy of his disciples, and the ceremony was very thoughtful. But neither of them were Confucius' favorite disciples, although he couldn't deny their abilities.

Zai Yu's eloquence is not much worse than Zigong's, but his ability to cling to the powerful is even better. Fan Chi, Zi Lu, and Ran Qiu learned to lead the army, and made the troops in a good manner, quite a bit like a military soldier of the Zhao clan. Unfortunately, what he was most interested in was the hands-on approach that Confucius least advocated. Planting vegetables, researching the way of crops...

With these two disciples who had the least understanding of his "self-restraint and revival of propriety" way, but the most utilitarian, ruling here, it is not surprising that Zhongduyi has become like this.

When there are many people, Confucius is not easy to attack. Later, when only a group of disciples were left, Confucius asked: "Zhongdu was once damaged by robbery. It has recovered, but the government that I have implemented in Central Capital, why can’t I do it again?”

In Confucianism, it is regarded as a matter of course, and it is also one of the purposes of Confucius's teachings.

Zai Yu was dressed as a minister today, with a high-sounding appearance. After saluting, he asked back: "Master, after the robbery, Zhongdu can be restored to this state. What is the downside of the difficulty of the bone daze?"

Confucius was stunned, Zai Yu's ability to govern is good, and Fan Chi can also protect the country and the people. With the cooperation of the two of them, Zhongdu is indeed prosperous, and there is nothing wrong...


"But this is by no means the revival of the Zhou Li government!"

Zai Yu asked back, "Does it have to be Zhou Li to govern the city?"

Confucius said bitterly: "The way is to govern, and the order is punished, and the people can only be free from shame. The way is virtuous, and the order is courtesy, and it is shameful and polite. This is what the teacher hopes you will implement in Zhongdu governance."

He felt that Zhongdu was fine for a short period of time, but in the long run, it would inevitably deviate from the way of the sage, as the saying goes, "the country will perish, and there must be more control". Restoring the simple and effective rule of rites and music is the kingly way to maintain the state and even the entire world.

"The so-called people's death and the government's interest, because the teacher is still alive, how can it be changed rashly?"

I'm not dead yet!

Speaking of this, Confucius was already a little angry. He is now a high-ranking uncle of the state of Lu. He also hopes that after strengthening the monarchy, he can promote the governance of the Central Capital to the whole country and recreate the Zhou Dynasty in the East. Guess what? How can you not be annoyed that this experimental field is actually planted with other people's food?

Yan Hui, Gong Ruliang and others all gave Zai Yu a wink, and even Fan Chi was at a loss.

The Master has already reached this level, son, why don't you hurry up and apologize, change your politics and follow the Master's way?

Zai Yu pursed his lips and did not answer, but he had his own thoughts.

When he entered school, he was active in thinking, eager to learn and think deeply, and good at asking questions.

But he is also the only one of the Confucian disciples, apart from Zi Lu, who would raise objections to Confucius's teachings, such as questioning three years of filial piety, believing that one year is enough. Another example is when Confucius was deliberately raised a problem, Zai Yu assumed such a situation: Didn’t he say that he would kill himself to become a benevolent person, if he told a benevolent person that another benevolent person fell into a well, should he jump down to save him or should he not jump down to save him? Because if you jump down, you will also die; if you don’t jump down, you will see death and will not save you, which is unkind.

All of these were criticized by Confucius, which eventually led to Confucius' disgust for him. As a result, Zai Yu was also tired of Confucius's teachings. He actually fell asleep during the day in class, and was scolded by Confucius as "a dead wood cannot be carved"!

But after taking refuge in Zhao Wuxi and deliberately imitating the "New Deal" of Zhao's Sanyi, Zai Yu seems to have found his future~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Although it is not obvious at first, this is the big bully. The way!

So Zai Yu knelt down and bowed: "Master respects Zichan, and the boy likes his way of governing. The boy just uses the words of Zichan to express his ambition. The boy is not talented, and the government he administers is not expected to be extended to his descendants. It can only save the world!"

Confucius was startled: "What do you mean by this?"

Zai Yu bowed again, bowed his head three times, and touched the ground with a voice: "Although the Master can be imitated by thousands of generations, it is not enough to save this troubled world. The only one who can save the world is Zhao Xiaosi Kou's new policy. There are punishments and restraints. The law, there is the army of a strong country, the business of enriching the people, the gift of profit and loss, and what is even more rare is the heart of pioneering!"

Master, the way of Confucianism is not suitable for troubled times, you treat me as a piece of dung that cannot be painted on the wall, a piece of rotten wood that cannot be carved with your skillful hands, a disciple who betrays Confucianism and Taoism! (To be continued...)

ps: Thank you for the reward of Mobumo Sunlight, Second Reincarnation, Wenyin Zhiya, Man Xing 31, God Illusion Realm, dddddd123421, Shanqiao Fisherman! Thank you for your monthly pass!

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