Spring and Autumn I Am King

Chapter 663: 6 Qing's Balance (Part 1)


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Although the Marquis of Jin is already an adult, his power has fallen by the side, and he has not been involved in political affairs for many years. Unless there are special circumstances, such as Zhengdan and other festivals, and foreign ministers come to the court for employment, generally speaking, the court will be chaired by the ruling minister.

Today's state of Jin is quite fragmented. Zhao Qing fought with Fan Qing and Zhong Xingqing in the east, Han Qing returned to Pingyang, and Wei Qing returned to Anyi. When the civil war was about to break out, various ministers withdrew their forces from Xintian, so the actual controller of this city was the ruling minister Zhisong, and the court meeting became the gathering of Zhibo's party.

On the fifteenth day of June, Zhibo stepped into the hall wearing the crown of Shangqing in Xuanduan Zhu clothes.

The members of Zhibo who were present quickly stood up to pay their respects. He nodded in return, glanced at his son Zhiguo, and finally sat down on the main seat.

The others took their seats on their own. As Fan Yang's concubine, the superior doctor, Fan Gaoyi, looked very much like his father. He was nearly half a hundred years old, but his complexion was still strong and ruddy. He had a beard with white silk and a strong body.

Taifu Liang Ying's father had sagging shoulders, a slender figure, sly eyes, and a sparse white beard growing on his chin.

The difference is that Fan Gaoyi's face showed joy, and he wanted to get up immediately and tell Zhisong the good news, while Liang Ying's father looked worried.

"Speaking of worries first, joy later. Is there any new news about the development of the war east of Taihang?" Although Zhibo looked very kind and his voice was low, he was as majestic as ever.

Liang Yingfu got up and said: "In power, the news has confirmed that Fan and Bank of China were indeed defeated by the Communist Party. Go further north. Zhao's two armies join forces and will encircle Chaoge... This speed greatly exceeds our expectations..."

He was at odds with Zhao Yang and Dong An, and hoped that the Zhao family would be destroyed, but now the situation is completely opposite, how can you not worry?

Zhiguo took over the words: "I thought that Zhao's father and son and Erqing were equal in strength. They would lose both in the fight, at least it would be delayed until the autumn harvest. Who would have expected it to be so fast..." After the victory, Zhiguo lost his sense for a while, and he didn't know what to do. Fortunately, they still had Zhibo.

But I heard Zhisong say lightly: "It's also my fault that Erqing was so eager to achieve success. He wanted to defeat the Zhao clan quickly, but he forgot that the Zhao clan was stronger than them in field battles. It was well deserved to suffer such a tragic defeat. Fusuoyi, Jishe’s death, is a bad thing to unbalance the situation, but also a good thing that can turn harm into good.”

He looked at Fan Gaoyi: "Have you received the letter from Chaoge?"

Fan Gaoyi hurriedly replied: "I got it, the family members of the Fan family sent people to report the mourning, and at the same time asked me to succeed the head of the family... My brother Fan Wei was captured, and my brother Ji She. Both nephews died of the Zhao family. Hand, only I am the most suitable candidate."

He bowed his head and bowed: "Government, in this way, my long-cherished wish for many years can be realized!"

Fan Gaoyi was very excited, but Zhisong poured cold water on his head.

"Doctor Fan, where are your mourning clothes?"


"Mourning clothes?" Fan Gaoyi was stunned for a while.

"Brother died. As a brother, you should wear mourning clothes made of coarse sackcloth for nine months. How can you still eat in brocade clothes? You will become the new head of the Fan family, the future soldier. Zuo. If Fan's subjects see this, how can they convince you? How can they follow you and fight against Zhao? Why don't you go to the back hall to change, and then put on a sad and resentful look!"

Fan Gaoyi hurriedly said that he knew what was wrong, and after he retired, Liang Yingfu, who also wanted to be promoted to the position of the official, said with a bit of jealousy: "The government wants Fan Gaoyi to replace Ji She's position?"

"Isn't it logical that the younger brother dies and the older brother inherits his career?"

"Then Zhao and Han sued the Fan family for obstructing their conquest of Handan and colluding with the Qi people..."

"It's just a statement from the Prince of Wei. The evidence is not enough..."


Zhibo's voice changed: "On the contrary, the Zhao family brazenly fought with Fan and Bank of China without public order, and even dispatched Lu soldiers to enter the country, and even forced a nobleman to death, when will the Jin state give him this Zhao family? kind of power?"

Liang Ying's father and Zhiguo looked at each other, listening to this, is Zhibo going to change the previous practice of supporting Zhao's attack on Handan, and support Fan and Bank of China Erqing instead?

"Know its male, keep its female, and be the stream of the world", Zhibo believed that everything is worth a balance, and the six ministers of Jin State were already on the verge of collapse of this balance, and the biggest unstable factor, in Zhibo's view , that is Zhao's father and son!

"The Fan clan has been destroyed, and Chaoge's family members of the Fan clan are even willing to hand over their entire family business to the Gaoyi they hate so much. This also means that from now on, the Fan clan is no longer the enemy of the Zhi clan, but a My friend. As for the Bank of China, my arrogant and ignorant cousin lost a lot of soldiers after this defeat, and was finally willing to bow his head like me and seek my help. If the Zhi family had not been protected by the Bank of China Muzi, I was almost deprived of the throne by Jin Pinggong or even perished. I remember this kindness in my heart. Now that the Bank of China is in danger, it is time for me to help them..."

"But the Zhao family hasn't been hurt in these few battles, and with the Han family as support, I'm afraid it's not easy to deal with..."

Zhibo smiled and said: "Otherwise, Lao Tzu has something to say, hold on to it and gain it, it's not as good as it is. Keep it sharp and keep it sharp, it can't be guaranteed for a long time. If you are full of gold and jade, you can't keep it; if you are rich and arrogant, you will blame yourself... Lao Tzu's These remarks are about the great truth that power rises and falls."

"Chaoge is a big city with thousands of households, the walls are high and the pools are deep~www.wuxiamtl.com~ If you want to send troops to besiege, it will be as short as three months and as long as half a year, and the Zhao family will be caught in a long siege battle. In other words, their victory has come to an end! Next, I have countless clever tricks, which can make Zhao's blood and sweat, but not get the slightest benefit!"

Liang Ying's father's eyes lit up: "In power, what should we do?"

"First, ask the monarch to mourn for Fan Jishe. After all, he is a nobleman of a country. Then, let Fan Gaoyi succeed the Fan family and become the new minister of Jin. At the same time, he will send Zhishi's soldiers to stop the Jinyang Zhao soldiers and the Yang Han soldiers. Attacking Fan's Guayan County and other territories, the situation east of Taihang has been grasped by Zhao, but the balance west of Taihang must be maintained."

"Secondly, he began to overturn the case for Fan Zhongxing in the DPRK, denied the charges of the Crown Prince of Wei, sent someone to accuse the Zhao family of not obeying the public order, brazenly went to war with Erqing, led foreign soldiers into Jin, and killed Fan Jishe's Four major sins. At the same time, they sent the army of the army, Sima Ji, Qin, and the public army composed of the people of the country, and marched eastward in the name of the monarch, asking Zhao and Han to obediently surrender the captured Hanoi, so that they could become public territory! "

Liang Yingying's father slapped his palms in admiration and said, "How wonderful! If the Zhao clan obediently donated the soil, the fierce battles of the past few months would be in vain. If you don't want to, you can use the name of the monarch to convict them of being one of the worst offenders. There are Chaoge Jiancheng, as well as Bank of China, Handan, and the remnants of the Fan clan, which cannot be defeated in less than a year and a half. Later, the ruling power will force the Zhao clan to be in a dilemma!"

Zhibo was also a little proud. He stroked his beard and said, "Not only that, the real killer is still behind, and I also learned a piece of news that is not true or false."

He slowly announced: "I heard that Zhao Meng is dead!"

As soon as the words came out, everyone in the hall was surprised and delighted! (To be continued.)

This book comes from Pin&Book#net

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