Spring and Autumn I Am King

Chapter 664: 6 Qing's Balance (Part 2)

PS: There are still two chapters in the evening, please recommend tickets!

"In power, Zhao Mengzhen is dead"

When Liang Ying's father heard this, he was surprised and asked quickly. Just fell in love with Lewen Novel Network w. L.

Zhisong said: "It is said that he took the lead in the charge when he fought against Erqing in Gongcheng, so that he was hit by a stray arrow and was seriously injured. He has not shown up for many days. Zhao Jun is now ruled by his son Wuqing, and even if he does not die, he will only Half-life left."

Liang Ying's father wiped the sweat from his forehead: "If Zhao Meng dies, then the Zhao family will not be afraid. For the Zhao family, no matter how many victories they have won before, as long as the family master Zhao Yang is damaged, this is the most serious disaster. defeat!"

He added, "Even if Zhao Wuxi is the commander-in-chief, even if he still enjoys an invincible reputation, if he inherits the throne, the monarch and the ministers will not be able to accept it. The successor of the Zhao family is uncertain, and even the hearts of the people are unstable. If it can’t be calmed down, how can they fight externally? They still can’t win this battle.”

Originally, the Zhao family in the eyes of everyone had grown into a terrifying giant beast, but it was heard that after Zhao Yang died, this giant beast became a target for foreign powers and hard work.

"What is the administration going to do out of it?"

"Naturally, it's fueling the flames and causing the Zhao family to be torn apart. Can you get in touch with the three people I asked you to look for earlier?"

Liang Ying's father laughed bluntly: "Zhao Yang's eldest son Bo Lu and Wei Guo's crown prince Kuai Xue are in the lower palace, but Fu Sou is very guarded, and our people have no chance to approach him at all. Zhao Yang's second son Zhongxin and third sons Uncle Qi was Wei Bo and the ruling son and nephew respectively. They did not please Zhao Yang and were sent to Geng County to guard the ancestral mausoleum. The people who were dispatched came back to report. The two were very unwilling to this situation, and they were very unwilling to Zhao Wuxi. full of resentment..."

Zhibo pointed out: "You might as well use them. Zhao Wuxi is neither the eldest son nor the doctor of the Jin state. How can he be qualified to lead the Zhao family? I sent Qin to ask for Hanoi. , to force Zhao Wuxi out of the Jin state, and then dismember the Zhao family. Divide it into three!"

After Liang Ying's father said goodbye, he left. Zhiguo leaned over and asked again, "Father, Zhao Meng is really dead?"

Zhisong said: "It will take more than ten days for the news of Xintian and Taihang to be sent back. Who can tell the difference between true and false? It's important to make everyone think that Zhao Meng is wrong. Now that I am dead, I know that the next plan of my family can be carried out smoothly..."

Zhiguo was shocked, if Zhao Yang hadn't died. Isn't this Zhishi's action a castle in the air, water without roots?

"Dad is determined to be the enemy of the Zhao family?"

Zhisong said with a sullen face: "I didn't expect the Zhao clan's battle to be so smooth. They are already too powerful, and they have destroyed the balance of the six ministers of Jin. They must be contained. When it arrives, it is necessary to use the monarch and the ruling authority, use the desperately struggling Fan and Bank of China, use the newly supported Fan Gaoyi, Liang Yingfu, and even use the opponents within the Zhao family, use Han Wei, and dismember the Zhao family at all costs. Otherwise, the state of Jin will be owned by the Zhao family ten years from now!"

"However, the Zhao family is already very difficult to deal with, not to mention that they are still friendly with the Han family and the Wei family..." Zhiguo secretly glanced at her father: "If there is a real fight, the winning rate is not high."

"Han has been promised too many benefits, and he has been friendly with Zhao for generations. This time, he is determined to follow Zhao's path, and it is impossible to persuade him to come back. But Wei, since Wei Xianzi died, Wei Jianzi and Wei Man I have supported and sheltered more than two generations, and the relationship between the Zhi and Wei families is no less than that of the Zhao family."

Zhisong sneered: "And in the past two months, Zhao has been killing the Quartet. Do you think that being a father is just watching and doing nothing? What Zhao can promise, I can also give it, and I can honor it immediately. !"


When Wei Ju entered the Wei family's palace in Anyi with a letter, his father Wei Lu had just finished meeting with the guests and was putting on a thick leather armor to start the daily swordsmanship training: the descendants of the Wei family inherited Wei Wei, The style of Wei Shu and other ancestors is that everyone knows soldiers, is martial and sturdy.

Of course, what is also inherited is the ambition and eagerness hidden under the simple and honest appearance.

Wei Yu was a less senior person in the Liuqing. He had always been attached to the Zhi clan and the Zhao clan, and he did not show off the mountains or waters. Only Wei Ju knew that his father was very deep-hearted.

"Father, this is the letter delivered by Mr. Zhao, please take a look." Wei Ju presented the letter respectfully, then looked at his father's expression.

Wei Hao took off the ink pad and unfolded the rattan paper. Those black eyes glanced back and forth, and a smile appeared on his thin lips, but he didn't say anything.

Wei Ju became a little impatient, and he said earnestly, "Father, what did you write in the letter?"

Wei Lu swept the letter again, "The letter was written in the name of Zhao Zhongjun's assistant, and it said that Fan Jishe was dead, and the Zhao family avenged the humiliation of their ancestors on behalf of the Wei family. I hope that the Wei family can join the fight against Fan and Bank of China. During the war, all of Fan's Hedong territory after the war was owned by Wei!"

"As expected!" Wei Ju clasped his hands and shouted, then said happily: "Father, it's not too late, why don't you send troops to attack Fan's Hedong counties! If it's too late, it's like a temple offering sacrifices to people who go late. , I can't get the meat for sacrifice!"

Wei Lu was noncommittal. He tied a cloth strip on his wrist to close his sleeves, glanced at his son, and said, "Don't be too busy making decisions, tell me first, how is the situation east of Taihang?"

Wei Ju recounted excitedly: "The Zhao clan has already won the decisive battle and destroyed the main force of Fan and Zhongxing. Now they are preparing to attack Chaoge. The Bai people are four hundred miles away from Chaoge, and even if the Zhongxing clan recruits new recruits, it will take more than a month to assemble and train, until the autumn harvest of Chaoge is over."

"That is to say, Chaoge is very empty right now. If Haotian cares, Zhao's family is likely to take Chaoge City before the arrival of the reinforcements from China Bank! If Wei's family doesn't do anything at this time, it will be too late!"

Wei Lu shook his head: "I've been to Chaoge, and no one can easily capture that strong city."

"Six hundred years ago, King Wu of Zhou and Taigongwang did it!"

Wei Hua said: "One, although he claims to be invincible, Zhao Wuxi is not King Wu or Taigong. Two, Chaoge didn't have a city wall at that time. But now there is. Ju, you have never fought a city siege battle. So you don't understand. Siege is a last resort, and there is no way out. To deal with a city with thousands of households like Chaoge, gather troops, make shields and chariots, and prepare all the tools to attack the city. At least thirty days Build up the mountains of earth for the siege. It will take at least thirty days, and then fill in the moat. The siege will be as short as three months and as long as several years."

"If the general doesn't have the patience, it's hard to control his anxiety and order the soldiers to climb the wall like ants to attack the city, even if one third of the soldiers are killed or injured, but the city still can't be attacked, this is the disaster brought by the siege. Don't look at it. The Zhao clan now has the advantage. But the war they won in the field is likely to be lost in Chaoge!"

Wei Ju felt that what his father said had some truth, but it was too conservative. He argued strongly: "But the Fan family has indeed lost the ability to resist. This can't be faked. If my father agrees, I am willing to personally lead the ten thousand troops, and the strategy and security. The Fan's Hedong counties that are more than a hundred miles apart are Fan County, Huan County, and Li County. After I take these three counties from Fan's hands, I will be able to double the Wei's Anyi territory! That will be Wealth and glory that Wei Shi has never had before!"

Wei Lu pondered for a moment and said, "This promise from the Zhao family is indeed very tempting, but it boils down to the final analysis. It is still up to the Wei family to fight for it with swords. The three counties of the Fan family can still recruit five or six thousand soldiers. It's not easy to eat it in one bite... What's more, it's beyond the ruler and the monarch, they can't just sit back and watch."

"Having said that, how can you get benefits without paying any price and danger?"

Wei Lu smiled and said, "You're right, you need to have this kind of consciousness when you do big things, but someone just presented an opportunity right in front of you. You don't need to pay any price, you don't need to die, you can get benefits."

Wei Ju's eyes widened, and he suddenly understood why his father, who had always been close to Zhao, kept repeating: "Could it be that the Zhishi messenger said something to his father just now?"

"Yes, Zhibo advised me to stand with him, stand with the monarch, and not join the ranks of the Zhao family..."

"Could it be that Zhi Bo is planning to help Fan and Bank of China? The Fan family is the enemy of my Wei family!"

Wei Hua said: "Since Fan Jishe is dead, the Fan family is actually dead. The new head of the family, Fan Gaoyi, is willing to apologize for what Fan Yang has done, and is willing to cede the two counties of Huon and Li as compensation."

"The kid always thinks that Uncle Zhi can't be trusted."

"Zhao Wuxi can't be trusted either. He may be using his interests to deceive you, and then use you to deceive the Wei family into the fire house of the war."

"But Zhao Wuxi made an appointment with me as a brother, and he asked me and the Wei family. Before the war, I hunted, drank and feasted with him. He called me brother, he..."

Wei Hao laughed loudly: "Ju, I think you were carried away by Zhao's victory. If he was telling the truth, why did he hide the news of Zhao Meng's death in battle alone?"


Wei Ju was stunned: "Zhao Qing, died in battle!?"

"This is the news from the Zhi clan. Although I don't know whether it is true or not, it seems that something has really happened to Zhao Meng. Fu Sou and Zhao Bolu who are in the lower palace are hurriedly evacuating. Guilty, Shangjun Sima Jiqin has already taken the semi-military people to inquire about the crime."

Wei Ju broke out in a cold sweat: "If this is the case, the victory of the Zhao clan will not be worth mentioning. Zhao Wuxi wants to return to the state of Jin as the ruler of the state of Lu. This kind of thing..."

"This kind of thing, except for the Han family who has been completely involved in the war~www.wuxiamtl.com~ closely following in the footsteps of the Zhao family, the rest of the ministers, including the monarch, including my Wei family, can't accept it. In short, don't believe in the so-called so-called Known as brothers, young people's hearts are full of blood, who could have guessed the conspiracy behind this? Back then, your great-grandfather Wei Xianzi and Luan Ying were also close brothers, but when the situation forced them, they didn't have to be cruel to the Luan family. Hand, my Wei family's Quwo County, that's how it came!"

Wei Ju calmed down a little, "Father means that the Wei family is going to repeat like the Luan family's rebellion?"

"It's not repeated!"

Wei Lu said to his son earnestly: "You have to keep in mind that you are not running errands for Zhao Wuxi, but to make profits for the Wei family! In my opinion, the Zhao family's aggressiveness in the past few months is actually ignoring it. The rules of the Jin state play with fire, and those who play with fire are often slaughtered; while Zhibo claims to be good at the art of being good like water, he is holding his strength to fight against the Zhao family, but he is actually blaspheming water, and those who are good swimmers often drown in water."

"Fire and water are incompatible, but even I can't see who will kill the deer. Regardless of fire or water, I don't want to step in... But compared to fire, water can briefly get involved when it's not boiling, so I'll hold it for now. The benefits of the Zhi clan, stand on the same line with the monarch, and wait and see what happens, Wei clan, will only stand on the side of the sure winner!"

(To be continued.)

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