Late birth).

(3) .


Now let's talk about my defeat.

position of the protagonist.

I, who has only played the role of a hero, becomes the first evil person to be overthrown.

So far, defeat is unacceptable for me.

Because one defeat is fatal.

Had I been defeated, Harlem would have been engulfed in flames and burned down.

My defeat meant the fall of the empire.

My defeat was the end of the powerhouse.

And my defeat, my defeat...

… .

Now for the first time, my defeat does not point to destruction.

This is the story of my defeat.

It is a story that reaches the end only when the human 'I' sank.

[Your immersion rate is now 100%.] Come on.

But 'I' is strong.

'I' is a completely evil human being.

I don't know how you will remember your school days.

Were you happy? Was it fun? The classroom is small enough to be decorated with the ignorance and excuses of childhood, so was everything that happened there beautifully painted in a sepia-colored panorama? not 'I' 'I' is a little more subtle than you.

cunning Perhaps there was no human like me in your school.

Or it may simply be that you don't remember.

But the 'I' is clearly here.

A person who has ever framed a classmate.

A person who has plotted a plan and manipulated evidence to frame someone.

A person who intimidated classmates to bring them into lockdown.

Someone who has those memories.

'You' is my colleague.

At least 'you' can guess my existence, and if you're lucky, you'll understand.


When the other students were defenselessly tinkering with their childhood, the so-called [school days], you and I, 'we', hunted those stupid killifish with ease.

Our hunting is secret.

So people don't remember.

Most people understand the hidden hunts we [because we are skilled] in the opposite way.

All the students [because they are immature] aren't smart enough to do high-level hunting.

Are you not smart? who? 'U.S? what a ridiculous delusion They don't even remember what happened in front of them.

I will confess to such people the secret of hunting first.

This is a story that happened before 'I' was possessed by someone.

“School, here the ranks of students are divided into two.

First, there are students who study well.

But to study well, you have to work hard.

Students are, above all, those who do not like to work hard.”

on the other side.

“It is easy to ignore and ridicule others.”

No effort required.

“Since sarcasm takes no effort, any student can participate.

This is the crucial difference between [study] and [smile].

What's the difference? It’s just how many students can easily participate.”

You have to study for 10 minutes to get a score of 1 on the exam.

On the other hand, it takes less than 10 seconds to ridicule and tease a person.

“[Who’s better at making fun of others] is much more fun than [who studies better].

Much easier.

So it is much more powerful.

Unlike studying, anyone can easily jump into this game.

That is why [smiling] is the standard for all schools.”

This is where the dynamics of bullying come into play.

“First, the victim must be conspicuous.”

Are you noticeably richer than the other children? Or is it visibly poor? Does anyone have a strange face? Does it smell strange when you approach it? Is your speech seriously slurred? Are you overly sincere? all good it doesn't matter what The reason [laughs] is so powerful is that it’s easy to do.

The victim of ridicule must be easy to ridicule.

“Kim Yul.”

There is a good reason why Kim Yul was selected as a prey.

"poor." open your eyes “It’s downright poor.

It smells bad when you go around.”

Poverty is not covered by monotone school uniforms.

Being exposed to the outside, that is the terrible point of poverty.

Anyone can see that Kim Yul was poor.

No matter who approached, Kim Yul's smell was not good.

Everyone was easy to laugh at.


so it’s easy to start.

“It’s a little odd when you say things like that, but if you go near him…”

“Ah, that’s right.

It smelled a little.

Level 1.

Start lightly.

As 'you' know, you shouldn't reveal your true feelings from the start.

That's stupid.

“I’ve known Kim Yul since middle school, and even then…”

It is appropriate to make it a simple topic of discussion: “You guys, can I tell you a secret? Actually….”

Little by little, the number of students participating in the chat is increasing: "You live there? Wow, that's a real garbage dump." “Dad picks up the waste paper.”

“Uh, maybe the guy who picks up the waste paper from our house is the same person?”

“Ah, maybe…”

The level of attention is gradually increased.

The point that the instigator should be careful here is that he must never reveal his malice.

It is yet! 'You' will know.

It's not the time for that.


Rather than saying something like, “Hey, wow, it’s true.

The person who picks up the trash from our house is Kim Yul’s dad!”

It's much wiser to say, "What, really?" Of course, that's a lie: "How did you know?" "At first, I was skeptical too.

But on Sunday, my uncle picked up the trash, so I asked [Are you Kim Yul's father? That Kim Yul is a school friend].

Then he was a little embarrassed and said to take care of it." "OMG…." "Really?" Lying is the basic knowledge of 'we'.

Classmates look at me with their eyes twinkling even though they are dubious.

Those gazes and interest are proof of success.

"Kim Yul! Your father probably has a job----." "Hey.


Why are you saying that? Do not say." "why? Are you also goo?”

“It’s not like that.


I'm sorry, Kim Yul.

Nothing." "......." Level 2.

Observation phase.

From here on, the malice runs well.

“Feel free.”

There is no person in the world who does not make mistakes.

students are even more so.

Now, classmates pay attention to Kim Yul's every move, and see Kim Yul's mistakes as if they were pointing a magnifying glass.

“Pooh… .”

and laugh I missed the volleyball during gym class and ran a little farther.

I forgot to fall asleep in the 4th period and fell asleep even when it was lunchtime.

I stuttered a bit at the teacher's question.

"Pooh… .”

Even the smallest mistake doesn't matter.

It would be easy.


Always remember the mechanics of [smiling].

“Hey, he goes back to school every day for lunch.

it… ." "Feed the chickens? Really?" "Go to the window and look down.

It's real." Anyone can easily see.

Anyone can easily participate.

“Kim Yul- look here!”

“Oh, I see.”

“Aren’t you supposed to get the chickens for free when they grow up?”


Ultimately, make a [game in which everyone participates].

'as you know.

The majority of bullying stops at this line.

Up to this point, it can occur spontaneously.

There is no need for a clear culprit.

There is no need for an accomplice.

Even if there are only sympathizers, up to [Level 2] can happen.

Level 2 bullying falls under the following levels: Mild violence once every two weeks.

Gang assault once every 3 months.

A public beating once every six months.

One small scar that remains on the body and cannot be erased.

1 semester as short as possible.

as long as 3 years.

Occasionally, there are students who lead the violence on a temporary and temporary basis, but no long-term initiator… … .

And you know, you know.

"Hey." The 'we' doesn't stop there.

"Let's try it." We go one step further: “What?”

"Look carefully.

These are the shoes I bought.

They are brand new." If you've managed to get me here, 'you' must be adept at lying.

From now on, you'll have to do some light magic on your classmates.

Can you see? Did you see it too?”

“Uh, so?”

“I want to throw it away together with the waste paper in front of my house.”

“…what are you talking about?”

"You idiot.

Kim Yul's dad is collecting waste paper from our house." It's a lie.

The waste collector passing by your house isn't actually Kim Yul's father, but it doesn't matter.

You know one route where Kim Yul's father went.

Are you going to give Kim Yul a present or not? Look.

If Kim Yul’s father is really the waste paper collector, he will come tomorrow wearing these shoes.”

"Huh…." "Yeah?" “I bet Kim Yul will come wearing these shoes tomorrow.”

Now, you secretly prepared two pairs of identical shoes: "Come on, look.

I threw it out here.

Did you see it? Never touch it." One pair was thrown away at your house in front of your friends.

"Um." The other pair had already been left on the route Kim Yul's father was going around the day before.

Of course, both of them have this painted on the sole.

You just I wanted to show my friends some plausible magic, so I pretended to be drawing in real time.

If you're more careful, I'll play with my friends all day and make the perfect alibi.

"Hey, hey, check it out!" Lunch time the next day.

“Look now!”

“Wait a minute, what…”

While Kim Yul goes down to the dining room and is gone, we rush in.

Kim Yul's desk.

Slipper pockets are hanging from hooks.

Students twinkle their eyes.

Raise the undergarment pocket and pull out the shoes, which are slightly cleaner than usual.

"Wow." of course.

“Ji, is that true?”

On the bottom of the shoes Kim Yul was wearing, is drawn.



Kim, then what you threw away...


“You didn’t make this with Kim Yul, did you?”


He kept hanging out with us yesterday and today.”

“Then really… .”

Students look at you.

It is the eyes that witnessed the mysterious magic right in front of their eyes.

At this time, there are many lines you can choose from.

It depends on your personality and taste.

'Look, am I right?' You may squeal 'I feel a little bad.' You may slowly reveal your malice.

"Wow." But I recommend this line.

"It's true..." Bury around.

“No, actually, that man may have lied.

Kim Yul's dad." Act as if you didn't know.

"So I wasn't 100% sure it was real either." Smile like it's ridiculous.

Check your shoes again, and act as if you've seen an unbelievable sight.

Refine your tone as if you've learned a truth you didn't know before.

And take one step “Hey, hey.

I do not know.

I bet too don't take it You just pretend you don't know.

This is something only we know.

No, it worked.

Anyway, I don’t know.”

Inexperienced actors consistently try to create works on their own.

As 'you' know, this is foolish impatience.

They feel impatient because the evidence that 'you' manipulated is sloppy and the magic is not good.

So, you have to practice the magic perfectly from the beginning.

"What's up?" Sometimes lunch time.

The classmates return to the classroom one by one.

“Hey, Kim Yul is actually… … ." "Huh? What, what?" Of course, you deliberately set lunchtime as the time for the magic show.

You can't waste your magic by just taking a break? ' is perfect for whispering and contagious.

"Huh." The classmates turn Kim Yul's shoes, "Crazy.

Was it real?" 'It's real.' You're sitting in the back seat, pretending to be sleeping, closing your eyes, being prudent.

You never tell a story yourself.

You don't talk too much.

You know the virtue of a lion who doesn't own its prey and shares it with the herd.

Are you talking?”

“Come to work now.”

“What are Kim Yul’s shoes?”

Give others the fun of spreading rumors.

Give them the illusion that they 'discovered' the 'truth' by themselves.

Chew the bloody chunks of meat and let them enjoy.

isn't it?" Believe in human malice.


I didn't tell you the truth, but Kim Yul's dad is the waste paper collector.

We went to the same middle school.

We had time to talk about our parents' occupations..." Trust the power of ridicule: "It's a little dirty..." Believe in the magic of "Wow.

Are you just recycling everything?" “It’s recycling.

recycle." “Foot.”


“I’m sorry, but it’s dirty.

really." “Wow, my feet smell.

Are you saying this is new?”


“Hey, recycling is here.

Hide it." .

"Kim Yul.

Did you feed the chickens?" “The shoes were pretty clean today!”

"cook." .


school time.

You form a team and go down to the front door.

They are going after Kim Yul.

Kim Yul tilts her head because she doesn't know English, but she doesn't care.

And the moment Kim Yul takes out his shoes from his slipper pocket and changes them.

"Pooh!" is completed “Foot, big… .”

“Hey, Kim Yul! you that...


“These are the shoes Eunseo threw away in front of the house yesterday!”

“Look under your shoes!”

The young beasts are immersed in the pleasure of exposing the 'truth' that Kim Yul did not know.

You are actually a dirty kid.

It's no use holding on to no.

We have 'evidence'.

"......." The truth is that Kim Yul's father found a new pair of shoes and brought them to his son.

The truth is, Kim Yul's father picked up the shoes, carefully looked around to see how new these were, and thought that he would be okay with it, so he carefully gave them to his son.

The truth is, Kim Yul knew it all, but silently received the gift from his father.

The truth is her father's worries, her expressionless expression, and Kim Yul's silent eyes.

But the beasts don't have the imagination to think of it.

I don't even try to remember.

"......." Because sneering is much easier.

With the proof you made, the beasts easily enjoy .

“Are you free?”

Kim Yul speaks expressionlessly.

"fun?" be quiet “If you’re bored, do your own thing.

I am not interested in anyone else.”

And turn your back to school.

"Uh......" "......." The classmates are silent for a moment.

In this silence, if someone spit out a single word, 'Hey, let's stop because it's not funny', a lot may disappear.

'Are you being bullied again when you're in high school?' You have to drive the atmosphere.

As 'you' know, it takes courage to say such a thing.

"what? Why are you there?”

“I was just kidding… … ." When nobody says what they should.

“Walking around with trash.”

“I didn’t know that Anne was like that…”

Level 3.

Violence against scapegoats is recognized: "Hey, someone buy slippers and throw them away.

Let's see if they wear them too." I don't know how you will remember your school days: "He leaves his bag at lunchtime.

Then put this pencil case." “You really were a bad kid.”

"Jul." Were you happy? Was it fun? "Huh? Is that the pencil case I threw away yesterday?" “What.

Did you recycle Kim Yul again?”

“Feel free.”

The classroom is small enough to be decorated with childhood ignorance and excuses, so everything that happened there was beautifully painted in a sepia-colored panorama? “Hide him under the desk.”

“Hurry up! Class starts!”

I am not.

“…Where does the strange smell come from?”

"you too?" "That's right.

You were hard all day in math class." "Wait.

I'll look for it.

Sniff." “I think I’m from the back row.”

I'm a little more cunning than you guys.

"I'm sorry.

You must have sympathy for a mop..." Perhaps there was no human like me in your school.

Or it may simply be that you don't remember.

[Your immersion rate is now 100%.] But I am definitely here.

"......." In this city.

to this school.

I am sitting in this classroom and holding a sharpener.

“Chief, what are you looking at?”

The class leader looks at me with strange eyes.

“… … Confucius.”

"Yes?" "......." The class leader trembled.

It was a small vibration.

It was like he was getting fed up with something, and it was like he was lamenting.

But the strange attitude soon ended.

The captain cleared his voice and said.



Just because I can't remember your name all of a sudden.

What was it?”

"what? Do you already have dementia? Eunseo Hwang, Eunseo Hwang.”


okay." That's the name," the class leader murmured.

He's usually a kid who doesn't have contact with our group.

“Your girlfriend is running for the student council election.”

"Huh .

Why?" “I think I’m going too.

Please tell me I'm begging you." "what.

Are you going to be the student body president? The class leader only studies.”

“If you want to go to Seoul National University, you have to get a recommendation.

There is a saying that becoming the student body president is easy.”

is it? It seems so.

It's a bit funny to say that he wants to become the student council president to go to Seoul National University.

Well, because it's a foreman.

honest sweetheart.

I'm going to pass it on insignificantly.

“It’s great.

Fighting, class leader.

I'm going to take a picture of my girlfriend, but anyway, cheer up." The foreman nodded his head innocently.


thanks." I am strong I am a completely wicked human being.

Therefore, "---I'm still trying to work hard." Let's talk about my defeat now.142.

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