rain, mud and fire.

(3) [Blood Fire] is not the only trait that goblins are in danger of losing.

'Maybe it's because I've been moaning under the Sanwa for quite some time.' I thought of the second trait to be tweaked.

+ [Greaves of Greed] Rank: B Effect: Designated tribes overflow with greed.

Is it because of their self-esteem that they are ugly and ugly? Designated tribes prefer to be recognized for their possessions rather than to be recognized for themselves.

'Keruk! I applied warm mud!' 'Kerreuk! I covered my whole body with the luxury mud above the brook!' Desire for something better.

Longing for something better.

In the hearts of the designated people, feelings of inferiority, pride, and desire for recognition are mixed to form a powerful greed.

Perhaps the designated tribes will be craving for shiny treasures.

Maybe you'll catch slaves and brag whose slaves are prettier.

Designated people are greedy, and in this greed there is the possibility of designated people.

How their 'greed' turns out is up to you.

※However, this characteristic may change depending on the development of history.

※danger! After a long period of oppression, the designated tribes began to become detached from their desires.

He resigned himself to the thought that if he coveted something, he would never get it anyway.

If you continue to fail to experience the 'attainment of desire', your greed is put into action.

+ 'Hmm.' Greed is desire.

to be greedy for something.

Greed, lust, greed, although these words have negative nuances...


My thoughts were a little different.

'Everything is better than being premiered.' - Well, that's my opinion.

The old man scratched the back of his head.

- Desire is a flow.

it's a river If you build a dam and forcibly close it, it will build up and overflow.

Where will the rotten water go? It crawls under the ground and corrodes the ground.

The voice of the mastermind was very serious.

-The waterway has to be released.

If you're going to release it anyway, you have to release it big! Let it flow in one direction.

I am the one who sees that as the direction of life.

'This disciple's opinion is the same.

Teacher.' - Hey, hey, who's your teacher? I've never had a disciple who teaches ignorantly like you.

'What would you like to learn by watching a tadpole swim? Learn by watching frogs.



You are my frog and I am your tadpole.' -Crazy bastard...

We devised side by side, showing off the friendship between the priests.


What should I do to lead [Greaves of Greed] in the best possible direction?' The worries did not last long.

Before I could find the answer, before the spirit behind the scenes gave me the answer, someone else asked for the answer and brought it.

To be more precise, it was 'someones', not other 'someones'.

-Kekerukker! It's been 3 weeks since I've been on my way home.

Behind the procession, the goblins trembled.

The children who had been following me slowly became urgent and ran to the front.

I turned my head to see what was going on, and just then, Gorke met my eyes.

-You can see the soldiers from behind! Kerr! 'soldier?' I focused my eyes on the auror, looking out over the horizon in the distance.

The first thing that caught my eye was a cloud of dust.

The weather was clear, but there was a lot of dust.

It didn't happen naturally, but it was dust that rose when the animals swarmed around.

I improved my eyesight a bit more.

'Well.' Hundreds of dogs.

Hounds galloped through the plains, panting.

No matter how much a dog belongs to a pack animal, hundreds were not a number that could come together by itself.

As if to prove it, the hounds were carrying something on their backs.

-I'm from the Sanwa! The snails were clinging to the hounds.

-The Sanwa are chasing after you! Keruk! Battle formation! Battle formation! -Kids to the center! Be careful not to step on it! horse soldier.

No, the cavalryman was running.


The Sanwa cavalry was quick.

-Lime! - Drive him to the riverside! Keep your distance! As soon as they saw the goblins forming a battle formation, the Sanwa gave up the charge.

Instead, he tightened it slowly, as if driving his prey.

By lightly touching the weak ranks of the allies, the goblins automatically retreated.

- Kerreuk...

! - You must not destroy the ranks! Match your feet with the sides! The goblins were ahead in numbers, but many of them were old men and young children.

There was no choice but to take the formation of protecting the elderly.

The goblins were consistent in their defense, and the Sanwa took the right to attack based on their mobility.

The Sanwa cavalry cavalry drove us leisurely and without haste to the riverbank.

'It's pretty good.' I thought while guarding the goblins at the forefront.

'I thought that the military power would be of little value because it collapsed without a hitch in Slimepolis.' -If you didn't know how to run the military, it would have been impossible to rule the six races.

Wasn't it because the slaves all stood up at the same time in the cave there? 'That's right.

It's angled.' I have been at the forefront of the soldiers several times while going through the port battles of the 11th floor, [Ai Kim Empire].

That is not to say that he is not very ignorant.

Even in my eyes, the leadership of the Sanwa was adept.

- Boo woo woo.

The Sanwa blew the snail's trumpet to control the speed of their march.

Sometimes they rushed forward as if they were going to run right away, and sometimes they pushed it around slowly.

-Lime! When the siege was completed, the Sanwa, who seemed to be the commanders, approached.

The general skillfully rode a much larger hound than the other dog cavalrymen.

Could the mucilage of the Sanwa act as an adhesive? Unlike the horsemen, they did not have saddles or stirrups.

-Don't tell the earthworm fungus children! General Snail raised his voice.

-Your 'slave rebellion' has already been subjugated! Slimepolis rose from defeat.

The twelve cities of our great empire have formed an army and are pursuing the remnants.

This is the proof! The general put a tentacle into the snail shell.

something round.

The Sanwa held it high and then threw it at us.

It was the head of a noble family.

The general did not stop there, but continued to bring out supply and demand.

Birds, pure races, vampires, fairies.

One head per tribe fell to the ground.

- Take a good look! Lime! The words of a slave who dared to rebel against the great slime empire! Our anger is great and tough.

These are not our first punishments, not even our last ones.


If you don't want your dirty heads to become a stepping stone to blood, surrender now! -Ke, Kerr.

The goblins cringed.

- Have other races been subjugated already? - It's a lie.

It can't be.

The world of the Sanwa is already over.

-I don't want to go back to hell, Ker...



'You are shaking the morale of this place.' - What are you going to do? 'We have to expose the fraudulent poetry over there.' I stepped forward The goblins stopped talking and looked back at me.

A plain was laid between the Sanwa and Jiho tribes.

In the middle of the plain, I silently stared at the general of the Sanwa clan.

[Purchase 'Oracle Message'] [20 race points are consumed!] [Your current race point is 50.] I'm sorry.

snails of this world.

When it comes to fraud, I am one step ahead.

I used the oracle and put the words directly into the head of the Sanwa general.

[The white lion sees through your lies!] Frown! The general, who was proudly riding on the hound's waist, spasms his tentacles.

I'm not familiar with the physiology of the Sanwa, but I could tell they were nervous.

A simple story.

'There really is no way that the rebels have been suppressed.' If the Sanwa had been victorious, the tower would have informed them by message.

that the revolt had failed.

or returned to slavery.

'I haven't heard any notifications until now.' The conclusion is self-evident.

The Sanwa general threatened with lies.


I also got the benefit of the top system and figured it out...


All that can be used should be used up.' I opened the beast's jaws wide and inhaled.

Then, along with the auror, he exploded the lion's hoot.


My cry echoed across the plains.

The hounds were startled and twisted.

The Sanwa did not fall or slip because of their excellent adhesion, but they also roared.

-Go, the god of molds...


- It is said that false gods descended all at once and brought calamity to the city.

-The slimepolis bastards have done something disrespectful to Lime.

nerds! There is nothing lacking in serving Lime to enjoy blessings.

From the Sanwa point of view, I am an evil spirit.

But evil spirits are also gods.

When they witnessed the gods being with the goblins, the Sanwa people lost their momentum and faltered.

'great.' I saw an opportunity here.

A chance to revive the [Grave of Greed] of the designated tribe.

[Purchase 'Oracle Message'.] [20 race points are consumed!] [Your race points are 30.] Clear the 31st floor, the great escape on the 32nd floor, freeing slaves, connecting the blood and blood lines, etc.

Despite this, I haven't been able to get my race points settled yet.

There was a reason for this in the future, but now is not the time to explain.

'This is enough.' I robbed the remaining points and bought another oracle.

I sent a message to the Sanwa general.

[The white lion proposes an honorable duel.] The Sanwa general was startled.

It's like an evil god is talking to you, so you can't help but be afraid.

Nevertheless, the general did not give up on the counter-moon.


An honorable duel...

? “Kurre.”

A hundred thousand words are unheard of.

I turned and trudged to the goblins.

The goblins looked at me with mysterious expressions.

Enjoying the children's gaze to the fullest, I stopped in front of a single goblin.

'Hey.' It was Gorke.

'get on.' -...

Gorke's face darkened.

-Ke, kekerukker.

It is a great honor to stand in front of a lowly servant like me.

I hope Kekerukker proceeds as he wishes.

'Okay.' I bent my forelegs into a slide position for riding.

'Tara.' -Kerup! Gorke hiccuped.

He looked around, pleading for help.

- Bae, I don't know why the white lion is doing this to me.

It's really weird.

Can you guess the meaning of the white lion, Ker? The goblins looked at each other and whispered.

- I think you're saying ride...

? - No matter how you look at it, it looks like you gave your back.

Gorke opened his mouth desperately.

- Cherub! How could a believer like us rudely ride on the back of a white lion? It's blasphemy! There must be a different meaning, a holy meaning that we cannot even imagine! I bent down to my hind legs.

Then he lifted his tail and tapped, tapped, tapped my waist.

The goblins thought deeply.

- I think you're telling me to ride...

? - If you don't ride, you'll be very angry...


- Isn't it rather blasphemy to disobey the White Lion's command? gore? Gorke wept.

'boy.' I used up to the last point and decided to hand over the oracle to Gorke himself.

[The white lion says he will kill you if you don't ride quickly.] Eventually Gorke got on my back in tears.

Seeing Gorke's tears, those around him shed groans and groaned.

- Look! Kirgerub's grandson Gorke has been granted the favor of the White Lion! - I am so moved that I seem to have tears in my eyes! Choose! -I'm crying! Worth crying! It is an honor that will be passed down from generation to generation! -envy! Gorke burst into tears.



No, I'm wrong...


Kekerukker is not the god you think he is...


Rather than a god, he's an older brother, and that's a very bad older brother...


Of course, Gorke's voice was drowned out in the noise.

An untruthful cry always disappears.

Without anyone understanding the tears she shed, Gorke was carried on my back and delivered to the front of the Sanwa general.

-… … indeed.

The Sanwa general looked at me and the Gorke on my waist.

- What does an honorable duel mean? understood.

The general waved his antenna.

-I heard that you molds did not interfere in the massacre of our fellow citizens of Slimepolis.


It is your destiny to rot in the salt mines, but it is excusable for not participating in the slaughter.

This may also mean rhyme, the general murmured.

He turned his head and shouted at his army.

- Dirty mold and its gods offered us a duel! How funny the subject of slavery being hammered or hammered in the pit! Gentlemen! Isn't there a hero in our army who can break mold's nose? -.......

-To the hero who won the duel, I will give you a glorious life with my antennae! riches! slave! honor! whatever it is Break the mold's nose! The Sanwa soldiers roared.

After a while, a snail strode out with a hound.

- Raimu! I will take the glory! It was indeed a huge hunting dog.

To be honest, I wondered if it was legal to call it a dog.

Anyway, a beast the size of a lion and with three legs was too much of a dog to be called a dog.

Even a lot wasn't just the dog's legs.

- The heir of this spiraling apostle-style is standing here! The Sanwa, who rode dogs with many legs, also had more tentacles than the other soldiers.

Four tentacles gripped the sword one by one, and each time the tentacles were shaken, four swords scratched the air.

shhh! shhh! All the Sanwa people exclaimed in admiration for the brilliant swordsmanship.

-Oh oh.

Nobility! -Wow… That's that terrifying spiral Apostle...


- He seems to have received the divine blessing of Lime! They are also a funny race.

'Are you judging whether you are a noble or not based on how many tentacles you have?' - I see.

'It's very strange.' -Yeah.

very naughty 'Yes?' -Yes? As Huo-ryeong and I were groaning at the fragility of the snail civilization, a Sanwa soldier, who is said to have inherited the spiraling Sado-ryu, came closer.

-I am one of the seven families that rule the canyon city, a member of the Rekamuraim, and the heir of the Sado style! It's samslam! Servant of the Evil God! Name it! Gorke was terrified by the dazzling self-introduction.

-Ki, the grandson of Kirugerub, Gorkeda...


-Are you from the priesthood? -Kerr.

The priest died.

- Are you noble? - We have no nobles, Keruk...

- Lowly slaves.

The Sanwa soldier twisted the antennae of his head.

Perhaps it was a gesture he used to make fun of others.

-Today, I will show you the dignity of those who are loved by Lime! Hey! The Sanwa raced with their hounds.

The four knives crossed and made a loud chirping noise.

It looked like they were trying to gain momentum from the sound before the fight.

I wondered who would fall for such a ridiculous prank, but the coward who rode on my back did well.

-Ker! Kerr! Gorke grabbed my mane and cried out.

-Why me! Why do I have to be like this, Keruk! devil! After all, I was tricked by the devil! “Creung.”

Hey, don’t worry.

Trust this hyung! I’ll make you a hero!167.

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