mirror in the mirror.

(3) 4.

-What? All of my eyes went white.

In my head, no, in my mind, the monster made a bewildered sound.

Even the dreamer noticed that something unusual was happening.

-What are you doing now? Are you trying to break into [our world]? It's ridiculous.

You won't have a terminal through us.

How the hell...


“Are you scared?”

I laughed.

I felt the dream come to a halt.

I didn't even have a mouth to put a smile on at the moment, but the intention and emotions provoking the other person were delivered smoothly.

-cheeky… ! “If you don’t have confidence, your tongue will grow longer.


Because it is a deer, its tongue is originally long.”

-On the subject of a seed living in the wretched material world, you are arrogant.

We have three thousand and one dreams.

Even if you take a step, do you want to keep your sanity at least a bit? “You mean I’m allowed to go in, right?”

- Wherever you want to go, go! OK.

I smiled in my heart.

“I understand that you agree.

customer." His vision, which had only been dyed white, changed completely.

My mind was overlaid on the spirit of the Dreamers.

[Congratulations!] [You are the first foreigner to visit the dream world.] [You have achieved the first achievement.] [You are awarded 3000 racial points!] And the world unfolding before your eyes was a different world .

pink sky.

It was a color that would make your mouth sweeter just by looking at it.

It was as if a certain transcendent being had carefully embodied the sky painted by a child with an adventurous spirit.

"......! Oops!" Pink invaded not only the sky, but also my consciousness.

in consciousness? no.

Inability to distinguish between the inside and the outside of consciousness.

Now I am consciousness itself.

"Huh… .”

Memories fade away rapidly.

things that make up me.

The footprints of Gongja Kim so far are erased.

Just like the footprints on the sandy beach being washed away by one wave.

Quickly, the pink waves erode the beach of my memory.

"-----." The laughter of children is heard from somewhere.



Suddenly, the sky turned yellow instead of pink.

The color of my mind also turned yellow.

The sky turned blue.

My consciousness was also blue.

"Well." My existence was as transparent as water in an Erlenmeyer flask.

Every time this world dropped colorful paints drop by drop, my water turned red, yellow, and blue.

A world where momentary moments and fleeting moments continue in a blink of an eye.

This was the place where the Mongma people lived.

“This is a bit dangerous.”

The past disappears.

memory fades As the past disappeared, the breadth of my movements narrows, and my shadow fades as much as the faded memories.

My consciousness is blurred, as if drunk on drugs.

Now all I can perceive is the present.

I felt like I would lose my ego if I was even a little negligent.

'If I was alone, I would have been helpless.' But I am not the only one who constitutes a person.

I cried out with an impatient heart.

"---A hundred return reincarnation (百鬼還生)." Suddenly, my shadow expanded.

[Skill activates.] My shadow was black.

Not a translucent shade, just black black.

Jet black that no other color allowed was spread all over the place in an instant.

It eats the pink sky.

It swallows the yellow color.

Even the blue color.

My shadow became tens of thousands of fingers and scratched the sky of this world from the edge.

The sky scratched with black nails shed colorful blood.



From the place where the pink paint melted and flowed down, my white spirits and my memories were borrowed little by little, and the characters that make up my existence appeared one by one.

Yeomje (炎帝): The handsome man in a ponytail looked around nervously.

"......." Mawfish.

The girl, whose face was half covered with the bones of an animal as a mask, looked up at the sky.

There was a cool chill in her eyes.

The angler looked at the world as if looking at the corpse of an animal.

"No, I'll make tea again right away.

I'm sorry! Duke! I feel like I'm reborn now.

Fragrant tea...

uh? uh.

What is it? Fuck? What?”

The golden sister-in-law (金絲梅), a young lady wearing a maid's robe, raised her head sullenly, kneeling on the floor in a fighting spirit.

'Raviel...' I think he was summoned in the midst of being raved by our Duke.

It seems that you are enjoying life, so I'm happy too, my love.

"Where am I?" “Look over there.

The sky is very strange.”

"It's too fancy to be a Dowon-kyung.

It's true.

Our master chooses only interesting places to shoot!" “Huh…”

Sima-kun, the elite of the magician who fluttered in black paint, were summoned.

The Sima-gun admired the scenery of a different world.

Around the time their coats fluttered once or twice, the forces of a thousand demons were also summoned.

It's done.

"Whoa." Finally, I sighed, and a place to receive my breath was prepared here.

“Everyone, it’s been a while.”

The white demons looked at me.

I saw them.

As their eyes crossed, the distant past returned.

Memories became clearer.

The outline of the nation became clearer.

To the Emperor, I am the enemy.

To the Devil, I am the monarch.

To the hawk, I am the man of the enemy.

To the members of the church, I am the small teacher.

My revenge, duty, love, and responsibility.

Everything was contained in the eyes of the white demons.

Just as they became reincarnated white demons because of me, because of them, I too am the one I am today.

I reached Gongja Kim.

As long as they are there, I won't disappear.

"It's nice to meet you all.

Except for one chimpanzee that's making a fuss over there." “Ah? Are you talking about me?”

Yoo Soo-ha frowned.

“Then, bastard, I was called while you were working, did you speak well?”

He was wearing a brown apron.

On the apron was written [Cafe Planetarium.] He was working part-time at a cafe run by the head of the library, and he and Kim Yul were making a great contribution to attracting guests.

One of them is an asshole with a swear word at the end of the other.

The other is a reticent chadoman.

Even his hair color is black and white, and he has a pair of pairs.

His regular customers get addicted to caffeine every day, and he deserves an Americano.

Are you a business trip service barber who comes out when you call? Ha, a young bastard heard a very bad habit.

It's unfair that he didn't even get an E grade in his life, but he runs around until I die..." “You are dancing over there.”


On the other hand, while Yoo Soo-ha was showing off her hip-hop dance, I explained the situation to the white demons: "Hey.

It's a parasitic species in a dream.

It's fun." After hearing my story, Young Ae, a golden sister, stroked her chin.

I wondered where the time that was praised as the ‘flower of the imperial society’ had disappeared, and even though she was wearing a maid’s robe, her face was sparkling.


Is this a dream that the succubus living in the dream had again? It's like being eroded by a constellation.

Romantic? I think it's romantic, butler." “I am not your butler, I am the Duchess.”

"Ah, don't worry about the little things.


Then you get hair loss.

From my point of view, the butler has the aura of hair loss! I can feel it.

Ah, I see it.

I see it! Duke Ivancia over a butler with hair loss The sight of stroking your crown while sighing…”

“Yeah, you go there and dance too.”


While the golden sisters performed a waltz next to Yoo Soo-ha, the rest of the normal people had a meeting with each other: “As the blonde maid pointed out, the characteristics of the monstrous people look similar to those of the constellation.”

"If classified, it is not a combat constellation, but a trait constellation.

It is a kind that distorts the phenomenon by penetrating one's thoughts into reality.

...These things cannot be broken by force." “It means the kids who decide the rules on their own.”

“It is correct, my lord.”

“The dream is a reenactment of the experience and the realization of wishes.

The act of pondering the past or groping for the future.

Among these, the part that the master will value most is the latter.

If your lord grants your wishes more satisfyingly than your dreams, you will be able to repel this world by itself..." Then the ogre shut his mouth.

A look of embarrassment stood in the eyes of the angler who seemed to be indifferent all year round.

It wasn't just the angler who was perplexed.

-Ahahaha! Tell me who I am! slap.

From the other side, a young lady riding in a majestic chariot appeared.

It was a man, not a horse, that was pulling the wagon.

naked people.

At them, the young lady swung her whip excitedly.

-Ego! hurry! -I, you are the brightest moon in the empire, and you are Empress Sylvia Ebinail, whom all people look up to! -Aha, that's sweet to hear! But your voice is not cool at all.

A slightly sadder voice.

Praise me with a voice that seems to have squeezed a little more wet mop! - Ah, the merciful and beautiful Empress Mama...

… ! -A little more! was a gold digger.

To be precise, it was a dream character who looked just like the golden sister.

"......." "......." Well.

We turned our heads and looked to one side.

There, the golden sisters, still wearing maids' clothes, were showing off their waltz skills.

“Hey, that’s not me! False illusions! It is the fabrication and agitation of the people!”

"no… .

But this is a dream world.

In other words, [that] is your dream...


“It’s unpleasant, butler! I will sue you in the Imperial Court!”

“Half of the nobles who judge in those courts are supported by us, the Duke of Ivancia.

you know...


"Shit! That’s why they are powerful!”

A golden sister-in-law in a maid's suit showed off a triple axel.

Beside him, the golden sister's dream...

So, the fragments realized by the Hmongma tribe are 'Ahaha!' He laughed and whipped people tied to the wagon.

Truly a dream world.

It was confusing as hell.


Mumbling came to his senses belatedly.

“Hey… this.

It seems that our dreams are also starting to reflect.”

“It seems so.”

"This is a different world.


The longer you stay, the more your common sense and knowledge will be distorted.

You must find and solve the core of the world as soon as possible, so as to damage the mind...

can be minimized.”

Perhaps the angler was trying to say, 'That's how I can keep my mind off of it.' He fully agreed.

"Where is the nucleus? Any guesses?" "Place means little in a place like this.

It's not the direction that matters, it's the turn and the order." “Hmm.”

“If you use the analogy of games commonly enjoyed in the master’s world, it is not a sandbox type, but a linear one.

If you endure the dreams of the master one by one, one day you will reach the [first dream] dreamed by the dreamers...


I am thinking… and I am…”

There's a reason the angler's words stuttered the further back he went.

-Soo-Ha Yoo.

This is the signature cocktail you ordered here.


Isn't it very tasty? You can drink this at a local bar.


You deserve to die a hundred times a thousand times to defile Yoo Su-ha's noble taste.

- No, what.

There's no need for that.

- As expected, Yoo Soo-ha...


Rice tends to bow its head as it ripens, but there is no gap in Su-ha Yoo's heart for a grain of rice to enter.



It is an exaggeration, man.


Stop, I told you the truth...



To be honest, I can't help it.

The running water realized in the dream world was wearing a sweatshirt in Nacity.

Gentlemen in suits came endlessly around Yusuha.

-Soo-Ha Yoo.

This is a watch that will be released from our brand this time.

It would be truly an honor for our ignorant people to put this shabby piece of trash on Yu Su-ha's noble wrist.

-OK? stellar.

Well, don't write it out of your sincerity.

I'm only going to use it for two days and throw it away.

- I will remember those two days for the next thousand years.

-Soo-Ha Yoo.

We gathered the most famous chefs in the tower and prepared a full course.

If Suha Yoo's mouth enjoys even a little bit of this dish...

-Oh, it's really noisy.

Take it once.

- You're telling me I'm noisy...


It's thrilling.

In the distance, the sky shone pink.

We quietly looked at the 'real' Yoo Soo-ha.

He was making an expression as if the sputum he had swallowed had somehow regurgitated and returned to the top of his tongue.


fuck off.

What do you think are clean?”

“… … Lord.”

said the ogre.

The devil's eyes reflected through the skull mask were serious.

Those eyes that don't want to be treated like a white demon.

“I beg you, if there is a need to collect someone under your control, please filter wisely and filter it again.”

Somehow I feel sorry 202.

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