golden rule.

(4) 5.

I looked at the girl.

The landscape changed and changed rapidly, from the snowy streets where the Marquis Snow White was whipping, to the cave where the Viscount Pure Black God ripped out human flesh, and the Viscount Daeharan drove the army to massacre soldiers and civilians alike.

“Kill them without leaving a single one behind!”

A general's competence consists of two things: being able to kill people well and having no hesitation in killing people.

Viscount Dae Ha-ran was a capable general.

“This is the opposite direction.

It is unacceptable for allies' operational information to leak out.

Peasants, the poor, high-class people, regardless of age or gender, everyone, kill and annihilate! I am not responsible.”

Thousands of cavalry slaughtered the rebels.

Surrounded by soldiers, the townspeople shook their shoulders.

Some of them really conspired to rebel against the kingdom.

There were more and more people who said, “It seems that the lord is going to start a war,”

he said.

“Help me! Lily! We are villagers who know nothing!”

A politician's competence lies in distinguishing the other and serving his allies.

Viscount Dae Ha-ran was incompetent as a politician.

And man is most cruel when he is competent in one way and incompetent in the other.


The village was on fire.

A barrier built to protect them actually blocked the residents.

The soldiers of the kingdom raised their spears and pierced the villager who was trying to escape through the barrier.

"Oh God!" The old men and their wives were choked by the black smoke in their entrenched hometown.

There was soot in the village chief's old lungs.

The village chief did not know until the last moment whether he had to start a rebellion in the rebellion by disobeying the lord's command to join the rebellion, or whether it would have been a more luxurious death to be cut off at the hands of the lord instead of the kingdom army.

Did you have a choice? “Please save us, my God… … .." There was a god.

The Viscount Amethyst was sitting on the treetop of a distant tree.

The Viscount himself was a [God who does not return].


I begged God by the wrist, "Help them.

This is unjust." "I know." "Why must General Dae Haran live and die? Why do they have to die in pain?" “Advisor.”

I activated the Auror to get out of Viscount's grasp, but Viscount Amethyst, with a gentle hand, never let go of my wrist.

God's grip was stronger than my force.

"There's no reason to do that.

Why has to live, someone has to die, and someone has to suffer.

"then……." “And yet it seems often you need a reason to blame.”

The ashes that were spilled from the village on fire flew to the forest.

Viscount Amethyst raised his index finger and snatched the gray ashes.

“Can't you accept the fact that the world just runs by chance? There is malice in one's misfortune, and manipulation is hidden in someone's fortune, so you deserve sympathy and others deserve all the curses of the world, right? Yes." The surrounding landscape changed again.

“You are right.”

President of the kingdom.

“The villain will make you right.”

Witnesses requested by Count Aruho entered Parliament.

The old man who lost his granddaughter was only at the forefront.

The count seemed to have mobilized all his power, or even the power of the faction, to visit the victims.

Among them were the descendants of displaced people who had lost their hometowns by General Dae Haran.

“Your misfortune didn’t just happen, it happened because the villain neglected and tolerated it.”

Congress became more and more chaos.

Count Aruho took the lead in accusing Viscount Amethyst.

Behind the count, many nobles rebuked her.

“None of these sins was committed by Viscount Amethyst himself!”

Count Aruho exclaimed.

“But the Viscount wrapped up the sinners.

It wasn't that he didn't even know he did it, he did it knowingly.

Why the Viscount Protects the Snow White Marquis! Why is the Viscount protecting mere cannibals! They have committed an obvious evil, so the Viscount who surrounded them is also a supreme evil!”

Count Aruho did not dare to reveal it aloud, but the list of sinners also included the Sun King who sat on the throne.

A monarch who has been imprisoned for at least 60 years.

Under the no-political rule of the Sun King, the landowners unhindered exploited the peasants and the nobility squeezed the peasants unhindered.

Sixty years of unattended rebellion and rebellion were nurtured throughout the kingdom.

"......." The Sun King sat on the throne alone and endured the silence.

where is the king The duke who lived 1000 years as an Ascendant committed numerous slaughter during the 1000 years.

None of the six Dukes did not commit murder.

There was no human being who had never made a single victim out of the hundreds of nobles in this kingdom's vast great hall.

“It is the fault of Viscount Amethyst!”

The same would be true of Earl Aruho.

The Count led the battle several times with his own baton as a strong warrior.

It is impossible for no one to die unfairly on the battlefield.

She ruined several people's lives.

Some people's families were destroyed.

Thus, it carries the misfortunes of several people.

“How much less the Viscount even said [loving] the person who committed the crime! under.

How can you show off your love for a sinner so shamelessly! Even now, repenting of the past, correcting mistakes, and participating in raising the morals of the kingdom is not enough, how dare you love sinners!”

Count Aruho attacked Amethyst.

However, the truth is that he stabbed all the royalty and nobles who resided here, and above all, himself.

“The Viscount is a sinner!”

The Count was not sick.

Licking the blood from his wounds, he bit the amethyst one after another like a drunken hound.


Viscount Amethyst, who knows it all better than anyone in the world, didn’t ask, [Aren’t you a sinner alike?] However, she affirmed, "It's the small person's fault." The finger pointing towards himself and the screams of his victims, the young god gladly accepted it as if he drank a sweet drink: “The villain is a sinner.”

The evil spirit was rejoicing: “So, I must be punished.”

Perhaps Count Aruho was too focused on eloquence.

"......." If the Count had paid a little more attention, I wonder why the nobles belonging to Viscount Amethyst's faction did not object to a single word.

“…? What?”

Even though the king has no authority, the lord is still the owner of the land.

He has the rights guaranteed by the law.

There were many opportunities to stop the count and support Viscount Amethyst.

However, the Sun King is the first in 60 years.

He did not stand up for the high priest he met in the .

"Why are you like this, Count? Soin just said that he agrees with the Count's views." The duke was a slayer.

And he was a duke.

Furthermore, he was a powerful man who did not regret a single murder or slaughter he had committed.

She enjoyed her rule of rolling dice to determine life or death.

It was, and it will be until the very distant future.

There is only one thing that has changed with the inactive duke, that in this world, only amethyst no longer rolls dice.

“To agree with my views…”

“Everything is the small man’s fault, the small man’s responsibility, and the small man is a sinner, so he should be punished.”

Marquis Beksulto, who killed a child when he was younger than now, has now become the head of the marquis.

From generation to generation, the Hare Marquis monopolized the northern port of the royal capital.

Thirty percent of the streams of the Great River flowing in the middle of the kingdom belonged to her.

The marquis had a lot of money.

Viscount Pure Black God, a former cannibal, knew well how to use his notoriety.

She removed the mold that had been deeply rooted in her estate.

The landowner who owned the windmill was purged, and Toho, who took control of the waterway, was executed.

The Pure Black God returned all the windmills and waterways of the territory to the family, and then gave them to the peasants at a low price.

The Viscount had a lot of rice.

Viscount Dae Haran, the general of the royal family, once planned a rebellion within the royal capital.

She's still good at killing people.

How to divide a united enemy, how to destroy a united territory, how to annihilate trained soldiers.

She knew the skills necessary for war.

There were very many of them.

“… … So, are you accepting my argument?”


But no one defended their master.

Unless they lack love for their lover and loyalty to their master, there must be a reason for all of them to remain silent.

“The dwarf is a sinner so heinous that there is no precedent in the history of the kingdom, so I would like to introduce a bill.”

Viscount Amethyst ordered silence.


Please hand out the prepared bill.”

If only the Count had paid a little more attention.

No matter how famous the Viscount Amethyst as [Crazy Bitch of the Royal Capital], the witnesses against him are pouring out, and he will not be able to smile all the time, and I doubt once that the workshop itself going back and forth in the Parliament itself was not [the Viscount Amethyst wished for].

may have done "bill… … ?”


I am raising the bill by adopting it as a party argument.”

The Count had no doubts.

“The bill is called the Golden Rule.”

That's why he was hunted.

“Dear fellow nobility councilors.”

Papers were distributed to the nobility.

with a splash! The scribes belonging to the royal family rushed to and fro, stepping on the water.

The papers were distributed equally to lawmakers from all factions, including the Gonggyong faction, the Banseok faction, the insider faction, and the outsider faction.

“Someone might question it.”

Viscount Amethyst began to speak quietly, while the most prestigious of the kingdom turned over the papers: “Do we really need a new duke in this age?”

Some nobles did not read the documents.

No, they looked down as if they were afraid to even look at them.

Among the nobles, there was Yu Hui-gong, there was a swordsmith, and there were inner jingong, ban stonesmith, and black dragon.

Meaning that the bill was being discussed: "The answer from the dwarf is clear, yes, we need a seventh duke." "......." Among them, Manshin-gong (萬神公) was the head of the religious faction and was in the same faction as Count Aruho.

Count Aruho turned his head blankly and looked up at his party leader.

Manshin-gong, who looked like him, smiled broadly, "I'm sorry, Count! My sister asked me to keep it a secret!" "......." Then the Count realized how the witnesses and evidence related to Viscount Amethyst were so easily gathered.

Who designed today's political victory.

The kingdom was already owned by Viscount Amethyst.

“If there are no major problems in the present age, yes, there is no need to create a new dukedom.”

Said the god who took control of the kingdom from the shadows, "But there has been so much rebellion, reaction, and the stench of rot.

Isn't that right? Respected Noble Council associates.

Hundreds of thousands of people have been involved in the rebellion and have lost their loyalty to the kingdom.

There are millions of subjects.

Someone has to take responsibility in this day and age.”

The impatient aristocrat read the summary at the end of the bill: "It's easy to take responsibility." And I did not understand and went back to the first chapter: “Those who have been sacrificed by the administration of the kingdom for the past 60 years.

Those who have been unjustly involved in rebellion and ruined their lives.

The family and descendants of the ruined.

Those who have lost their homeland due to policy, those who have their property stolen, have their body parts mutilated, have to leave their hometown, and have died of relatives, those who have been subjected to racial discrimination, madness and serfdom, due to the disregard or apocalypse of royalty or nobles.

To give a specific example, over the past 60 years, there have been two Golden Dragon subjugation orders, one civil war, three aristocratic rebellions, and other chaos caused by the rebel cabal, such as Red Nails.

In other words, all the citizens of the kingdom who were unfairly sacrificed: “The kingdom fully accepts responsibility for them, and let the seventh duke to be established from now on assume all these responsibilities.”

In other words, Viscount Amethyst: “The principle of being responsible is as follows.”

The nobles of the kingdom looked at Viscount Amethyst.

“A person whose life has been ruined by the kingdom can pass on the suffering to the 7th Duke as much as the suffering he has suffered.”


“The way I take responsibility is as follows.”

The nobles placed in the Viscount's faction bowed their heads.

“Shin-min, who wants revenge on the 7th duke, can point out the culprit who ruined his life and demand that he attend the scene where the golden rule is enforced.

To take a concrete example, a freeman named Nam-seok can force Marquis Beksul-to to attend as a witness.”


“And no matter how much the Seventh Duke is tormented by that subject, the Witness can never stop the subject, nor interfere with the enforcement of the Golden Rule.

Witnesses are only allowed to observe the golden rule.”

the price of sin.

“The time and place to enforce the responsibilities are as follows.”

The reason today is the trauma of an evil god.

“December 24 every year.

The day the nobility council is abolished at the end of the year.

From midnight on this day, the seventh duke circles the royal capital once clockwise.

The starting point is Platinum Square in front of the Platinum Tower, and the destination is also Platinum Square.

While this tour is taking place, any citizen of the kingdom, regardless of age or gender, can go to the 7th Duke and demand the enforcement of the Golden Rule.”

Today is December 24th.

“The dwarf will determine whether the subject is entitled to enforce the Golden Rule.”

Viscount Amethyst has [Breath of the Ice Dragon].

She can watch the other person's past right in front of her eyes.

You can tell if the kingdom really ruined the lives of its subjects.

“If I am qualified, I will judge exactly how much pain I have suffered, and how much I can give back pain to a small person.

Arms to those who have had their arms cut off.

Eyes for those who have lost their eyes.

For those who don't have enough once, until it's enough, even in the next year.

Continue the next year.”

Viscount Amethyst has [Golden Dragon's Eye].

She can detect the color and magnitude of the other person's emotions.

You can see how much suffering its subjects were by the kingdom.

“While the Golden Rule is being enforced, the dwarf's body will be mutilated, and he will probably be unable to walk completely, so he will order someone to support him.

The one who inflicts suffering on the most subjects will be the one supporting the little one.”

Viscount Amethyst asked everyone in power he met to love him.

I didn't ask for anything other than that.

Now, when a loved one bleeds, they will have to smell the blood in the nearest place.

“Soin puts the above bill on the agenda, and as the leader of the Mirror Squad and the head of the Amethyst Viscount Writer, it is fair to ask that you vote on the agenda based on the rights guaranteed to all nobles by the Siwang.

I ask for it.

If passed, the golden rule will come into effect tonight.”

Parliament was silent.

The sound of running water rang out.

It's probably snowing in December outside.

“Dear Congressional colleagues.”

Prince Gyeongguk.

The nobleman who will become the seventh duke smiled brightly.

“Now let the criminals be punished.”221.

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