last vote.

(2) 2.

Copied flowers fall.

The flower was not cold snow.



As I said, I raised my sword.

“Let’s try it.”

ran away swing it The sword I wielded collided with the sword with the viper.

Zeng...! a rustling sound Zeng...

! a rustling sound Zeng...

! The viper's shoulders stopped, and the sword splits with the sound of the pods and condensed muscles unfolding all at once.

An illusion as if three or four swords were attacking at the same time.

'No, it's not a sword, but a review (檢討).' He raises the Auror and creates several afterimages of the sword, and he is asking me which of them will I respond to.

Depending on which one of them you choose, the change to that sword will be completely different.

And none of those changes will be in my favor.

'Invincible.' Perhaps this is the skill that the viper gained by entering the tower for the first time.

It must have been the ability to read the expected path that had passed at a glance in Master's world.


I raised my sword.

“You don’t have to choose!”

However, it was not a single sword.

The sword attack that the viper struck with the upper left corner was countered by the [Compassion Sword].


The sword attack that digs into my waist is blocked by the [Giwon Sword].


The sword attack aimed at the wrist is stopped by the [Sacrificial Sword].

"three!" The [Salvation Sword] deflects the attack towards the neck.

In this way, all attacks from the viper were blocked.

After tying up the opponent's hand, he jumps right into the snake's arms.


He swings the [Sword of the Right Hand] in his hand.


the viper steps backwards.

It must be an attempt to widen the distance and improve his posture.

"-----Hoo!" And at that moment, I saw a smile on the viper's lips.

The sound of iron is resounding.

The [River Sword] I wielded was blocked by something.

The viper's sword didn't block it.

The viper's wrist---Gloves wrapped in auras blocked it.

Not only that, but the hand Turns one turn, grabs the blade.

Pulls it.


the viper's one-eyed, sharply, approaches.

“Isn't that your swordsman?”

“I’ll tell you two things,”

I and the viper’s voices intersect, and the next moment A sonic boom, which occurred as another fist of the viper passed my ear, swallowed up all the miscellaneous sounds.

- The reason I mostly use a sword is because it suits me and looks cool.

As soon as the fist passed, the viper was already in the next attack.

Pulling the sword it grabbed, it tries to cut my stomach with my bent knee.

.If I let go of the sword and step back, I'm thinking of grabbing the blade as it is, swinging it, and slamming my shoulder with the crosshair.

If that's the case, will I put strength in my legs to stand still? I can see, feel, - Even when controlling the 7 noble heroes, I dealt with so many weapons at the same time.

For one pure purpose - from scythes to fists, there is no weapon that I can't handle! We're having a 'conversation' right now - yes, swimming in the flow of time created by the Aurors, the serpent's use.

I counted the number of possible cards in my hand with a glance.

I counted and gave up.

- A lot.


Even counting the traps that are overturned and waiting to be activated, hundreds of them.

In an instant, to my left and right, my back, all around You can feel the viper's intentions and life from beyond.

It is different from the passing that was carried out by manipulating it with one will in nature.

With a single body, he unleashes many wills.

Therefore, the person in front of me now is one Liaopan, not one Liaopan.

- That's a lot! The blacksmith's hammer-like fists are aiming at me.

Countless attacks like a farmer's sickle-like blade, a gardener's scissors, and a fisherman's net are unfolding towards me.

- Yes, try your best.

I also do my best to support you.

No, I will break you.

'Let's go, Hwi.' As I jump backwards into the pulling chain, I also swing my fists.

Whether that was the correct answer, power drained from the viper's hand holding the sword.

'Resonate with my heart.' The moment my fist cut through the air, I was terrified.

'Salvation of the Torn Goddess.' Among the four swords floating in the air, the salvation sword vibrates.

[Activate the skill.] It is the secret skill that Salcheonseong once possessed.

Throw away the memory, and draw power equal to the weight of the discarded memory.

The more the past is thrown away, the more I die now.

I promised Rabiel that I would not give up my life recklessly, so I try not to use [Salvation of the Torn Goddess] as much as possible.

Unless it's a moment when you have to do your best like now.

'Salvation Sword.' I wield my sword.

Demon Heavenly Gods.

The first formula 第一 formula.

Asayu Sword The salvation sword flew wildly in the air.


The blacksmith's fist, which was running aiming at my right side, bounced away.

One, two, three, as many as four people take part in the lives, but they cannot stop the [Salvation Sword].

I, too, have extreme consumption of Aurors.


'Discard the memories of the four attacks you just defeated.' One day, the vision becomes clear.

heart beats Consumed auras are filled.

Your steps become lighter and your hand gestures become faster.

Taking a peek at the right side, despite being surrounded on all sides, for some reason, only that place was completely empty.

If you look more closely, the lives of four people are moaning and wallowing on the ground.

Although I can't remember how it happened, it's clear why it happened and what it meant.

'OK.' My right side was pierced.

'Sacrifice Sword.' Then it is clear what to do next.

Demon Heavenly Gods.

J-sik 第二 formula.

Galsabi sword A sacrificial sword rages from my left.

Moans flow and screams ring out.

The attack approaching from the left was blocked.

'Discard the memory of the attack you blocked now.' My left side was pierced.

'The Sword of Origins.' Look.

Heavenly Moon Master.

I'm doing my best right now.

Demon Heavenly Gods.

The third formula 第三 formula.

The drowning sword.

You are nothing to me.

How can I use the Demon's Sword against someone who is nothing? Even if it's just a moment and a moment, how can we get rid of the memories? How can I scrape my soul, gather pieces of flesh from the wounds piece by piece, and connect them with a single sword? 'Compassion sword.' Did you say you would stop me? Did you say you would make me your own business? Demon Heavenly Gods.

The fourth ceremony.

Verb adjoining sword.

I am taking care of you with all my might.

Power means that my life is on my sword.

I am pondering what to say to Raviel.

You can't say that he's not dead anyway, so he hasn't broken his promise.

How can I show Raviel the shame of insisting on only the meaning of a single word? Isn't it? Demon Heavenly Gods.

The fifth formula 第5 formula.

Poison Sword I am concerned about the gaze of the mastermind.

this barn.

After I developed the Macheonjin method, it became more serious.

I spent more time watching me than talking to me.

It's that they're starting to see me as a little bit more of an equal, and I'm happy with that, but I'm still concerned.

How does the spirit behind me evaluate the sword I unfold now? Isn't it? Demon Heavenly Gods.

The sixth meal.

Soldier's remains.

I think of you, Master.

I remember the decisive battle that Master had with the Moorim Maengju.

At that time, Master fought to the point of breaking the truth, and with every step Master took, radiant flowers bloomed.

The world ate up the Jing and blood that Master had shed, and a few leaves of flowers bloomed.

Demon Heavenly Gods.

The seventh ceremony.

Long Sword Sword That should be enough to convince your opponent.

That's only going to be enough to cut you off.

I wonder if I can even touch one fingertip or one finger at that level right now, Demon Heavenly God.

The eighth ceremony.

Sosa Yeon Sword I'm worried.

Because you made me worry, worry, and worry about my love, my friendship, and my longing.

You cannot be anything to me.

Isn't it? 'The left side is empty.' none.

'The right side is empty.' there's nothing to fuss about 'The rear was also empty.' There is also no way the back can be caught.

'In other words.' Now all that's left is the front.

It's just my way forward.

The three sides of jak, woo, hoo, and three sides are emptied, and only the path to the body of the viper is open.

'Goes.' step on 'Through the whole life you've lived.' Ilbo (一步).

He summons the swords he sent out to stop the flocking life.

Salvation, Sacrifice, Prayer, Compassion, the four swords gather quickly, encircling me from afar.

'I cut your heart.' Lee Bo (三步).

The four swords scatter like iron dust.

The Aurors used to maintain the Igear sword were brought back.

In an instant, his eyes light up and blood boils all over his body.

On such a day, the accountant's pen, the vegetable salesman's machete, the drinker's bottle, and countless daily lives of countless people fly in.

'good.' My footsteps trample the ground with momentum to deal with all that.

"Tenmu Moon Master!" A voice bursts out of my mouth, when the long night is over, the shadows of the forest turn green, and the leaves tremble in the morning light, my lion's wolf rumbles through the jungle.

"Viper!" Suddenly, something seemed to flow in the footsteps I stepped on.


Sambo (三步).

My feeling that something is flowing is not an illusion.

One step, two steps, a few petals flow from the ground I stepped on.

For a brief moment, it just scatters at the bottom of my field of vision, like a master and a leader.

No flower stalks bloomed wherever I stepped on it, the flowers were blooming and the scent of the air that the sword swung and passed through did not fade, nor did the two of them make the radius of the sword into a single flower garden, just between a viper and me.

For a moment, the white petals were just rubbing against each other.

My sword cuts through one petal.”

-." The sound of inhaling.

From the tip of my sword, the sound of breathing is panting.


The petals cut by the blade are silently split in two.

As the white color splits left and right, the field of view slowly opens.

From one side Liaopan's full black eyepatch is exposed, and the other side is exposed to Liaopan's left eye.

The blade is stopped by Liaopan's neck.


I had to stop.

"..." My heart.

My Because Liaopan's fist was resting on the chin, it was a bit late to stop.

Maybe it's a little late to stop, and the place where Liaopan's fist stopped is slightly dented, and the blood that came out from his lips is dripping red and dripping down his chin.

I can't swing the sword.

At that moment my heart is going to explode.

He can't make a fist anymore.

At that moment, his neck will fly.

We knew that, and therefore naturally stopped.

"Ah..." “Hey, how… … ." "Oh my gosh." The forest roared.

I was obscured and watching the unarmed.

Insaninsu (人山人樹).

It's so large that the forest doesn't have people, it's about to become a forest with people.

As if tossing it, he said, “I also won the swordsmanship.”

A corner of the forest flinched.

It was probably a swordsman.

The viper replied as if hurling a serpent, "That old man also won.

Once upon a time.

A long time ago." Again, the swordsman flinched.

I laughed, “I lost one eye.”

“That doesn’t mean you lost.”

“What is it? So you just lost your swordsman grandpa? It’s a combat power meter, completely.”

“Are you old?”

“Isn’t there such a thing as a half-route chance?”


Are you just going to become a silver-haired boy? Well, there are only clichés.”

“No, I was just thinking about getting younger like a young man or an uncle….

What is it about being a pretty boy….

“I don’t think it’s as bad as mine!?”

The last shout was from the swordsman.

I laughed.

Liaopan laughed too.

Blood shed with that smile.

Drops of blood dripped down and hit the floor.

"Ugh..." And we both collapsed at the same time.


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