Glass Palace.

(1) 1.

[You have entered the 63rd stage.] ['Eyes that dwell in the labyrinth' sense your presence and become angry!] The sandstorm enveloped me and subsided.

It's like a hand holding you once and then letting go.

Feeling the scent of grains of sand dried in the sun and finely tuned in the wind, I proudly stretched out my back.

“Now there is no need to speak in a message.



I didn't write the whole tone (傳音).

The opponent is the constellation that governs all mysteries and secrets.

It's probably easier to just peek at the unseen and overhear the unheard.

In short, it means that you are an expert in wiretapping.

['Eyes that dwell in the labyrinth' tremble at your rudeness!] Well.

I gently closed one eye.

“Maybe we can negotiate.

If you talk to me, I'm a man you can get along with surprisingly well.

If you're not going to spend eternity hiding like that, why don't we have tea time and talk for a while?" ['Eyes dwelling in the labyrinth' are arguing about where they do their tricks!] Indeed.

'Even if I die, I don't want to hear my own voice.' I looked around.

'I'm just being careful not to let that reveal my location.

I watched Mutia hit me...


You probably don't have the courage to show up in front of me.

Come on, then...

… .

Should we play hide and seek from now on?' labyrinth.

It was surrounded on all sides by high walls.

Actually, I was confused as to whether I should call it a 'wall'.

At least, among the walls I know, there is no 'wall' that can easily jump over the sky and touch the stratosphere.

Even the sky was closed in the form of a dome.

It was in the form of an eggshell covering the ground.

Perhaps if they climbed the wall, they would be blocked by the shell of the sky.

'The ground?' wood material.

A wooden floor with swirling patterns like snake scales spread out.

I swung the sword as a test, but the walls and floors were intact.

No damage was done.

Perhaps it was set up to be very difficult to destroy.

“… … Is it a stage where the world itself is a maze?”

I murmured.

“It’s difficult.


Serpent will keep changing positions.

While I don't know the geography here, Mr.

Serpent will be crispy.

Even if the opponent just runs away, there is no way for me to catch him...


“You don’t have to worry about that.”

I heard a voice behind my back.

The reason I reflexively raised my sword and did not attack was because I had already heard the voice.

“Primordial staff?”

“Just call me a wizard.

He's a wizard." [Primordial Staff] said with a face that seemed to have never smiled in his entire life.

The wizard was yawning while maintaining a distance of about 6 meters from me.

“He's not really that great.

He was just the greatest wizard in the world.”

“No, I think it’s a great enough achievement… ?”


Not great.

Before becoming a pillar, he slaughtered thirteen dragon emperors alone, conquered the seven dragon kingdoms, and arrived at the rift of the void pole, the root and starting point of the world, for the first time in history and picked up a flag, but that's all.

Just a magician.”

“… … Do you just want to brag about me?”

“The king.

Do you know why amazingly successful people are surprisingly humble? When I get to that level, the more humble I become, the more humble the other person becomes.

I am completely innocent of myself while making others humble.

Only the powerful can be truly honest and humble.

In that sense, it is not surprising that successful people are humble.

how is it? Did I give you enlightenment?”

“The only thing I realized from the words was that the wizard’s personality had rotted… .”


You have already learned a lot.”




The wizard clapped his hands.

Not with your hands, but with your mouth.

That is, they moved their mouths to pronounce 'Jeong, Jak, Jak'.

As I listened to the cries of the wizard, I intuited that this pillar was also unusual.

“Come back to the point.

Why do you think I don't have to worry?”

The wizard took a piece of paper from his pocket and wrote something down.

On the paper was written [Main Body].

The wizard affixed the paper to the wall, took three steps backwards, and then took three steps back.

"Voila." “……”

“Come back.”

I decided to calmly ignore the 15 seconds that all these events took place.

As a matter of fact, in order to deal with Torai, I, too, need to be armed.


crazy wizard.

Why don't I have to worry?”

“The constellations are unfair.

It's so powerful that an ordinary human can't fight it, but it's not only physically strong, it's great in itself." The wizard spoke as if he were a normal person.

“But in the midst of injustice, there is a bit of fairness.”

"equity?" "Yes.

No matter how difficult a riddle is, it is a riddle because there is an answer.

No matter how difficult a maze is, it is only a maze because there is a way out.

A riddle without an answer is just a series of annoying sentences, and a maze without a door is just a series of boring places.”

The wizard muttered expressionlessly.

“In that way, it is no different from the life of an 'ordinary human' that the constellations despise so much.”

"......." "Even if the correct answer is twisted.

Even if it's a twisted way out.

The role of the constellation is to provide answers to a world without answers and to provide a door to a life without doors.


It can be said to be the very meaning of the constellation’s existence.”

In other words.

“Hismit Kritz… Are you saying that [the eye that dwells in the labyrinth] does not run away?”

“Every palace has a throne.

Labyrinth is also a palace.

The moment a king runs away from the throne, he becomes no longer a king." I see.

I nodded and looked at the walls in all directions.

['Eyes that dwell in the labyrinth' sharpen their teeth.] 'Eyes unleash power!] And as if in response to my provocative gaze, then the world changed.

'Snow dwelling in the labyrinth requests an oath from the tower.] [Designation of sanctuary.] [Approval.] The outer shell of the walls melted and flowed down [As of this time, this place is owned by 'Snow dwelling in the labyrinth'] The inside of the wall, which had been peeled off, was glass.

Transparent glass windows.

My eyes no longer blocked my eyes, so I was free to look inside.

I looked at the glass, intentionally or unintentionally, and there.

"...mannequin? Figure?" Numerous dolls were displayed inside the glass wall.

The expression “innumerable”

means literally innumerable.

The glass was so high that it reached the end of the sky, and so vast that it was impossible to know where it would have gone.

It was a labyrinth of glass.

Each window was lined with dolls.

[He is a concealer and revealer, worship him.] The mannequin hanging from the nearest window suddenly lifted his head and opened his mouth.

"He hid and revealed." adore him." Still other dolls standing still to the left, right, and top of the mannequin opened their mouths.

"He is the one who hides and reveals, worship him." Again the dolls surrounding them: “He is a concealer and a revealer, worship him.”

Mannequins on either side of a straight passage, mannequins on a dead end wall in an alley, mannequins at right angles on a winding road, tens of hundreds of thousands of mannequins from where I can see them, and where I can’t see them, it’s almost infinite The mannequin of numbers, creaking! Through the window, creaking, creaking, and creaking, the mannequin opened his mouth and said, “If you want to find me anywhere, look for it.”

A voice made up of tens of thousands of layers, each voice playing separately for each doll made a dissonant sound.

"......." Among these, hundreds of millions of dolls, or even more, are displayed here, and the [Eyes that dwell in the labyrinth] are hiding.

I raised my lips.

It’s too bad.”

“It’s been a fair game since then.”

The doll displayed on the right glass wall moved her lips: "If you can't find it, just admit defeat and go down.

Or it would be better to wander around in my glass palace forever!" Each doll had its own characteristics.

Some dolls were close to life-size figures, no, they were sophisticated enough to be real.

They had faces.

They had pupils.

There was no change.

Another doll was nothing like a mannequin.

A kokeshi doll.

A marionette without a face, no expressions, and bare joints.

Each doll had a different level of sophistication.

From a perfect finished product to an unfinished product that doesn't even look like a carving knife was applied yet.

Until now, countless puppets were hanging from strings, posing in different poses, with only one thing: “I am the murderer who killed my neighbor’s child.”

All the dolls were holding a paper sign.

“I had an affair with the priest of the temple.”

“I was the one who plotted to poison Grand Duke Mifu.”

“I killed my father.”

“I hate the nobles who took me away.

』 『I communicated with the enemy of the monarch and destroyed the main family.』 The signs carrying the dolls all had different contents.

Some were serious and some were frivolous.

"...All these are secrets." It wasn't hard for me to understand what the signs meant: "Something you don't want to show to others.

A secret you don't want to be known.

It's written on a secret that everyone should have at least one thing.

From that, you can infer the person's identity.

“He’s really a guy with a quick head.”

The puppet in the front opened his mouth.

The creaking noise of the joints was probably the intended ridicule of [the labyrinth's eyes].

Burns are things that depend on my power.

My domain is so vast that it cannot be compared with you, who has just entered the constellation!”

“I don’t really want to create a world that is so terrifying…”

Hamustra is a great library, Mutia is a sand temple, and Hismit Kritz is a glass exhibition hall.

“[Please, tell me the weakness of that bastard you don’t like.]”


“[Please don’t let anyone know what I’ve done] [Please.] [Kill him and no one finds out.] [ So that they don't know my secrets even if they dig into my past.] [What happened that summer.] [As if I was innocent and innocent.]" The seven mannequins laughed at the same time." My realm is a wish that everyone has prayed deeply for at least once.

You humans have a lot of secrets that you want to reveal, but there are even more secrets you want to hide!”

Hismit Kritz.

Eyes that dwell in the labyrinth.

Keywords are snakes, eggs, labyrinths, secrets, riddles, contradictions, keeping and security of secrets, locks and keys, revelations.

Below, they are blessed with the undiscovered of what they most want to be uncovered, except that the secrets they hide are only here on display!”

I nodded, understanding, "so you could be involved in the [trauma penalty] of my skill." Seven mannequins tilted their heads at the same time.

"A person's past is the totality of the secret.

The past with the deepest scars is the most exquisite key to understanding that person." I calmed my breath and continued, “Tap master has told me that this power comes from [everlasting life], and if we go back to it, we will reach our ancestors who were the apostles of Hamustra.

Skills are tied to your powers.”

The mannequins burst into laughter: "Aha, yes! That's the right answer! That's right.

A person's past is [memory] and is a [story], but at the same time it is also a [secret].

You have revealed it brilliantly." In the corner of my field of vision, a mannequin clenched and raised his hand, "How a wise exposer should be rewarded." A wooden finger pointed somewhere, "Rejoice.

I'll give you my little present." “A hint of where you are?”

“You will see.”

There was another mannequin in the direction the finger was pointing, and the mannequin raised her finger again and pointed somewhere, so I repeated the same process sixteen times, and...

"......." Pause At the place I finally arrived, I paused momentarily: "How are you, little star?" A doll moved her lips across the thin glass.

The marionette's shape was exquisite.

It had a voice I knew well, and a face I knew well.

"Don't you want to know this child's secret?" There, there was a doll that looked exactly like a holy knight..

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