Origin regression.

(3) 4.

Let's talk about the past for a moment.

It is said that when the director was young, staring blankly at the TV rather than the smartphone was a child's pleasure.

On TV, you can't pick and choose what you want.

I watch what the broadcasting station plays as it is played.

Broadcasting stations are also places where people work, so nothing is played on TVs during the time when people leave for dreamland.

It's like a restaurant that isn't open 24 hours.



Clearly there, but its role is a non-working toilet paper.

Jijik- And the TV shows strange screens when it's resting.

The black and white spots crackle and entangle promiscuously.

blink, blink.

Black dots and white dots are mixed as if mechanical AIs play their own Go at high speed.


dizzy, dizzy.

Jijikjikjikjikjik- that was the scene where I was standing now.

[The 76th stage was forcibly ended.] The blue sky suddenly split.

Black and white vomit poured out and overflowed as if mold had grown from the cracked crevice.

First the sky was devoured, the humans roaming under the sky were devoured, and finally the horizon was devoured.

supportive! [The sixth pillar, 'Primordial Staff' intervenes.] ['Primordial Staff' wants to maintain control of the stage.] In the middle of a black and white orgy world, there was a wizard leaning on a lonely staff.

One of the pillars running this tower.

It was an ancient cane.

“… … you're talking funny King.”

The wizard looked at me.

“So you just said that my choice was wrong? Who is the right person to be the judge of this heavenly level? Who is willing to judge you pass or fail.

Taking all of that into consideration, I chose Yoo Su-ha as the judge, was this my judgment wrong?”

"Yes." "......." The wizard's eyes were as silver as the water in which the sword was dipped.

I did not avoid the gaze of the silver blade pointed towards me.

I would never want to be reincarnated here.”

The wizard didn't answer right away.


After a while, the wizard clenched his wand tightly and said, "...yes, you may have some point.

But, what about here?" The wizard raised his long wand high and slammed it into the ground with all his might.

['Primordial staff' unleashes his power] A wave centered around the place where the wand was taken.

White wave.

The white waves rushed into a torrent at once, driving away the black that was eating all over the world.

[You have entered the 77th stage.] [You step into a place that you cannot normally enter.] “This is Kicheon.”

Perhaps the primordial wand had worked its magic.

We were floating in the air.

A dazzling futuristic city unfolded beneath our distant feet.

Skyscrapers soared seamlessly, with no pillars or seams, and buildings and buildings connected like neurons in our brains.

The passage, which was like a spider's web between the skyscrapers, glowed constantly.

There were countless human beings roaming the futuristic city.

If the wizard is correct, the absolute majority of them were not NPCs, that is, hunters who were reincarnated with souls.

Of course, humans reincarnated here don't know that.

NPCs also believe in humans just like themselves.

Of course, the dolls ruled by [God of Machines] are all different from humans.

Because it is vivid without bars.


"and?" “The dolls are always defeated by humans at [the decisive moment of their lives].”

A match similar to boxing was projected on the city's billboards.

“Humans reincarnated here [always] beat the dolls.

So clever that you never realize that the dolls lost on purpose.

No, so that those defeated by him will never notice that they are really just puppets.”

Whoops! A boxer wearing a red glove knocked down his opponent.

wow! The cheers of the audience could be heard over the billboard.

The blue globe player staggered into a corner, and the red player triumphantly drove his opponent into the corner.

“Those who are reborn here will live a life of success.

Even in the face of a crisis that is likely to be defeated, they are the ones who ultimately win.

The sweetness of victory.

Confidence in overcoming life's challenges.

All joy is a gift that [God of Machines] has prepared for men only.”

In the end, the upper one of the red player went straight ahead.

Koo! The blue player could not stand it and fell on the ring.

The referee hurriedly ran and blocked the distance between the two players, but the red player's face was already smeared with a bright confidence and joy that he had won.

“It’s a game.

kind of play.

A game where victory is always welcomed.

However, there is never any suspicion that [I am being treated].

You can't help but believe that he's good and he's won all the victories." “……”

“How are you? king.

Isn't this place befitting Yusuha's heaven?" ooooooooooo! The red player roared.

The referee grabbed his wrist and lifted it up.

Red was drunk on his victory and howled like a gorilla, which the audience responded to.

A louder shout reciprocated him.

"I'll admit that you know Yusuha well." In the sky filled with cheers, the wizard spoke softly.

“Yeah, maybe I made a mistake once too.


It's the manager's responsibility.

As an apology, I will admit that you have automatically cleared the 76th floor.

So, from now on, let's attack the 77th floor...

… .”

“How long can this be?”

"……What?" I narrowed my eyes, "Those who want to forsake the world from the outside have entered the tower.

Those who want to forsake the world of the tower go to one of the heavenly floors from the 71st to the 79th floor.

Is that the end? What if the souls who arrived would abandon the world once more?”

"......." "Are you going to make the heavens of heaven again then? Build a tower inside a tower, then build a tower within a tower again, one hundred, one thousand, ten thousand, one hundred thousand, one million, eternity.

Are you going to build a tower that rises so tall?”

The wizard bit his lip [The 'primordial staff' sends you away] The wand the wizard is holding tight is trembling [You enter the 78th stage] [You are in a place where you can't normally enter.] I step in.] "...how about here?" The world has changed again.

A secluded but not lacking, a certain seaside town unfolded.

People came in pairs, chatting or enjoying a meal in peace.

“This is Ssangcheon.

Anyone can find a mate who will become their best friend.

Even if it is a human who has not met his destiny in a previous life, he will surely meet here forever...

… ." "There is no end." I said, to slash the blade of the wizard's eye with the sword that I had in my voice, "Primordial staff.

Now I know who you are.

You're probably the one who decides where the souls who have died in the tower go to, so to speak, to which heavenly level, so to speak." He must be [the judge of the underworld] like King Yeomra.”

"......." "The difference is that he never sentences him to hell." T.O.P's voice echoed in his head.

[You understand the identity of the 'Primordial Staff'!] [The privilege of the 'Primordial Staff' as a pillar is activated.] [Your memory related to the pillar is distorted.] [Misfire.] [Your Any action that distorts the memory will fail!] The fox wrapped around my neck like a scarf.

I nodded and continued to see the wizard in front of me.

He stared at the judge who judged and distributed all the souls who had died in the tower.

“You made two mistakes.”

“… … What a mistake, what?”

“The tower never forces humans from the outside world to come here.

That's a matter for people to decide for themselves.

Is the world of the tower really suitable for him? .

Are you really going to throw away the outside world for once? The hunters who live here are the ones who came here because they decided on their own.”

I said with strength.

“But you didn’t ask the other person’s intentions.

I didn't ask the paladin if he would choose this heaven if he died.

You just judged by yourself that the heavenly floor that suits the paladin the best is the Evil World.

Even the Count, the Viper, the Heretic Inquisitor, the Alchemist Master, and the Yu Su-ha, you summoned them [without asking anything].”


“But there is another worse mistake.”


“People who go to the heavenly floors you manage completely forget their memories of their previous lives.”

“…how about that? These are the souls who have abandoned the world and go to heaven where they will be happy.

Memories they hate, about the world they have abandoned You don't need to remember anything." “We were not born to want to be born in the outside world.”

But, “However, the Tower is the world we choose.”

"......." "This is the world I was born in because I wanted to be born.

This is the world I came to because I decided to go.

Unlike the outside world that just fell without knowing anything---We, we, chose this place.

That's why we chose the tower.

is meaningful!”

I took a step.

I wonder if the magic of the wizard had been broken.

In an instant, my feet lost their weight in the air and almost fell.

But I immediately mobilized the Aurors to make a transparent stepping platform.

It couldn't mean a fall to me anymore: "And you made [self-chosen memories] lost!" "...Ugh." "The heavenly floors you manage have destroyed the meaning the tower has barely achieved.

It's the same.

It's just like re-building a world that is the same as the outside world, inside the tower." I stood in heaven and said, "You are not worthy to be judged in heaven." The primordial staff made a chirping sound.


And it's not over yet.”

I looked up into the sky.



“You are listening! you choose! you decide! As judged by the [Primordial Staff] here, among the 76th, 77th, and 78th floors, are there any heavenly floors that you are willing to go to? So [Primordial Staff] is qualified as a judge! or not… … ." The sky cracked and groaned.

"Or, tell me to turn it off! Is the place where you live, where I live, and the world of the lions is your only world! If you die, even if you die, you will be reborn again.

Tell me where you want to be! So [Primordial Staff] and me, you decide who is right, the two of you!”

"What are you going to give me?" The same noise as before was seen from the gap in the sky.

White and black dots were flashing loudly.

From there, Yoo Soo-ha's voice came out.

I don't know, but anyway, you're competing with that pillar or what you're talking about, isn't it? It's about asking me to raise your hand.

Then this is a deal.

Tell me what you're going to give me." "I have a reality, and I asked me to take a reality.

I asked the teeth.

But it was laughter, not growling, that flowed from between the teeth.

“Crazy bastard.”

I laughed.

“You did it before you fell for me, you bastard.”

Yoo Soo-ha.

you are such a bastard He is a better person even if he rolls in dog shit, and even if this life is like dog shit, if only the memories of his life can survive, he is a guy who will blow shit to the world.

He is a man who cannot and cannot go to heaven.

A person who will tell you to turn off the afterlife or anything other than the pleasure that will bring you joy in your present life.

“I’ll do a Cossack dance!!”

I screamed with a damn laugh.

“It doesn’t matter if it’s a day or two or a week! I'll show you my dancing skills until you tell me to stop! I'll dance 10 to 20 times more than you danced, you bastard! Shut down heaven and live in my world!”

『Ummm...』 The sky was silent for a moment.

“Sounds like a bad world, doesn’t it?”

Before the primordial staff could even distort her expression, the judge raised her hand to me.


A beeping sound engulfed the consciousness.

[The 76th stage is forcibly ended.] [The 77th stage is forcibly ended.] [The 78th stage is forcibly ended.] “Really,”

the moment the primordial staff spit out swear words with their foreheads on their heads, “These bastards-----.”

The Tower's declaration fell.

[An objection was raised that the 'Primordial Staff' was unsuitable as a pillar.] [Ask Zrakua to confirm.] [Unconfirmed.

] [This question is beyond the authority of the Tower.] It was a declaration I had not heard in a long time [The Tower reconfirmed the question.] [Passed.

The current issue is relevant.] [Top raises the question of the Four Kings on the official agenda.

(議題).] And.

[The Tower asks the Six Pillars of Life for a majority vote meeting.] White and black sand covered my view once again.


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