Gardener of Rotten Flowers.

(3) 6.

A garden is different from a forest, and a flower garden is not like a field.

Seeds do not grow in rotten buds, and there are no bees to transfer pollen, so all the flowers in this garden were hand-planted one by one.

“You have a complete assortment.”

The ancient staff sat cross-legged on the hill and sucked the staff.

“In terms of building a house, the foundation was cleared, the building was erected, and the wallpaper and linings were applied.

As a bonus, the built-in furniture, lights, and air conditioning have all been installed.”

“Do wizards use air conditioners too?”

“Why is there magic in a world with magic? Why are wizards so eccentric? It’s all because there’s no air conditioning.”

“If you find out, there must be a constellation in charge of air conditioning.”

“Would you like me to introduce you?”

I don't know how much of it is a joke and how much of it is serious.

One of them is a true wizard-like yangban.

“So, when are you going to have the housewarming?”



Or a revival? Which one do you prefer?”

The wizard spoke like a wizard again.

As an aura who only learned swordsmanship and martial arts, he had no choice but to stare at such a wizard with eyes demanding an explanation.

The primordial staff let out a sigh and lifted it from her lips.

“Constellations that have reached this stage usually split in two.”

“It will be difficult to survive.”

“First, the constellation that allows loved ones to see their sanctuary and design a happy future.

Second, the constellation that summons its own followers and talks about the future vision." The first is what the head of the house is doing, and the second is what the boss who built the headquarters building does.

The ancient wand silently looked at me.


His eyes can be interpreted as 'You're a constellation right now, but you were making such a vulgar joke'.

The primordial wand said with that look in his eyes, “By the way, you must be the former.”

“You look like that?”


Aren't you going to call your wife and brag about it? [This is our house, Raviel.

It's a haven for us to spend time together.

It's this sea that made the advisory sound, and this high mountain range is the traces of my son's mother-in-law hitting the ball in the house.

Is…] Well, roughly like that.”


"Hey, why are you like this? Someone who knows well that it can't be." “Oh, so? Why?”

“Yeah, then naturally [If you’re talking about this flower, look forward to it.

Somewhere other than here, some time other than now, there was a small ice age and there was a group of sailors who fell into chaos…] Well, roughly following the story.

It will come out.”

The primordial staff shrugged while biting the wand.

A sullen attitude.

Again, these words came out knowingly.

I saw the craftsmanship clearly, but I lifted my wrists and shook the head of Hishimit Kritz hanging from it.

There is a saying that I told you when I was loosing a snake.”

- Humans are not puppets to be displayed in your glass garden - No one lives to be displayed to others, and no one has the right to display others "I can't do the same who said that.

Won't you?" Hismith Kritz bowed his head with a squeaking noise, and I closed my arms again, saying, "I didn't plant these kids to show anyone else." The primordial staff lifted the staff from their lips again, "Is that Rabiel?" “Even if that opponent is Raviel.”


“Especially because it’s Raviel.”

Obviously, I think it will be fun.

To hold Raviel's hand and explain the world I've created.

To talk about what kind of ideas I had and what I thought and made this way.

What kind of person I am again to Raviel.

Explaining it once, and that Raviel admits it once again.

To be recognized from the depths of my heart that I am such a human being, it must be a sweet feeling that melts my heart.

Would you admire it? This is it.' Shall I empathize with you, 'I am truly happy with a good person as my companion.' Shall we do it together? 'Yes, wounded flowers.

I will also take care of you with Confucius.' How happy I am, so I don't.

"I'm not going to invite Raviel to my sanctuary." it shouldn't be done "forever." The wizard put the staff in his mouth again.

“Isn’t that a bit overkill? Myungcheon, you broke even me, the pillar.

How about trusting yourself a little more? Wouldn’t it be better not to be so afraid?”

“Because it’s scary.”

I continued speaking firmly and honestly.

“Yeah, I’m strong.

To be clear, there are only a handful of people in the tower who are stronger than me.”

“But, Rabiel is my [exception].”

No matter how far I promise not to go, how far will I go? If I invite Raviel here, if I walk around here with Raviel, I may subconsciously treat the flowers planted here as rare exhibits.

That's really, really scary.

“Isn’t it your job to hold on to such temptations close by? There is a saying that true faith is manifested in trials.”

“If you can do it, it will be an ordeal.

It's foolish to do something you can't do that way." “Ugh.”

The primordial staff clicked his tongue.

[It doesn't work], I looked at the figure that could be interpreted as absurd.


You are a real, real wizard.”


Are you praising me out of nowhere?”

“Mutia said that there should be no exceptions in the life of God.

Topju said that once he becomes a constellation, he has to endure eternity, so he told me to think twice before putting a lock on the skill set.”

I scratched the back of my head and continued.

“Then this reasoning becomes possible.

I don't know for sure as my career is still shallow, but I wonder if there are more constellations that fall because they can't keep their word than those that have been broken by force.

In such a situation, you are trying to set a trap for the fall with clever temptation.

You are a true True Wizard.”

“Yeah, that’s a compliment.”

“Actually, it wasn't a very subtle temptation.

You threw it too openly.

What are we going to do?”

I looked straight at the primordial staff.

“I was told that if I give up climbing the tower or fail along the way, I will get my post back.

So are you? Do you still want to do a loser's revival?" Even the primordial staff looked straight at me.

"if so?" “Then, the wizard becomes a small boy who can’t escape the wrath after eating a pillar at a time.

And to say that such a small boat has been a pillar until now, the level of the other pillars can be known, and the level of the tower supported by those pillars is also understandable.

But you wouldn't want that, would you?" “Why do you think so?”

“Because you were the pillar of the tower.”

I said.

“Because you have to have that kind of dignity.”

The ancient wand grinned as he rubbed the wand with his sleeve.

“At the end of the day, it’s a compliment.

It's not a bad thing that the person who pushed me off the pole told me that." “Why?”

“I want you to get to the 100th floor.”

said the ancient staff.

“I hope that the wish of the swordsman comes true, I hope that you become a pillar officially, and that other pillars do not block it.”

“Then why… .”

“Because that means you don’t have to be an idiot who trips over a stone beak.”

It was a word with many meanings.

The primordial staff continued to speak while flapping its sleeves.

“However, if it is a stone that can be seen so clearly, no matter how shiny it is, it should be avoided.”

Otherwise, I wouldn't be able to go up to the 100th floor in the first place, so it was almost as if I could hear it in a voice.

I was silent for a while.

There were only the flowers that stood still in this place where there was the height of the earth, the gentle waves, and the temperature difference of the air.

I was silently listening to the sound of the blowing wind stroking the red water surface and soaking the scent of the water on the petals.


“Why do you want me to go up to the 100th floor?”

“There are three reasons.”

The primordial staff had both broken staffs in their mouths.

It's like chewing on a half-brained Pepero.

“The first reason is that it is easy to understand.

If the guy who defeated me loses without even reaching the 100th floor, umm.

Wouldn't that be a bit off-putting? How much gossip circulates between the pillars and the constellations.

When you return to work in such a situation, umm.

Wouldn’t that be like the chief of the matopa branch who was left out of rank every day?”

“I’m wondering if I should ask if there are gossips among the pillars, or if there is anything other than riders in the tower… .”

“You were the one who said that the constellations are all the same.

What is the difference between a pillar and a wizard?”

The primordial staff pulled a staff from its lips.

The tip of the stick, wet with saliva, pointed to the flowers I had planted.

“The second is for those children.”


“It is to those children that you are a pillar rather than me.

So it will be good for everyone.”

In the words and actions of the ancient staff, over and over again, there was always a look of a wizard.




There were bones, or at least thorns, embedded in the words that were just thrown.

But what he just said was kind.

It was so good that it could be swallowed without chewing, like fish meat carefully sliced for a newborn baby.

And when I didn't know what to say, I tend to just say it out loud.

“You worked hard too.”

“Did you say that was comforting? I want to get a new barnacle tea and pour it into your nostrils.”

"Iknow, right.


… The third reason?”

“For the sake of the owner.”

Those words were also very mild.

With a gentle face and a soft voice said the wizard.

“It was impossible for me.

It would be impossible for the pillars that are now.”

The same reason the princess hinted to me.

The reason why he had his eyes on me from the beginning, the wizard said kindly.

“So someone else has to do it.”

“Whether you whether to become a swordsman become someone else altogether.

Someone who is not a pillar.

But as much as you can." The wizard's lips closed and opened.

"I know you---" I hope, I hope, that Tapju will be comfortable.

The voice of the ancient staff, as light as a leaf, landed in the flower garden of these frayed petals.


We had a housewarming party.

called the vassals.

Raviel didn't call.

There is nothing more to say about the latter.

The story I had with the primordial staff was all.

This garden is a place where flowers are the owners, and it is a flower garden that does not accept visitors.

“I may be able to receive [mourners] in the future.”

I said.

“Because some of these children may have family members or loved ones.

If these kids want to be reunited with them, then we have to let them reunite.”


So, are you a mourner?”

Esdel, who raised the water level by crying one more time, continued, wiping her tears with the handkerchief Sylvia gave her.

“A kind of cemetery… no.

Rehabilitation hospital would be closer.

A visitor would be more correct than a mourner.”


exactly." “But in order for rehabilitation hospitals to receive visitors, they need doctors, nurses and public service workers.”

Esdel continued, blowing her nose on Sylvia's handkerchief.

“After all, here I am the chief of nursing… That is, I will assume the role of [the gardener].

As I said a while ago, gardeners show absolute strength that exceeds that of the owner in the flower garden they protect.



By the way, he is blaming you as the cause of this.”

“No way!”

Sylvia, who was holding a handkerchief using only her thumb and forefinger, literally put on a look of disgust.

“No no no no.

It's really, really, really, really absurd! Some advisors! From the beginning! Something! It was weird!”


Is that right?”

“You want to wield violence like this! advisor.

How can a gentleman whose nickname is a consultant know only physical things about political solutions?”

“All wars are inherently an extension of a political solution.

And everything that happens in this world is physical.

In other words… Do you know what I mean?”

“You’re so mean!”

“Mass and speed are right.

It's a bit in the wrong direction." There was a moment when Sylvia wielded a hammer and Esdel wielded a sword to aim at each other's heads.

I could hear Uburka talking as she mumbled salt-vanilla popcorn as white as her skin.



Can I not dry it?”


Before you ask me, do you mean you don't want to be a child by yourself?" “Abby.

What do you think I've been doing all the time while Abby's gone? Ugor.

Now is the time to do the same as the dog school I used to do while I was away.”

“Before the housewarming even started, my family had already collapsed.”

I lamented for a long time.


He lamented, but did not stop Sylvia and Esdel.

Children usually grow up fighting.

After leaving the two of them like that, I turned to the others present.



Kim Yul.”


“Can you take care of this flower garden?”


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