time garden.

(2) 4.

140 years.

I've heard of similar times.

- You once said that you survived 130 years alone...

Was it this? - hem.

That's it.

That empty voice It felt like the wind was leaking out of my heart as I was listening.

- Oh my gosh.

In other words, you, a swordsman...


[ Nope.

Suddenly, I thought that I might fail at the 99th floor or so.

] The conversation between me and Geomje in the Jincheon world suddenly flashed through my mind.

[ Geomje Yangban.

But even people like you died on the 99th floor.

] Geomje had a strange reaction to that.

[ Hmm.

Well, it's death...


] I remember he repeated so.

What kind of questions and answers came and went after that.

[ What's on the 99th floor? ] At that time, Geomje did not give any answer.

On the surface, he said, 'I just don't want to tell you', but anyway, that probably wouldn't have been all.

[ Still can't you tell me? ] To that question, the geomje said: - Let's go for a walk.

I blinked my eyes.

He was looking at me with the same face as the swordsman who got up from his seat.

- Uh...


- Come along, nigga.

And Geomje began to 'walk' just like that time.

"......." Here, after entering the stage that should be called the 91st floor, my body has lost weight.

The world no longer wanted to hold onto me, and no matter how hard I stepped, the sound of footsteps never rang out.

It feels like being isolated from the world.

So, as the week went by, I gradually stopped doing the act of [walking].

It was more comfortable for the background to float around as usual.

- Mahos said it was like hitting TCL on it.

said the princess.

- I don't know exactly what TCL means, but I can guess.

Now that gravity does not work, all physical forces lose their meaning.

If I wanted to, I could pierce the floor or through the walls.

Therefore, I could see how difficult it is to 'walk naturally', the act of the swordsman now.

Even in the world of Jincheon, I felt it was a great talent, but now that I am in the same situation, I really understand it.

- What are you doing? not coming The swordsman glanced at me with his back.

It was like looking back lightly while walking.

I suddenly realized that this was an important moment.

- Please wait.

Instead of floating around, I made up my mind as I said that.

First, put your feet on the floor.

There was still no feeling of touch, but I tried to [stand upright] as naturally as possible.


The swordsman waited quietly.

He didn't urge, but he didn't give any advice.

Nevertheless, I could see right away that what I had done was nothing more than a clerk, rather than a clerk.

- One more minute.

- Take it slow.

- Yes.

I was in a serious state of contemplation.

'How did you stand?' A thought that is absurd to even feel for yourself.

But an even greater certainty overtook me.

'This is important.' This moment was important.

'To stand...

Once you put your feet on the floor.

Then the floor supports me...

There is no floor to support it now.

then… .' It feels as if a fluffy mass is floating around your head.

I took a deep breath at the topic that seemed to be caught but didn't get caught...

did you inhale? 'no.

Of course, it's just imitation of breathing in that.' I focused my consciousness.

'I am now completely like a ghost.

Of course, there is no such thing as [air] that I can inhale.

And that is… .' As soon as I thought of that, the next question immediately came to my mind.

'for a moment.

How can I [hear] sound without [air]?' I realized it was a very strange thing.

The contradiction that is pointed out as a regular in sci-fi movies is that there is an explosion in outer space.

'Strange.' In fact, when I was talking with a mastermind or a princess who was on the same floor as me, it felt similar to when I imagined the sound.

However, the upbringing of Sylvia and Director, etc.

was just heard as upbringing...


'Sound is transmitted through vibration of air...

But now there is no such thing as air that can affect me.

Then I shouldn't be able to hear it.

In other words… .' the moment you realize it.

The silence embraced me.


It was a silence that seemed to have entered outer space, no, it was a long time ago.

It was a silence in the beginning that I wondered if it was like this when time did not exist and space did not have any meaning.

- Hmm.

Geomje, who changed his posture from behind his back to folded arms, smiled softly.

However, that laughter only floated in my head and then vanished, and it did not interfere with the stillness I was feeling now.

I was completely obsessed with this pure white moment.

'Pure white.' And, soon I realized that he was also strange.

'I can't hayal.

...the same reason can't be used as a sword.' It was not in the abstract meaning that silence could not be colored.

It was much more specific and essential.

'How am I [seeing] this landscape now?' Color is a wave of light.

Just as sound is the vibration of air and some sound needs air to resonate, so in order to [see] something, [light] must exist before it.

'But now I'm not affected by anything.

gravity too.

reaction force too.

No physical force works on me.' Is light an exception because it is special? It can't be.

It is said that light is often classified as a special property only in games, but light is only one branch of a physical phenomenon.

I was well aware of that fact, wielding a holy sword with the name of light.

'Then I shouldn't be able to see anything, just as I shouldn't be able to hear anything...

.' the moment you felt it.

And there was no light.


Perfect darkness.

A pure absence of light engulfed me.


When I was born, the Earth was a very bright star.

There were cities everywhere.

After a short walk from the city, the next city appeared.

The number of people peaked and was slowly decreasing, but the number of buildings being built increased.

It was as if the cities met each other's eyes and were diligently feeding their young, leaving the people alone.

Light overflowed in each of the enlarged buildings.

Even after the people disappeared, the light remained like a debt.

A ghastly ghost town or a dimly lit ruin would have made sense, but for some reason it didn't make sense.

Some have called it a singularity.

But more people knew it was nothing more than the unrestricted proliferation of cancer cells.

[There was a time when the night sky was much darker than it is now.

] The director said so, but I couldn't imagine the scenery as a child.

Throughout my life and growing up, the night sky was always covered in a hazy film of fog and glittered with purple.

[ This star is suffering from a fever.

] So the first darkness I saw was in the water, not at night.

More than that, it was in people's minds.

- I did.

I muttered unknowingly.

- This is darkness.

True darkness was not black.

It was just that nothing was given.

White space.


So it felt dazzlingly white, and it felt far-fetched black, but it was definitely neither of the two.

empty one.

I looked at the world that had not yet contained anything.

- It's beautiful.

- Yes, Confucius.

Somewhere, I felt the answer of the swordsman.

- What is full is beautiful because there is only one thing left to be empty.

In the same way, empty things are pretty, with only one thing left to do.

I turned my head in the direction I heard the answer.

- Idiot.

Do you know what ridiculous things you are doing right now? - indeed.

I moaned.

- I don't have a head right now.

- okay.

But when you turn your head Well, it's not bad, but if you do it unconsciously, it's not the same as before you saw this darkness.

Gumje said with a sound like the splattering of the coating---no, it wasn't a sound at all---.

- Know and move.

That way it can move properly.

Be aware and feel That way you can take it right away.

I nodded.


Prior to that, I first created [ myself ].

- me… Gongja Kim.

The body is about twenty-five years old.

The time I actually had to go through… Roughly 1,000, no, roughly 10,000.

'No.' It should not be like [drug], [eolchu], or [roughly].



I think of myself...

Imagine I start to think of myself from the time I was born, from the beginning to this moment, Gongja Kim, without adding or subtracting.


A mind-bending task.

It was never easy.

[The voices from the tower… … .

It's not something that is automatically run by the system, maybe...

… .

] [ Yes.

It is handmade.

] However, it was not impossible.

[ The king.

Even if it is a simultaneous occurrence for you, it is just a task for me to solve one by one.

… … Inefficiency eventually results when time and space are limited.

… … The concept of inefficiency does not exist.

] 'Guwonha Counselor.' I thought of the person I once possessed and the work she was assigned to do.

Compared to that amount, reflecting on my own life was only a grain of sand.

'sand… Fox.' Even those moments when I was rubbing my memories with the fox became a reference now.

It wasn't just that.

'The Underworld.' The space he arrived at when he died resembled this place.

'sanctuary.' The experience of filling in the empty world at the time when I first built up Sanctuary was useful in many ways.

And above all else.

'Master.' The season that was so white and this darkness had a similarity.

Embraced in the darkness, I thought of myself...

I imagined… made… Thought… and.

Eventually, I opened my eyes.

-…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… The temperature, outline, direction, pitch, and volume of the breath are felt.


The nape of my neck is in the breath I exhale, yes, I used to have a nape now---I cringe.

- Ha ha ha...

Well… … .

Saliva drips from your lips.

I realized I didn't have the vocabulary to describe this feeling.

It's simply a lack of experience.

Despite so many deaths and deaths, and living the lives of countless others, I could not properly explain this feeling.

I couldn't intuit my own body condition.

It's not that you can't feel it, it's that you feel it too well.

- It is the responsibility of the senses to separate oneself from the outside, but an excessively sharp sense will crush that boundary.


somewhere - Remember it well.

The swordsman's voice was heard.

- That is [seeing].


The darkness fell with the sound of my heart beating.

The light broke---the dam broke---the border of the world was far away, burned alive by the blazing light---and thus the darkness set.

- okay.

So I returned to my sanctuary, the Garden of Rotten Flowers, right there on the 80th to 89th and 91st floors.

The swordsman greeted me with his arms folded.

- Let's go for a walk.

As if re-recommending what was recommended just a moment ago, no, obviously, that would have happened just a moment ago.

- Yes.

I nodded my head while still shaking my bewildered head.

- Let's go for a walk.

I slowly stretched my feet on the floor, toward the side of Geomje.


stepped on Tub.

I started walking with the sword.

Tub! 387.

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