Star Cockroach

Chapter 182: Little clever

"The bamboo leaf worm is full of dirty things, so you can't eat it!" Red Rice tried to **** the bamboo worm.

The head of red rice and the crustacean of white lines on a black background, the key is that the breath is not bad.

The new-born skirmish showed obvious alert to Red Rice, and there were some fears, grabbing the green worms, and hiding behind the belly bamboo.

Seeing a stagnation, Red Rice understood what was going on, and was angry and annoyed, saying, "It's boring, I'm going back."

Having said that, Flutter Flew down the mountain.

"Banbu, you see, the new little warrior likes me!" Belly shouted excitedly, very proud.

Babu looked at it without saying a word.

The little warrior was lying behind the belly, and looked secretly at the spots, a little fearful, a little puzzled: the judgment of the breath is the elders of the Chiba tribe, but why is the carapace black? The body shape is also different from that of the red-headed warrior described in hereditary memory.

Belly bamboo said: "Banbu, it seems a bit afraid of you."

Banbu said calmly, "Bamboo, go and catch two bamboo leafworms and feed them."

The new little warrior can't use the mental power to communicate, but can understand, hear, and hold half of the bamboo leaf worms mad.

"Wow! It also likes to eat small bugs." The belly bamboo cheered, fanning its wings to air, and preparing to catch a few more.

When the little soldier saw this, he quickly lost his food, fluttered his wings, and wanted to take off with the belly bamboo. Unfortunately, it was too weak, and had just completed the evolution, his constitution was weak.

In a blink of an eye, the belly bamboo had left the bamboo forest.

Fearing, the little soldier quickly hid behind a thick mazhu bamboo pole, and carefully looked at the spots.

Banbu softens her mental energy as much as possible and says, "Don't be afraid, my name is Banbu ..."

The little warrior swung its tentacles, turned, frantically stirred up the arterial wings, escaped into the depths of the bamboo forest, and hid in the first small room where he lived.

Babu looks speechless and has a headache: I am afraid that I and Red Rice will never be recognized by the little warrior who was just born. This is not a case. It will always be the case.

"Banbu, is the little warrior born?" The big head ran back under the ant colony.

"Yes." Banbu suddenly realized that the big head sent a large number of soldiers and ants to guard the bamboo forest. It should be the unique breath of those soldiers that disturbed the newly born soldiers.

Babu shouted, "Big head, quickly remove your soldiers and ants. Withdraw your ants. Little newborn warrior, who knows nothing, is instinctively afraid of alien breath."

"Ah ?! Oh, okay ..." The big head heard the words, hurriedly waving his tentacles, and removed the ant colony around him.


The belly bamboo caught two bamboo leaf worms and returned.

"Well? Bumble, what about the little soldier?"

Babu shook the tentacles and nodded, not feeling good: "Hiding."

"Banbu, it's so brave!" The belly bamboo was even more joyful, catching two bamboo leaf green worms, and ran to the depths of the bamboo forest.

Feeling the return of the belly bamboo, the little soldier looked around with a probe, and then happily got out of the hiding room.

Belly bamboo passed a green bug to it.

Then the two guys, one big and one small, ate them with great taste.

After eating, the belly bamboo felt unpleasant and went into the nearby bamboo forest again to search.

Deterred by the soldier's breath, Li Zhufeng's birds were extinct, but there were many unintelligible bamboo leafworms living and reproducing in the bamboo forest formed by ordinary bamboo. These bugs spun silk, rolled up bamboo leaves, hid inside, and ate fresh leaves.

It's easy to find.

This time, the belly bamboo caught two forelimbs and dragged two hind legs. "Both hands and feet" used to catch four green worms in one breath.


After eating a dozen or so green worms, the little soldier finally ate up and recovered his energy. In addition, there was no interference from ants around him, and his gall gradually grew stronger.

"Bamboo, take it out," Banbu said.

Belly bamboo walking outside the bamboo forest.

The little soldier couldn't leave her, and went out.

The belly bamboo stopped.

The little soldier stopped and hid behind him, staring curiously at Banbu.

"Banbu, it likes me!" Belly bamboo is happy and proud again.

Banbu was depressed and said, "Bamboo, you will take care of it from then on."

"Wow! Okay!" Belly Bamboo exclaimed in ecstasy.

Banbu reminded: "The newborn fighter is very fragile. You only need to give it a little force food every day, and it must be condensed force food of ordinary life. Too much will actually hurt it, understand?"

"I know, I know very well." The belly bamboo shook the tentacles and agreed, "Banbu, where are you going to arrange it to live?"

Brenda said, "I'll let my big head be next to your cell, and then dig a smaller cell, and temporarily live next to you."

The little pudding, which is less than 5 cm in length, is really troublesome to take care of.

Belly Bamboo asked earnestly: "Banbu, what do I need to teach it? Count? Or cultivate the knowledge of bamboo? Or mowing?"

"..." Bian said: "It's still small, you don't need to teach it, just take care of it every day. Just don't take it around, the birds in the sky may hurt it, understand?"

"Understand, I understand!" Belly said: "It likes to eat green bugs, and I will catch them every day ..."

Before he finished speaking, the little soldier hiding behind it suddenly gathered courage, fanned the arterial wings, flew up, approached the patch, curiously looked at it, and then landed on the patch's head, releasing the tentacles and releasing them. Pheromones, expressing cheering emotions.

Belly bamboo stick.

Babu was choked and reacted:

Inheriting the memory guidelines, the newly born little warrior seeks shelter of the tribal elders.

Belly bamboo best meets the requirements of the "family", but it is only an L7 junior fighter. It is too weak and obviously does not meet the requirements of the "elder".

In hereditary memory, the "big" senior warrior like Banbu is considered an elder.

The newborn warrior understood the dialogue between Banbu and Belly Bamboo, and confirmed that Banbu was the same elder, and immediately made a choice. It instinctively realized that with the weak belly, it was not safe enough, and the powerful tribal elders could shelter themselves from growth.

"Wit little guy." Bambo praised.

"Come here, come here ..." Belly Bamboo was anxious, shaking the tentacles to call.

The little warrior fluttered his wings, gliding on the side of the belly bamboo, shaking the tentacles, and sending a message of intimacy.

"Banbu, you see, it still likes me." Belly solemnly declared.

Obviously, the newly-born little warrior likes to play with belly bamboo, and is very clever. He knows how to show favor to a powerful spot and seeks asylum.

Banbu thought about it and said, "Bamboo, you will take care of it in the future, but you can only move in the open space in front of the cave, you can't run far."

Believe it or not, he agreed, "OK."

Banbu asked, "You won't bully it, right?"

"No!" Shouted Belly Bamboo: "I'm not like the **** of red rice ~ ~ I won't bully it!"

"That's good." Banbu said, and shouted to the big head: "Big head, you work hard, clean up the weeds of Li Zhufeng, and shovel all the wind chimes, but don't let the little ones see."

"Ah ?!" said the big head. "Bob, the wind chimes on the mountain are blooming, the wind chimes will be angry."

Banbu replied: "Then remove the wind chimes near us."

Newborn soldiers, what kind of plants they like is very important. This is an uncontrollable thing. Banbu expects this little warrior to like bamboo, afraid that he likes useless weeds like wind chimes.

A more effective solution is not to let it be seen frequently. In the same way, if you see bamboo frequently, the little soldier will have a greater chance to like it.

Of course, it is impossible to completely hand over the little soldier to the belly bamboo.

I no longer leave the mountain easily every day, I lie at the entrance of the cave and watch the belly bamboo play with little soldiers.

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