Star Odyssey

Chapter 2125

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Lu Yin breathed a sigh of relief, although it didn’t get Ancestor Wu out of trouble, but the slippers are much more useful than needles, it really doesn’t work. Try to collect resources to improve slippers, maybe it will be useful.

Having said that, who carelessly made these slippers? Especially those 5 black footprints, he felt sick, and he picked the whole man.

Reaching the Half-Ancestor cultivation base, as long as you don’t mention the slippers, Ancestor Wu is obviously much lighter, “Junior, take me to the starry sky. I haven’t known what the starry sky has become like in the past, so I’m looking for the Mountain Sea World”.

“Are you looking for the Mountain Sea world of your inheritance?” Lu Yin asked.

Ancestor Wu nods, a little melancholy, “there is my home”.

Lu Yin said, “Okay, but can I give Junior some time to do some chores?”.

Ancestor Wu said, “At random, you can come out. I’m very curious about the outside. You deal with you. I also look at it. You said you are a newly created Heavenly Sect Dao child. You can order Fifth Continent. You can understand it from you. This is Fifth Continent.”

In the next few days, Lu Yin took Ancestor Wu to wander between Heavenly Sect and Earth. Although the contact time was not long, Lu Yin knew more about Ancestor Wu. She hadn’t hided her personality and so on. Lu Yin also understood what Yun Tingting meant.

Smoke Cloud Sect Old Ancestor records that Ancestor Wu’s biggest feature is idiot. At that time, Lu Yin was still guessing what kind of idiot. Now he is understood, he is an idiot for his creation power. In the outside world, no matter what she sees, she can Think of the power of Wei.

She once said that you can replace the human meridian with the micro, replace the Star Origin Cyclone, and create Star Envoy. At that time, Lu Yin didn’t believe it. Now, some believe it. This woman raised an ordinary people to Enlightenment Realm level in person. Replacing the ordinary people’s meridian with micro, running Star Energy, makes the ordinary people transform overnight.

Although the slightly replaced meridian will gradually disappear, it can last a few days without saying much.

In Ancestor Wu’s words, at the time of her Peak period, Star Envoy could be created. Her Mountain Sea world haven’t servants, and no servants are needed, because they are all puppet-like things at the Star Envoy level.

Whether it is a person, a beast or something, Micro can form Star Origin Cyclone within the body.

This is a very terrifying use.

In Lu Buzheng’s words, Ancestor Wu, even in the Age of Heavenly Sect, is a giant.

apart from idiot, this woman has something that Lu Yin can’t eat. She likes to be praised. In other words, she likes to be flattery. Lu Yin now says a few words to her, subconsciously with praise words, the more ruthless the praise The happier this woman is, the happier she is, the more she will tell Lu Yin about Taoist Origin Sect.

For example, Lu Tianyi Old Ancestor beat the Bai Wangyuan of Cold Immortal Sect several times. For example, Ancestor Fu is a late cultivator, Ancestor Chen, Ancestor Hui and the others, while Anthorstor Hui and the others are famous for Fifth Continent, Ancestor Fu is still working hard at a small sect. Classic books, such as Ancestor Ku also have a favorite woman, but never express, such as the relationship between Ancestor Chen Xia Shang and Wang Xiaoyu.

“Xia Shang’s idiot is too infatuated, and there is a poet’s little sentiment, looking at the falling rain and red flowers all day, sick,” Ancestor Wu disdain, his tone full of resentment.

Lu Yin is weird, this woman would not like Ancestor Chen.

“What kind of eyes are you telling you, in fact, the power of your cultivate Xia Shang makes me very uncomfortable, pay attention when talking to me”, Ancestor Wu glared at Lu Yin.

Lu Yin quickly shot flattery, “Junior understood, in fact, with the strength of Senior unrivaled beneath the heavens, it should be to rebuke Heaven and Earth at that time, Goddess in the hearts of countless people. By the way, Ancestor Ku may like someone like Senior , But I dare not say it because of inferiority.”

Ancestor Wu eye light lit up and slapped his head, “Yeah, how do I didn’t expect? No wonder every time I saw the guy from Ku Jie, he looked serious, and he felt like covering up at the time.”

Lu Yin quickly climbed up the pole, “You are right, Ancestor Ku likes you, but he is inferior and he dare not say”.

Ancestor Wu sighed, “I knew I didn’t mock him at that time. Hey, this guy has a miserable life and inferiority is normal, but don’t underestimate him. Ku Jie, Xia Shang, including Bai Wangyuan, Wang Fan are all of the same generation. The age gap will not be too big. The outstanding people of that era are brilliant. They are the ancestors who stand out. There are many other Heaven’s Chosen heroes. As far as I know, most of them have been beaten by Ku Jie, including your Lu Family son-in-law, especially the one named Lu Jian’s Proud Man.”

“Is there such a thing?”, Lu Yin was curious, and even Ku Family knew very little about Ancestor Ku’s experience.

Ancestor Wu nods, “You think, everyone is a Heaven’s Chosen master, a generation leader in Taoist Origin Sect, competing with each other, knowing the roots, Xia Shang Hao Yue is in the air, no one can beat, Bai Wangyuan, Wang Fan, Lu Jian Personally follow closely from behind, it’s not too much. Lao Fu is a waste wood. He is still studying poetry and poetry there. Only one Ku Jie is silently chasing him. Who is convinced?”.

“Especially, Hui Wen’s guy was insidious, and he talked coolly when he was fine. There were only a few people who could be admitted by him. Ku Jie was also listed. No one said, Ku Jie did not say it himself, but since then, the group of guys saw Ku Jie go around.”

“To tell me, if it is not Ku Jie is too low-key, Xia Shang’s rays of light will be separated by him.”

Lu Yin hurriedly asked, “Ancestor Chen has haven’t a battle with Ancestor Ku?”.

Ancestor Wu thought about it for a while, “It seems there is it, even if it’s a fight, it’s a secret. Xia Shang doesn’t like to advertise his own broken things, Ku Jie is 3 sticks can’t beat a fart, these two people no one even if they have beaten know”.

“Xia Shang was most noticed by Taoist Origin Sect at that time. He cultivated 9 avatar, and one of them became a giant. Lu Family died, and Lu Tianyi Old Ancestor ordered him to be arrested, but not Quasi-Senior intervenes, who can catch Xia Shang…”.

It’s also very interesting to hear Ancestor Wu talk about Taoist Origin Sect era. When the story is heard, gradually, not only Lu Yin, Kui Luo, Lu Buzheng, Ku Wei, these people are all coming, then the silver guy also smiled and came over .

This kind of day lasted for half a month, which really made Lu Yin know a lot about things in the era of Taoist Origin Sect. It was not until the arrival of the Aurora Fortress that the peace was broken.

“Pays respects to Alliance Leader”, Zhi Dong saw Lu Yin and hurriedly saluted.

Aside, Zhi Shao saluted at the same time, “pays respects to Alliance Leader”.

There are not many people who call Lu Yin the Alliance Leader. They are the old people of the East Border Alliance. As for the newcomers, Lu Yin is generally called Dao child.

Lu Yin still likes others to call him Alliance Leader, “long time no see, Zhi Dong”.

Zhi Dong said with emotion, “In 20 years, Alliance Leader has not changed at all and is still so young.”

Lu Yin said with a smile, “I didn’t go through 20 years, but traveled through time and space.”

Zhi Dong and Zhi Shao’s eyes widened. They didn’t know this kind of thing. Not many people in the universe know this kind of thing. “Alliance Leader, what does this mean?”.

Lu Yin’s mouth curled up, “I believe you Aurora Spaceship Corporations must have studied Time and Space, and I have been traveling for 20 years. That is to say, according to Zhi Dong, 20 years apart from me, but from my perspective, We haven’t seen each other for more than half a year.”

Zhi Dong was shocked, “Alliance Leader has been traveling for 20 years? How can it be done?”.

“Haha, speak while walking,” Lu Yin said with a smile, he is not a show, the sword of First Ancestor always declares to the world, he is Heavenly Sect orthodox descendant, is the descendant of First Ancestor, those Half-Ancestor know There is no need to hide the First Ancestor sword.

Moreover, in this Fifth Continent, unless Seven Heavenly Gods comes, he is really not afraid of anyone. Even if the Sixth Continent 3 ancestors are still there, he is confident to deal with them with the power of Ancestor Chen.

Ancestor Chen’s unrivaled and invincible gave him too much confidence.

This is also the reason why Xia Ji put the promotion of Ancestre Realm on Ancestor Chen. He did not believe that Ancestor Chen would lose. He always had this belief in his heart. He believed that Ancestor Chen was a descendant, and he also cultivated 9 avatar and Starry Sky Technique and Ancestor. How can Chen’s sword technique fail?

However, Lu Yin breakthrough Star Envoy, defeating Ancestor Chen of the same period, gave him a blow, which is the reason for his hatred with Lu Yin absolutely irreconcilable.

Walking in the Aurora Fortress, “There is not much change here,” Lu Yin said.

Zhi Dong replied, “Three Absolute Heavenly Gate is too harsh on Aurora Fortress and haven’t, as long as we promise to hand over Abstruse Formation weapons on time.”

Lu Yin said with a smile, “Zhi Dong is reminding me?”.

Zhi Dong quickly said, “Dare not.”

Soon after, Lu Yin saw Biao Zi, General Counsel of Aurora Spaceship Corporations. The first Universe Battle Armor united with Abstruse Formation was made by him. Apart from General Counsel of Biao Zi, there was Xuan Master, Wan Gong, Flame Engineer and the others.

After 20 years, some people have become old, and some people have the same with the original.

“Master is working hard,” Lu Yin looked at Xuan Master, only 20 years, not too long for the cultivator, but Xuan Master is obviously much older.

Although the face is old, but the spirit is good, Xuan Master said with a smile, “not hard, this time is very fulfilling”.

Lu Yin is strange, looked towards Zhi Dong.

Zhi Dong made a please gesture and took Lu Yin to the deepest part of the Aurora Fortress, “Alliance Leader, Master apart from manufacturing Abstruse Formation, and more importantly, cooperate with the research group Abstruse Formation, which is also Master’s interest, otherwise I rely on my Aurora Spaceship Corporations, how to get a Boundary Origin Formation Master”.

Lu Yin was surprised, “Abstruse Formation?”.

Zhi Dong said in a solemn way, “This was proposed by Hen Xin Gate Lord. You know why Hen Xin Gate Lord must have brought our Aurora Spaceship Corporations to the Three Absolute Heavenly Gate? Just because in the era of Heavenly Sect, someone proposed the concept of Abstruse Formation , Even combining the concept of Abstruse Formation”.

Lu Yin immediately thought of the Opens the Sky Abstruse Formation in Bai Shaohong. The reason why Wan Gong was able to study the Abstruse Formation was inspired by that one. That was the real Abstruse Formation. He was wondering whether Cold Immortal Sect had already been studied. Abstruse Formation.

But after the Starry Sky Tree Expeditionary Army was arrested, he was asked to investigate, and also asked Yu Chen, Liu Shaoge, Elder Xizi, these people, they are not aware of Abstruse Formation, although it is not clear that Cold Immortal Sect has haven’t, But Lu Yin can be sure that before this era, Abstruse Formation was definitely created.

“Are you saying that Hen Xin understands Abstruse Formation?”, Lu Yin asked solemnly.

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