Star Odyssey

Chapter 22

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Zhou Shan gave Lu Yin a glance, “This is not what I said, it is recognized by everyone. Bai Xue is known as China’s most beautiful woman, one of haven’t, what celebrity, celebrities, celebrities, school flowers can’t keep up with her. “Root finger”, Zhou Shan blamed said with a smile “I didn’t believe it at first, but after seeing her, I believed it. This woman was born to worship. The word Goddess is not used in her at all. Over”.

Lu Yin laughed, “Is that so exaggerated?”.

“Goddess? It’s a big tone, Aboriginal is Aboriginal, if you let you see Star Seeking Girl and don’t kneel and lick “Grainne suddenly cut in, taunted.

Lu Yin said coldly, “I don’t want to hear the words Aboriginal from your mouth anymore and go down to the gate”.

Grainne was snorted, did not dare to challenge Lu Yin, and turned to leave.

Zhou Shan was embarrassed to talk about the woman being heard by another woman, not very good.

“Brother Zhou continues,” Lu Yin said.

Zhou Shan coughed a few times, “Actually, there is nothing to say, Liu Shaoge is handsome, Bai Xue is beautiful, and two people are perfectly matched.”

“What about strength?” Lu Yin asked curiously, his eye light bright.

Zhou Shan shrugged, “Li Shaoge and I are in the next 4 saints, Bai Xue is in the top 3 saints, although there are rumors that Liu Shaoge is cautious and good at hiding, but even if he is stronger than me, he is nowhere near stronger.”

Lu Yin points nods to understand.

Although Zhou Shan said that he did not understand Liu Shaoge, Lu Yin heard that he had a good impression of Liu Shaoge, Saint of Light, which was originally extremely praised, Liu Shaoge’s external image was quite perfect, apart from As a man who survived by accident, only the dead knew Liu Shaoge’s darkness.

Originally Lu Yin thought that the only enemy was Liu Shaoge. If Luo Sheng Bai Xue really had an affair with him, the enemy might increase again.

The society is like this. Lu Yin’s fingers hit the wall and he fell into contemplation.

It wasn’t until the evening that the animal tide retreated.

After dark, Lu Yin left Jinling, and there were not many flame crystals on his body. He had to dig a little more.

The moonlight shone, illuminating the cold earth, apart from the dark came a numbing chewing sound of the scalp, only the wind came roar from this land.

When Lu Yin rushed to the ditch of the Flame Crystal Mine, he saw a silhouette standing quietly, a man with short silver hair, looking up at the moonlight, and the eye light was a little confused.

Seeing this person’s moment, Lu Yin expression changed drastically. This position apart from Long Hair Corpse King, the flame crystal, and the stern skull vertical eye. Is this person a coincidence or intentionally coming here?

Lu Yin didn’t know there was anyone here, haven’t deliberately hide his body, and the silver-haired man naturally found him.

“Who you are ?” Lu Yin eye light is dignified and expression alert. He doesn’t know how strong this person is, but there is always a feeling of Extremely Dangerous spread, which makes him not want to be close to this person. Skull with vertical eyes.

The silver-haired man looked at Lu Yin and smiled lightly. At this moment, the moonlight was covered by the clouds, and the earth fell into darkness.

In an instant, Lu Yin’s scalp tingled, white light flashed in the dark, Lu Yin’s Swimming Body Step retreated rapidly, and his right palm burst out, and the palm appeared stars, under the white light, a pair of cool cold eyes flashed surprised, white The light suddenly turned sharply and collided with Lu Yin’s right palm.

Indistinctly, Lu Yin could see clearly that the white light came from a beautiful butterfly knife. The blade tore the air at a speed that was barely discernible by the naked eye, and completely exploded the power of Starry Sky Palm.

With a bang, the air twisted and the two people retreated at the same time.

Moonlight once again reached out and spilled onto the ground, illuminating 2 people.

Lu Yin eye light dignified, this person, blocked the Starry Sky Palm full strength attack.

Opposite, the silver-haired man was astonished, and then touched his head, “That, sorry, I thought it was zombie, so I took action, sorry sorry, haha.”

Lu Yin’s eyes narrowed, tight stare man, and then the corners of his mouth bent, “You’re welcome, I thought it was zombie, so I took action. Fortunately, I didn’t do my best, and only less than half of the palm force came out, didn’t hurt you.” .

The silver-haired man’s eyebrow raised, “Haven’t haven’t, how could it hurt me. Although I barely used one of the 30% strength, but I still have a lot of rubbing, haha.”

Lu Yin looked at his palm and said with a smile, “Sorry, I remembered wrongly, just recently used only 1/4 palm force, but thankfully it didn’t hurt you.”

The silver-haired man laughed, “I remember that wrong, I only used 20% of my strength.”

“Well, I don’t believe it, don’t try again?” Lu Yin provoked.

The silver-haired man quickly waved his hand, “No, I’m an elegant Gourmet. I never fight with people. By the way, ask you a question. Are you here and so on?”.

Lu Yin indifferently said “find classmates, I have an appointment with classmates to meet here”.

The silver-haired man yelled, “Actually, me too. I remember there was a Jinling near here, but it was marked with blue, it would not be your classmates.

Lu Yin points nods, “It’s her”.

It’s a pity for the silver-haired man, “Like this, I still wanted to play, forget it, you continue to wait, I’m gone”. After that, the silver-haired man turned around and left quickly.

Lu Yin looked towards a personal terminal, and he only exhales after confirming that the silver-haired man leaves. His face is unprecedentedly serious, and his Starry Sky Palm is blocked, but this is after his breakthrough Scouting Realm. With a full palm, the earth is dark, and the extreme crisis is shrouded. , He haven’t hesitated in time, that palm is indeed full action take action, but still blocked, what is the origin of this person? Such a strong man appeared in the first batch of trialist.

Lu Yin walked to the ditch and looked at the location of the flame crystal mine. That person, at first, stood here, and here, it was Lu Yin who picked up the skeleton’s eyes. This person was probably the skull’s eyes. the host.

Lu Yin recalled all the signs that he had seen in the universe, including the haven’t skeleton eyes.

When I picked it up, Lu Yin felt that he might have been in contact with something incredible. Nowadays, this feeling is even stronger. Although the silver-haired man has the strength of Scouting Realm, Lu Yin feels that this person is really endless through a pair of hands. Full strength, deep cannot test.

On the other side, the silver-haired man flew under the moonlight and his face was weird. His killing blow was blocked. 鈥淪couting Realm students actually blocked my blow. It鈥檚 interesting. I thought it would only appear in the second batch of trialists. Such people, didn’t expect the first batch, hehe.”

Yu Xiang, the junction of Jiangsu Province and Anhui.

Since the camp has concentrated its main forces in the west, it has become the front line of the camp. There are 5 standing Ten Thousand Man Leaders, 30000 Evolved. Not only have they saved many survivors all the way to the west, they have also joined many Evolved.

Now the total number of people involved in Yuxiang Frontline Evolved is close to 40000, and a Ten Thousand Man Leader has also been added.

The front line commander is Feng Hong, and Lu Yin is familiar to him.

Originally everything was stable on the front line, but on this day, a silhouette appeared in the sky, looking down on Yu Xiang, counting 10000 Evolved and looking up.

In Jinling, Lu Yin looked at the map. The distance from Jinling to Martial City was too far apart with an Anhui in the middle. This is a province. There are countless zombies, countless mutant beasts, and Evolved on the one hand. It is too far away.

Wanting to open the way to Martial City with a criminal camp, haven’t been able to do it for several months.

Lu Yin pondered that Martial City is now marked as blue, even if it hits Martial City, the perhaps faced are all alien students.

灏卞湪杩欐椂锛孡uo Yun 鎬ュ寙鍖嗚蛋鏉ワ紝鈥滈殣鍦o紝鍓嶇嚎浼犳潵娑堟伅锛屽垜钀tterly defeated 锛屾墍鏈変汉琚帶鍒讹紝Feng Hong 绛塗en Thousand Man Leader 琚姄鈥濄€?/p>

Lu Yin 鎯婅锛屸€滄湁澶栨槦浜簍ake action 浜嗭紵鈥濄€?/p>

Luo Yun 鐐筺ods 锛屼弗鑲冮亾鈥滈€冨洖鏉ョ殑澹叺鎶ュ憡锛宼ake action 鐨勪汉鐣欎笅6 涓瓧鈥撹摑灞盇cademy Yege 鈥濄€?/p>

鈥滆Grainne 杩囨潵鈥滾u Yin indifferently said 銆?/p>

寰堝揩锛孏rainne 鍒版潵銆?/p>

鈥滃幓锛岄€氳繃钃濆北Academy 瀛︾敓鐨勪釜浜虹粓绔仈绯籝ege 锛屼粬鎺у埗浜嗗垜钀ュ墠绾库€滾u Yin indifferently said 銆?/p>

Grainne 鐐筺ods 锛屼粠Congealing Space Ring 鍐呭彇鍑洪偅2 涓鐢熺殑涓汉缁堢锛岀偣浜嗗嚑涓嬶紝鍓嶆柟锛屼竴閬撳厜骞曞嚭鐜帮紝鍏夊箷涓婃槸涓€涓獃oungster 锛岄潰甯﹀井绗戠殑鐪嬬潃Grainne 銆?/p>

鈥淕rainne Young Lady 锛宭ong time no see 锛宒idn鈥檛 expect 鎴戜滑浼氬湪杩欎釜鍦哄悎鐩搁亣锛岄剻浜篩ege 锛岃摑灞盇cademy 瀛︾敓鈥漼oungster 绀艰矊閬撱€?/p>

Grainne 鐤戞儜锛屸€滀綘璁よ瘑鎴戯紵鈥濄€?/p>

Yege said with a smile 鈥滃笣鍥紽irst Army 浜婣cademy 鍑哄悕鐨勭簿鑻辩編濂筹紝钃濆北Academy 涓庝綘浠珹cademy 鐩歌窛涓嶈繙锛屽綋鐒惰璇嗏€濄€?/p>

鈥滈偅2 涓汉鏉neak attack 鎴戜篃鏄綘瀹夋帓鐨勶紵鈥滸rainne coldly said 銆?/p>

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